[Patch 3.02: Fake Quinn] General Discussion - Page 162
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1656 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On February 28 2013 16:22 GettingIt wrote: I'm curious why teams just let the lane swap happen. Would it be too hard to just keep swapping non-stop? The other team has to do the same anyway and if they dont, you get your way. The amount of lost gold/XP from swapping cross-map at level 1 is enough for the enemy to solidify an advantage, even if the "normal" lane arrangement would otherwise be disadvantaged for them. If you run into a lane swap, and counter-swap immediately, your duo comes to lane level 1 when theirs is level 2 (and likewise with your top solo). Even if the lane is normally advantageous for you, it's rarely so advantaged that it outweighs a full level advantage. So lane swaps get preserved because the cost of counter-swapping after creeps have already met is higher than the loss from preserving the swapped lanes. You'd rather let both sides freefarm thier AD carries and have a more underfarmed top laner than to swap back and lose both lanes because of the level advantage. | ||
United States3529 Posts
This is why purple side and blue side tend to shove the turret ASAP. It gives purple side an advantageous time to back while leaving their top laner with an easier lane. Similarly blue wants to give purple side as much of a disadvantage when they come to lane. This of course beyond the global gold/xp advantage that turrets bring. Edit: Jesus Christ autocorrect what the fuck were you thinking | ||
Germany1961 Posts
On February 28 2013 15:22 LeeDawg wrote: so i'm just now starting to venture into the forays of mid lane. I've found I suck with mages, but can get by with assassins. I've got akali and kat, but neither have really clicked with me yet... I'm trying to decide who my next buy should be: diana, kha'zix, or someone else... thoughts? I just picked up Diana. So much fun dude! | ||
United States10796 Posts
On February 28 2013 16:58 Argoth. wrote: I just picked up Diana. So much fun dude! Lich Bane ftw. That + Nashor's = dead towers everywhere. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States3529 Posts
On February 28 2013 17:05 Sufficiency wrote: Nashor's is OK imo. Lich Bane? Not so much. Lich bane is very powerful on anyone who uses AP. The only real issue it has is whether or not it is better than dfg or deathcap. I mean its another .75 ap scaling ability. It only costs 3000 gold now and does magic damage so you don't have to worry about the old split resistance issue. The only weakness(besides its potential comparison to rabadons and dfg) it has is the usefulness of the sheen proc before its finished | ||
United States10796 Posts
On February 28 2013 17:54 Goumindong wrote: Lich bane is very powerful on anyone who uses AP. The only real issue it has is whether or not it is better than dfg or deathcap. I mean its another .75 ap scaling ability. It only costs 3000 gold now and does magic damage so you don't have to worry about the old split resistance issue. The only weakness(besides its potential comparison to rabadons and dfg) it has is the usefulness of the sheen proc before its finished It's a personal thing, but I have had good exp with Lich Bane. The most important part in my opinion is it stacks with her passive. 700+ damage autos from an AP carry is fun. Also makes you a beast on objectives. Also with her Q>R, moonlight lasts long enough to Q, get the proc, wait for the c/d and then ult and get another proc before moonlight expires. After that your Q will be off cooldown before the next proc. You can get infinite procs back to back to back on things liek drag and baron. It's a personal thing of mine, but Diana has always bee my favorite and I have like a 60% win rate with her (yes, low elo). | ||
Australia2725 Posts
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Dan HH
Romania9023 Posts
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Germany1850 Posts
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Canada2742 Posts
On February 28 2013 20:26 Broetchenholer wrote: After playing a lot of MF lately, can anyone with good authority on her tell me whether i should use double up in duels after i got my phantom dancer? The damage should be around a normal hit, potentially a little higher. However, the animation is slower, it feels like i could do 2 autos with w up while one Q is cast. Ideas? use it inbetween shots since it's an attack reset. when w is down. if you can, go shot-q-w-autos | ||
United States2569 Posts
Is there any counter? I'm like 50-0 as kat | ||
Australia969 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
All the ap champs who spam autoattack + abilities on their opponents should consider this as a must buy if they want damage. Even on champs like akali who have good ap ratios you can't buy anything that deals more damage than sheen. | ||
Ota Solgryn
Denmark2011 Posts
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Germany2182 Posts
On February 28 2013 21:48 Ota Solgryn wrote: clgaming.net been hacked? I get this weird page when I visit it. Maybe the have been hacked or somebody fucked up the servers from their side. Nginx is a http server software. So the strange site is probably a welcome page that you get if there is no actual content on the server. | ||
United States5635 Posts
On February 28 2013 17:54 Goumindong wrote: Lich bane is very powerful on anyone who uses AP. The only real issue it has is whether or not it is better than dfg or deathcap. I mean its another .75 ap scaling ability. It only costs 3000 gold now and does magic damage so you don't have to worry about the old split resistance issue. The only weakness(besides its potential comparison to rabadons and dfg) it has is the usefulness of the sheen proc before its finished New lich bane now is actually weaker overall than old lich bane before you finish void staff except when it's you're first AP item or if your opponent is pretty loaded on armor instead of mres, if I recall my result correctly stacking flat pen doesn't make up the difference for new lich bane by itself. The change helped lich bane's late game a lot but the change to magic damage and the reduction in price weren't entirely free of cost to the item's power. edit: LOCO FIGHTING http://solomid.net/livestream.php?s=5194 (najin shield vs iG) It's over now, and sad. =( | ||
France822 Posts
![]() ( I'm too much of a pussy to ask in liquidparty ) If you want to my ID is AFKBro on EUW If i'm not allowed to post this here then i'll erase this message ![]() | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On February 28 2013 22:49 GregMandel wrote: I'm gonna ask here if there's anyone up for some duo ranked with me, I'm doing my placement matches ![]() ( I'm too much of a pussy to ask in liquidparty ) If you want to my ID is AFKBro on EUW If i'm not allowed to post this here then i'll erase this message ![]() I would ask in liquidparty. The worst thing that can happen is that nobody answers. Although 90% of the stuff that is posted is only partially game related (and some not at all), people will usually do a lot to help if you have some specific questions. At least in my experience. | ||
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