I would really like some help with my LoLing, if anybody would like to give me a little coaching.
I'm to a point where I just have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I'm clearly doing something wrong, because I'm not improving, but I am legitimately clueless as to what I could be doing better.
If anybody wants to help me out, let me know. I'm right around the top of silver 1 right now. I was in gold 5 but dropped due to inactivity, and I play with a lot of gold 5 and gold 4 players (although not right now since I've been on a terrible losing streak today.) I feel like I'm best at mid and support.
IGN is Ketarah.
On May 11 2013 08:19 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:10 101toss wrote: tiamat is not op
i dont know how tiamat lee sin became a thing, it's worse than tear jayce/khazix Wait...you think Tear on Jayce and Kha is bad? 700g for an item that offers 0 effective stats? Which is usually purchased in the early game?
Granted, bad players can't capitalize off of this, but if you're vs me as top nunu, you've just guaranteed losing lane (being jayce/kha doesn't help either).
i've posted this before on the nunu thread, but i hate buying mana crystals, they feel so goddamn awful to buy
United States23745 Posts
On May 11 2013 08:24 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:19 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 11 2013 08:10 101toss wrote: tiamat is not op
i dont know how tiamat lee sin became a thing, it's worse than tear jayce/khazix Wait...you think Tear on Jayce and Kha is bad? 700g for an item that offers 0 effective stats? Which is usually purchased in the early game? Granted, bad players can't capitalize off of this, but if you're vs me as top nunu, you've just guaranteed losing lane (being jayce/kha doesn't help either). Sure, it delays your damage, but both champs utalize the extra mana extreme well. They can spam their abilities in lane and bully their oppenents that way. Plus they will usually build it into a pretty quick Manamune/Muramana which just increases their damage even more.
Edit: Also Top Nunu is a lane bully, that's what he does, of course a Jayce and Kha with tear can't deal with that. But that's not who they are usually up against
Hint: 700 gold for an item which lack of combat stats is alleviated by the very good stats (range, base damage, cooldown, AoE radius) of your champion's abilities, allowing you to overpower whatever combat stats your opponent has over you as soon as you alleviates the main (sometimes only) drawback on said abilities.
Rushing Tear is bad on Pantheon because even if he could use it he falls off way too much to allow this. Rushing tear is bad on Ezreal because despite his good scaling (and very good Q) he doesn't have the base damage to compensate for the vamp/double dblade his opponent will have over him in this timing window.
Kha'Zix spammable W for instant waveclear, harass and sustain all in one? Jayce spammable Q for one of the most powerful non-ultimate abilities in terms of base damage and scaling alone, before factoring in range, cooldown, projectile speed and the fact that it's AoE? Any day.
(If you want another example, Tear wouldn't be as bad on Corki as on Ezreal because he has the base damage to make up for the lack of AD itemisation early on.)
Edit: and way, that has nothing to do with them building Tear, and everything to do with their lane opponent being Nunu.
or you could get a faster bruta/other real items and just kill them anyways
And not be able to become a manaless champ, which tends to be pretty handy when you've got such potent poke.
Whoever thinks tear is bad on kha/jayce is a low level player. Dont mind them
if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways...
if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana
On May 11 2013 08:42 Mazzi wrote: Whoever thinks tear is bad on kha/jayce is a low level player. Dont mind them It's true, diamond 3 is a joke
On May 11 2013 08:44 101toss wrote:if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways... if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:42 Mazzi wrote: Whoever thinks tear is bad on kha/jayce is a low level player. Dont mind them It's true, diamond 3 is a joke Diamond 3 is pretty bad. high DIA 1-Challenger are the decent players.
Where are the tearless kha/jayce players in lcs? right nowhere because they know how to build champs .
On May 11 2013 08:46 Mazzi wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:44 101toss wrote:if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways... if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana On May 11 2013 08:42 Mazzi wrote: Whoever thinks tear is bad on kha/jayce is a low level player. Dont mind them It's true, diamond 3 is a joke Diamond 3 is pretty bad. high DIA 1-Challenger are the decent players. which makes me wonder why all the diamond 1 jayce's i play with rush bruta/BT and go TF if they even need mana
also pros don't know how to build, did you see soaz's top nunu build? it made me cringe, yet people think it's good
On May 11 2013 08:44 101toss wrote: if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways...
if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana
Probably why in OGN they're getting Manamune before anything else (even boots sometimes). So you arent just sitting on 700g of mana, but actual combat stats.
On May 11 2013 08:48 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:46 Mazzi wrote:On May 11 2013 08:44 101toss wrote:if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways... if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana On May 11 2013 08:42 Mazzi wrote: Whoever thinks tear is bad on kha/jayce is a low level player. Dont mind them It's true, diamond 3 is a joke Diamond 3 is pretty bad. high DIA 1-Challenger are the decent players. which makes me wonder why all the diamond 1 jayce's i play with rush bruta/BT and go TF if they even need mana also pros don't know how to build, did you see soaz's top nunu build? it made me cringe, yet people think it's good
tell me again how every diamond 1 + player doesn't rush tear. lol
oh yea, and the good pros, koreans, alex ich, xpeke, certainly know better than you how to build.
On May 11 2013 08:49 SgtSquiglz wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 08:44 101toss wrote: if you're mid (where kha is usually played since he gets wrecked by bruisers) you'll get blues anyways...
if you're top, well, expect to get wrecked by a bruiser with your 700g in mana
Probably why in OGN they're getting Manamune before anything else (even boots sometimes). So you arent just sitting on 700g of mana, but actual combat stats. this makes a lot more sense, since you aren't sitting on 700g of nothing for too long
i was complaining about the kha/jayces that buy tear then proceed with bruta/lw/bt then finish the manamune
When you buy a tear on Jayce and Khazix, you gain the ability to just farm from 3 miles away until you buy other items with combat stats. You don't have that ability spamming farming potential without the tear. Especially in pro games, where securing the ability to farm safely is quite important (probably MORE important than trying to kill your lane opponent 1v1, which is a very volatile playstyle that doesn't generate a solid team playstyle) that first item tear is pretty common.
I have been seeing a lot more straight-to-manamune on them as well, so they get real stats out of it, and ALSO stack it faster. Sitting on the tear makes sense for Karthus (AA staff doesnt help you stack in the same way manamune does, and costs a fuckton) but not for Jayce or Kha'zix.
... what. Why would you ever build triforce on Jayce over raw AD/ArPen (and I mean LW not BC, gosh don't build BC on poke/burst champs goddammit)? Triforce has smoother build-up in lane (unless the match-up/game flow lets you save up for BFS) and is situationally stronger, like in short skirmishes, but ranged Q and W alone would be more than enough to justify building AD over a Sheen proc (Icy is an unneeded passive with all the slows/knock-backs/speed-ups Jayce can rely upon).
I mean, I wouldn't resent players building like this, Jayce's broken enough that people not abusing him to the fullest can't be bad, but that's clearly averting one's eyes to the potential his kit hold in a wide variety of situations. Same with Kha'Zix. Yeah, sure, fed enough he can 100-0 people (which I wouldn't mind w/o the following part) but he doesn't even need to: he can just poke them till down to half-health and then make his entrance. Talon, Pantheon (outside of lane), Rengar (same), Riven (same) don't have this luxury, which is what makes him and Zed miles ahead of other assassin champs in the "instakill" realm (tangential strengths such as clearing, tower-pushing, sieging, split-pushing and sustained damage non-withstanding).
i don't think it's fair to compare to ogn and lpl builds with solo queue builds.
there aren't many extended laning sitautions in korea/china leagues, there's lots of roaming and lots of early towers, and what's good in 1v1 situations in lane may not be the best in constant 2v2/3v3 skirmishes.
United States47024 Posts
The real question is why people are lumping Jayce and Kha'zix in the same boat when they're not really the same. Void Spikes' mana cost actually scales way more aggressively than anything Jayce will use repeatedly in lane, which makes Tear way more appealing on Kha'zix than Jayce. This is likewise reflected by Manamune being more common on Kha'zix than Jayce.
they're both good, jayce's incentive is larger on his other spells (many more to use in a single engagement) which kinda balances it out
On May 11 2013 09:20 TheYango wrote: The real question is why people are lumping Jayce and Kha'zix in the same boat when they're not really the same. Void Spikes' mana cost actually scales way more aggressively than anything Jayce will use repeatedly in lane, which makes Tear way more appealing on Kha'zix than Jayce. This is likewise reflected by Manamune being far more common on Kha'zix than Jayce. Considering the sometimes pretty long poking/sieging phases in the midgame as you try to soften the enemy team till they relinquish the objective/are low enough to initiate on, shouldn't we look at the Tear from this perspective in organised play rather than purely laning? To keep spamming QEs like he's a cooldown-based champ, Jayce (for quite ridiculously low is mana costs still are) can't rely solely on his natural mp5 nor his W passive, since it's on the melee form which he won't be able to use freely when you want to shove waves as soon as they pass the defensers' tower.
This sentence could use some commas.