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On February 01 2013 02:25 TheKefka wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 01:51 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 01 2013 01:44 arb wrote:On February 01 2013 01:42 NeoIllusions wrote:On January 31 2013 23:14 TheKefka wrote:On January 31 2013 20:05 OutlaW- wrote:Guys, what was the first skin that you've ever bought? Do you still use it? Does it hold a special place in your heart? <3 Mine was + Show Spoiler + Feral warwick,best ww skin imo ? Let's make a wolf skin for a werewolf champion??? lolol  Its no Urfwick. Still only seen that skin in game 1 time even though ive been playing since pre season 1 :c Urfwick is mah default skin for him. :3 Best buy evarrrr, 15 RP. lolol urfwick is cool but I prefer my feral,I know it's nothing special but it just grew on me. Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 02:09 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 01 2013 01:57 xes wrote:On February 01 2013 01:44 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 01 2013 01:21 xes wrote: I've been doing a lot of arranged play and one thing that's gotten way better is my ability to process information. I'm no longer panic spamming abilities in teamfights or when getting ganked etc. I have a much better sense of where players are on the map and what abilities they've used/have left/what potential they have.
However while I can win with my ranked team now, my SoloQ feels like its consistently getting worse. Is this because I'm too used to relying on my teammates? What assumptions should I constantly be checking for so I don't make good decisions that are in fact the incorrect choice. Its really frustrating seeing the teamfight play out and just watching my teammates misposition or screw up. What role do you play? When during the game do you feel that you're fucking up the most? 1400 ranked team, 1200 elo soloq. Main jungle. Most of the problems I have are in early game and then the transition into midgame teamfights. People die randomly for no reason and I'm not sure where I should be putting my time in either in camping their lane or snowballing another lane or just farming up and waiting for midgame. In the transition period when teams are just starting to haphazardly group I feel like I can never leave my team because waves of farm build up on the sidelanes and no one farms it but if I go over to farm it they just die :S If we do manage to group up then I feel like I have a really strong impact since I can usually confidently initiate when we're in good positions, but up to that point I'm not sure I'm having the right impact on the game. I also play mostly initiating/supportish junglers like Hecarim rather than dueling beasts like Lee. Not words to live by but mokuza made a list of certain things to ponder as a Jungler, especially in solo q. http://en.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/15rkr2/najin_mokuzas_jungle_10_commandmentstranslated/Because you play supporting Junglers, you really have to make your ganks count. Don't waste too much time camping a lane if it doesn't net you a guarantee kill. Pressuring a lane is nice but not at the cost of your own development. On February 01 2013 02:01 nosliw wrote: I've been seeing some do red elixir start + ward + pot. What are your thoughts on this? You have to be very mechanically sound to make use of Red Elixir start. I've seen it a few times on Zed solo lanes for example. It's a major investment since the Elixir is on a timer. You are expected to bully the lane, hard, and end up somewhere like 10-20 ahead in CS. If you get a kill, it's pretty much worth the Elixir opening. If you don't get a kill and only get 0-10 CS advantage, this is not the opening for you. Jarvan red pot start is for real men. lol, I wasn't knocking on you liking Feral. Just saying the idea of the skin is pretty silly. Riot creative team real derp that day when thinking of new skins imoimo.
On February 01 2013 01:57 xes wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 01:44 NeoIllusions wrote:On February 01 2013 01:21 xes wrote: I've been doing a lot of arranged play and one thing that's gotten way better is my ability to process information. I'm no longer panic spamming abilities in teamfights or when getting ganked etc. I have a much better sense of where players are on the map and what abilities they've used/have left/what potential they have.
However while I can win with my ranked team now, my SoloQ feels like its consistently getting worse. Is this because I'm too used to relying on my teammates? What assumptions should I constantly be checking for so I don't make good decisions that are in fact the incorrect choice. Its really frustrating seeing the teamfight play out and just watching my teammates misposition or screw up. What role do you play? When during the game do you feel that you're fucking up the most? 1400 ranked team, 1200 elo soloq. Main jungle. Most of the problems I have are in early game and then the transition into midgame teamfights. People die randomly for no reason and I'm not sure where I should be putting my time in either in camping their lane or snowballing another lane or just farming up and waiting for midgame. In the transition period when teams are just starting to haphazardly group I feel like I can never leave my team because waves of farm build up on the sidelanes and no one farms it but if I go over to farm it they just die :S If we do manage to group up then I feel like I have a really strong impact since I can usually confidently initiate when we're in good positions, but up to that point I'm not sure I'm having the right impact on the game. I also play mostly initiating/supportish junglers like Hecarim rather than dueling beasts like Lee. Until you get to the point where you have competent teammates, don't play support junglers.
So basically until you're like 1600 you should be playing all Lee/Noc/Vi and Amumu types if your goal is to gain Elo. I always forget this and that's why my Cho winrate is so low right now.
On February 01 2013 01:30 SwizzY wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 01:13 Ketara wrote:On February 01 2013 00:58 jadoth wrote:On February 01 2013 00:53 Seuss wrote:On January 31 2013 22:17 LaNague wrote:On January 31 2013 21:34 Simberto wrote: So, since Thresh is cheaper now and i am a support player, i got him. I see a lot of enemy threshs max the lantern, but they also usually are pretty bad and just throw it at us for no reason, so i don't think they even realize it does no damage. From looking at the numbers, i am not sure what to max myself. The lantern seems underwhelming, a 40 scaling on a shield on such a long cd, that will often be used not for the shield but for utility does not really sound good.
On the other had, both of the other abilities don't have too good scaling, either. Q passive Only scales the AD part, which is interesting in harass situations, but does not really do anything in fights. Q active gets a pretty good cd reduction, but not really a lot of damage either. E does not scale that good either, with a 5% slow per level and 40 damage. So i assume i would max Q>E>W, but i am not really sure about this. What do other people do?
Hm, but maybe the shield is not good in lane, but it should be pretty good in teamfights where it applies to more people. So maybe Q>W>E? i usually max the shield so my ad can trade better. and yeah, i dont whats up with some people, but they throw the lantern at me as enemies for no reason. They throw the lantern because it allows them to collect souls without exposing themselves to danger. What is up with lux. People throw the shield like it does damage. I have had people run up to me toss their baton in my face and run away. Lux shield should totally apply her passive if it hits an enemy  Probably them just mashing their faces into qew. I guess it could POSSIBLY be used for some mindgames to make people think that Q is coming, bait them into a direction, then Q>Lazer. Kind of a stretch but it's possible at high level I suppoe. I see that with pretty much every lux I play against and 'high level plays' is never the case.
I throw out the shield against twitchy Fizzes. They polevault every particle effect that comes their way. From there it's an easy Q.
On February 01 2013 02:48 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 01:30 SwizzY wrote:On February 01 2013 01:13 Ketara wrote:On February 01 2013 00:58 jadoth wrote:On February 01 2013 00:53 Seuss wrote:On January 31 2013 22:17 LaNague wrote:On January 31 2013 21:34 Simberto wrote: So, since Thresh is cheaper now and i am a support player, i got him. I see a lot of enemy threshs max the lantern, but they also usually are pretty bad and just throw it at us for no reason, so i don't think they even realize it does no damage. From looking at the numbers, i am not sure what to max myself. The lantern seems underwhelming, a 40 scaling on a shield on such a long cd, that will often be used not for the shield but for utility does not really sound good.
On the other had, both of the other abilities don't have too good scaling, either. Q passive Only scales the AD part, which is interesting in harass situations, but does not really do anything in fights. Q active gets a pretty good cd reduction, but not really a lot of damage either. E does not scale that good either, with a 5% slow per level and 40 damage. So i assume i would max Q>E>W, but i am not really sure about this. What do other people do?
Hm, but maybe the shield is not good in lane, but it should be pretty good in teamfights where it applies to more people. So maybe Q>W>E? i usually max the shield so my ad can trade better. and yeah, i dont whats up with some people, but they throw the lantern at me as enemies for no reason. They throw the lantern because it allows them to collect souls without exposing themselves to danger. What is up with lux. People throw the shield like it does damage. I have had people run up to me toss their baton in my face and run away. Lux shield should totally apply her passive if it hits an enemy  Probably them just mashing their faces into qew. I guess it could POSSIBLY be used for some mindgames to make people think that Q is coming, bait them into a direction, then Q>Lazer. Kind of a stretch but it's possible at high level I suppoe. I see that with pretty much every lux I play against and 'high level plays' is never the case. I throw out the shield against twitchy Fizzes. They polevault every particle effect that comes their way. From there it's an easy Q.
Also, if all you care about is the shield for you, it does not matter in which direction you throw it, and your mouse is probably close to where the enemy is.
if you wanna play junglers who can solo a team then hecarim is one of the best, he's definitely not a support jungler as he requires a lot of farm to be effective. Amumu is vulnerable to strong counterjunglers, and relies on your team to have good team fighting and to win through that. Vi is one of the strongest solo queue junglers
"Hitting" enemies with Lux shield is all about the mental advantage. You hit a skillshot, they feel bad for getting hit even if it doesn't do shit.
Seriously, it's probably what Simberto wrote.
coming back to league for a few weeks or so for a charity event at my college
playing strictly support so is thresh the 100% go to support now?
i used to play zyra/lux/janna/sona/taric/blitz/ali. any more i should learn?
Hi guise, just bought Vi with my IP stack. Now I'd like to know just the basics. IE runes/masteries (I assume flat 15AD runes serve? And masteries I'd prolly 9/21/0, is that ok?) and items (for jungle machete > Razors > BT/BC > Warmog > LW, for lane wards+pots or rejuv/red pot+ward+pots into BT and/or BC + LW + Giant's belt items).
I don't know if XJ9 has a guide up somewhere for her, if he does pls link :3
On February 01 2013 03:13 Conversion wrote: coming back to league for a few weeks or so for a charity event at my college
playing strictly support so is thresh the 100% go to support now?
i used to play zyra/lux/janna/sona/taric/blitz/ali. any more i should learn? Jarvan. Hes got some wicked kill lane comps with draven graves and cait basicaly people who do a ton of physical damage and have some sort of cc.
On February 01 2013 03:13 Conversion wrote: coming back to league for a few weeks or so for a charity event at my college
playing strictly support so is thresh the 100% go to support now?
i used to play zyra/lux/janna/sona/taric/blitz/ali. any more i should learn?
Elise and Leblanc have both been used in competitive play as support.
On February 01 2013 03:19 Doctorbeat wrote: Hi guise, just bought Vi with my IP stack. Now I'd like to know just the basics. IE runes/masteries (I assume flat 15AD runes serve? And masteries I'd prolly 9/21/0, is that ok?) and items (for jungle machete > Razors > BT/BC > Warmog > LW, for lane wards+pots or rejuv/red pot+ward+pots into BT and/or BC + LW + Giant's belt items).
I don't know if XJ9 has a guide up somewhere for her, if he does pls link :3
http://www.lolking.net/guides/81095 He gets Brutalizer > Spirit of the elder Lizard > Warmog/BC > Whatever Machete 5 pots I think she's much better in the jungle than lane, though
On February 01 2013 03:13 Conversion wrote: coming back to league for a few weeks or so for a charity event at my college
playing strictly support so is thresh the 100% go to support now?
i used to play zyra/lux/janna/sona/taric/blitz/ali. any more i should learn?
I am pretty sure that Thresh is OP at the moment, and will be nerfed. So you should play him if possible. Zyra is a very good general-purpose support who has pretty absurd counterinitiation. I would suggest getting Lulu, too, because she is cool. Leona very good, too. Those are basically the support i play at the moment most of the time. Sona i good depending on situation, but very, very squishy.
Pretty good list. I think my #1 pet peeve when either a top laner or the jungler doesn't understand when it is inappropriate to gank. Top laners who get themselves in a massive hole by pushing all day, not warding, and then crying for help all day long are pretty normal at low elo. But there's also a lot of junglers who seem to think they have to hold your hand if you're even a little behind.
For example, I'm Garen and I have a jungle Nunu to go against Elise. I have a lot of MR stacked up, Nunu doesn't. So whenever Nunu tries to gank, she turns on him and he dies. His response to dying was to come back and do the same thing over. However, the proper response is to just leave the lane alone- I have a sufficient amount of health/MR that Elise can't kill me solo (or deny me farm), and if I ward properly (which I did), they're not going to kill me 1v2 either. I'm already winning the farm war, and as long as Elise doesn't get hyper fed, she's probably not going to be an issue later.
Instead he keeps coming top and an Elise that was 1-2-0 ends up 4-2-2. It didn't end up mattering because Nunu had established such a large lead in the other lanes and even with Nunu deaths I was arguably still ahead, but if a game was close, this sort of boneheaded move would be an easy way for a game to spiral out of control.
On February 01 2013 03:19 Doctorbeat wrote: Hi guise, just bought Vi with my IP stack. Now I'd like to know just the basics. IE runes/masteries (I assume flat 15AD runes serve? And masteries I'd prolly 9/21/0, is that ok?) and items (for jungle machete > Razors > BT/BC > Warmog > LW, for lane wards+pots or rejuv/red pot+ward+pots into BT and/or BC + LW + Giant's belt items).
I don't know if XJ9 has a guide up somewhere for her, if he does pls link :3 Screw razor, a charged Q into the camp + E once they're stacked on each other is about all you need to power farm the jungle. Damage core is bruta into lizard spirit/BT/BC depending on your farm, mallet/warmogs as staple tanking items. The most popular skill order is E>Q>W, same as top lane, and 21-9-0 masteries with AS/armour/MR/AD runes.
Some prefer Q>W>E skill order, a tankier build with phage as core and focusing on items like mallet/randuin's/zephyr (wit's or MoM possible for MR), 9-21-0 masteries are perfectly workable too.
Her farming is so efficient she can even run 21 utility if she wishes so I think. Lizard Spirit's passive applies on autos and damaging abilities except DoTs, so with some AD and that item a single E can clear waves and camps really really fast if your goal is to push and power farm stuff.
On February 01 2013 03:04 zulu_nation8 wrote: if you wanna play junglers who can solo a team then hecarim is one of the best, he's definitely not a support jungler as he requires a lot of farm to be effective. Amumu is vulnerable to strong counterjunglers, and relies on your team to have good team fighting and to win through that. Vi is one of the strongest solo queue junglers I guess what I mean was junglers with strong early presence. I just ran two games with Xin and Jarvan for 20 min surrenders so I think I'll follow 5Hit's advice for a while.
I also bought Locket and Sunfire in the same game and Locket gives you like 10 less armor and 25 less HP but an active shield and CDR and costs less wtf. I already knew Locket was crazy cost effective already but seeing the two side by side really emphasizes it. That makes me think sunfire is really overpriced since you pay a ton for the dmg passive but that passive doesn't seem very strong, so why does everyone on M5 get one?
Thresh is pretty awesome.
I'm surprised you'd bring up jarvan with no mention of Leona as far as kill lane ADC+supports go.
On February 01 2013 03:13 Conversion wrote: coming back to league for a few weeks or so for a charity event at my college
playing strictly support so is thresh the 100% go to support now?
i used to play zyra/lux/janna/sona/taric/blitz/ali. any more i should learn?
Nunu by far the best late game support (until he gets nerfed), also lulu.
On February 01 2013 02:14 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 06:10 Seuss wrote:On January 31 2013 05:26 mr_tolkien wrote:On January 31 2013 04:58 sylverfyre wrote:On January 31 2013 04:55 mr_tolkien wrote: So. I'm trying to pick up trynda top atm.
Any thoughts/tips ? Take a look at what monte posted about Trynd in the TROLLS thread - I think he has some neat ideas about Tryndamere over there. (Gist of it: start with some AP to use only as a sustain+trading tool, build AD.) Yeah I saw that and it works pretty well, but I'm facing a few problems : How to trade as Trynda ? How to teamfight as Trynda ? When do you stop farming as Trynda ? Trading: When against other melee champions, you just walk up to them and start the beatings. When W fades or their cooldowns are close to coming back up you E away. Because of W, your innately high auto-damage, the damage from E, and your healing from Q you should have won the trade. Keep spamming Q to heal up as you last-hit, and repeat the trade until you beat your opponent. When against ranged champions you have to be a little more clever. You either have to run straight at them with W ready to slow them if they start trying to kite, or E to close the gap. Both options are substantially better if you can use the bushes as either an attack or escape vector. With the setup I documented in T.R.O.L.L.S. I ran a Cloth Armor + 5 Pot Darius out of potions without much issue. (SEE: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/362115117 @2:10:00) Teamfighting: You're not really a bruiser or tank, so leave the tanking to the professionals whenever possible. You're just as happy beating on whoever is chasing your ranged AD as you are going after theirs, so who you target is going to depend on who you can reach safely. You may have a get out of death free ticket in the form of your ultimate, but those 5 seconds can pass in a hurry. A lot of your teamfighting depends on game circumstances. If you team is really behind, as mine was, you can't really play as boldly as I tried to. Farming: This is similar to most top lanes. If you have a big advantage over your opponent and a key item which makes you a lethal threat to others, start shoving waves and roaming/stealing jungle. If you've taken top turret, shove waves and roam. Just don't miss creep build-ups. I'm not really an expert on this yet as top is my worst lane, but that's how I've made it work so far. I tried to follow your guidelines in a game with my viewers, the result was pretty epic (3:40:00+) : http://www.twitch.tv/mr_tolkien/b/362544199(I gave up a 1v1 kill early because I didn't know how barrier worked...)
You only started with 21 AP (no AP Glyphs I take it), putting you at effectively 35.4 Hp5. You also didn't start Amplifying Tome which cost you another 13 Hp5. The armor from Cloth Armor extends your Hp5 a bit, equivalent to 5-6 Hp5, so that's an interesting alternative, but I'd have grabbed a ward instead of stacking nothing but potions.
Your barrier death was also the result of holding onto your Q a lot. Whenever you had Fury you became reluctant to Q, and you also didn't account for healing debuffs. Over the course of everything that lead up to your death that was easily 150-200 health you could have had, but didn't.
Fun game though.
On February 01 2013 03:28 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 03:19 Doctorbeat wrote: Hi guise, just bought Vi with my IP stack. Now I'd like to know just the basics. IE runes/masteries (I assume flat 15AD runes serve? And masteries I'd prolly 9/21/0, is that ok?) and items (for jungle machete > Razors > BT/BC > Warmog > LW, for lane wards+pots or rejuv/red pot+ward+pots into BT and/or BC + LW + Giant's belt items).
I don't know if XJ9 has a guide up somewhere for her, if he does pls link :3 Screw razor, a charged Q into the camp + E once they're stacked on each other is about all you need to power farm the jungle. Damage core is bruta into lizard spirit/BT/BC depending on your farm, mallet/warmogs as staple tanking items. The most popular skill order is E>Q>W, same as top lane, and 21-9-0 masteries with AS/armour/MR/AD runes. Some prefer Q>W>E skill order, a tankier build with phage as core and focusing on items like mallet/randuin's/zephyr (wit's or MoM possible for MR), 9-21-0 masteries are perfectly workable too. Her farming is so efficient she can even run 21 utility if she wishes so I think. Lizard Spirit's passive applies on autos and damaging abilities except DoTs, so with some AD and that item a single E can clear waves and camps really really fast if your goal is to push and power farm stuff.
I like the extra mobility/chasing power of Q first too much to ever max E first when jungling. It's also easier on the mana bar.
But Vi is definitely a champion who you can build to your tastes. I'm pretty sure you could max W first and it wouldn't be a mistake.
On February 01 2013 03:41 Seuss wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 02:14 mr_tolkien wrote:On January 31 2013 06:10 Seuss wrote:On January 31 2013 05:26 mr_tolkien wrote:On January 31 2013 04:58 sylverfyre wrote:On January 31 2013 04:55 mr_tolkien wrote: So. I'm trying to pick up trynda top atm.
Any thoughts/tips ? Take a look at what monte posted about Trynd in the TROLLS thread - I think he has some neat ideas about Tryndamere over there. (Gist of it: start with some AP to use only as a sustain+trading tool, build AD.) Yeah I saw that and it works pretty well, but I'm facing a few problems : How to trade as Trynda ? How to teamfight as Trynda ? When do you stop farming as Trynda ? Trading: When against other melee champions, you just walk up to them and start the beatings. When W fades or their cooldowns are close to coming back up you E away. Because of W, your innately high auto-damage, the damage from E, and your healing from Q you should have won the trade. Keep spamming Q to heal up as you last-hit, and repeat the trade until you beat your opponent. When against ranged champions you have to be a little more clever. You either have to run straight at them with W ready to slow them if they start trying to kite, or E to close the gap. Both options are substantially better if you can use the bushes as either an attack or escape vector. With the setup I documented in T.R.O.L.L.S. I ran a Cloth Armor + 5 Pot Darius out of potions without much issue. (SEE: http://www.twitch.tv/montegomerylol/b/362115117 @2:10:00) Teamfighting: You're not really a bruiser or tank, so leave the tanking to the professionals whenever possible. You're just as happy beating on whoever is chasing your ranged AD as you are going after theirs, so who you target is going to depend on who you can reach safely. You may have a get out of death free ticket in the form of your ultimate, but those 5 seconds can pass in a hurry. A lot of your teamfighting depends on game circumstances. If you team is really behind, as mine was, you can't really play as boldly as I tried to. Farming: This is similar to most top lanes. If you have a big advantage over your opponent and a key item which makes you a lethal threat to others, start shoving waves and roaming/stealing jungle. If you've taken top turret, shove waves and roam. Just don't miss creep build-ups. I'm not really an expert on this yet as top is my worst lane, but that's how I've made it work so far. I tried to follow your guidelines in a game with my viewers, the result was pretty epic (3:40:00+) : http://www.twitch.tv/mr_tolkien/b/362544199(I gave up a 1v1 kill early because I didn't know how barrier worked...) You only started with 21 AP (no AP Glyphs I take it), putting you at effectively 35.4 Hp5. You also didn't start Amplifying Tome which cost you another 13 Hp5. The armor from Cloth Armor extends your Hp5 a bit, equivalent to 5-6 Hp5, so that's an interesting alternative, but I'd have grabbed a ward instead of stacking nothing but potions. Your barrier death was also the result of holding onto your Q a lot. Whenever you had Fury you became reluctant to Q, and you also didn't account for healing debuffs. Over the course of everything that lead up to your death that was easily 150-200 health you could have had, but didn't. Fun game though. Well, I don't have AP blues, so I'm running : AP quints AS reds Armor yellows MR/lvl blues
As for masteries, I go 23/7/0, grabbing the 3 crit related masteries, as well as flat AD (1 point) and AP. I'm considering ditching the flat AD though... But I don't really know where to find the other point I would need for veteran's scars.
What do you run exactly ?