[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 52
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Bulgaria18893 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
On December 18 2013 03:48 Slusher wrote: it has a cast time, it cannot be done on reaction no, but if you have an ezreal scared as fuck, pop blood rush, throw stand aside and 50% of the time you'll have baited E with the blood rush sound effect. Every other displacement ability gets canceled by Arcane Shift (ever seen blitz hook just straight-up fail on ez?) so I'm surprised it would work differently for Stand Aside. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On December 18 2013 03:59 turdburgler wrote: well you dont see him in competitive play. but doublelift says we've touched on it before but Doublelift isn't exactly renowned for his theorycrafting. I don't know about Draven/viability/countering Lucian/Jinx/Sivir/etc., and for all I know moemoeliftlift is right, but "Doublelift said so" isn't indicative of much by itself. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:06 Slusher wrote: Draven has a really high (imo) specific champion skill cap, I mean to say, Draven mains vs, people playing Draven because OP, are a pretty big difference as opposed to say Corki when Corki was OP. Draven feels like what chauster said about alistar, he sometimes isn't worth practising because you may just realise you can't play him and just wasted your time. But those that can make it work should be very able to. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:06 thenexusp wrote: Every other displacement ability gets canceled by Arcane Shift (ever seen blitz hook just straight-up fail on ez?) so I'm surprised it would work differently for Stand Aside. yea I saw that on the wiki, I'm efforting for clarification, but my source is not online atm. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:06 thenexusp wrote: Every other displacement ability gets canceled by Arcane Shift (ever seen blitz hook just straight-up fail on ez?) so I'm surprised it would work differently for Stand Aside. There are plenty of times/spells where if you CC Ezreal as he shifts, the E will go on CD and he'll be CC'ed in place. The timing window is tiny though so it's nigh impossible to do it consistently even if you're on LAN with 0 ping, let alone online. Usually it's more accidental I'd say, the timing for CCing him and having him successfully shfit is much larger. | ||
9109 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:07 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: we've touched on it before but Doublelift isn't exactly renowned for his theorycrafting. I don't know about Draven/viability/countering Lucian/Jinx/Sivir/etc., and for all I know moemoeliftlift is right, but "Doublelift said so" isn't indicative of much by itself. doublelift usually speaks from his own experience, which is probably draven shitting on lucian/jinx/sivir/etc. I remember hearing when Graves came out, doublelift thought he was bad but that was because he was maining caitlyn who shits on graves. | ||
United States35091 Posts
Nasus/Riven/Shyvana nerfs. Edit: Riven's ratios are being changed to total from bonus. | ||
England6749 Posts
and honestly even if you do play the champ unless you are in the lcs its all still up for debate. i like draven right now, i think he is under valued by pros but apparently admitting that i dont play him means you all hate me ;D | ||
6038 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:21 Gahlo wrote: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/26814-unofficial-pbe-patch-notes-for-12-17-2013-turrets Nasus/Riven/Shyvana nerfs. Why are they making it harder to see stealthed champions? | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:22 Swords wrote: Why are they making it harder to see stealthed champions? Yeah, I was about to say, isn't stealth pretty good right now anyway? | ||
United States35091 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:22 Swords wrote: Why are they making it harder to see stealthed champions? These things never showed stealth units, but people always saw "revealed" and thought they did. Now they are just putting in there "this doesn't count for stealth" so people don't QQ about GAEMBRAKING INSECS on Reddit/GD. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:22 turdburgler wrote: i will be the first to admit i dont actually play draven, i just duo with a guy who mains him. so i dont think its fair to instantly say YOU DONT PLAY THE CHAMP? YOU KNOW NOTHING! and honestly even if you do play the champ unless you are in the lcs its all still up for debate. i like draven right now, i think he is under valued by pros but apparently admitting that i dont play him means you all hate me ;D it's more of a body of work issue. | ||
6038 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:24 Gahlo wrote: These things never showed stealth units, but people always saw "revealed" and thought they did. Now they are just putting in there "this doesn't count for stealth" so people don't QQ about GAEMBRAKING INSECS on Reddit/GD. Ohhhhh! Derp... | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:24 Gahlo wrote: These things never showed stealth units, but people always saw "revealed" and thought they did. Now they are just putting in there "this doesn't count for stealth" so people don't QQ about GAEMBRAKING INSECS on Reddit/GD. Really? I was pretty sure Zap! and Living Artillery did, at least. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 18 2013 04:26 Requizen wrote: Really? I was pretty sure Zap! and Living Artillery did, at least. Zap! did on release but it was said to be a bug and fixed in the patch where she was nerfed. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Other than that, I encourage everyone to be cordial to your fellow TL LoL users and have a good time this holiday season. | ||
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