Korea (South)11232 Posts
On January 31 2013 12:32 JALbert wrote:I know I missed the boat on the discussion for this, but I can't write TL posts at work, so just wanted to vent a bit about InControl. I liked InControl, had a lot of respect for him, but his posts were pretty damn hypocritical. I posted in the EG thread trying to be constructive and non-inflammatory as possible, but the majority of the posts were ignored so InC could get mad at one dude calling him EG's Court Jester. Does he have a right to get mad if he's insulted? Generally, yeah. Except his second post specfically called for us to have a thicker skin about his comments. It's hard to have sympathy for him at that point if he can't ignore a random troll or two. Pretty much everything he said got at least one rational response, but rather than choosing to have a constructive discussion, he got mad that someone on the internet said something mean and he took his ball and went home. He made a pretty good post, though, except for ending the last paragraph with backhanded stuff about LoL being "more casual," but writing it off like he doesn't mean it dismissively. Basketball is casual. Soccer is casual. Nothing played at a competitive level is casual anymore. I can see where making a statement or extending an apology is the right thing to do, but it's hardly deserved. If he wanted to talk in friendly terms, that was on the table. Instead, Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 17:23 iNcontroL wrote: I would ask you don't be so sensitive. What did you expect? That he admits that he was a douche against LoL but now that they have a team he cant do it? Saw the same irony "grow a thicker skin" whines if somebody calls him a court jester. His next step was on his show to talk how mean the TL lol players are.
You all seem to have a disconnect in the difference between directly insulting somebody and leveling criticisms. His advice to the LoL community on maturation/attitude/seriousness are criticisms. Random insults to Incontrol and not his points only do more to fuel his arguments because you're certainly not proving him wrong. And misconstruing his comments in every post/thread level an equal amount of usefulness.
late edit: This isn't direct at everybody, as there were some intelligent responses. But the amount of time dwelling on several words of his instead of his overall sentiment will make anybody frustrated.
Dang I sux at Google thanks Neo lol. That post must forever be preserved. Needs to be in the archives of LoL.
Burbs made t1, forever remembered.
LOL wrawra @ the bottom of that forum.
The skins I want most are the football skins released for the World Cup 2010 like Red Card Katarina. I wish Riot had re-released them during the UEFA Euro last summer. Hopefully they'll do that during next year's World Cup
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 12:55 plasmidghost wrote: The skins I want most are the football skins released for the World Cup 2010 like Red Card Katarina. I wish Riot had re-released them during the UEFA Euro last summer. Hopefully they'll do that during next year's World Cup
Knowing Riot, they'll probably have new football (oheylookatme, I'm European :D) skins by the next World Cup. Just look at the Lunar Reverie skins that are coming up. They're entirely new. :O
All the more reason not to buy skins at wholesale! Be stingy! Buy only what you really want!
Hmm according to Doa, OGN finals venue is 8500? seats and sold out in 45 min. Not too shabby.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 13:06 Amui wrote: Hmm according to Doa, OGN finals venue is 8500? seats and sold out in 45 min. Not too shabby.
8500 people, I have a hard time visualizing that. How does that compare to those epic BW audience pictures?
My elo been tanking last couple days, might as well enjoy it while it happens.
Inc next bischu
Man, stuff like this and the pranks Regi used to pull make me miss the olden days when League was just a game. Imagine if a well known player posted something like this, insta Reddit hate and calling their sponsor.
Though the pros outweigh the cons.
On January 31 2013 13:21 krndandaman wrote: just wondering, do you guys think it is hard/impossible/possible to get to 1200 ranked in 3 months without having any MOBA experience?
I'm planning to do a bet with my friends to see if I can get 1200 ranked within 3 months from level 1 nooby who has never played a MOBA game before. its been a month now and I'm level 20 and doing pretty well (positive score in like 80% of my games at my level) and I learned all roles/know basic strat. I play maybe 1-2 hours a day give or take. Should I do this? Well you start at 1200 so yes. Unless I read your question wrong.
Getting to 1200 ranked is def. not hard, since you start there. Just have to go 5-5 in placements.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 13:21 krndandaman wrote: just wondering, do you guys think it is hard/impossible/possible to get to 1200 ranked in 3 months without having any MOBA experience?
I'm planning to do a bet with my friends to see if I can get 1200 ranked within 3 months from level 1 nooby who has never played a MOBA game before. its been a month now and I'm level 20 and doing pretty well (positive score in like 80% of my games at my level) and I learned all roles/know basic strat. I play maybe 1-2 hours a day give or take. Should I do this?
I don't even know what to say...
+ Show Spoiler +Everyone starts out at 1200, lol. That's the baseline. Depending on how you do in your placement matches, you end up above or below 1200
On January 31 2013 13:21 krndandaman wrote: just wondering, do you guys think it is hard/impossible/possible to get to 1200 ranked in 3 months without having any MOBA experience?
I'm planning to do a bet with my friends to see if I can get 1200 ranked within 3 months from level 1 nooby who has never played a MOBA game before. its been a month now and I'm level 20 and doing pretty well (positive score in like 80% of my games at my level) and I learned all roles/know basic strat. I play maybe 1-2 hours a day give or take. Should I do this?
You basically start at 1200 so getting there right after hitting 30 and doing your placement matches shouldn't be hard lol. Staying there after might be a different story though
ShakeDrizzle (11:17): so when am i getting a lee sin icon? NeoIllusions (11:18): on reddit? just change your flair
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 13:24 HazMat wrote: ShakeDrizzle (11:17): so when am i getting a lee sin icon? NeoIllusions (11:18): on reddit? just change your flair
Can someone tell me why this ShakeDrizzle is mad? ._.
51340 Posts
With Runaan's Hurricane, who's it best used on? Was thinking ADC's but wouldn't it just be better to get a Phantom Dancer? Also, how does Tiamat/Ravenous Hydra apply to Kayle's E (if it does?).
Teemo. And Kayle switches between ranged and melee tags depending if her E is on or not, internally I mean, so it enables/disables items accordingly.