[Patch 3.01: Season 3] General Discussion - Page 76
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United States907 Posts
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Netherlands13241 Posts
On February 04 2013 23:52 YouGotNothin wrote: So if Nasus is OP now because of the jungle buff and the crit change, does that mean jungle Sion got a decent buff too as he at least benefited from the jungle change also? Sion still bad because he doesn't scale well with AD or AP. Burst mage Sion full AP relies on your shield not being bursted down, AD Sion is too easily CC'd and doesn't do much early/mid game. He needs at least some reworking of his spells. Either his ult if they want to make him an AP carry, or his Q+W if they want to make him a viable bruisy jungler/laner. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 04 2013 23:52 YouGotNothin wrote: So if Nasus is OP now because of the jungle buff and the crit change, does that mean jungle Sion got a decent buff too as he at least benefited from the jungle change also? Getting health from his E has never been his problem as a champion. It's nice, and makes him a bit tankier, but not quite the same as Nasus. I'd be interested to see if the Nasus Q crit is a bug, or if they're going to leave it for a while. I personally don't see it being overly strong, as a Nasus stacking crit is a Nasus who's going to explode, but it makes him a bit scarier than he is right now. Not to say late game Nasus isn't a force to be reckoned with, but perhaps it'll bring him a bit more into the spotlight, and then if and when they remove it he can stay "viable". | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
Every time this for the good of esports bullshit comes up it just makes me lol. Next time I hear someone talk about how they dislike broccoli,I'm going to chain them down to a chair and hold a 4 hour seminar on why broccoli is good for them and why they should eat it,that will totally change their opinion. | ||
United States15977 Posts
On February 04 2013 21:23 OutlaW- wrote: I hope y'all not sleeping or other shit. Many of you have probably seen this before or got surprised by it, and I've done it myself quite a few times, but I wanted to try and perfect it today, so I figured might as well upload it and show you guys on TL. The ward gets in the bush, so unless the bush itself (or the top tribush area) is warded, it's invisible. Takes some practice but you will get it right. I have a video of doing it top lane as well. Also I'd ask not to share it around too much because I don't want it to go viral to the point where everybody knows and expects it (or worst case scenario more lee nerfs) *puffs up with importance b/c support = warding expert* there's a lot of cool little things you can do with wards like that to reach places farther than you should (for example, you can ward that same bush from lane as purple, or even drop a ward in the bush by blue from behind the little alcove). its the same thing as clicking at a certain point on thick terrain to flash/blink through it even if your range is less than the thickness of the wall. | ||
United States5635 Posts
On February 04 2013 23:58 Requizen wrote: Getting health from his E has never been his problem as a champion. It's nice, and makes him a bit tankier, but not quite the same as Nasus. I'd be interested to see if the Nasus Q crit is a bug, or if they're going to leave it for a while. I personally don't see it being overly strong, as a Nasus stacking crit is a Nasus who's going to explode, but it makes him a bit scarier than he is right now. Not to say late game Nasus isn't a force to be reckoned with, but perhaps it'll bring him a bit more into the spotlight, and then if and when they remove it he can stay "viable". It's a bug Riot's going to fix. (a) It's a major departure from usual on next attack bonus hit effects (parley being the only exception), (b) it's obviously not on purpose as it wasn't part of the patch notes and is a huge change, and (c) you just can't balance the ability to one-shot something in melee range every 2.4-4 seconds even *if* nasus is squishy as a result. I know that Nasus needs some love but does anyone honestly think that Nasus one shotting your carry with a single Q is really that much better than Rengar doing it just because he doesn't have stealth (not to mention he can do it to your tank if he has farm and damage instead of tankiness)? The damage that Q critting allows you to do is completely ridiculous. With farm soloing baron is child's play even with zero defensive items. Your passive means you heal a billion health every time your Q hits so that if they can't burst you down they're screwed. Critting for 4 to 7k damage in one hit just SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. Even if by some twist of fate they don't nerf this because of solo queue they *will* nerf it because in arranged 5s it'll be release-xin and release-leblanc levels of stupid with the proper team. There's my rant.. This isn't riot's plan, they'll fix Nasus some other much more mundane way that will overall be better even if it's less fun in the short term. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On February 04 2013 17:23 WhiteDog wrote: This is an interesting theory. And where is the ennemy ? In Olaf's strongarms brothers ? Or in Twisted Fate's Outdated wardrobe ? I know I'm pages behind, but TF's outdated wardrobe as a division name made me burst out laughing. I love how deliciously retarded these names are...almost makes the ones people come up with seem likely. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
In a completely unrelated post, I just thought of a random funny idea: an awkward talk show with LoL pros (who are super awkward already so it would be great) entitled 'Between Two Turrets.' | ||
United States9316 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:41 AsnSensation wrote: oh god what is this matchmaking, just played against someone from Bronze I who was lastpick in the enemy team ( I'm plat I) Duo queue? | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:30 phyvo wrote: It's a bug Riot's going to fix. (a) It's a major departure from usual on next attack bonus hit effects (parley being the only exception), (b) it's obviously not on purpose as it wasn't part of the patch notes and is a huge change, and (c) you just can't balance the ability to one-shot something in melee range every 2.4-4 seconds even *if* nasus is squishy as a result. I know that Nasus needs some love but does anyone honestly think that Nasus one shotting your carry with a single Q is really that much better than Rengar doing it just because he doesn't have stealth (not to mention he can do it to your tank if he has farm and damage instead of tankiness)? The damage that Q critting allows you to do is completely ridiculous. With farm soloing baron is child's play even with zero defensive items. Your passive means you heal a billion health every time your Q hits so that if they can't burst you down they're screwed. Critting for 4 to 7k damage in one hit just SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. Even if by some twist of fate they don't nerf this because of solo queue they *will* nerf it because in arranged 5s it'll be release-xin and release-leblanc levels of stupid with the proper team. There's my rant.. This isn't riot's plan, they'll fix Nasus some other much more mundane way that will overall be better even if it's less fun in the short term. To address point (c), I'd argue that it is balanced to make his Q a nuke as long as he's squishy. As BP said, he still doesn't have a gap closer outside of Wither, and with the amount of CC in the game right now to keep him at bay (not to mention the prevalence of Cleanse as an ADC Summoner Spell), even that isn't as reliable as an initiate. And if you're not building him tanky and rather focusing on Crit to take advantage of the bug, one stun = dead Nasus. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:46 BlackPaladin wrote: Nasus doesn't have the ability to jump AT youe carry from like 10k range. You can still kite him to oblivion. A farmed q nasus is basically "can i actually GET to my enemy to 1 shot him or do I get kited and die." with or without crit, this is what playing nasus is like. Like the only way not to do that is to gank them from behind but what good team would not have wards and see that lol. This. Kiting ADCs are his bane, as is a team that can peel. Of course, he can and should just hit some front liners cause of high damage. | ||
United States15977 Posts
nasus is a pretty poor initiator as is, so maybe try to let someone else do that kind of stuff. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On February 04 2013 23:57 Doctorbeat wrote: Sion still bad because he doesn't scale well with AD or AP. Burst mage Sion full AP relies on your shield not being bursted down, AD Sion is too easily CC'd and doesn't do much early/mid game. He needs at least some reworking of his spells. Either his ult if they want to make him an AP carry, or his Q+W if they want to make him a viable bruisy jungler/laner. Sions in a way worse place than Nasus imo. Once you get some health his combo isnt gonna be doing anything but farming, and unless youre 6 item he isnt gonn abe doing anything as AD either | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:57 ticklishmusic wrote: you could also play nasus as a pretty effective peeler for your AD i think. wither the assassin going for him, drop a wither and spirit fire and you and your AD will destroy him (armorshred op). it feels a little wasteful maybe, but i think its another possible role he can fit. nasus is a pretty poor initiator as is, so maybe try to let someone else do that kind of stuff. Support Nasus was a TROLLS test, where you basically bodyguard your AD or use W to focus an enemy. I don't think it turned out that great. | ||
Germany11313 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:52 Requizen wrote: To address point (c), I'd argue that it is balanced to make his Q a nuke as long as he's squishy. As BP said, he still doesn't have a gap closer outside of Wither, and with the amount of CC in the game right now to keep him at bay (not to mention the prevalence of Cleanse as an ADC Summoner Spell), even that isn't as reliable as an initiate. And if you're not building him tanky and rather focusing on Crit to take advantage of the bug, one stun = dead Nasus. I don't really see an advantage in building him totally squishy even if his q can crit. What one could think about is getting an IE as 3-4th item, and maybe taking a few crit/critdmg runes depending on how +critdmg interacts with his q. Though that still does not solve any of his problems, like that he gets relevant pretty late in the game and can still be kited. I guess he could work as sort of a counterinitiation by killing anything that gets close to his team. Like, if you gameplan involves stalling for a period of time that allows nasus to get farmed enough, and then just protect your carries with him? | ||
United States2968 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On February 04 2013 23:58 Requizen wrote: Getting health from his E has never been his problem as a champion. It's nice, and makes him a bit tankier, but not quite the same as Nasus. I'd be interested to see if the Nasus Q crit is a bug, or if they're going to leave it for a while. I personally don't see it being overly strong, as a Nasus stacking crit is a Nasus who's going to explode, but it makes him a bit scarier than he is right now. Not to say late game Nasus isn't a force to be reckoned with, but perhaps it'll bring him a bit more into the spotlight, and then if and when they remove it he can stay "viable". Nasus won't necessarily explode. TF + Atma's + Crit Quints/Marks places him at 39% Crit while having three slots for defensive items. There's also no rule stating he needs to finish TF and Atma's first, he could easily sit on Avarice and/or Zeal while building Aegis/Locket/Glacial/SV/whatever. Alternatively SotD guarantees a crit Q->Auto(->Wait)->Q combo, leaving you with room for four defensive items. Basically, there's nothing that says Nasus will have to build IE + PD + LW for this to be scary (although that case would certainly be terrifying). I would be shocked if Riot didn't fix this pronto. Nasus' key problem has not been his late game so much as getting there, and this makes his late game nearly twice as ridiculous. Gangplank was once known for being an unfun, abusive top lanes due to Parrrley crits, and Parrley never had the potential to triple or quadruple its bonus damage. Even though Nasus hasn't been viable for a while, this buff is a little too ridiculous. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On February 05 2013 00:55 sylverfyre wrote: This. Kiting ADCs are his bane, as is a team that can peel. Of course, he can and should just hit some front liners cause of high damage. I could still see it being annoying to play against, Nasus potentially has 4 other teammates to help make up for his lack of hard CC. If an Amumu ults the team and Nasus walks up to the ADC and one shots him with a Q Crit I could see it being frustrating, not much room for counter-play. Yeah yeah I realize you shouldn't get caught in Amumu ult in the first place but everyone knows that's not always possible. I still think they are going to revert it regardless, I don't think there's precedent for a new bug being introduced and Riot keeping it in as a buff. On February 05 2013 01:05 Cloud9157 wrote: Ugh, finding out Nasus q crits is so lame. I wanted to jungle him so badly after the change to his q. I'll just wait till they change the "bug" or redo the crit aspect of it, or whatever happened. Ha why not? Might as well abuse it, he's stronger than before. | ||
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