On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.
Help me TL GD, you're my only hope.
I played Quinn toplane to deny tryndamere of everything he has in lane. So it worked like a charm as I got my BOTRK while he sat on 30 cs and lv8 but it came to me, how do i build Quinn/Vayne/etc. if i go toplane?
On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.
On July 31 2013 13:07 Kenpachi wrote: I played Quinn toplane to deny tryndamere of everything he has in lane. So it worked like a charm as I got my BOTRK while he sat on 30 cs and lv8 but it came to me, how do i build Quinn/Vayne/etc. if i go toplane?
Anything AD works... Lets see those Vayne mechanics.
Recipe Changed: Spectre's Cowl + Kindlegem + 375 Gold = 2625 total Gold, up from 2200 Health increased to 400 from 200 Magic Resist increased to 55 from 45 Now additionally grants +20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
This item now grants 200 more health, 10 more mr, and 4 health per second for just 425 gold more. It's a 20% cdr item. 4 health per second is 240 per minute. Which for a tank with no lifesteal is a lot.
To put it in perspective, you need 2667 or 4/.015*10 life to equal the Regen of new SV with old 1.5% max health regen warmogs .
Also, major nerfs to Elise, Minor ones to Twisted Fate, Warwick, Zac, and Vayne.
I feel like the way to play against Elise harass would have been to pick someone who can handle harass top lane if you are picking top before the enemy team. Someone ranged (Kayle) would work as well as someone with a shield (Shen). I haven't really figure out how to play the lane out as someone like Jax vs Elise. There are sometimes too many minions to all in Elise with double dorans, and once you get low you can't fight her. I don't think I can all in at level 1 due to the minion advantage.
I feel like with Spectre's Cowl might help but I'm not sure if it's weak or too strong. If Elise only does like 130 damage to you with her Q's at level 9 and you heal 30 free from Spectre's Cowl, and 100 hp from pots every time her Q comes off cooldown then you lose little life. It might make make that all in window slightly larger so you can wait for the wave to thin out before engaging with full health. With double dorans and boots you take 170 damage but still heal 100 from health pots. I dunno, I need to try Spectre's out vs Elise.
Lvl 2 jungle ganks should be harder now since you no longer ding 3 from stealing the enemy buff. Basically do what this guy below does, except with someone worse at dueling 1v1 than Kha, and smite to steal red/blue and ding 3. I've been doing it a lot as ignite Rengar and haven't had it fail yet. The worst is when I predicted my opponent wrong and had to take some time getting to their golems and getting a nondesireable buff first. Often I can force a flash, but I rarely get kills.
Honestly the counterplay to this is just to hold smite and use your ability/auto when the jungle camp reaches 491-530
On July 31 2013 13:09 XilDarkz wrote: I have not read any of the past 10 pages. This is my first GD thread transition...
so, I'm sad about the Elise changes because I was abusing her OP-powers. Time to keep playing jungle Elise until the patch hits...
I dunno, I think Elise will still be quite good after this. Minor rappel nerf, spiderlings aren't as tanky and are a little more derpy, but she's probably still going to be a great jungler/top.
On July 31 2013 13:07 Kenpachi wrote: I played Quinn toplane to deny tryndamere of everything he has in lane. So it worked like a charm as I got my BOTRK while he sat on 30 cs and lv8 but it came to me, how do i build Quinn/Vayne/etc. if i go toplane?
Anything AD works... Lets see those Vayne mechanics.
On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.
Help me TL GD, you're my only hope.
Elyria mang. Close enough to you (I think), but I'm gonna be SO OUT OF IT. Maybe next time.
On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.
Help me TL GD, you're my only hope.
You're moving to St. Louis? I'm in the area. :0
On July 31 2013 13:10 Shelke14 wrote: Neo, 10/10 troll thought Lucian was released and rushed to sign on and play him...... Full of lies.
He just wanted to troll someone as hard as the new GD threads usually troll him.
On July 31 2013 11:17 Amarok wrote: I'm not 100% convinced on how "rubbish" some of the support items are anyway. Twin Shadows has some great utility throughout the game, Crucible is awesome in certain situations and I doubt the situational usefulness of Shard gets explored enough, particularly on supports that get value out of AP (Zyra and Karma stand out in this regard).
Empirically, "pretty good" has never been good enough for a support item to be bought over wards and oracles. The only items that ever actually stood out enough were stuff like pre-nerf Shurelya's that were just that good.
I guess my point is that I think the items are actually a bit better than "pretty good" in certain situations. For example chalice/crucible is amazing on Sona against all-in comps with poke components, particularly if they have some magic damage. Varus/Leona for example gets shut down pretty hard by it. I could see Shard being useful as a Zyra with a fed Akali on her team that isn't building Rylai's (for whatever reason). I find the dismissal of Shard particularly confusing given that a slow field is, in a general sense, something that is generally pretty useful. We get way too hung up on the chasing/offensive component of the Twin Shadows active dropping off and forget that all game it retains usefulness in situations where you're warding/clearing vision or even kiting defensively. Not to mention there's a mantra about the "stat that shall not be named" being useless on supports when that's very clearly not the case, or at least not always the case.
Thing is it's pretty much impossible for players to really apply any of this stuff when Locket is so incredibly strong. I should be able to be rewarded for building correctly for a situation, not punished because I didn't buy an item that's always better than every option.
I think most people are arguing that those items should be better through build path or lower cost. The crux of the argument is that since they're not good enough for other champs to buy, then no one is going to buy them. I can see twin shadows being really good like this:
Shard of True Ice (amp tome+faerie+200g) -25ap -6regen Active: Blizzard
I don't know how good these are, but they have most of their worth in their actives (I think) and could be good enough for solo laners early on in some situations (a roaming mid getting some mr, or maybe a jungler who needs to stick to targets when ganking).
I don't think Riot wants to implement something that could drastically change the way the other lanes play though. An active like Hunt on an item purchasable in the very early game sounds obscenely strong on face value. Reading Xyph's comments on Phage I can understand this being something they would want to steer clear of.
Wasn't that because it was a really good win-harder item? Plus, hp+ad with a decent buildup is going to be pretty good. If Twin and Shard had most of their cost in the actives and had low costs, I can't see how they would get to be too much of a problem. I would think that variety to compliment different champs/lanes and try to advance an advantage/create an advantage should be encouraged in the game.
On July 31 2013 13:17 TheYango wrote: Soul Shroud was honesty a better item than Shard of True Ice for something that uses mana manip.
The only reason I think it was bad is because so much of the power is hidden, and it was a somewhat expensive item for a support. With shurelya's somewhat gone(it's still a lategame support item),
Imagine if it had the same passive, but an active reduced the cooldown of all spells currently on CD in an AoE by 10% as well. Would probably be buggy as shit, but it's a high impact teamfighting item now.
A shake-up this big this late in the season will probably be the end of VES's chances for this season in LCS, but I feel like overall they're going to be a stronger team for it if someone can step up to be the new shot-caller. If that can happen before relegation (which is after worlds? Not sure) and VES can get back in for next year, I think they'll give a much better showing.
On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.
Help me TL GD, you're my only hope.
Elyria mang. Close enough to you (I think), but I'm gonna be SO OUT OF IT. Maybe next time.
On July 31 2013 13:04 AsmodeusXI wrote: Today I took apart my computer and put the last bits of my life in boxes. Tomorrow I load all of the boxes onto a truck with all of my girlfriend's stuff to boot. On Saturday I drive for 10 hours to Ohio and on Sunday I drive the final 8-10 to St. Louis. On Monday I get my internet installed.