There was a thread in the Other Games section, but no one was using it. Me, Soniv, and Coma were playing quite a bit so I made a thread here for us to post stuff in and for other people in our community to join, but of course it's welcome to anyone who wants to talk about it.
Favor can also get you loading screen icons, but yes if you bought the god pack it's mostly just used for the cosmetic skins.
Speaking of Smite, patch notes for this week.
-New god looks interesting, but I'm not sure how he'll fare. Will largely hinge on how hard the Astral Arrow management is, as it looks like that'll be his main pushing skill and his "CC", even though it's a light one. -Ancile looks like a great item for warrior or assassin solo laners, as it'll be a great help against the mages that populate that lane right now. -They really want to kill Poly :\ -Scylla nerf was really necessary, she was pretty high pick/ban at the time. Hopefully nerfing her CC a bit will make her less terror. -Thank goodness they nerfed Khumba's frickin mesmerize. -That Xbal nerf seems unnecessary -Zeus buffs don't really matter since taking away his stun kicked him in the balls royally
If by "wtf" you mean "AWWWWW YISSSSSSS"
ok, that ult is sick
Idk how I feel about Serqet - I'm afraid of the scorpion :3
patch keeps getting pushed back - can't say I'm too unhappy about it, I really like the current patch
I do need to get Rama mastered though, apparently he's OP on conquest?
wow what a sick skin. Wonder how much the WoW music cost. or mybe I'm just a pleb it's from somewhere else originally.
Patch is out now, might play some later tonight. Glad to see the round of nerfs going out.
supposedly HiRez is working on new art for conquest map - I'm interested to see where they go with it
From Reddit:
Everyone loves gems. Log in this Sunday and earn 40 free gems for every First Win of the Day Bonus achieved. With so many modes available, players can earn up to 320 gems free!
This event will run from 5:00 AM EDT / 11:00 AM CEST Sunday July 27th all the way until 5:00 AM EDT / 11:00 AM CEST Monday, July 28th.
These feel unnecessary
![[image loading]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10431391_786463964707035_108542085352252012_o.jpg)
a lot of people are unhappy about nu wa, but I think it looks good
I kind of like it but I really liked her old one.
I've been playing some Serqet lately, but I don't think I like her that much. There's a lot of setup, but if you can get it off she's pretty great. Not as direct as someone like Loki or Thanatos.
Played a lot of Athena on Sunday gemday, she's so fun in not-arena.
Athena continues to be my favorite support by far.
I have yet to play Serqet (or even encounter her since I never play norms). I finally got my Rama mastery. It took me a while to figure him out, but I definitely see why he's so bonkers now. He's very hard to counter play in general.
I feel that Rama can be shut down early by aggressive supports and hunters. If he is allowed to get a couple points into his 1, he just pushes lanes immediately and does crazy damage. His mid game is insane, and the meta right now really favors mid-game gods.
On August 01 2014 04:06 Requizen wrote: I feel that Rama can be shut down early by aggressive supports and hunters. If he is allowed to get a couple points into his 1, he just pushes lanes immediately and does crazy damage. His mid game is insane, and the meta right now really favors mid-game gods.
Eh, I'm inclined to disagree with mid game gods being favored, or at least, mid game adcs. Getting GF early with >=30 stacks on Devourer's is really easy for any adc assuming the team is fairly uninterrupted. The strongest adc right now is definitely Artemis, and it's her late game that's most terrifying. I'd put Rama as a close 2nd behind her, as his late game is almost as equally terrifying (only thing holding him back is just how god damn strong Art's boar is).
On July 31 2014 06:01 Requizen wrote:These feel unnecessary ![[image loading]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10431391_786463964707035_108542085352252012_o.jpg) ![[image loading]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10482618_786403248046440_1456854856774243382_o.jpg) wait, is the first one supposed to be nu wa?
Did Hirez make her white?
On August 01 2014 05:44 Ryuu314 wrote:wait, is the first one supposed to be nu wa? Did Hirez make her white? Yeah, she looks more like a forest nymph than anything now. But I dunno her lore so I'm not sure if it's right or not? Either way, apparently she's getting a new kit too so I'm not to happy about that :\