On December 28 2013 11:41 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2013 11:32 nafta wrote: Delays power spikes too hard imo.If you want to start bf just go bt otherwise phage.Especially with how common it is to get armor on supp/jungler/top early you really need an early lw and bf>tf>lw is just too late honestly. I worded that badly. I meant getting a bt first vs a tf first. There is the BT -> PD path and the TF -> LW path. Was wondering about choosing between those two. If you think you can snowball lane with a bf on first back you should go for that path but otherwise if it just a farmfest(or you can't afford it) tf first is the best imo.Just gives you so much dueling power and you become an actual threat earlier.It is a preference thing though mostly.Also an early vamp should make it easier for people not that experienced in the role to lane but only get it if you are going for bt first.I see a lot of people who do this terrible mistake of going vamp>tf which is really bad.
Shiv>>>>pd though.
Baa?21242 Posts
yo what the fuck bjergsen has like 50k viewers next highest is like 5k ._.
who's yeetz ._.
Oddone sent him his viewers when he stopped streaming. it was like 30k / 18k earlier.
Fuck these sheeple that can be told what they are supposed to watch or only watch what everyone else watches. The very concept of "sending a viewer" is so weird to me.
On December 28 2013 13:50 Redox wrote: Fuck these sheeple that can be told what they are supposed to watch or only watch what everyone else watches. The very concept of "sending a viewer" is so weird to me. There is probably significant overlap between the people who watch oddone and the people who watch bjergsen. It makes sense to me that many of oddone's viewers would go watch bjergsen after he stopped streaming, especially if he mentioned it on stream.
On December 28 2013 13:50 Redox wrote: Fuck these sheeple that can be told what they are supposed to watch or only watch what everyone else watches. The very concept of "sending a viewer" is so weird to me. Its pretty nice for low viewer streams to get views if popular streamers highlight them after their stream.
Watching scarra's stream, he said Quas got bought out for an absurd amount of money. (obviously doesn't quote figure). Scarra's brilliant, All-Kill team formats for region in replacement for LCS AllStars.
United States11637 Posts
United States11390 Posts
On December 28 2013 11:45 littlechava wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2013 11:19 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:On December 28 2013 10:38 littlechava wrote:On December 28 2013 07:58 wei2coolman wrote:On December 28 2013 07:51 Fusilero wrote: Lol listening to qtpie's reflection interview, he was originally a mid laner and was recruited as a top for dignitas but was forced to ADC and he actually hates it. Kinda surprised he doesn't consider himself mechanical and therefore more suited for mid. He fucking hates adc. He tries to avoid it as much as possible in solo queue. Not like it matters. He's a final fantasy pro at heart. Yeah, qtpie is one of the few pro streamers I've seen that usually tries to fill whatever role the rest of his team doesn't want to play. He ends up playing mid and jungle quite a bit. That Grilled/Reflections interview is probably my favorite one yet. The Bischu one was pretty good too. WTF KEEN UR STILL ALIVE hi :3 hay~ let's play LoL together later
but dont tell cheep ok?
United States37500 Posts
On December 28 2013 15:06 Harem wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2013 11:45 littlechava wrote:On December 28 2013 11:19 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:On December 28 2013 10:38 littlechava wrote:On December 28 2013 07:58 wei2coolman wrote:On December 28 2013 07:51 Fusilero wrote: Lol listening to qtpie's reflection interview, he was originally a mid laner and was recruited as a top for dignitas but was forced to ADC and he actually hates it. Kinda surprised he doesn't consider himself mechanical and therefore more suited for mid. He fucking hates adc. He tries to avoid it as much as possible in solo queue. Not like it matters. He's a final fantasy pro at heart. Yeah, qtpie is one of the few pro streamers I've seen that usually tries to fill whatever role the rest of his team doesn't want to play. He ends up playing mid and jungle quite a bit. That Grilled/Reflections interview is probably my favorite one yet. The Bischu one was pretty good too. WTF KEEN UR STILL ALIVE hi :3 hay~ let's play LoL together later but dont tell cheep ok? lol
On December 28 2013 11:43 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On December 28 2013 11:32 nafta wrote: Delays power spikes too hard imo.If you want to start bf just go bt otherwise phage.Especially with how common it is to get armor on supp/jungler/top early you really need an early lw and bf>tf>lw is just too late honestly. Depends imo. If top lane is just splitpushing all day and not joining teamfight. Which is pretty likely in meta. Bt/tf is fine. Also dat culling damage. But now that you mention it. If you team fights are including top laners tf/lw is better. (Assuming they went sunfire)
Semi-late on this discussion but wanted to start posting here more. TF first is reliant on a lot of factors like enemy ADC and support. Whether or not you need the TF passive to win trades / the passive of phage to have mobility in the lane etc. If you're going even in lane but enemy bot lane has more threat than you do it's safer to opt for phage due to the innate safety of it (hp/kiting). This is also the case if you fall behind in the lane. If you manage to get a slight lead, such as a kill pre-1500 gold or something you can invest into sheen (never sheen if you fall behind though).
BT first is for when you're going to engage in a 14-16minute farm lane bot and/or there will be long-drawn out teamfight dances. OR if you get a monster lead you can of course rush it first.
If you elect to get TF first and then need burst potential in mid-game, but the teamfights won't be extended (enemy team or yours relies on initiation only due to lack of tank) you can go TF -> LW to have similar burst damage but obtaining it faster and get BT later to scale.
There's a ton of rules to how to build TF in relation to team-comps/color/how bot lane is going, and then also how to build out of it. BF also has a lot of rules to it, but generally you don't see the nitty-gritty rules ever due to how most lanes go it almost is able to just "built" rather than having to be logically approached.
Also if you play Lucian mid, sometimes TF -> BoTRK is better for dragon fights.
Hope this all makes sense, and sorry I didn't go super in-depth on how to build TF, would take a lot of typing.
watching doublelift and aphro shit on chaox duo queue is fucking hilarious LOL
Can someone shed some insight as to why Viktor's such an incredibly unpopular champion? The only thing I can think of is that his E's not really intuitive to aim, so a lot of people give up trying to play him because they don't realise you need to flcik it. Otherwise how can he be the 4th least popular champion in the game?
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On December 28 2013 20:20 GolemMadness wrote: Can someone shed some insight as to why Viktor's such an incredibly unpopular champion? The only thing I can think of is that his E's not really intuitive to aim, so a lot of people give up trying to play him because they don't realise you need to flcik it. Otherwise how can he be the 4th least popular champion in the game?
Alaric should be coming in here with a 12 page paper about how his ult cd is still 120, high mana, the silence is impossible to control, his mid game power spike is mitigated due to everyone reaching late game faster, etc.
I've noticed asking why Viktor isn't played is basically a bat-call, but for Alaric.
He wasn't OP at release and is more quirky and clunky than cool character-design-wise. Look at the other unpopular picks, if male and not cool, or female and not hot, then not picked.
if anything i've learned about this game champion to be popular needs to be mobile or OP
His mana costs really aren't THAT high. Lux is extremely popular, and her E is more expensive than Viktor's past level 1. Ahri, Twisted Fate, Brand, Lissandra and maybe even Ziggs all have somewhat comparable mana costs. Not really sure what you mean about his silence being impossible to control. The only people who reach late game faster now are support and jungle.
I mean, obviously Viktor objectively isn't one of the strongest out there or anything, but I feel like he has so much potential. Fits in well with any team comp, has insane burst, great wave clear and great sieging/defending. I actually didn't realise that his ult doesn't decrease in CD when you level it. That's messed up. Is there any other champion in the game like this?
EDIT: I've found a couple other champions whose ult cooldowns also don't decrease per level. Annie and Kennen also have 120 second cooldowns at all levels, and Zilean's is 180 seconds.
On December 28 2013 20:34 Nytefish wrote: He wasn't OP at release and is more quirky and clunky than cool character-design-wise. Look at the other unpopular picks, if male and not cool, or female and not hot, then not picked.
Viktor support is actually super legit and I'm pretty sure it's going to show up in pro games at some point.
Viktor is quite popular in our EU inhouses. He can be scary as fuck :o