On December 20 2013 09:45 Sufficiency wrote: You guys are overreacting. Those are just PBE changes, they are TENDATIVE, they are EXPERIMENTAL. Lots of PBE changes did not make it through to live.
Of course, but regardless of whether or not the changes go to live, we can explore the intent behind the changes and the sort of implications that potential changes mean relative to the direction Riot wants to take a champion.
Late response to Fiora queries: Shyvana is annoying as fuck in early trades. Later in the game can even out depending on itemization. Mundo is probably really annoying, but thankfully I haven't played a top Mundo yet, but probably one of the few matchups where BorK>Hydra, because fk that guy.
Regarding Jax: it's not as bad as it's purported to be, I'd say 6-4 in Jax's favor, maybe abit more after the Dshield changes. Fiora out-trades Jax heavily pre-6, and can force him off lane exp starting level 1. Like Irelia, it's all about that counterstrike cooldown (it's fking huge, 18-10s is a massive window), and keeping him down early (also jangle). As long as you max W over silly Q max (that's generally for mid lane and ranged champions/casters like Vlad top), you can out-trade him if you keep at it, and time your E (and R) for when his counterstrike is down. Also, you can auto him level 1+ freely and take control of the lane and he can't do nothing about it. If he counterstrikes, kill potential opens up. Not any worse than Irelia vs. Jax, I'd say. Maybe even better since early kill pressure+snowball potential.
Renekton is a better lane counter because stun and sustain and escape and ZOMG FREE HPS (why u no let me trade), but can be beaten with an early gank and snowball though, and then rage denial. Or if they go W max for some reason (because you can parry it ALL).
But the worst counter is, morello forbid, Pantheon. That's probably like a 10-0 lane matchup right there. Even if Fiora gets ahead in some level 1 jangle fight, there is no way in hell that she'll ever be able to trade with him in a 1v1. Can outscale because she has an ulti that isn't global, but fk that champ. Every trade vs Pantheon ever: spears, aegis, stun, aegis refresh, SPEARS AND AAS AND HSS, Aegis, he took no damage, you took like half health, he all-ins you next rotation. -_-;
On December 20 2013 09:45 Sufficiency wrote: You guys are overreacting. Those are just PBE changes, they are TENDATIVE, they are EXPERIMENTAL. Lots of PBE changes did not make it through to live.
Of course, but regardless of whether or not the changes go to live, we can explore the intent behind the changes and the sort of implications that potential changes mean relative to the direction Riot wants to take a champion.
This could just be an experiment. Someone want to try it out and see what happens... you know, for science.
1AP per attack is crazily broken and it doesn't take a genius to see that. The numbers are obviously overtuned.
On December 20 2013 10:16 Sufficiency wrote: Well, one on one he is simply retarded. If you are a skillshot champion against him in lane it feels absolutely hopeless.
Like most high damage melee's, he accels at the 1v1, or small skirmishes. I think people were expecting his tornado part of his Q to make him a good teamfighter, which doesn't seem to be the case.
He was also fed as fuck when he did that shit. That was a Hydra+LW+brutalizer level of gold equivalency. Imagine a Zed/Kha/Talon or a Fiora with the same amount of gold in a 1v1.
On December 20 2013 10:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: He was also fed as fuck when he did that shit. That was a Hydra+LW+brutalizer level of gold equivalency. Imagine a Zed/Kha/Talon or a Fiora with the same amount of gold in a 1v1.
Still not sold.
He won the 1v2, with no life steal, down 30 cs in comparison to lucian. He had 2 level advantage, but he was also missing his windwall.
What I got from that vid the most though was, if the Q lands, best fucking use the ulti. Can't be picky with his engagements.
On December 20 2013 10:16 Sufficiency wrote: Well, one on one he is simply retarded. If you are a skillshot champion against him in lane it feels absolutely hopeless.
Like most high damage melee's, he accels at the 1v1, or small skirmishes. I think people were expecting his tornado part of his Q to make him a good teamfighter, which doesn't seem to be the case.
i think his laning phase is too retardedly strong and his teamfight is too bad. It's so polarizing...
On December 20 2013 10:16 Sufficiency wrote: Well, one on one he is simply retarded. If you are a skillshot champion against him in lane it feels absolutely hopeless.
Like most high damage melee's, he accels at the 1v1, or small skirmishes. I think people were expecting his tornado part of his Q to make him a good teamfighter, which doesn't seem to be the case.
i think his laning phase is too retardedly strong and his teamfight is too bad. It's so polarizing...
That's the same thing they say about Fiora and the same thing they said about Riven.
On December 20 2013 10:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: He was also fed as fuck when he did that shit. That was a Hydra+LW+brutalizer level of gold equivalency. Imagine a Zed/Kha/Talon or a Fiora with the same amount of gold in a 1v1.
Still not sold.
He won the 1v2, with no life steal, down 30 cs in comparison to lucian. He had 2 level advantage, but he was also missing his windwall.
Still a Hydra+LW+2 longswords level of gold there, plus boots. They've been cleaned up by any AD assasshun.
Note that he was up 4 kills on Lucian as well, and Balls burned his stun immediately to lock him down for Lucian to arrive, instead of waiting for Lucian to come into the fight and then stunning (which would've resulted in a death if he was stunned), or else plopping down Tibbers and getting a second stun off.
Note that in terms of items, IE+Shiv is more expensive than BT+Sheen+Phage(+zerkers upgrade), so he wasn't behind by any stretch of the imagination.
He's not underwhelming by any stretch of the imagination (currently skill cap is keeping his winrate ridiculously low), but he's not OP.
EDIT: ALSO FK, 2000th post.
Well, in which case...
baa baa black cheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir three yangers full one for the roffles one for the neo and one for the moonbear who lives with the pokemon
On December 20 2013 10:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: He was also fed as fuck when he did that shit. That was a Hydra+LW+brutalizer level of gold equivalency. Imagine a Zed/Kha/Talon or a Fiora with the same amount of gold in a 1v1.
Still not sold.
He won the 1v2, with no life steal, down 30 cs in comparison to lucian. He had 2 level advantage, but he was also missing his windwall.
What I got from that vid the most though was, if the Q lands, best fucking use the ulti. Can't be picky with his engagements.
I'm with Tolkien.
I double kill bot lane people all the time as like a level 13 pantheon... Escpecially when you have 7k gold worth of items and they only have boots, a BT, and half a Chalice.
Wings literally has more gold than both Annie and Lucian combined. at the time of that fight.
On December 20 2013 10:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: He was also fed as fuck when he did that shit. That was a Hydra+LW+brutalizer level of gold equivalency. Imagine a Zed/Kha/Talon or a Fiora with the same amount of gold in a 1v1.
Still not sold.
He won the 1v2, with no life steal, down 30 cs in comparison to lucian. He had 2 level advantage, but he was also missing his windwall.
Still a Hydra+LW+2 longswords level of gold there, plus boots. They've been cleaned up by any AD assasshun.
Note that he was up 4 kills on Lucian as well, and Balls burned his stun immediately to lock him down for Lucian to arrive, instead of waiting for Lucian to come into the fight and then stunning (which would've resulted in a death if he was stunned), or else plopping down Tibbers and getting a second stun off.
Note that in terms of items, IE+Shiv is more expensive than BT+Sheen+Phage(+zerkers upgrade), so he wasn't behind by any stretch of the imagination.
He's not underwhelming by any stretch of the imagination (currently skill cap is keeping his winrate ridiculously low), but he's not OP.
Well, yeah title of video is misnomer, but he's definitely not "weak" imo. Just going to end up like lee sin "oh this champion is weak sauce" for like a good year, then some small little asian boy going to pull him out in a pro game and shit on everyone, then he's going to be FotM
So with Yasuo am I missing something or is there no indicator of your next Q going to be a tornado other than the little number in the bottom of the icon...cuz my hud is pretty small and no way can I see that in a fight. Why doesn't the skill icon change color or something like thresh...