[Patch 3.02: Fake Quinn] General Discussion - Page 133
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Australia969 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On February 25 2013 19:51 Bwaaaa wrote: Is cassio still a top tier AP worth learning? A good cassio scary as all hell, imo. But right now she hard to play really well because of all the assassins being picked, hard for her to stay and do the big damage she needs to because she is a sustained damage champion and not really as much of a burst caster; needs to be continuously fanging every second to deal maximum damage, but much harder for her to stay in the fight and just DPS when the Zeds/Talons/Leblancs can eat her alive pretty quickly. A different element than most APs because most of them have longer cooldowns and getting a full round of spells off more beneficial to team. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
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Russian Federation798 Posts
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United Kingdom1014 Posts
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14536 Posts
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Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On February 25 2013 19:39 UniversalSnip wrote: so mechanically, lux passive, some kind of skillshot, lux E, buster shot, and sej R as ult? Not inviting comparison in terms of quality, I'm just trying to see if I get how these work since the wording isn't totally clear to me. whyz that I will try to reword it. Passive: After landing an ability, ALL autoattacks for the next few seconds do additional magic damage. Q: Skillshot that I'd either like kennen shruiken OR a Galio E. I was thinking about giving this spell either spell vamp OR mana return as well. W: AOE slow, but it isn't instant so the opposing champion can dodge. Similar to a Brand W I think. Edit: Actually. More similar to the syndra slow. Cat jumps off champion and slams into ground cause AOE slow. E: Straight line skill shot, but the closer to the whip's tail, the more knockback and damage is inflicted. R: Whip shoots out at maybe a Malphite-esque ult speed and snares/stuns/suppresses an area and does damage. | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On February 25 2013 21:36 JonGalt wrote: I will try to reword it. Passive: After landing an ability, ALL autoattacks for the next few seconds do additional magic damage. Q: Skillshot that I'd either like kennen shruiken OR a Galio E. I was thinking about giving this spell either spell vamp OR mana return as well. W: AOE slow, but it isn't instant so the opposing champion can dodge. Similar to a Brand W I think. Edit: Actually. More similar to the syndra slow. Cat jumps off champion and slams into ground cause AOE slow. E: Straight line skill shot, but the closer to the whip's tail, the more knockback and damage is inflicted. R: Whip shoots out at maybe a Malphite-esque ult speed and snares/stuns/suppresses an area and does damage. This all sounds very utility heavy and you're basically able to slow/stun/knockback a target to infinity. Three of the four abilities are some sort of crowd control. Ratios would probably have to be adjusted to that. In principal it sounds like a modified version of Oriana to me, so it would probably have to be balanced around the same point in terms of damage. Sustained caster instead of burst. Oriana's passive lets her deal more damage by building AP. Q is a straight damage nuke. W is an area slow. R is an area crowd control ability that deals damage. The e is significant different of course as Oriana has a shield and your hero has a knockback. I like the idea of the animal tamer, but maybe there could be some more interesting interactions with the animals themselves. Right now they are basically just visual "fluff". | ||
Germany639 Posts
new PL hate thread \o/ | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On another note, it looks more and more as if this wasnt actually the quinn patch and neo got baited :D | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
I think the damage of the abilities would have to be lower because of all the utility brought. I thought lower damage and ratios, but building with a nashor's to utilize the passive could still make the champion stronger. I also thought the champion could be an AP jungler, maybe an AP harass/poke support, or a mid laner. And wow. I have never played Orianna before and I didn't really know too much about her, but I basically just built her huh? | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On February 25 2013 22:23 JonGalt wrote: Yah that's pretty true. I had intended them to play more of a part. I really wanted to use the animals to make it a high skill cap champion but I had trouble working out how that would work. Controlling them like a morde ghost/tibbers? That could be cool. You use Q and W to move them around, and they can only go a certain distance away from you. Q can do damage, while W does damage and slows every time they attack - but you have to control them with Q and W, otherwise they just attack the closest enemy (champion or otherwise). I think the damage of the abilities would have to be lower because of all the utility brought. I thought lower damage and ratios, but building with a nashor's to utilize the passive could still make the champion stronger. I also thought the champion could be an AP jungler, maybe an AP harass/poke support, or a mid laner. And wow. I have never played Orianna before and I didn't really know too much about her, but I basically just built her huh? I think your champion is significantly different from Ori. I rather used her as an example for a utility heavy AP caster, to get some sort of baseline on your idea. Ori's ball is more or less a pet. I also brought her up so that you could differentiate more from her. You could thing about leaving the pets for a while at the place where you casted and have them interact with the next spell. Like if you hit a slow and cast a q on top of it, the second cat does extra damage or something like that. This would be similar to Syndra and her balls, who gets more powerful if she is allowed to cast several abilities and is then able to combo them. Or maybe leave the pets for a while where you casted them like traps. If someone approaches them after the inital cast, they still deal damage/slow. Another idea would be a further interaction with the whip. Cast e to trigger them and if they hit something you can trigger them again and again... Don't know but I would probably look through the existing champions and think about mechanics that are not there yet. | ||
Germany1961 Posts
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United States3726 Posts
On February 25 2013 21:36 JonGalt wrote: I will try to reword it. Passive: After landing an ability, ALL autoattacks for the next few seconds do additional magic damage. Q: Skillshot that I'd either like kennen shruiken OR a Galio E. I was thinking about giving this spell either spell vamp OR mana return as well. W: AOE slow, but it isn't instant so the opposing champion can dodge. Similar to a Brand W I think. Edit: Actually. More similar to the syndra slow. Cat jumps off champion and slams into ground cause AOE slow. E: Straight line skill shot, but the closer to the whip's tail, the more knockback and damage is inflicted. R: Whip shoots out at maybe a Malphite-esque ult speed and snares/stuns/suppresses an area and does damage. I don't see the need for this character. Other than the liontamer art angle, there's nothing new or exciting about this character- no new resource, no new mechanics, just a CC-heavy caster with some aoes and skillshots. The game doesn't need "more of the same" which this essentially is. Additionally, that passive is just weird. Synergizing AP with AA has always been clunky- remember when they nerfed Orianna's attack range so that people wouldn't go AS Ori? The game is moving towards more micro-intensive and team-oriented characters. If you're going to design a new character, keep these aspects in mind. Your character is just a compilation of mechanics we've already seen- aoe stun, knockback, aoe snare. Additionally, how are you working the pet tamer aspect into the character at all? From what I can tell, only in art. There's no synergy with pet, no feeling of teamwork. I haven't played Quinn yet, but Orianna is a good example of a pet class. You literally give commands to your pet, and it functions independently from you at times. Your character could just as easily be a lasercannon-weilding robot as a lion tamer. | ||
France8650 Posts
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Pootie too good!4331 Posts
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United States3726 Posts
Passive: After landing an ability, ALL autoattacks for the next few seconds do additional magic damage. Q: Skillshot that I'd either like kennen shruiken OR a Galio E. I was thinking about giving this spell either spell vamp OR mana return as well. W: AOE slow, but it isn't instant so the opposing champion can dodge. Similar to a Brand W I think. Edit: Actually. More similar to the syndra slow. Cat jumps off champion and slams into ground cause AOE slow. E: Straight line skill shot, but the closer to the whip's tail, the more knockback and damage is inflicted. R: Whip shoots out at maybe a Malphite-esque ult speed and snares/stuns/suppresses an area and does damage. I don't see the need for this character. Other than the liontamer art angle, there's nothing new or exciting about this character- no new resource, no new mechanics, just a CC-heavy caster with some aoes and skillshots. The game doesn't need "more of the same" which this essentially is. Additionally, that passive is just weird. Synergizing AP with AA has always been clunky- remember when they nerfed Orianna's attack range so that people wouldn't go AS Ori? The game is moving towards more micro-intensive and team-oriented characters. If you're going to design a new character, keep these aspects in mind. Your character is just a compilation of mechanics we've already seen- aoe stun, knockback, aoe snare. The champ doesn't address any current trends (many assassins, unkillable bruisers, too much HP), or add any new features. Additionally, how are you working the pet tamer aspect into the character at all? From what I can tell, only in art. There's no synergy with pet, no feeling of teamwork. I haven't played Quinn yet, but Orianna is a good example of a pet class. You literally give commands to your pet, and it functions independently from you at times. Your character could just as easily be a lasercannon-weilding robot as a lion tamer. | ||
England706 Posts
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14536 Posts
i thought EG and GG were great friends :D | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 25 2013 23:51 ArchAngelSC wrote: sorry guys random question... does QSS/cleanse work on wither? Yes, both the slow and AS slow | ||
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