On January 16 2013 18:24 Mondeezy wrote: Think Vi will have the Jayce effect once she receives QOL buffs (from nearly non-played to OP/banworthy)?
I donno. Jayce just had a lot more potential, boasting a very versatile kit and (before his E got smashed to the ground) one of the best laning phase in the game.
so they nerfed riven to the ground because shes lane bully(thats all she has for her if u fail in lane ur useless), while darius who is way bigger bully (he shits on riven in every trade) has reset on ulti to kill u rapidly every time u come back to lane, isnt even touched .......
Why did they nerf ezreal? Why did they fucking nerf ezreal? Even though he's picked so often he remained at fifty percent winrate.
On January 16 2013 20:55 OutlaW- wrote: Why did they nerf ezreal? Why did they fucking nerf ezreal? Even though he's picked so often he remained at fifty percent winrate.
50%+ pick rate.
Last time I checked that was about the same popularity like the 20~ less popular champions.
50% winrate is above average winrate.
I don't get the talon and lee sin nerfs though, considering there are a ton of champions that are stronger and banned often.
Btw IMO they should like buff all the base stats and values of like all support-supports (not the mage hybrids like zyra, zilean, lux ofc) and nerf their ratios. Supports should stronger than ad carries before items. currently this is often not the case.
Improved the responsiveness of double clicking to purchase items
This will kill me. My mouse is already broken, performing a doubleclick when I only click once sometimes. This will happen even more now, I fear. Well, it's finally time for a new mouse I guess ...
I asked a few pages ago about how jungle Riven reacted to those changes, but realized that I only needed to know a few things to figure that out, and figure out a few other things that I'm guessing most of you already know.
1) Are champions who primarily deal aoe damage to camps weakened? The smaller creeps die more quickly while the larger ones take more time, but do you take more or less damage (due to the smaller ones dying more quickly than usual).
2) Are champions who are more single target focused actually faster now? It seems like they still have to take relatively the same amount of time to clear since it looks more like health was just distributed differently.
3) Does this mean champs like Nocturne, who deal decent aoe but still rely mostly on single target damage coming out on top here?
On January 16 2013 21:51 Dark_Chill wrote: I asked a few pages ago about how jungle Riven reacted to those changes, but realized that I only needed to know a few things to figure that out, and figure out a few other things that I'm guessing most of you already know.
1) Are champions who primarily deal aoe damage to camps weakened? The smaller creeps die more quickly while the larger ones take more time, but do you take more or less damage (due to the smaller ones dying more quickly than usual).
2) Are champions who are more single target focused actually faster now? It seems like they still have to take relatively the same amount of time to clear since it looks more like health was just distributed differently.
3) Does this mean champs like Nocturne, who deal decent aoe but still rely mostly on single target damage coming out on top here? All of this sounds reasonable to me. If you redistribute HP from minor monsters to the main monsters, you're basically slowly going towards only having one big monster, which obviously makes AOE irrelevant. However, like you say, the difference in speed is minor for singletarget dpsers because they still have to cut through the same amount of HP. Of course it depends on the heroes kit, a singletarget dpser likely has bonuses towards fighting one target over time (building stacks or whatever) which makes it a small buff to them.
I'd say it definitely weakens AOE junglers (especially Amumu who relies on several attackers), while not really buffing singletarget junglers in general. I don't really thing Nocturne comes out on top, or even benefits, unless the HP taken from the minor monsters are enough to let him kill them one "passive proc" faster.
I don't get talon nerfs.
Like kha , panth, etcetc were more popular ad mid picks than him. loll
On January 16 2013 21:43 clickrush wrote: 50% winrate is above average winrate.
I don't get the talon and lee sin nerfs though, considering there are a ton of champions that are stronger and banned often.
Btw IMO they should like buff all the base stats and values of like all support-supports (not the mage hybrids like zyra, zilean, lux ofc) and nerf their ratios. Supports should stronger than ad carries before items. currently this is often not the case. wat? Lulu does insane damage early, same with taric, same with sona. The adc gets bullied around by the support until they get their first items, which is fine.
On January 16 2013 21:43 clickrush wrote: 50% winrate is above average winrate.
I don't get the talon and lee sin nerfs though, considering there are a ton of champions that are stronger and banned often.
Btw IMO they should like buff all the base stats and values of like all support-supports (not the mage hybrids like zyra, zilean, lux ofc) and nerf their ratios. Supports should stronger than ad carries before items. currently this is often not the case.
I disagree. Supports just got a lot stronger in S3 due to Sightstone and ambient gold increase, and they were already very strong in S2.
On January 16 2013 18:58 Eiii wrote: I'm really glad they're putting in a new ranking system, straight Elo obviously wasn't working well.
Having a 'hidden' rating is way WAY better than an easily-visible one, especially since the visible rating is high-variance and really doesn't mean anything in the short term.
People seriously complaining about them removing visible Elo need to re-evaluate how they look at the ranking system imo. The question now is going to be whether or not the new division/league system can be straightforward, easy-to-understand, *and* provide incentive to continue playing all at once. That's a tough buncha things to balance!
I wouldn't be surprised if the new system sucks for like ~6 months, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
EDIT: for example, if the idea of not being able to directly see your Elo is enough to, say, make you consider switching to another game entirely because apparently not displaying Elo prevents the game from being 'competitive' you should maybe take a step back and see if you actually value long-term improvement more than streaks of getting lucky and gaining like ~100 Elo in a weekend. Because if it's the latter I don't think you have a very healthy definition of 'competitive'.
In what way was straight elo obviously not working well?
Jayce's E is far from "nerfed to the ground". It's still the same as a Lee Sin maxing E first and yelling "screw you, armour stacker, I'll outtrade anyway!". Or Yorick E if you ever try to outsustain/defend him. Except it scales with your total HP. 'sup.
And Talon's changes follow two axes: - E is debugged, so he gains up to 15% damage on his combo. Reducing the base damage/ratios on his spells in this regard is fine, as long as they don't touch the one spell he uses outside of E's window, which is W and wasn't touched. - His ult was specifically nerfed "because he does too much AoE damage", though. Fwiw, Kha'Zix's level 9 W does more than 50% damage of Talon's level 3 ult, in AoE, with more range and a much shorter cooldown. And that's without adding the damage from his passive once evolved. In that sense, yes, not touching the AoE damage from Zed and Kha'Zix si stupidly dumb (it's harder with Riven because she has lower range and all of her damage is AoE so you can't adjust her single-target to compensate without buffing her passive, which is already bonkers).
On January 16 2013 19:11 Doctorbeat wrote:Where are Olaf nerfs?? If Riven and Talon and Lee Sin are getting nerfed, why not the fucking FOTM in every tournament jungle/top lane? Same goes for Shen. Those two champions have zero exploitable weaknesses afaik. And Riven already had a hard time with a lot of champions, including Olaf  Shen isn't invincible in lane, and his main force (splitpush through ult) is already dependant on his ability to 1v1. If at any point you have both the ability to 1v1 Shen, and to resist a siege with the 4 other champs (efficient, instant waveclear should be enough and there's plenty of that) you shut down his splitpushing.
Lacking escapes, and using his own HP to bully somebody in lane, Olaf was strengthened by League of Consumables, but he's still vulnerable to ganks (especially pre-6) and has trouble farming once behind (he's an excellent 1v2 laner, but if you put him in that state in a 1v1 lane he'll have much less farm than his solo counterpart). Olaf is strong competitively and in soloQ for different reasons (ability to splitpush/1v2/negate kiting-peeling vs point'n'click true damage nuke/lane bully status/great scaling with levels snowballing his lead if fed). There's also the fact the he can just stack HP all day, yes. But it's not enough to be strong.
On January 16 2013 22:45 Badboyrune wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 18:58 Eiii wrote: I'm really glad they're putting in a new ranking system, straight Elo obviously wasn't working well.
Having a 'hidden' rating is way WAY better than an easily-visible one, especially since the visible rating is high-variance and really doesn't mean anything in the short term.
People seriously complaining about them removing visible Elo need to re-evaluate how they look at the ranking system imo. The question now is going to be whether or not the new division/league system can be straightforward, easy-to-understand, *and* provide incentive to continue playing all at once. That's a tough buncha things to balance!
I wouldn't be surprised if the new system sucks for like ~6 months, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
EDIT: for example, if the idea of not being able to directly see your Elo is enough to, say, make you consider switching to another game entirely because apparently not displaying Elo prevents the game from being 'competitive' you should maybe take a step back and see if you actually value long-term improvement more than streaks of getting lucky and gaining like ~100 Elo in a weekend. Because if it's the latter I don't think you have a very healthy definition of 'competitive'. In what way was straight elo obviously not working well? It's not about the system itself, but the perception the players have of it. If they're satisfied it doesn't matter which system you use and if it is efficient or not as long as they don't notice it. Which is why TL roars while reddit mellows. It also doesn't mean that Elo is bad, though it's inadapted to a 5v5 game but that has nothing to do with this decision since Riot keeps the Elo anyway, just hides it.
On January 16 2013 22:45 Badboyrune wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 18:58 Eiii wrote: I'm really glad they're putting in a new ranking system, straight Elo obviously wasn't working well.
Having a 'hidden' rating is way WAY better than an easily-visible one, especially since the visible rating is high-variance and really doesn't mean anything in the short term.
People seriously complaining about them removing visible Elo need to re-evaluate how they look at the ranking system imo. The question now is going to be whether or not the new division/league system can be straightforward, easy-to-understand, *and* provide incentive to continue playing all at once. That's a tough buncha things to balance!
I wouldn't be surprised if the new system sucks for like ~6 months, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
EDIT: for example, if the idea of not being able to directly see your Elo is enough to, say, make you consider switching to another game entirely because apparently not displaying Elo prevents the game from being 'competitive' you should maybe take a step back and see if you actually value long-term improvement more than streaks of getting lucky and gaining like ~100 Elo in a weekend. Because if it's the latter I don't think you have a very healthy definition of 'competitive'. In what way was straight elo obviously not working well? Because people put far more value in their ELO than they should. A 100-200 ELO difference isn't significant, at least not in the short term, yet it's so easy to base so much on it, making people depressed when they lose several games in a row etc. A system like SC2 is far more stable, if you're platinum, you're not going to be demoted by a few bad streaks, and you're also not going to shoot up to diamond just because you had a good weekend. This means that "platinum" becomes a pretty stable viable rank. There might be bad people and good people in platinum, but chances are, a platinum player is 90% of the time better than a gold player, and 90% of the time worse than a diamond player. The same isn't true if you compare the difference between 1700 and 1800 ELO.
There's nothing inherently bad about showing ELO, it's just that people are stupid which makes it dumb.
On January 16 2013 22:42 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 21:43 clickrush wrote: 50% winrate is above average winrate.
I don't get the talon and lee sin nerfs though, considering there are a ton of champions that are stronger and banned often.
Btw IMO they should like buff all the base stats and values of like all support-supports (not the mage hybrids like zyra, zilean, lux ofc) and nerf their ratios. Supports should stronger than ad carries before items. currently this is often not the case. I disagree. Supports just got a lot stronger in S3 due to Sightstone and ambient gold increase, and they were already very strong in S2.
We really just want the Sona glory days where she could basically 1v2.
I would have been perfectly happy to see "Ezreal has been removed from the game client for 6 months" so obviously loving that nerf. Also I wonder if shooting the cannon minion is going to increase the rate at which minions destroy towers. Thats huge if you're baron dancing or something and your inhib tower is at risk instead of taking a bit of damage then pushing back naturally. Inb4 Darius Bot scares away thousands of potential new players to the game. Would be funny as hell to actually see "Darius Bot has been removed" in the next patch notes.
Alistar! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
How much attack speed does Ezreal lose lategame with this nerf? Because i'm too lazy to figure it out myself :p
That's so awesome, my first main :O Looks a TON better.
Australia18228 Posts
Red post:
There will be no one in either the Diamond or Challenger tiers to start. Top players and teams might be able to speed quickly through the Diamond divisions since they have crazy high MMRs, but they'll still have to climb through those divisions.
It'll be an intense race to be the first in Challenger tier!
Seems like each division will be 70 elo range, or everyone will move down.
On January 16 2013 15:15 Two_DoWn wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 15:12 NeoIllusions wrote:On January 16 2013 15:06 Two_DoWn wrote: BTW Neo- can we count on you to at least inquire into any Riot buddies you may have whether it would be possible to keep MMR visible in some way?
An SC2 forum most of all can recognize how detrimental this can be. It's probably too far along the process to have Riot reconsider the decision. I dont mean fully in client, as that IS probably too far along. I was thinking more along the lines of having it still be visible online on the Riot page: available for those who wish to see it and ignorable for those who dont. To be fair I dont know if this would still be possible (i.e if the new coding makes this infeasible) but if it is feasible, they should at least consider it. Riot is having an ama on reddit in about 5 and a half hours. 12pst/3est. They have a lot of rioters that participate good chances you get an answer or at least noticed.