Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
So question about this whole MMR thing My friend, in silver 1, places against high gold (1-2tier) and low plats (5-4). If the system is as I understand this is because he has won enough that his MMR is higher than what silver 1 would imply, and hence gets queued against people closer to his MMR. But what I dont get is why he gains +5 for winning and -20 for losing. if the MMR thing is correct should these numbers be a lot closer?
On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote:Show nested quote +On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote:On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 04:54 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 04:45 Arisen wrote: So, im starting another account because I'm tired of dealing with my ranked game bug, What bug? Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs). That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new BWLoL account because it doesn't show your "true" skill, then have fun Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong
On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote:On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 04:54 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 04:45 Arisen wrote: So, im starting another account because I'm tired of dealing with my ranked game bug, What bug? Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs). That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new BWLoL account because it doesn't show your "true" skill, then have fun Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong
Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3.
But i guess thats eloboosting :3
Would love to shut someone the fuck up though.
MMR/ Elo is weird
I'm Plat I on one account and like Diamond III in ranked on it, but my other one I can't get out of Bronze I for the life of me even after like 4 promotion series. I basically win 80% of games and get 100 LP easy, then I flunk. I want to attribute it to feeders and AFK's during those damn games, but honestly I never destroy lane more than 2/5 games in my series.
But seriously, the quality of ADC is noticeably lower in Bronze. At higher ranks they have a much better sense of when to follow up or to just farm in lane-- don't even get me started on positioning.
Maybe I'll just ride the freelo boar when I finally get some decent internet again. That'll work, yeah.
On May 31 2013 22:22 Capped wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote:On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote:On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 04:54 Diamond wrote: [quote]
What bug?
Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs). That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new BWLoL account because it doesn't show your "true" skill, then have fun Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3. But i guess thats eloboosting :3 Would love to shut someone the fuck up though. Lol I think it's been done and that's why elo Hell talk is banned from general because it doesn't exist. My advice to you would be go mid or top and play a snowball champ and if you really are much better then what your mmr says you should have no problem trampling people
I think anybody who thinks that "elo hell" doesn't exist is a little bit naive.
I also think anybody who thinks that it's impossible to get out of is a little bit naive.
But that's just my opinion, and talking about it isn't going to accomplish anything because any time anybody says anything rational about it nobody listens. Best to just drop the subject.
We'd be happy to help you with your play Arisen and see if there's any way you can improve. Drop us some replays.
On May 31 2013 22:22 Capped wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote:On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote:On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 04:54 Diamond wrote: [quote]
What bug?
Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs). That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new BWLoL account because it doesn't show your "true" skill, then have fun Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3. But i guess thats eloboosting :3 Would love to shut someone the fuck up though.
1. Go to ZERG's replay thread 2. Upload 5-10 replays 3. Have me and/or others look them through 4. Get tips 5. ???? 6. Profit
United States15536 Posts
I love it when TL'ers offer to help. =) Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
It sounds like the guy was saying that he already wins more games than he loses, it's just the LP balance males it so that it's a net loss. However, after reading the drop from high silver to low bronze, I'm thinking that claim might not be entirely accurate.
Replayer can't upload replays atm, at least not for me. One suggestion made in the replay analysis thread was to stream your own game and have Twitch save it as a vod. But if your computer can't handle streaming then you're out of luck right now
There's too many people playing Viktor. When they rush chalice into augment then grail before they even build boots, they shouldn't be playing him. Poor Viktor.
On May 31 2013 22:54 Alaric wrote:There's too many people playing Viktor. When they rush chalice into augment then grail before they even build boots, they shouldn't be playing him. Poor Viktor. 
I've run into a couple of people that spam Viktor in Diamond. 100% of the time they either carry super hard or feed. I don't think its even possible to have an average game on Viktor haha.
I'm playing Kayle again if wits gets buffed. Mostly to try Malady and Wits.
I don't know why they released Botrk (on hit) and nerfed wits when Botrk provides lifesteal. It's not like on hit didn't already have glaring weaknesses.
On May 31 2013 22:31 IamPryda wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 22:22 Capped wrote:On May 31 2013 22:17 IamPryda wrote:On May 31 2013 17:38 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 08:05 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 06:52 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 06:22 JonGalt wrote:On May 29 2013 06:11 Arisen wrote:On May 29 2013 05:11 Diamond wrote:On May 29 2013 05:00 Arisen wrote: [quote]
Im losing 6 or more times the LP per ranked game than I win (usually 1LP per win, 6-25 per loss). I also seem to get a lot of AFK/DCs, etc. I've been told its because LoL thinks my MMR or whatever should be lower so it's trying to get me to where it wants me by making me lose more points than I could possibly gain (I had a friend tell me that he thinks they're putting me on the team with the lower combined MMR as well, but I think it's just a coincidence that I get quite a lot of DCs/AFKs).
That's not a bug, not even close to one..... Either bug or working as intended, I was in high silver when i stopped playing, now that I've started playing again after a long hiatus, I've worked my way almost down to bronze 3 because of this issue. It's no fun for me as a play much worse players than myself only to keep dropping because LoL thinks my MMR should be lower so i can finally reach some equilibrium then steamroll back up. If it is an intended function, I think it's decidedly unfun. I don't want to sound like a negative nancy or the broken record that is the TL attitude of ignore LP but... 1) Do you think that your "long hiatus" has anything to do with losing now? OR 2) Ignore LP because it means nothing and just focus on improving. And if you don't like any of those, how about blame ELO/MMR decay due to inactivity and just wait it out because it will fix itself. Starting a new account for the sole purpose of getting into ranked again seems like a waste of runes, champs, IP, RP, and hard work! If you just want a smurf for playing with friends, then that's different. Or if you want to ignore this and go back to 2002 and make a new BWLoL account because it doesn't show your "true" skill, then have fun Oh em gee, I am blowin' up my post count tonight. 1) I'm positive my "long Hiatus" has nothing to do with me losing now. I had played dota during my haitus, my mechanics are better than ever. The only thing i have to improve is my game knowledge. I'm playing support mostly, I always end up positive during my games, i place a ton of wards. I counter ward. People either go afk or go off 1v5 and die over and over and feed people. 2) My league keeps dropping, so I'm playing worse and worse players. It's not fun to play versus worse players. Even if I start winning now, i have to win 100 games right now to up a division (1 LP a win). I'm getting majorly frustrated playing the games I am now, hence I'm starting another account. Now if we could PLEASE get to my original question, that would be great :/ No one that I have seen is trying to flame you. We are all telling you the truth is all. LP means nothing, and is just for show, your MMR/ELO is all that matters and it's really low. Also when your MMR and LP even out the gains/losses will be normalized. So once that hits you will go from +1/-20 or w/e, to normal point gains/losses. So you would NOT need 100 wins, probably after 10 or so in a row you would see it normalize out. Example: When I got into Silver 1 I went from +20/-20~ on my games to +4/-10. After what seemed like forever (one month or so), I started getting better at the game and winning a lot. My MMR actually ended up getting way higher than my LP, and it went to +25/-6~ until it promoted me to Gold V. One thing I do agree with is the system is very frustrating in that aspect. I was getting so upset being stuck around 0 LP, but all of a sudden when the time was right the system recognized it, and basically forced me to be promoted. There needs to be some more transparency or LoL needs to be more harsh with demotions. I think it would be a lot less frustrating if it just demoted you to the right spot so you can get normal LP gains again. Edit: For what it's worth, I do fully understand your frustration as a friend of mine is experiencing the same thing atm. I wrote an tweet to RiotLyte about it, as I see A LOT of frustration with this from players. Hope Riot does something to make it more clear and less frustrating. went from high silver, now at the very very bottom of bronze 5. Still losing 5x what I'm winning (1-5 a win, just takes all of them away when i lose up to 15 was the highest i got). Still working as intended? If you can't carry your way out of bronze 5 by winning like 15 straight then u belong Im tempted to offer my account and a reward to anyone able to do exactly this. Continous winning streaks and out of bronze in 3 days to anyone below gold 3. But i guess thats eloboosting :3 Would love to shut someone the fuck up though. Lol I think it's been done and that's why elo Hell talk is banned from general because it doesn't exist. My advice to you would be go mid or top and play a snowball champ and if you really are much better then what your mmr says you should have no problem trampling people
Lul im raising myself out but its not as fast as people claim when your not like high gold / plat or above.
The trolls and AFK's get to you mang. I had a massive string of bad luck at one point, i found it hillarious.
Anyway enough...shh..banhammer is watching
On May 31 2013 23:01 obesechicken13 wrote: I'm playing Kayle again if wits gets buffed. Mostly to try Malady and Wits.
I don't know why they released Botrk (on hit) and nerfed wits when Botrk provides lifesteal. It's not like on hit didn't already have glaring weaknesses.
Nashor-Wits-Liandry Kayle and Teemo are gonna be pretty fun, imo.
He said he dropped to Bronze because of inactivity. I dunno how the system handles it exactly, but it's possible his MMR tanked a lot.
On May 31 2013 22:58 adriftt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 22:54 Alaric wrote:There's too many people playing Viktor. When they rush chalice into augment then grail before they even build boots, they shouldn't be playing him. Poor Viktor.  I've run into a couple of people that spam Viktor in Diamond. 100% of the time they either carry super hard or feed. I don't think its even possible to have an average game on Viktor haha. All he has for him is his damage, really (W has good applications, but it's pretty awkward to use and not straightforward like Ori's W for example), so if he falls behind, especially in a way that doesn't let him instaclear with E, laning can become very rough. He's also very, very reliant on having a dominant midgame because of how fast he reaches his peak, and how short said peak is. If you can't 100-0 people, it requires you to land more Es beforehand, or another spell rotation during a teamfight. Since a lot of the damage from his ult is the periodic churning, not being able to 100-0 somebody with the initial burst generally means your team will take a lot of damage (3s of churning to finish off somebody can be really long), he's pretty binary in that sense (he can't poke as easily as Lux/TF and doesn't have Lux's effective 1100 range in fights because of non-E spells). He's also very ult-reliant (he's effectively poking, or desperately trying to gtfo, otherwise, due to Q's range) and since he can't rush CDR (like most grail builders) and his ult's cd remains at 120s at all levels (most mids go 120/100/80) you have to make the most out of it in terms of objectives whenever you use it.
(In exchange, his pre-6 is pretty underestimated, going QEQ lets him trade well if people let him get into range, once he gets the augment he pushes and harasses super well (but requires Blue), and once he gets a NLR on top of it he can 100-0 any squishy without the churning, and be a rotation away to killing most bruisers if you get it early enough.)
On May 31 2013 22:14 Vlanitak wrote: So question about this whole MMR thing My friend, in silver 1, places against high gold (1-2tier) and low plats (5-4). If the system is as I understand this is because he has won enough that his MMR is higher than what silver 1 would imply, and hence gets queued against people closer to his MMR. But what I dont get is why he gains +5 for winning and -20 for losing. if the MMR thing is correct should these numbers be a lot closer?
Riot calls it "clamping", when you're about to be promoted to a new league your LP gains slow down to ensure that you actually belong in the new league, since you can't be demoted from there. Basically his MMR has to be mid-Gold before getting up for promotion. Remember that those players in high Gold tiers and low Plat can possibly have MMR lower than their displayed tier, and your friend is actually just approaching a low-mid Gold MMR. If he wins his promotion series and his MMR is actually super high, it's possible he will skip divisions to Gold IV or Gold III.
On May 31 2013 23:12 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 23:01 obesechicken13 wrote: I'm playing Kayle again if wits gets buffed. Mostly to try Malady and Wits.
I don't know why they released Botrk (on hit) and nerfed wits when Botrk provides lifesteal. It's not like on hit didn't already have glaring weaknesses. Nashor-Wits-Liandry Kayle and Teemo are gonna be pretty fun, imo. I wouldn't get Nashors. The CDR would be nice but it's a huge downside to your short term damage and I really wouldn't want the AP that much... Runaan's first imo.
On May 30 2013 09:14 overt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 09:02 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 30 2013 08:58 caelym wrote: Does anyone else think All Star for League was bigger than G-1 was for Dota 2? or am I being biased and ignorant?
(I bring it up because Live on 3 is almost entirely dedicated to G-1, and not showing much love for All Star Shanghai.) All-Stars was a bigger specticle, but G-1 was probably more important for Dota as an eSport. LO3 has always been biased against LoL anyway, better since Scoots is gone but it's clear they sill prefer Dota and SC. All Stars was bigger. LoL is a bigger eSport. Lo3 doesn't cover it because the people on the show don't care that much about the league scene. They don't cover fighting games either. I don't think there's anything wrong with Lo3 focusing on DotA2 and SC2 while ignoring League. It does kind of suck that League's shows are all kind of bad because people who have been in the scene for years aren't as interested in League so we have to rely on Travis who doesn't have the contacts that Slasher or djWheat have (nor the experience). Hopefully in a few years Travis can step his game up and get pros back on his show and increase the production values of the shows he does or maybe someone like djWheat who's been in the scene for so long will step into LoL. edit: Also, I know that Travis has tried to get League players on his show again but complained that it was harder to organize them since they're all so busy now a days but it still sucks that he almost never gets to do a show with pro player commentary anymore.
We covered All-Stars as a preview, and had every intention of covering the results, but the show took a turn that we had no expected. I find some of these comments odd though, because over the past 15 shows, the two games that have gotten the most attention are StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. It's funny that we do one show where we stack DOTA 2 guests and suddenly "we don't care that much about the league scene", but 12 weeks prior we did regular coverage of LCS.
Live On Three covers all games, and all esports. But we're also only 2 hours. If we don't cover a news item, I wish people wouldn't jump to the conclusion that we must hate "X" game or like "Y" game more. I can promise you that Slasher and I never cut content or not consider content due what game it is.
On May 31 2013 23:38 djWHEAT wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 09:14 overt wrote:On May 30 2013 09:02 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 30 2013 08:58 caelym wrote: Does anyone else think All Star for League was bigger than G-1 was for Dota 2? or am I being biased and ignorant?
(I bring it up because Live on 3 is almost entirely dedicated to G-1, and not showing much love for All Star Shanghai.) All-Stars was a bigger specticle, but G-1 was probably more important for Dota as an eSport. LO3 has always been biased against LoL anyway, better since Scoots is gone but it's clear they sill prefer Dota and SC. All Stars was bigger. LoL is a bigger eSport. Lo3 doesn't cover it because the people on the show don't care that much about the league scene. They don't cover fighting games either. I don't think there's anything wrong with Lo3 focusing on DotA2 and SC2 while ignoring League. It does kind of suck that League's shows are all kind of bad because people who have been in the scene for years aren't as interested in League so we have to rely on Travis who doesn't have the contacts that Slasher or djWheat have (nor the experience). Hopefully in a few years Travis can step his game up and get pros back on his show and increase the production values of the shows he does or maybe someone like djWheat who's been in the scene for so long will step into LoL. edit: Also, I know that Travis has tried to get League players on his show again but complained that it was harder to organize them since they're all so busy now a days but it still sucks that he almost never gets to do a show with pro player commentary anymore. We covered All-Stars as a preview, and had every intention of covering the results, but the show took a turn that we had no expected. I find some of these comments odd though, because over the past 15 shows, the two games that have gotten the most attention are StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. It's funny that we do one show where we stack DOTA 2 guests and suddenly "we don't care that much about the league scene", but 12 weeks prior we did regular coverage of LCS. Live On Three covers all games, and all esports. But we're also only 2 hours. If we don't cover a news item, I wish people wouldn't jump to the conclusion that we must hate "X" game or like "Y" game more. I can promise you that Slasher and I never cut content or not consider content due what game it is.
Thanks for taking the time to reply wheat 
Ya gotta know that the internet is always gonna be the internet though :p