[Patch 3.10: Yimake Patch] General Discussion - Page 322
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Canada22817 Posts
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France45622 Posts
She needs to hit something to make use of her shield so she's even more susceptible to poke than Leona, Blitz or Ali. Ezreal is Nidalee. "Hey I've got no cc nor damage nor anything without farm, but uh... I have an AS buff! I can poke well!". Either you destroy them during the early levels because of AD runes and Q (where he's much stronger than Nid I'll admit), or you drop off really fast, especially against supports like Fiddle (who laughs at people trying to sell AS buffs) or jungle pressure. | ||
United States17713 Posts
On August 21 2013 21:41 Simberto wrote: The problem with all of those lanes is that they are completely allin. They rely on shutting down the enemy carry because your support will get very useless very quickly without money. There are a lot of champions that are as good at protecting your carry/shutting down the enemy carry while still being good with 0 money. As a support, you expect to spend the whole game with a sightstone, boots2, and maybe 1k of additional items if you are winning. If you are useless with those items, you'd better win that lane hard. Vi without money dies and does nothing useful. WW without money die and does nothing useful. Urgot without money does nothing useful. Ez without money, you guessed it, does nothing useful. Trynd without money does nothing useful. The point of a support is not only to be good in lane, but also to KEEP being good while having 0 items. Anything can be good in lane at lvl 1. I'd highly doubt that you could even bully something like Sona or Nami out of the lane with any of those. The problem you have is that in your mind you are comparing a lane-farmed vi/ww/trynd with a 0-money support. So i'd say you are just theorycrafting random bullshit with no connection to the game. :/ don't knock it til you try it. All of those characters can do fine without priority farm. as shown by many of them being able to jungle. | ||
France45622 Posts
I mean even in T.R.O.L.L.S. who've been told off by several of our high Elo residents Monte asks people to actually make the paperwork themselves (and run some tests, especially clearing if it's to test a jungler) before they suggest something. | ||
United States17713 Posts
On August 21 2013 21:51 Alaric wrote: Did you try it? More than once where you got fed? yeah. i've done the majority of those plenty of times. not really fiddle though, but to be honest i think fiddles been proven by now. and lissandra only a few times as well. EDIT Of the ones i listed and played a lot of, tryndamere, galio and warwick have performed the best. urgot is more composition specific. He's pretty terrible unless you have an assassin on your team or have a high damage jungler. Vi's been successful but less so than most of my supports i play, which is my best role by far. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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Germany1726 Posts
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537 Posts
On August 21 2013 21:52 PrinceXizor wrote: yeah. i've done the majority of those plenty of times. not really fiddle though, but to be honest i think fiddles been proven by now. and lissandra only a few times as well. EDIT Of the ones i listed and played a lot of, tryndamere, galio and warwick have performed the best. urgot is more composition specific. He's pretty terrible unless you have an assassin on your team or have a high damage jungler. Vi's been successful but less so than most of my supports i play, which is my best role by far. It's not even entirely about farm, it's also about laning. Just as an example, Rammus does not require a large amount of farm either, but as a support he doesn't add anything that Fiddle doesn't, and even Fiddle is incredibly situational. Once Tryn uses his Shout, how do you provide any protection for your carry at all. And if you aren't using your shout how are you providing any presence for your carry at all. WWs attackspeed is inferior to Nunu's at every level. | ||
United States15065 Posts
Rather the issue is they're not as good at supporting as established support champions. Galio for an example is an okay support champion. He has a shield, a ranged harass tool, a movespeed engage/disengage tool, and a hard CC ult that isn't bad. Bulwark lets him be reasonably tanky with just health from items. But compare Galio to "real" support champions. Lulu also has a shield, better ranged harass tools, a more reliable movespeed disengage tool, can flash ult herself just like Galio can, and also has ranged CC. Leona has more CC, is not reliant on flash to engage, is tankier, and does more damage without items. Sona has more reliable CC, sustain, poke, etc. None of them have Galios mana problems. A lot of playing support is just playing support properly and knowing what you're supposed to be doing. You can buy wards and exhaust the right target and peel in a fight on anybody. Some champions are just way better at it than others. tl;dr don't say that unconventional support champions can't support, ask why you wouldn't play a conventional support champion. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On August 21 2013 22:55 LaNague wrote: hi 10 min loginqueue on west, havent seen you for a while. Implying you intend to play. You're a brave. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On August 21 2013 22:56 Alaric wrote: Implying you intend to play. You're a brave. are the servers still lagging? i had hopes.... | ||
France45622 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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France3578 Posts
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England706 Posts
On August 21 2013 23:00 Alaric wrote: No idea. As I said, I'm not touching them with a 10-foot pole until someone confirms to me they're fine. I'm in champ select on EUW now. will report back once the game starts | ||
United States3721 Posts
On August 21 2013 11:19 nyxnyxnyx wrote: I'm not an expert or anything, just read this article a little. Wouldn't it be possible to do a combinator attack like here: "The specific type of hybrid attack that cracked that password is known as a combinator attack. It combines each word in a dictionary with every other word in the dictionary. Because these attacks are capable of generating a huge number of guesses—the square of the number of words in the dict—crackers often work with smaller word lists or simply terminate a run in progress once things start slowing down. Other times, they combine words from one big dictionary with words from a smaller one. Steube was able to crack "momof3g8kids" because he had "momof3g" in his 111 million dict and "8kids" in a smaller dict. "The combinator attack got it! It's cool," he said. Then referring to the oft-cited xkcd comic, he added: "This is an answer to the batteryhorsestaple thing."" Fully squaring the dictionary doesn't actually help the cracker find a 4x word password any faster than needing to use the normal dictionary 4 times. In the latter case, you have N^4 guesses, where N is the number of words. In the former case, it's (N^2)^2 = N^4 guesses still, since even if you only need to combine dictionaries twice, the dictionaries are the square of the original size. The thing that combinator attacks help with is the fact that most people are terrible at actually coming up with random, uncorrelated words. "momof3g8kids" is far from "correcthorsebatterystaple" in security because the "mom" "of" "3g" "8kids" are very highly correlated with each other. (Also, don't actually use "correcthorsebatterstaple", as the fact that it appeared in a popular comic also means it appears in the password cracker's dictionary.) This means the attacker doesn't have to use the full N^2 dictionary, but rather a much smaller one, making the attack feasible. The main issue surrounding password strength these days is one of raw computing power -- since password cracking is a highly parallelizable problem, people have recruited GPUs to do the task, and the results are astounding -- the xkcd comic assumes 1,000 guesses per second, but people have achieved 350,000,000,000 guesses per second. (source: http://arstechnica.com/security/2012/12/25-gpu-cluster-cracks-every-standard-windows-password-in-6-hours/). The xkcd comic takes 5,500 years to guess at 1,000 guesses per second, but at current rates it would be cracked in 50 seconds. 8 completely random alphanumeric characters can be cracked in 10 minutes. Thankfully, password strength is exponential on length of password -- add a 5th word to the xkcd scheme and the crack time goes up to 5 days. Use 10 alphanumeric characters instead of 8 and your crack time goes up to 27 days. Add a sixth word or 2 more alphanumeric characters and your password will be secure for the foreseeable future *And by random, I really mean random. Not junk like "take the first 9 words of my favorite song and take the first letter of them, then add a number to the end" | ||
Germany9118 Posts
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France3460 Posts
On August 21 2013 21:17 Alaric wrote: I'm dumb for wasting time over this, but a champion with no impact on the game without farm is a shit support. Vi ults in and dies. WW ults in or dies, or is a one-trick pony peeler who's only good at dropping a cc (he's only more effective than anyone else against Zac or Irelia). Urgot dies before he gets to ult in since hes lucky if he gets 11 before fights, let alone 16. Ezreal has no damage past the midgame, and even before that he's behind on levels so he only has the base damage from his ult. Tryndamere does no damage without farm so he's entirely ignorable as long as you have armour. In lane the only way he's a threat is if he gets to freely auto the wave to build-up rage then try and go for a crit (forcing you to stay away from him during the first few levels). As for initiating without dying, turns out Blitz, Alistar, Leona, sometimes Nami Sona or Zyra, are all able to do it (Thresh can too but he's more likely to die than them). If you just want an initiator stacking HP pick them instead. I'll bite cause I actually think there is some merit in PX's post this time. For a support to be good, it need to do stuff without items, being slightly under everyone's level (means you only have 1 maxed ability when it matters) and have a consistant "do stuff" level trought the game. Tryndamere is retarded, a -ad doesn't scale at all, laning is gimmicky and very fail. Amumu works, ult good good, probably going to max Q to get the cd down. the problem is you can't really use your ult offensively without getting melted, but if you have 2 other divers it can be ok. 0 protection for your carry btw. Vi, why not. Q R lockdown works vs lone assassins jumping people. can't dive. Urgot is actually good. It's hard to get the passive on important targets but % damage reduc on virtually no cd is amazing. His problem is he wants levels, badly. Oh and he has mana issues. you want levels in Q for laning, levels in W for the slow, levels in E for the shred. ult should be used as a pick or peel, not iniciating. (as a genral rule, aside from very specific situation like flash cresendo or leona a support should not be iniciating). Ezreal is retarded Galio and fiddle have been done in the past, fiddle a this point is a common support pick, galio is CLG and worked. Lissandra very good WW is gimmicky, as buff, supress. Not the best but not hte worst of the list either. | ||
United States17713 Posts
On August 21 2013 22:50 Ketara wrote: I feel like PX is not "wrong" here in that a lot of champions CAN support if you really want to support them. Rather the issue is they're not as good at supporting as established support champions. Galio for an example is an okay support champion. He has a shield, a ranged harass tool, a movespeed engage/disengage tool, and a hard CC ult that isn't bad. Bulwark lets him be reasonably tanky with just health from items. But compare Galio to "real" support champions. Lulu also has a shield, better ranged harass tools, a more reliable movespeed disengage tool, can flash ult herself just like Galio can, and also has ranged CC. Leona has more CC, is not reliant on flash to engage, is tankier, and does more damage without items. Sona has more reliable CC, sustain, poke, etc. None of them have Galios mana problems. A lot of playing support is just playing support properly and knowing what you're supposed to be doing. You can buy wards and exhaust the right target and peel in a fight on anybody. Some champions are just way better at it than others. tl;dr don't say that unconventional support champions can't support, ask why you wouldn't play a conventional support champion. if you try to distill picks down like that you end up saying, why play any support but lulu or nami. If you aren't finding ways to use the specialties of certain champs then you aren't using them to their fullest, period. EDIT: in response to the above. -80 AD scales very well. in lane the 20/35/50 - AD allows you to dominate the lane in fights, -80 AD scales extremely well through the mid game and starts to fall off as items 5 and 6 are built. Carries like to build AS AD CRIT and Penetration which allows each effect to scale with the others, but removing 3200 gold of AD removes far more than 3200 gold of DPS throughout the mid game where a carry is running off of 1 damage item and 1 attack speed/crit item. it continues to be effective untl the point where 3-4 damage items are built, when its still useful, but the main strength is used against thigns like khazix/zed who scale with bonus ad (-80 AD vs zed is actually -100 AD due to the way his W works) as well as in teamfights slowing those running or repositioning, and removing almost all of the non ability damage off of most of the enemy team. | ||
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