[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 285
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United States5710 Posts
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Canada5878 Posts
I know but I had the intention of doing this about a month ago, just had finals and then was at home for the Christmas break. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 05 2013 05:40 kainzero wrote: where are these winrates? https://dotabuff.com/heroes/winning they match up closely with lolking's winrates http://www.lolking.net/champions/ a lot of the low win rate dota/lol heroes are still completely viable competitive picks. Please don't remove the things I quoted since they add context and just lead to people saying what was in the quoted excerpt. Yeah. Those numbers looked closer. It's warrunner of 6.76 that had a crazy win rate. https://dotabuff.com/heroes/winning?date=patch_6.76 | ||
6318 Posts
On January 05 2013 06:47 Zooper31 wrote: I get giddy with excitement when I see a Lee top, my inner Teemo cheers with joy. lol teemo is lee's food :D | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States10796 Posts
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=391588 | ||
Canada904 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
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United States8983 Posts
On January 05 2013 07:43 Shikyo wrote: If Kha'Zix gets nerfed, what would you nerf though? The obvious one would be to remove passive from W transform but that'd just bring him right back into the shit tier. Would the heal scaling on W or something be good enough? E damage, His escape/reset/gap closer shouldnt do that much damage. gets crazy snowbally when you can continually jump on their team with a scaling rocket jump. But theres like a zero percent chance riot chooses this to nerf, knowing them they will lower damage on Q/W or something and make him unplayable | ||
United States5710 Posts
Not at 1500-1600 elo lol. Dodge Qs all day, harass hardcore with autos if he dares to cs. Not sure what he can do to stop Teemo aside from going balls to wall agressive on Teemo and hope to stick on him and get a kill. I can def see Teemo losing if he makes mistakes and let's Lee land some Q's and chunk him down a couple times, once Lee has items over Teemo you can't kill him without him messing up badly because of his sustain. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On January 05 2013 07:45 VayneAuthority wrote: E damage, His escape/reset/gap closer shouldnt do that much damage. gets crazy snowbally when you can continually jump on their team with a scaling rocket jump. But theres like a zero percent chance riot chooses this to nerf, knowing them they will lower damage on Q/W or something and make him unplayable Oh that's a pretty good point. So should the skilling order actually be R>W>E>Q, by the way? Even though Q scales really nicely | ||
9871 Posts
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Germany302 Posts
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United States8983 Posts
On January 05 2013 07:54 Shikyo wrote: Oh that's a pretty good point. So should the skilling order actually be R>W>E>Q, by the way? Even though Q scales really nicely thats what I do since Q scales well but not the base damage. I also dont evolve Q either, but I dont think anyone does that anyway | ||
United States60033 Posts
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France3578 Posts
On January 05 2013 07:55 UniversalSnip wrote: lol I still remember all the way back in the wukong patch telling some guy on here lee sin was well above the power curve and he was like, uh, no, he's basically a worse version of udyr. Udyr was a fucking beast tho, I haven't jungled this guy for so long... And now that everyone has gapclosers, who wanna play yudeer anymore ? ![]() | ||
France8574 Posts
Besides, I don't see why for example Garen ult has no reset ? Looks like they're favoring new champ/reworked one... | ||
United States47024 Posts
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United States5765 Posts
All you have to do is see the high % of play from certain characters to see why Riot can have a problem is a champion is overpowered. How are they going to collect data on the other champs if 90% of games have nearly identical lists of champions being played. By nerfing those champions it makes players branch off to other champions and gives Riot the feedback it needs. I personally would love a hands-off approach to balancing at some point (obviously not just yet), but I think getting to that point is easier said than done. random edit: I'd also agree that mana-less champions are probably bad for the game. I understand the idea that exorbitant mana costs can be boring and cause an unfun playstyle... but the alternative of manaless champs and some new champs whose mana-costs are so minute that they might as well be have an un-fun factor for laning against them if you are not using one yourself. | ||
United States47024 Posts
I think the game passed the point where it was ready for a more hands-off approach to balance a LONG time ago. | ||
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