[Patch 3.05.2: April Fools] League of Legends General Disc…
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United States60033 Posts
lol. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
I mean all I said was "buff udyr they said" | ||
United States60033 Posts
On April 04 2013 13:53 Chrispy wrote: Not complaining just saying ;o I mean all I said was "buff udyr they said" Implying that's not a snide comment about udyr being op'd. Just had a good laugh cuz that' pretty much the same sentiment applied to diana. | ||
United States17234 Posts
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5286 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:03 Craton wrote: Don't know why Riot just doesn't nerf the low level portion of red pot instead of gimping the cost for lategame. On April 04 2013 14:08 Navi wrote: i dont know why riot doesn't rebuff boots a little bit. everyone feels they are utterly worthless atm, they add more earlygame aggression to set up ganks for laners and option as a first item as opposed to spirit stone or madreds on a buy for jungler should they opt for ganks Agreed and agreed. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:08 Navi wrote: i dont know why riot doesn't rebuff boots a little bit. everyone feels they are utterly worthless atm, they add more earlygame aggression to set up ganks for laners and option as a first item as opposed to spirit stone or madreds on a buy for jungler should they opt for ganks Udyr looking like a different option; saint's been going machete opening, straight into tier 3 boots + alacrity; should maybe buff machete so people don't feel as obligated to go SS or Madreds. | ||
United States2396 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:03 Craton wrote: Don't know why Riot just doesn't nerf the low level portion of red pot instead of gimping the cost for lategame. Something tells me part of it is that low elo people get baited by the heal and its "anti-fun." They could just make it not heal and just increase max HP | ||
Canada31494 Posts
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United States23745 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:26 WaveofShadow wrote: Jesus Lissandra is so pretty. I've already garnered IP to buy Zac but now I gotta start saving for her too, holy crap. And that new Anivia skin looks to be legendary. Managed to get in a bot game with Lissandra before they started limiting custom games on the PBE, pretty fun from a mechanical stand point. Regardless of E just being Puck's orb, turns out it's a pretty fun skill. I imagine a lot of rage from the skill shots that will be dodged. | ||
United States7572 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
So incredible *_* Now I know who my next champion will be. Noobstomp value is almost higher than Khazix's in my opinion, and she has plenty of room for burst optimization. Assuming surrenderat20 is correct, exactly where is Lissandra's scaling horrible? Looks extremely solid to me. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:33 Shikyo wrote: Never tried Diana before... So I noticed she's free and have been playing her in a few normal games. So incredible *_* Now I know who my next champion will be. Noobstomp value is almost higher than Khazix's in my opinion, and she has plenty of room for burst optimization. wat? Seeing her in pro games wasn't any indications? @_@ | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:35 NeoIllusions wrote: wat? Seeing her in pro games wasn't any indications? @_@ Sure but I've never played her before, just shared my first thoughts... I knew that she was powerful but the amount of noobstomp potential is still amazing. As in when fed get away with 1v5ing-amazing. Like okay, this was a normal game but I was bottom lane with a feeder warwick and so i was like lvl 2 at 4min or so -> I'm lvl 7 when enemy 2-0-3 draven is lvl 8 and I have 2 doran rings and boots and he has a bloodthirster -> I kill him 1v1 losing barely any hp Seems like Lissandra's obviously supposed to played as a QE -> WR(selfcast) initiator. Don't even need Zhonyas ... That's going to be wonderful for solo queue. | ||
China26351 Posts
I also think it's hilarious that Hec is finally being played by Asians/Gambit. For a jungler in 5s, doing full clears when you would normally do a half or buff only clear pays exponential dividends later on. At a highish level arranged game and/or with a comp that has carries who peak at midgame, and/or needs gold. It is generally better to jungle defensively rather than offensively. In a jungler matchup where one jungler is guaranteed more cs at mid game than another, it forces the other team to make early plays so to avoid losing mid game fights. The old excuse for Hecarim was, he needs too much gold to be effective 5s. While it is true he is not as item efficient, he really only needs a little more gold than everyone else. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:33 sob3k wrote: Lissandra scaling looks terrible, is she supposed to be a support? Looks like it to me. She's appropriately scaled for a champ that has 4 nukes. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:33 sob3k wrote: Lissandra scaling looks terrible, is she supposed to be a support? Looks like it to me. Yeah...highest ration it .7 and that's her ult. I expected Q to be a lot higher. Not sure if her base damages are high enough to justify purchasing MagicPen. But it's clear she has a lot of utility so I guess they want to keep her damage in check. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On April 04 2013 14:40 onlywonderboy wrote: Yeah...highest ration it .7 and that's her ult. I expected Q to be a lot higher. Not sure if her base damages are high enough to justify purchasing MagicPen. But it's clear she has a lot of utility so I guess they want to keep her damage in check. Again if the site's correct, how is .65, .6, .6, .7 bad scaling? I can't think of too many champions with better total AP scaling... Especially when you consider her Q is same cooldown as Vladimir's and also when you consider her initiating capabilities. Another very important thing to consider is that she has no DoT at all, which means that she's all frontloaded brust -> far scarier than Malzahar for example(who otherwise has higher damage). About mpen, Llandry's seems wonderful. Q spam + Llandry = tons of damage, especially if Q projectile speed is decent and if it has a good range. | ||
United States7414 Posts
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