On January 27 2013 09:15 spellsy wrote:idk, what are your opinions on this? :
What I dislike most about LoL: The CommunityNow, before we get into this circlejerk I do not mean the "toxic players". TBH, coming from a background in DotA / competitive side of WoW, the "toxic player" situation is rather tame. This post is about the communities that surround LoL, and the social relationships in-game.
Currently, I have my friends list divided into a few categories which somewhat symbolize my social relationships in this game. I have a competitive category, a content-creator category, a RL category, a general category, and a "Friend" category. While I am a serious gamer, I like to take games lightheartedly. I often prefer playing with friends on VOIP, chilling doing random crazy things or experimenting or just playing a standard game to relax. This is where my "Friends" category comes in, these are the people who I regularly hang out with and when I log onto LoL after a long day of class/work I check who is on and ask them to play.
However, as of the last few weeks I have noticed something in particular. Most of these people are not people who I met playing LoL, they are mostly friends from my previous historys in DotA or WoW. That despite playing WoW back in my middle years of High School, and here I am graduating college this semester, I have probably more friends from those connections than I have gained in my 2 years of playing LoL. And while, maybe this is just because I am taking in less friends, or being more anti-social or whatever, I have been thinking and I believe it is in part to the game.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think its a flaw in game design or that Riot should change something, but I've just found the LoL experience to be so impersonal. Every solo Q is with 9 random people, rarely running into the same person twice (until I got high elo). The communities are so big and over-saturated that only really content-creators and famous people stick out. There is very little memorable discussion (most of it is easy to digest, short and simple content with maybe the lowest levels of discussion), and even if there is you won't remember their names when you read their next comment on a post a week later. I've tried to find some decently sized community which I crave from being a forum-nerd back in DotA, but to no avail despite trying LoLreddit, solomid, team liquid, or even trying to create discussion on sites like lolking, lolpro, or other random blog sites.
I don't know if its just me, but I just find it a bit sad how I feel no real comradery between this community. Theres nobody who just wants to take a break from LoL for a bit and play ns2 with, or talk about spec ops: the line, or just link funny youtube videos. The social connections are almost simply based on performance, and people just want to hit the solo Q button again and again.
I don't know if this is actually a problem, or if its just me. And if it is a problem I don't know a solution, I'm just kinda sad
