[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 146
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United States47024 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:20 TheYango wrote: The real question is why people are lumping Jayce and Kha'zix in the same boat when they're not really the same. Void Spikes' mana cost actually scales way more aggressively than anything Jayce will use repeatedly in lane, which makes Tear way more appealing on Kha'zix than Jayce. This is likewise reflected by Manamune being more common on Kha'zix than Jayce. What? A level one accelerated shock blast costs 105 mana, thats more than level five void spikes. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:20 TheYango wrote: The real question is why people are lumping Jayce and Kha'zix in the same boat when they're not really the same. Void Spikes' mana cost actually scales way more aggressively than anything Jayce will use repeatedly in lane, which makes Tear way more appealing on Kha'zix than Jayce. This is likewise reflected by Manamune being far more common on Kha'zix than Jayce. Jayce ranged W is the primary reason to get a manamune. The mana utility is very nice, but the real attraction is adding ~150 damage(100 magic, ~50 physical) on 3(4 including the reset) autoattacks at high attack speed. Assuming you are building glass cannon poke jayce, melee form is used primarily after engage has happened to finish somebody. As for the soloq/OGN builds on jayce. manamune brut LW and tear brut BT are roughly equivalent cost. Second build will do more damage to squishies, but does laughable damage to somebody with 150+ armor. The LW build ensures that it always hurts regardless of target, and ensures that no matter who you hit, 2 shock blasts will pretty much always force somebody off of turret. Having tried both, I think the LW route is better even in soloq. Yes burst damage suffers on squishies, but you will still force a squishy to base after one or two shots, and you also take non-negligible amounts of health off a tank. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:30 sob3k wrote: What? A level one accelerated shock blast costs 105 mana, thats more than level five void spikes. Congratulations, you just concluded that accelerating every Shock Blast isn't mana-efficient. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:32 TheYango wrote: Congratulations, you just concluded that accelerating every Shock Blast isn't mana-efficient. great, you still are going to be using it very frequently in lane | ||
3232 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:37 sob3k wrote: great, you still are going to be using it very frequently in lane unstacked tear isn't enough to sustain frequent use in lane | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:43 101toss wrote: unstacked tear isn't enough to sustain frequent use in lane Jayce stacks tear extremely fast and for free every 6 seconds too... | ||
United States47024 Posts
ToG is essentially a gp10 item that gives you mana instead of gold. It gives mana at a very aggressive rate (effectively 26 gp10 worth of mana for someone who can stack it on CD, less for someone who uses spells less often), but you do have to realize that it IS still an item that shifts your item timings in the way that a gp10 item does (although obviously more smoothly because of how fast it generates mana). | ||
United States5211 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:30 Amui wrote: Jayce ranged W is the primary reason to get a manamune. The mana utility is very nice, but the real attraction is adding ~150 damage(100 magic, ~50 physical) on 3(4 including the reset) autoattacks at high attack speed. Assuming you are building glass cannon poke jayce, melee form is used primarily after engage has happened to finish somebody. As for the soloq/OGN builds on jayce. manamune brut LW and tear brut BT are roughly equivalent cost. Second build will do more damage to squishies, but does laughable damage to somebody with 150+ armor. The LW build ensures that it always hurts regardless of target, and ensures that no matter who you hit, 2 shock blasts will pretty much always force somebody off of turret. Having tried both, I think the LW route is better even in soloq. Yes burst damage suffers on squishies, but you will still force a squishy to base after one or two shots, and you also take non-negligible amounts of health off a tank. i only brought up solo q because sometimes builds are copied in the context of a team comp/team strategy and adapted to solo queue. then when they don't work in solo queue people complain and call them stupid. well ain't that obvious, sir in the ogn games i saw, when jayce hit muramana there was a big timing to engage and force fights. you will not get that in solo queue. | ||
6318 Posts
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Sweden4641 Posts
¨ On another note i fucking suck at this game since I started working, started playing d3, torchlight and Sc2, i used to meet popular streamers at least 10-50 % of my games in s1, now hardly never. Going to tryhard playing on Graves, Ez, Vayne, Lee, Rengar so i can at least hit diamond 2 before season ends. | ||
Canada10352 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + windows updated, firewall turned off, anti virus turned off, port available, "The computer did not resync because no time data was available" <- fix this? how? | ||
United States17233 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:32 TheYango wrote: Congratulations, you just concluded that accelerating every Shock Blast isn't mana-efficient. I've considered getting tear on Jayce but I've had several games where it took me a long time to stack tear. 26+ minutes when I rushed it. Usually with Jayce you do want to hit an accelerated shock blast whenever you have the opportunity. I remember one time someone said it doesn't matter which order you use EQ. It actually is huge. Your opponents wait for the E to fire before their brains go into "dodge" mode. QE gives less time for your opponent to react than EQ and whenever you get a chance to hit them with a QE you take it because mana is less important than health. Often on Jayce you have to hit the minions in order to hit the enemy champ and the accelerated blast allows you to do that with the increased radius. Still, often time you can get a doran's blade and 5 health pots + wards on your first back instead of tear. I've played Kha before and he has nowhere near the mana problems Jayce has. All you do is use your spikes a bit less on creeps and don't jump around needlessly and he has no mana problems. His other abilities don't cost too much unless he gets lots of resets on his jump. Jayce's level 9 combo is 315 mana and that doesn't include any heavy costing ults. After that he continues using 315 mana in each combo and he pokes a lot more with QE than Kha does since QE has longer range than Kha's W. Kha'zix's combo with his ult is 275. After that his combo costs 175 mana per cycle + 50per jump. The difference is night and day. Edit: level 9 Jayce. His costs go up a bit more with levels. | ||
1171 Posts
On May 11 2013 09:28 TheYango wrote: Random aside, I think it's funny that Probuilds doesn't have any data on Chinese players when any "serious" solo queue game played by a Chinese player is going to be played on KR server anyway (which they already have data for) and many of these players' KR smurfs are easily known. Aren't there alot of good players in chinese server? I thought there would be more good players there due to alot of people having experience with dota 1. Kinda like the case with sc2 in kr. | ||
6318 Posts
considering how good is muramana atm its pretty much no brainer | ||
Canada10352 Posts
On May 11 2013 10:08 ComaDose wrote: Anyone else having connection issues? I'm getting directed here and im in NA. + Show Spoiler + windows updated, firewall turned off, anti virus turned off, port available, "The computer did not resync because no time data was available" <- fix this? how? running as administrator fixed it. super crazy. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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