United States23745 Posts
On January 28 2013 13:58 CatharsisUT wrote: So I'm now sitting at a 7 minute queue for blind pick normals...and I'm not good. So far not a fan of the new matchmaking. It only takes number of wins into account for the first couple minutes, if it starts taking too long it just spits your into a game like normal. Riot said it should only add like an extra 30 seconds or so.
@Alaric You're more likely to improve if you're playing opponents of a similar level, stomping people that are worse then doesn't really lead to great improvements.
I still have no idea how Viktor's supposed to be played to give trouble to Kayle. o_o I guess it has less to do with fighting her and more with waiting for her to turn E on and threaten to laser her if she stops to hit the minions. Reckoning has a greater range than Power Transfer so you can't afford to get near her either.
^ it's not even about that. I have more fun in games closer to my level because I have to try harder, so it feels more rewarding when you suceed, and less frustrating when you lose. But since the changes the level of play in my games has actually dropped. There've been people playing worse than 1100 Elo soloQers while I know that my normal Elo's way higher than that, they make mistakes that have nothing to do with mechanics and more with experience/game knowledge (think Twitch facechecking his bush when his support recalled and he's 0-3 against a Leona/Graves lane instead of playing safe). Another thing is that since that change, the average number of games won by the people in "mine" is higher, and I'm on the low end. So, to improve I need to play more. But if I improve, I'll win more, so my # games won will increase too, putting me closer to these people. My concern is that it could counteract my level's increase if things happen to be consistently like that (high win # -> lower level of play). On the other hand, those two figures (hidden normal Elo and wins#) shouldn't be correlated. So I hope it's just a tendency, or if Riot screwed up with their algorithm that they'll admit it and fix it.
Also from what you said I'm affected by the change since my queue time hasn't increased, so it should be finding matches with its new criterion.
On January 28 2013 13:58 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Doublelift thinks Trundle is secret op. Not sure I buy that. He can ult and pillar... that's about it. Granted I haven't used him in season 3 at all I think so I am speaking from a position of some ignorance, but I still have a hard time seeing it.
He can only ult and pillar? Are you forgetting the high AS-Tenacity-MS steroid and the rather powerful "Steals lots of AD + hit you pretty hard"?
I do think he's in a strong place right now. Not so sure about secret OP so much as the game is in a state that he can do well in (unlike S2.) I think some of it might be the jungle punishes single-target junglers less now (and Trundle always was relatively fast as far as single targetters go) HP stacking is an environment trundle can be happy with (big %HP steal from ult, and he likes stacking HP himself) He always was a pretty good duelist and had a lot of utility for poke, towersiege, and "catch someone" comps (which are relatively popular right now), and he does well with pretty much any amount of farm because 3 of his abilities give him free stats.
On January 28 2013 13:58 CatharsisUT wrote: So I'm now sitting at a 7 minute queue for blind pick normals...and I'm not good. So far not a fan of the new matchmaking. First time back in a few weeks? Because this method has been in play for almost a month.
i dunno if i like league of health anymore
i had a fight in a game that literally lasted 3 minutes. we started at our mid inhibitor tower, fought to the river, circled back to bot tower, then back through mid inhibitor tower
and in the end we both came out even in kills
I was excited for the upcoming Sao Paulo tournament. Now though sad, no CLG or Fnatic
On January 28 2013 14:23 kainzero wrote: i dunno if i like league of health anymore
i had a fight in a game that literally lasted 3 minutes. we started at our mid inhibitor tower, fought to the river, circled back to bot tower, then back through mid inhibitor tower
and in the end we both came out even in kills
What do you expect to happen if everyone builds pure defense and no damage?
On January 28 2013 14:23 kainzero wrote: i dunno if i like league of health anymore
i had a fight in a game that literally lasted 3 minutes. we started at our mid inhibitor tower, fought to the river, circled back to bot tower, then back through mid inhibitor tower
and in the end we both came out even in kills The "meta" of LoL when I first started playing was kinda similar to how it is now. It was back when the metagolem thing wasn't a joke and basically everyone was building warmogs+atmas on every melee champion.
On January 28 2013 14:17 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 13:58 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Doublelift thinks Trundle is secret op. Not sure I buy that. He can ult and pillar... that's about it. Granted I haven't used him in season 3 at all I think so I am speaking from a position of some ignorance, but I still have a hard time seeing it. He can only ult and pillar? Are you forgetting the high AS-Tenacity-MS steroid and the rather powerful "Steals lots of AD + hit you pretty hard"? I do think he's in a strong place right now. Not so sure about secret OP so much as the game is in a state that he can do well in (unlike S2.) I think some of it might be the jungle punishes single-target junglers less now (and Trundle always was relatively fast as far as single targetters go) HP stacking is an environment trundle can be happy with (big %HP steal from ult, and he likes stacking HP himself) He always was a pretty good duelist and had a lot of utility for poke, towersiege, and "catch someone" comps (which are relatively popular right now), and he does well with pretty much any amount of farm because 3 of his abilities give him free stats. His ult steals flat health, it's the resistances who are stolen on a %basis, and since people stack health and neglect resistances most of the time (especially MR) it's actually weaker now than in s2 unless you specifically target somebody who will have them (Wukong, Leona with W on, Olaf during ult, the bulwark bearer amongst others). It can still be used to make you bulkier, but it's way harder to use it to make a target squishier. Also he likes to stack HP because as long as he has a target with high resistances (pretty easy to find in s1/s2) he'll get a load of them, making HP more desirable.
Invading his jungle is still a pretty silly idea even for Lee Sin or Shyvana (he was hit more with the counterjungling made less interesting, picture almost Nunu-level counterjungling for him at the time, both doing it and defending against it) and he can make a pretty good tank, plus his moblity and utility is silly with CDR (100% uptime pillar, only 1s downtime on Contaminate, and 36s cd on a ~500 HP heal for 75 mana). Also harder to solo drake since it can't be shredded anymore (level 6 + wriggles -> solo potential at a pretty decent speed, even more so if he had a blue buff somehow).
On January 28 2013 14:35 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 14:17 sylverfyre wrote:On January 28 2013 13:58 I_Love_Bacon wrote: Doublelift thinks Trundle is secret op. Not sure I buy that. He can ult and pillar... that's about it. Granted I haven't used him in season 3 at all I think so I am speaking from a position of some ignorance, but I still have a hard time seeing it. He can only ult and pillar? Are you forgetting the high AS-Tenacity-MS steroid and the rather powerful "Steals lots of AD + hit you pretty hard"? I do think he's in a strong place right now. Not so sure about secret OP so much as the game is in a state that he can do well in (unlike S2.) I think some of it might be the jungle punishes single-target junglers less now (and Trundle always was relatively fast as far as single targetters go) HP stacking is an environment trundle can be happy with (big %HP steal from ult, and he likes stacking HP himself) He always was a pretty good duelist and had a lot of utility for poke, towersiege, and "catch someone" comps (which are relatively popular right now), and he does well with pretty much any amount of farm because 3 of his abilities give him free stats. His ult steals flat health, it's the resistances who are stolen on a %basis, and since people stack health and neglect resistances most of the time (especially MR) it's actually weaker now than in s2 unless you specifically target somebody who will have them (Wukong, Leona with W on, Olaf during ult, the bulwark bearer amongst others). It can still be used to make you bulkier, but it's way harder to use it to make a target squishier. Also he likes to stack HP because as long as he has a target with high resistances (pretty easy to find in s1/s2) he'll get a load of them, making HP more desirable. Invading his jungle is still a pretty silly idea even for Lee Sin or Shyvana (he was hit more with the counterjungling made less interesting, picture almost Nunu-level counterjungling for him at the time, both doing it and defending against it) and he can make a pretty good tank, plus his moblity and utility is silly with CDR (100% uptime pillar, only 1s downtime on Contaminate, and 36s cd on a ~500 HP heal for 75 mana). Also harder to solo drake since it can't be shredded anymore (level 6 + wriggles -> solo potential at a pretty decent speed, even more so if he has a bleu buff somehow).
You forgot the ultimate Trundle play: Ult meditating Yi, become a god
isnt trundle one of the Hotshot's OP jungler very long ago??
It's amazing how many low elo players have no clue about AD mids. Just got called an idiot by 4 people because I said "You don't NEED an AP mid". Very interesting how oblivious they are.
holy shit voyboy so good I can't understand it.
lol fxo ragequit.
On January 28 2013 14:50 HazMat wrote: holy shit voyboy so good I can't understand it.
I feel bad for Navi, but those Kat plays were ridiculous.
On January 28 2013 14:50 Diamond wrote: It's amazing how many low elo players have no clue about AD mids. Just got called an idiot by 4 people because I said "You don't NEED an AP mid". Very interesting how oblivious they are.
Eh, if you had said the same thing to high elo players a few months ago you'd have gotten the same response.
I think in most cases you are still better off having an AP carry than two bruisers/AD casters.
On January 28 2013 14:18 Irave wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 13:58 CatharsisUT wrote: So I'm now sitting at a 7 minute queue for blind pick normals...and I'm not good. So far not a fan of the new matchmaking. First time back in a few weeks? Because this method has been in play for almost a month.
Just got back from vacation, first game in about a week. Assumed from the discussion that they had tweaked it recently, because something is definitely different in my queue times.
On January 28 2013 15:10 CatharsisUT wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2013 14:18 Irave wrote:On January 28 2013 13:58 CatharsisUT wrote: So I'm now sitting at a 7 minute queue for blind pick normals...and I'm not good. So far not a fan of the new matchmaking. First time back in a few weeks? Because this method has been in play for almost a month. Just got back from vacation, first game in about a week. Assumed from the discussion that they had tweaked it recently, because something is definitely different in my queue times.
Yeah, thats just the double IP weekend killing the servers. Am pleasantly surprised haven't lost most of the weekend to lag or other issues.
United States23745 Posts
I saw this on Reddit but thought it was pretty funny, Voyboy said this during his stream.
"You know we stayed too long when I'm the one who pinged back." Always chase, never not chase.
Play games with some RL friends who are bronze/silver, lose. It's not that lane goes particularly badly, its just that something goes shitty one way or another and we have a slow agonizing defeat.
Play game with TL people all ranked gold or higher when I'm unranked, Logic dictates I should be the worst on the team. A little luck to be sure, but when you start with a 5 minute double kill as support fiddle and your lane ends like 6/0 its a little ridiculous. Couple other games where I go 5/0 Leona and 3/0 Cho as well.
Wat. Matchmaking OP.
So Reddit blew up with a guy's match history that's all AP Tryndamere. I modified his build slightly and have crushed two games thus far with it. Is this some weird mirage?
ArPen reds / Armor Yellows / AP Blues /AP Quints. 21/9 masteries. Pick up ArPen and most of the magey things. Cleanse/Ignite (his preference, the cleanse seems really strong for when your ult is popped and you're ignited, flash not really as neccesary with a 5 second spin CD).
CDR Boots + Kindlegem (to SV) + CDR boots + DCap + LichBane. He uses Morello's as first item for AP/CDR but I hate the wasted stats on mp5, so I've been running Spirit Visage because the heals are insane, and the CDR is really big for AP Trynd.