On January 05 2013 18:35 rackdude wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2013 16:16 cLutZ wrote: Im thinking of trying Kassadin a bit after seeing it done well. How does one Kass properly? Pick the right lanes. That's about it. Kass has great great great lanes and champions he can shut down the whole lane. But there are lanes where he will fail miserably and champions who will destroy him all game. So the key to Kass is pulling him out for the right games. Brand mid? Sweet. Cho on the other team? That silence is painful, you can't jump away. Etc. i love going vs kass as brand :D
Just wait for them to pick Evelynn mid, then Kassadin your way to victory. Be careful for unfavourable laneswaps because you crush the Evelynn so hard.
Yeah I've blind picked kassadin before in ranked games, and of those I think I went 2/6 or something. Some people who are dumb and open boots+3 against you get wrecked even on bruisers because I go flask+5health 2 mana ward or something like that and spam Q until they have to leave lane/jungle ganks them when they're low. But against bruisers who went a flask opening of their own with enough pots to live through it you get shit on so hard it's not even funny.
If you actually take the time and counterpick though, he's amazing.
Eve is so ridiculous. All you need is DFG, and you can 100-0 any squishy in the game. Get DFG+Rylais+Liandry, and you can 100-0 ANYONE in the game, if you get the jump on them.
Fucking love the state eve is in now. Op'd as fuck. I'll ride this free elo as long as I can!
Not sure which elo you are but @1800 she's banned in 100% of the games and while I smurfed the other day~1400 she was banned always, too.
On January 05 2013 20:44 AsnSensation wrote: Not sure which elo you are but @1800 she's banned in 100% of the games and while I smurfed the other day~1400 she was banned always, too. Gotta love low elo! lawl, just did my initial placement matches, ended up around ~1200. No one bans eve. It's fucking glorious.
Though, I can see like 6 months from now when they do ban her. lulz.
It's not like 100%, got a friend at 1900 with 88 games played at 66% winrate with Eve. Unless it's a recent trend in upper elo?
EDIT: recent trend, just checked lolking, over past week, eve 2nd most banned, past month, 9th most banned.
I always ban eve, she's incredibly hard to punish when she roams, and she roams like a boss, cus of her stealth. Fuck that bitch!
On January 05 2013 20:49 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2013 20:44 AsnSensation wrote: Not sure which elo you are but @1800 she's banned in 100% of the games and while I smurfed the other day~1400 she was banned always, too. Gotta love low elo! lawl, just did my initial placement matches, ended up around ~1200. No one bans eve. It's fucking glorious. Though, I can see like 6 months from now when they do ban her. lulz. It's not like 100%, got a friend at 1900 with 88 games played at 66% winrate with Eve. Unless it's a recent trend in upper elo? EDIT: recent trend, just checked lolking, over past week, eve 2nd most banned, past month, 9th most banned. in 6 months evelynn will be nerfed to oblivion then buffed to being OP then nerfed into oblivion again
Dyrus dad (wtf?!) is streaming normal games and 18k people are watching it. Incredible
Dyrus's dad has a beard more manly that olaf O.o
Is that the secret to high elo? beards?
Ok, so I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried throwing the adc mid and trying a nid/elise dual lane bot? All the poke, all the burst, all the utility all the time. I can't see how you'd lose to a traditional botlane with that combo. Plus it just seems like it'd be hella fun, there are so many nasty combos you can run that you can adapt to pretty much any play style.
'I'm a plumber. I've been collecting shit my whole life so now I have enough money to [do whatever]' This shit's deep. Anyway, I hope he can make Dyrus into the man he once was.
dadyrus doesn't leave anything for his jungler lol
Well, as TotalBiscuit said, there are 2 ways to get famous on the internet:
1. Be ridiculously good at games. 2. Be ridiculously bad at games. (My own addition: 3. Have boobs.)
Having a family where the dad covers 2 and the son 1 is the receipe for success.
Hmm... that would be a nice tournament.
2 progamers, 2 dads of progamers and one of the mothers against another team with the same setup.
his map awareness is a bit lacking lol
"Show them whos daddy" message to dadyrus
Honestly he's much better than I would have expected.
he obviously has played games before. my parents would fail horribly and would quit after maybe 5 minutes lol
Dyrus told me that his dad plays more videogames than he does lol
Has anyone ever bought Ohmwrecker btw?
It just looks like such a horrible item. It gives you the ability to negate 2 or maybe three turret shots, whilst at the same time giving you stats that make you able to tank them anyway. Look at recent competitive games, where top laners with warmog/sunfire could just dive into a turret without much of a problem, so that the item active is entirely useless.
The only time when Ohmwrecker active would be useful is earlier in the game, before people are able to stack hp/armor. As a first or second item. But it's way too expensive for that, and doesn't offer anything offensively. Not to mention that those who would want to buy it most (junglers or supports) won't have the money for it until such a time where the top and mid laners have already finished their first and second item.
Proposed changes to increase it's usefulness could either be a longer active (which would need to be coupled by making said turret unable to take damage during the active too, else breaking into an opponent's base would be too easy), or by making it an earlier buy.
If it's available earlier (~10 min) I could see some problems for the solo lanes though. We already see a lot of diving in competitive play, just ignoring the tower and killing the champion. Maybe the best would just be to remove the item entirely, and create a new active that promotes aggressive playstyle.