On December 29 2013 08:29 UmberBane wrote: 22? Wow that's so god damn early, at least for what I'm used to. To me it's barely imaginable that you're an academic who's already finished with his education at 22. The earliest I'm going to be done is with 24-25, if I do well. 21-22 is standard for a bachelors. A primary/secondary school teacher doesn't have any huge education requirements beyond community college tbh. No need for a Masters or PhD.
Also, my old development professor from Germany said the same thing. 'cept he was critical of the "be in uni until you're 24-25" deal.
On December 29 2013 08:24 Lord Tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2013 08:21 UmberBane wrote: Are history teachers also poor in the US? Additionally, scarra is feeding as AP Alistar mid. Oh gawd. http://www.twitch.tv/scarra
Ah welp that makes sense that you only need a bachelor for this job. That makes it a little more understandable to me that he's done already.
It might interest you that the being in uni until 24-25 thing is actually changing right now. At least in Berlin (it's different for other parts of Germany) I was part of the very last generation who still had to stay in school until 13th grade, everybody a year younger than me only has/had to go until 12th grade, so that saves you a full year, which is pretty nice. Unortunately many of these "new generation" students seem to be barely able to keep up with the stuff you have to learn in your first year in university, at least as far as math/physics are concerned. So maybe it was better that I did the extra year, even if that means not being done until 24-25. Life expectancy is going up so rapidly so maybe I shouldn't be concerned about those 1-2 years.
On December 29 2013 08:50 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2013 08:24 Lord Tolkien wrote:On December 29 2013 08:21 UmberBane wrote: Are history teachers also poor in the US? Additionally, scarra is feeding as AP Alistar mid. Oh gawd. http://www.twitch.tv/scarra FTFY 6/6/10, he's at least even in KD, that doesn't qualify as feeding. 
On December 29 2013 08:51 UmberBane wrote:Ah welp that makes sense that you only need a bachelor for this job. That makes it a little more understandable to me that he's done already. It might interest you that the being in uni until 24-25 thing is actually changing right now. At least in Berlin (it's different for other parts of Germany) I was part of the very last generation who still had to stay in school until 13th grade, everybody a year younger than me only has/had to go until 12th grade, so that saves you a full year, which is pretty nice. Unortunately many of these "new generation" students seem to be barely able to keep up with the stuff you have to learn in your first year in university, at least as far as math/physics are concerned. So maybe it was better that I did the extra year, even if that means not being done until 24-25. Life expectancy is going up so rapidly so maybe I shouldn't be concerned about those 1-2 years.  There's still teachers with Masters floating about, it's just not a requirement to teach at a primary/secondary level.
Also, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'd pick up some experience with an internship or somesuch, but you get (effectively) free college educations, so bleh to you, you get the luxury of doing that.
...I'll probably take Peace Corps after I graduate then take on student debt for graduate studies, or work/study at the same time. :x
In the US, teachers make shit money unless you're a tenured professor at a reasonably well known university, but getting tenure at a good university can take many many many years.
On December 29 2013 09:01 Ryuu314 wrote: In the US, teachers make shit money unless you're a tenured professor at a reasonably well known university, but getting tenure at a good university can take many many many years. Tenure at a secondary school is still pretty well-off, at least it was in my area, if you've been in it for a decently long time (say 10+ years). Before that? Nada.
who remermbers when this thread was about lol
United States23745 Posts
On December 29 2013 09:33 turdburgler wrote: who remermbers when this thread was about lol I mean, we had to make the separate off-topic thread because these tangents used to last pages and pages.
its the off-off-topic discussion for things that don't belong in the off-topic discussion thread
On December 29 2013 09:33 turdburgler wrote: who remermbers when this thread was about lol I'm busy watching Scarra play galio.
All he does is reference gargoyles.
And hotshotGG ulti.
All the cool kids go to the offtopic thread
is there a secret forum where the people from 2 years ago are posting now?
Because this forums has gone downhill a lot apart from staff writeups.  Liquidparty EU is also empty.
Whats a good champion to learn top? whenever i have to go top (once every 50 games) i kinda lose lane hard because i dont know any matchups and then i feed a random gold V 0 LP player.
last time i was rengar and some leblanc somehow won the lane by kiting me.
On December 29 2013 08:50 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2013 08:24 Lord Tolkien wrote:On December 29 2013 08:21 UmberBane wrote: Are history teachers also poor in the US? Additionally, scarra is feeding as AP Alistar mid. Oh gawd. http://www.twitch.tv/scarra FTFY
Bjergsen did it yesterday, and didn't suck.
On December 29 2013 10:35 LaNague wrote:is there a secret forum where the people from 2 years ago are posting now? Because this forums has gone downhill a lot apart from staff writeups.  Liquidparty EU is also empty. Whats a good champion to learn top? whenever i have to go top (once every 50 games) i kinda lose lane hard because i dont know any matchups and then i feed a random gold V 0 LP player. last time i was rengar and some leblanc somehow won the lane by kiting me.
Renekton is idiot proof.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On December 29 2013 10:35 LaNague wrote:is there a secret forum where the people from 2 years ago are posting now? Because this forums has gone downhill a lot apart from staff writeups.  Liquidparty EU is also empty. Whats a good champion to learn top? whenever i have to go top (once every 50 games) i kinda lose lane hard because i dont know any matchups and then i feed a random gold V 0 LP player. last time i was rengar and some leblanc somehow won the lane by kiting me. LiquidParty EU had like 25 people last I checked, usually just about enough to get a blindpick normal going mash that enter button aww yeah :D
On December 28 2013 23:11 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2013 20:30 JonGalt wrote:On December 28 2013 20:20 GolemMadness wrote: Can someone shed some insight as to why Viktor's such an incredibly unpopular champion? The only thing I can think of is that his E's not really intuitive to aim, so a lot of people give up trying to play him because they don't realise you need to flcik it. Otherwise how can he be the 4th least popular champion in the game? Alaric should be coming in here with a 12 page paper about how his ult cd is still 120, high mana, the silence is impossible to control, his mid game power spike is mitigated due to everyone reaching late game faster, etc. I've noticed asking why Viktor isn't played is basically a bat-call, but for Alaric. It's actually been buffed to a flat 100 mana, which I find a bit absurd. Sure 125/175/225 was pretty steep on top of his E, but now it costs less than said E despite being an ult. ._. And I often quote Annie as being another 120s cd ult champ, yeah. Thing is, Viktor can't itemise mana regen as well as other champions (someone quoted Lux, her absurd base damage and cd on ult make it very easy for her to start with grail and still clear super well), or CDR for that matter, and he's got the same weaknesses as Orianna or Lux to mobile champions, without being as safe as them (W mostly useless against those who can kill you in the ~2s it takes to setup and stun, given that you must wait for them to jump you then drop it on top of yourself or they'll dodge it). He's actually rather good versus Fizz (Q helps a bunch at early levels, and W is easier to use than vs most mobile champions because Fizz loses a bunch of damage if he has to burn E to get in range or get out) and [personal experience here] can punish Ahri pretty hard despite her being naturally advantaged in the match-up, but stuff like Zed utterly shits on him for example (he outpushes him from level 2 and can very easily zone him; it may be somewhat mitigated since the W speed nerf, but I haven't played the match-up since then), while he can't do much to champions with longer range like Lux, Syndra, Orianna, etc. once they get the mana to clear with spells (no chalice/tear -> if they push he has to E to push and can't afford harassing them with it unless they somehow step into the wave). He also struggles versus shield champions (Lux unkillable bar derping, Diana outright wins) because E and R have periodic damage/DoT components which let people reactively shield themselves. His range isn't good enough to reach squishies in the late game ('cept if you're playing against Sivir obviously) without exposing himself, while his damage output isn't consistently high enough to deal with the frontline/bruisers, especially when stuff like Nasus and Renekton were popular (now you've got Shyvana and Mundo in the toplane, but works all the same from the jungle). It's not that he doesn't have the damage to kill stuff, but he'll never kill bruisers even by burning his ult, and he needs to keep it for once the squishies get in range. On the other hand he wants to use it early to get the most out of the 7 seconds of periodic damage. So his late game can get awkward.
Zed and Diana are hard match ups, but how many champions don't have hard match ups? Sure, you can't really harass Lux or Orianna much if they just stay back and clear waves at max range with spells, but they're not going to be harassing you either, and once you have augment: death, you only need one E per wave to clear.
If Viktor doesn't consistently put out enough damage, then who does? He reaches his final build faster than any other champion, and with a build like augment: death, sorc shoes, deathcap, void staff and morello, his E does something like 850 damage before resistances with a 6.25 second cooldown, his ult potentially has some of the highest damage in the game, and they're both AoE. He has some of the best burst in the game and some of the best sustained damage.
+ Show Spoiler +Viktor still only has 2 damaging spells and somewhat long cooldowns (because Q only has 600 range, it's generally unusable on ranged carries, be them AD or AP, as it'd mean he's in range on everyone else), so he can't really just throw his load at a Nasus or Renekton (or even Xin, heck) and expect to be able to kill an enemy carry before at least his E comes back up.
Compare to Lux who has the range to get her full combo even with a frontline standing up, for example. What I meant is that Viktor does especially badly against stuff like Shyvana, Nasus, etc. in teamfights, and Zed or (normally) Ahri in lane, which makes him awkward to pick when all of these were FotM, compared to, say, Gragas or Fizz. He's also bad at initiating (everything with him is either short ranged and/or delayed) and can't explode people in 3 seconds either. In the assassin/pick meta, this was pretty bad. Add to that a strong teamfighting ult on a long cooldown, and he's not very good at holding momentum compared to other picks.
To give you an example, Rumble's ult has a cd of 105/90/75s, punishing you if you miss, but readily available for every dragon fight if you play it out correctly. Viktor's flat 120 is harder to play around, and his kill potential is somewhat low without ult (he's got enough damage but the low range of Q and long-ish cd of E means that you can just back off, or he'll have to expose himself).
He's not bad in a vacuum, he's just not idiot-proof, nor faceroll to play; on top of that you can't apply the standard power spikes to him because of his passive and the cost of his augment moving his timings around, so he's not too easy to jump to (compared to going from Annie to Ahri or Lissandra for example), and there's almost never been a meta particularly favorable to him since he came out. He flew under the radar because he wasn't broken on release, and since then the meta's mostly switched between objective control (other picks do it better), assassins (makes him suffer in lane and his teamfighting doesn't mesh well) or bruisers (he's nigh-useless in such a meta). So it's not easy to insert him, and the pro won't pick him up. It adds another reason why pubs won't remember he exists. TL.DR: combo of not broken on release+harder to jump to compared to other "standard" mids+absent from pro play makes Viktor unlikely to ever be noticed by the pub players. Also listing his weaknesses isn't saying he's bad or he only has them.
On December 29 2013 10:42 remedium wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2013 08:50 Sufficiency wrote:On December 29 2013 08:24 Lord Tolkien wrote:On December 29 2013 08:21 UmberBane wrote: Are history teachers also poor in the US? Additionally, scarra is feeding as AP Alistar mid. Oh gawd. http://www.twitch.tv/scarra FTFY Bjergsen did it yesterday, and didn't suck. Show nested quote +On December 29 2013 10:35 LaNague wrote:is there a secret forum where the people from 2 years ago are posting now? Because this forums has gone downhill a lot apart from staff writeups.  Liquidparty EU is also empty. Whats a good champion to learn top? whenever i have to go top (once every 50 games) i kinda lose lane hard because i dont know any matchups and then i feed a random gold V 0 LP player. last time i was rengar and some leblanc somehow won the lane by kiting me. Renekton is idiot proof.
Dont Forget Mundo and Shyvana, or the Doge if you want to just AFK under tower for a while.
What meta exactly would he be good in?
Stuff where AoE teamfighting and/or poke are generally good. His problem compared to stuff like Kennen or Lux is that he can't initiate (well Kennen's reliant on Flash but he's generally played as an initiator, not a follow-up) so that role still has to be filled. When you want a mid with a "follow-up" role in mind, Orianna tends to take over because of how good and synergistic her ult is, though, and he's not really the best off-laner you could use. Otherwise he's your kind of generic pick that works well with Rumble, Jarvan, etc.
You have to play around midgame power timings too, so while he can snowball teamfights hard (still hampered by the ult cd that slows you down because you can't push/force a fight without it; a bit ironic considering how he wants to leverage his advantage fast), he's not as threatening as a ticking timebomb like Karthus (who also pairs well with initiators and AoE cc).
He provides good poke but no mobility to disengage, replacing it with zone control, so you also have to cover that part with your other picks, while other popular poke picks have other tools at their disposal (more dps and zone control from Ziggs, more and longer ranged cc from Lux, teamwide mobility from Jayce, etc.) which makes people not consider him.
In a double AP composition, knowing how blue-reliant he is you have to keep that in mind before pairing him up with another one. If you want to turtle Anivia's better at sealing off a zone and killing the wave safely. Ziggs is also better at zone control and also counter-poking.