Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
Exhaust doesn't affect true damage (nothing should, but there are exceptions like Swain's Torment, and I guess Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity, Talon's Cutthroat and Vladimir's Hemoplague do too). Iirc, any tick of damage done during Exhaust's effect is reduced, including DoTs and periodic damage (one could test too if for example casting a DoT with Mejai stacks, then dying will have the post-death ticks reduced).
I dunno about the main question, I just finished a game where I Exhausted Morde twice to prevent him from healing too much right before he Zhonya'd, but with the clusterfuck I wasn't even sure if it worked.
On June 01 2013 00:43 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 00:34 Dusty wrote:On June 01 2013 00:01 justiceknight wrote: how do you use to beat semi tank top heroes with jayce? I was against wukong he has belt and brutalizer and i have bruta with tears, we went farming mode past 6 and manage to poke him till 2/3 hp and i decide to went all in. He just use all his skill with ult ignite and i lost the fight.
not sure where i did wrong =.= Jayce main here Wukong is one of Jayce's hardest matchups. Trying to fight Wukong without having twice as much current health than him is a really bad idea, need to be able to gate-blast him to open yourself to be able to farm, otherwise Wukong will force you out or kill you with an all in. Can't you just RE him away though? At least he shouldn't be able to EautoQR you (takes too long compared to your RE) so he'll lose out on some damage if he does that. He's probably weaker at level 1 and 3, no idea about level 2 since Jayce's all-in is so strong but Wu's got nice dps at that stage. If you get low and fail to gate->run away or hammerE when he dives you, though, you'll just die from his ult's damage. If you can avoid him jumping on you, you can also just shove the lane and farm with EQ, Wukong's not too shabby when it comes to farming at tower (well, depends, his aa animation is really one of the most atrocious out there when it comes to melee champs) but he needs to dump a lot of mana to be able to "push" a lane (and he can't shove for shit).
a good wukong will be W your hammerform knockback, talking about lvl 2 all ins i'm not sure but usually Jayce wins that.
What I noticed about alot of the "neo" jayce players is that (especially top) they don't manage their ult cd. They switch from hammer into canon form and go straight to farming, but against a gapclosing bruiser like irelia, jax, xin or Jarvan that's like an invitation to allin because you're super vulnerable during the 5-6 seconds. Can't Acc Blast them if they're in your face and can't knock them back cause swap is on cd.
On May 31 2013 23:49 Sermokala wrote: Who the fuck names an all female team pms? Was anyone in that meeting at all when that was decided? Supposedly the sister gamer clan to H2O, I have a friend who's sort of involved with them. They've been around for a long long time. I think mostly CS-affiliated? Their LoL players are absolutely godawful.
I haven't noticed that (then again, I'm at a pretty low level so I don't necessarily know how to set up those situations), most of the time the Jayce(s) I see hold onto their melee form until you jump them or them believe they can drop you really low, in the first case they just don't care because they shouldn't let you engage them without blowing your gap closer (unless he sits near a wounded minion and you're Irelia), which has a longer cd than Jayce's ult, and in the second case unless they fuck up you won't want to engage on them anyway.
Elise players are more liberal with the form switch but still tend to manage it better (and the fact that all of her cooldowns except Rappel are so low, and her ult only 4s, doesn't really put pressure on them), Jayce players tend to not care because of how easy it is for him to disengage, and Nidalee players are pretty lax. Maybe that's because she's inherently harder to play (especially as bruiser Nidalee) and her human form's kit isn't as strong as theirs, or because she's forced to switch to Cougar Form to shove: they'll get into Cougar, annihilate the wave, change back before they're put enough distance and let you jump them as soon as they're back to human form. I don't think I've lost to an offlane bruiser Nidalee in s3 yet, even w/o accounting for the ult nerfs (well she's also so much weaker than Elise/Jayce when played that way... :/ saddens me, because her "default" kit being a lot less straight-forward and her actually having her pre-6 vulnerabilities make her more interesting/higher skill-ceiling).
On June 01 2013 01:11 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 00:43 Alaric wrote:On June 01 2013 00:34 Dusty wrote:On June 01 2013 00:01 justiceknight wrote: how do you use to beat semi tank top heroes with jayce? I was against wukong he has belt and brutalizer and i have bruta with tears, we went farming mode past 6 and manage to poke him till 2/3 hp and i decide to went all in. He just use all his skill with ult ignite and i lost the fight.
not sure where i did wrong =.= Jayce main here Wukong is one of Jayce's hardest matchups. Trying to fight Wukong without having twice as much current health than him is a really bad idea, need to be able to gate-blast him to open yourself to be able to farm, otherwise Wukong will force you out or kill you with an all in. Can't you just RE him away though? At least he shouldn't be able to EautoQR you (takes too long compared to your RE) so he'll lose out on some damage if he does that. He's probably weaker at level 1 and 3, no idea about level 2 since Jayce's all-in is so strong but Wu's got nice dps at that stage. If you get low and fail to gate->run away or hammerE when he dives you, though, you'll just die from his ult's damage. If you can avoid him jumping on you, you can also just shove the lane and farm with EQ, Wukong's not too shabby when it comes to farming at tower (well, depends, his aa animation is really one of the most atrocious out there when it comes to melee champs) but he needs to dump a lot of mana to be able to "push" a lane (and he can't shove for shit). a good wukong will be W your hammerform knockback, talking about lvl 2 all ins i'm not sure but usually Jayce wins that. What I noticed about alot of the "neo" jayce players is that (especially top) they don't manage their ult cd. They switch from hammer into canon form and go straight to farming, but against a gapclosing bruiser like irelia, jax, xin or Jarvan that's like an invitation to allin because you're super vulnerable during the 5-6 seconds. Can't Acc Blast them if they're in your face and can't knock them back cause swap is on cd. I recently just started playing jayce and learned what happens when a jax all ins u right after switching forms Without giving some room. On the bright side I pretended to be dumb and baited him into a sweet gank by doing it again
So ive been seeing soooo many gold V players with 0 points and being able to beat them with ease in games. Its pathetic as its basically a showing of how broken the league system is (sorry to bring this up again) they get lucky in placements and get thrown up there only to lose constantly and end up a zero points gold V. Ive seen at least 30 of these in the last week without looking for them, all with terrible match histories.
Wheras people get trolled in placements and end up in bronze, it seems it works the otherway around too, the feeders get lucky.
They need to add a demotion mechanic for serious cases like this imo.
On May 31 2013 23:38 djWHEAT wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 09:14 overt wrote:On May 30 2013 09:02 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 30 2013 08:58 caelym wrote: Does anyone else think All Star for League was bigger than G-1 was for Dota 2? or am I being biased and ignorant?
(I bring it up because Live on 3 is almost entirely dedicated to G-1, and not showing much love for All Star Shanghai.) All-Stars was a bigger specticle, but G-1 was probably more important for Dota as an eSport. LO3 has always been biased against LoL anyway, better since Scoots is gone but it's clear they sill prefer Dota and SC. All Stars was bigger. LoL is a bigger eSport. Lo3 doesn't cover it because the people on the show don't care that much about the league scene. They don't cover fighting games either. I don't think there's anything wrong with Lo3 focusing on DotA2 and SC2 while ignoring League. It does kind of suck that League's shows are all kind of bad because people who have been in the scene for years aren't as interested in League so we have to rely on Travis who doesn't have the contacts that Slasher or djWheat have (nor the experience). Hopefully in a few years Travis can step his game up and get pros back on his show and increase the production values of the shows he does or maybe someone like djWheat who's been in the scene for so long will step into LoL. edit: Also, I know that Travis has tried to get League players on his show again but complained that it was harder to organize them since they're all so busy now a days but it still sucks that he almost never gets to do a show with pro player commentary anymore. We covered All-Stars as a preview, and had every intention of covering the results, but the show took a turn that we had no expected. I find some of these comments odd though, because over the past 15 shows, the two games that have gotten the most attention are StarCraft 2 and League of Legends. It's funny that we do one show where we stack DOTA 2 guests and suddenly "we don't care that much about the league scene", but 12 weeks prior we did regular coverage of LCS. Live On Three covers all games, and all esports. But we're also only 2 hours. If we don't cover a news item, I wish people wouldn't jump to the conclusion that we must hate "X" game or like "Y" game more. I can promise you that Slasher and I never cut content or not consider content due what game it is.
I just read this on the side bar "[D] Japan Suspends Wheat..." hard luck we know all the work you've done for esports I dont know why they woul do this to you
It definitely doesn't affect true damage. A long time ago it did.
On June 01 2013 01:06 Alaric wrote: Exhaust doesn't affect true damage (nothing should, but there are exceptions like Swain's Torment, and I guess Poppy's Diplomatic Immunity, Talon's Cutthroat and Vladimir's Hemoplague do too). Iirc, any tick of damage done during Exhaust's effect is reduced, including DoTs and periodic damage (one could test too if for example casting a DoT with Mejai stacks, then dying will have the post-death ticks reduced).
I dunno about the main question, I just finished a game where I Exhausted Morde twice to prevent him from healing too much right before he Zhonya'd, but with the clusterfuck I wasn't even sure if it worked. Most damage amplification abilities increase true damage, but damage reduction abilities don't reduce true damage.
The thing is most damage amplification specifically says "this applies to items and summoner spells too" but there isn't any summoner spell that doesn't do true damage.
Do people ever buy sightstone on junglers? Sometimes I feel that a few more wards around the map couldve turned around a lost game but whenever I'm actually playing I feel really uncomfortable delaying my items by ~1k gold.
I just buy wards. Item timings early on are too important to get sidetracked by Sightstone, but 75g-125g here or there isn't a big deal.
I'm usually pink warding as a jungler anyway. Lee Sin might be the only exception.
On June 01 2013 03:28 Seuss wrote: I just buy wards. Item timings early on are too important to get sidetracked by Sightstone, but 75g-125g here or there isn't a big deal.
I'm usually pink warding as a jungler anyway. Lee Sin might be the only exception. sightstone on lee sin allows for cheesy plays
On June 01 2013 03:20 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Do people ever buy sightstone on junglers? Sometimes I feel that a few more wards around the map couldve turned around a lost game but whenever I'm actually playing I feel really uncomfortable delaying my items by ~1k gold. On lee sin. You can carry so hard with it. Can initiate tons of plays with it.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On June 01 2013 03:20 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: Do people ever buy sightstone on junglers? Sometimes I feel that a few more wards around the map couldve turned around a lost game but whenever I'm actually playing I feel really uncomfortable delaying my items by ~1k gold. If you're buying loads of wards, then it's pretty cost effective to get a Sightstone. Think of it like a GP10 item that dispenses wards, but at a much more efficient rate than a real GP10 item. The actual combat stats on it (health) is also pretty relevant too.
A lot of the times, vision is incredibly important. For example, if vision means your team doesn't facecheck or avoids a gank, then that's more than worth the investment. Or as Hotshot once said as he sold a 6th item Ruby Crystal for Wards back in Season 2 before Sightstone came out: "This 180 hp is not going to really make or break a fight. But having vision on Baron is going to win us the game."
I just had the dumbest idea. New recipe for upgrading Sightstone to Pink Sightstone. You buy an Oracle's, spend X amount more gold to combine Oracle's with Sightstone, and for the next 5 minutes Sightstone drops pink wards!
Emphasis on "dumbest idea".
On May 31 2013 23:58 Ketara wrote:Ever since I learned about this lolnexus tool, matchmaking and the league system have started confusing me more and more. + Show Spoiler +I mean, what IS that? Either the matchmaking system is broken, or what league you're in means absolutely nothing.
You have to keep in mind that if someone is in the V level of their division and they're at or close to 0 league points, their division is probably no where near their actual skill level. Happens extremely frequently for Plat V's. My guess is the plat V and the diamond V on the enemy team are actually somewhere in the low level gold tier if their elo were displayed, and the plat V on your team has a MMR higher than where he actually is.
what the hell, just saw the video for the new female "Team Siren"
I'm all for girls in e-sports why does their video have to be so cringeworthy
"losing is not an option" "I'll beat you and outsmart you"
On June 01 2013 03:35 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2013 03:28 Seuss wrote: I just buy wards. Item timings early on are too important to get sidetracked by Sightstone, but 75g-125g here or there isn't a big deal.
I'm usually pink warding as a jungler anyway. Lee Sin might be the only exception. sightstone on lee sin allows for cheesy plays Think of sightstone as a GP10 item (same as Wriggles). Though you aren't directly gaining gold, you're gaining (random) vision which would otherwise be paid for with gold.
And of course, da ree singah plays.
On June 01 2013 03:41 zer0das wrote:Show nested quote +On May 31 2013 23:58 Ketara wrote:Ever since I learned about this lolnexus tool, matchmaking and the league system have started confusing me more and more. + Show Spoiler +I mean, what IS that? Either the matchmaking system is broken, or what league you're in means absolutely nothing. You have to keep in mind that if someone is in the V level of their division and they're at or close to 0 league points, their division is probably no where near their actual skill level. Happens extremely frequently for Plat V's. My guess is the plat V and the diamond V on the enemy team are actually somewhere in the low level gold tier if their elo were displayed, and the plat V on your team has a MMR higher than where he actually is. Also, due to clamping, being in a I division could actually mean your MMR is close to the IV division of the next tier up
Keep in mind that matchmaking isn't actually necessary to make a ranked system work. MMR calculations already take into account if you're fighting better or worse opponents. In fact, if you really care about self-improvement you should feel good that you get to play better opposition than yourself. The only extent matchmaking is necessary is to prevent one person from rising the ranks by spamming games against a single player/team who throws his games constantly.