I don't always get queue times when I try to log into League, but when I do it's 3 hours and 51 minutes.
On January 27 2013 14:39 Alaric wrote: Pretty good eye coordination training. Keep up with the spam pulling messages up, then the deletions bringing them down. I waited for her to actually get in a game and her ping to the EUNE server is actually way lower than I expected. o_o Something like 120 judging from the bars. Isn't the usual NA -> EUNE ping a lot higher? Like, 200+?
I get low 100's to NA server and I live in NA, how the fuck does someone further west than me get 120 to Nordic... :E
On January 27 2013 14:10 Seuss wrote: Thresh is the only champion I know outside of Kayle who can basically do everything.
leesin, aka op pos
I don't count Lee Sin or Cho'gath because they can't fill the ranged AD role, but you can certainly argue that I'm being too specific there.
Also, it sounds like AD Thresh is out of the bag. Thankfully there's only one, obvious place they need to make changes (i.e. the ridiculous AD scaling on his Q passive). It really should be the easiest nerf Riot's ever had to make in their career.
On January 27 2013 15:36 Inschato wrote: I hope they don't overdo it, he could make for an interesting niche AD carry like Urgot and Jayce.
Agreed. Maybe nerf enough to where a 6item Thresh can't do 2 shot someone because of the infinite soul stack and Q downtime stacking dmg. But keep him good enough so he can be a unique ADC choice.
On January 27 2013 15:36 Inschato wrote: I hope they don't overdo it, he could make for an interesting niche AD carry like Urgot and Jayce.
Agreed. Maybe nerf enough to where a 6item Thresh can't do 2 shot someone because of the infinite soul stack and Q downtime stacking dmg. But keep him good enough so he can be a unique ADC choice.
This assessment doesn't make sense to me, because Thresh's kit is ~ Naut/Janna level utility, except he is not squishy like Janna, or Melle Like Naut. The abilities don't seem to be the problem, just the raw numbers.
Basically, like I said before, they made a ranged character with a Melle Kit and Melle Stats.
On January 27 2013 15:36 Inschato wrote: I hope they don't overdo it, he could make for an interesting niche AD carry like Urgot and Jayce.
Agreed. Maybe nerf enough to where a 6item Thresh can't do 2 shot someone because of the infinite soul stack and Q downtime stacking dmg. But keep him good enough so he can be a unique ADC choice.
This assessment doesn't make sense to me, because Thresh's kit is ~ Naut/Janna level utility, except he is not squishy like Janna, or Melle Like Naut. The abilities don't seem to be the problem, just the raw numbers.
Basically, like I said before, they made a ranged character with a Melle Kit and Melle Stats.
Honestly the only obviously overpowered thing about him right now is the ratio on his Q passive. He doesn't even have scaling MR, so he's an easy target for AP carries/assassins if he's not careful.
The problem is just that no one looked at 200% AD scaling on his Q and thought, "That could be abused."
I'll assume by "no one" you're referring to riot QA, because it didn't take particularly long for players to notice, and I noticed it from the first time I played him on the PBE (though I never had a chance to play him straight up AD carry).... I guess when they make a champion for a specific role, they test them in that role more than anything else and allow silly things like this to slip through. Kind of like mid Lulu.
On January 27 2013 16:01 Inschato wrote: I'll assume by "no one" you're referring to riot QA, because it didn't take particularly long for players to notice, and I noticed it from the first time I played him on the PBE (though I never had a chance to play him straight up AD carry).... I guess when they make a champion for a specific role, they test them in that role more than anything else and allow silly things like this to slip through. Kind of like mid Lulu.
To be fair, it's not entirely reasonable to assume that Riot will catch everything. Something like mid Lulu is somewhat subtle and hard to predict. However, Thresh's Q seems like it should have been a little obvious.
On January 27 2013 15:47 Seuss wrote: Not that jungling Thresh will be popular while his Q passive is overpowered, but for the curious here's how I do it:
On January 27 2013 15:36 Inschato wrote: I hope they don't overdo it, he could make for an interesting niche AD carry like Urgot and Jayce.
Agreed. Maybe nerf enough to where a 6item Thresh can't do 2 shot someone because of the infinite soul stack and Q downtime stacking dmg. But keep him good enough so he can be a unique ADC choice.
This assessment doesn't make sense to me, because Thresh's kit is ~ Naut/Janna level utility, except he is not squishy like Janna, or Melle Like Naut. The abilities don't seem to be the problem, just the raw numbers.
Basically, like I said before, they made a ranged character with a Melle Kit and Melle Stats.
Honestly the only obviously overpowered thing about him right now is the ratio on his Q passive. He doesn't even have scaling MR, so he's an easy target for AP carries/assassins if he's not careful.
The problem is just that no one looked at 200% AD scaling on his Q and thought, "That could be abused."
Also, the correct term is "melee".
Forgive me if I'm confused by a solo jungle clear video.
On January 27 2013 16:01 Inschato wrote: I'll assume by "no one" you're referring to riot QA, because it didn't take particularly long for players to notice, and I noticed it from the first time I played him on the PBE (though I never had a chance to play him straight up AD carry).... I guess when they make a champion for a specific role, they test them in that role more than anything else and allow silly things like this to slip through. Kind of like mid Lulu.
Let us not forget AP Rengar: "Well this W should have a 1.0 AP ratio for no real reason."
I really feel like they combined Taric's stats with a ranged champ and some weird skills.