On January 04 2013 00:03 kainzero wrote: on lulu i like going tanky
ruby sight --> phil --> boots --> aegis --> locket --> bulwark/shurelya's
oh man, you become nearly impossible to kill. you could practically initiate by hasting yourself and ulting in the middle. I was duoing with a friend at like 4am and we were too tired to try hard so I somehow ended up stealing 7 of our 10 lane kills and I was 7/0 while he was 3/0. I built super tanky, walked up to their fed Leb in mid, spammed laugh unti she comboed me for 1/4 of my health and yelled "That tasted purple" in all chat. Tank lulu is best lulu
Seriously though, Lulu is ridic. 1v2ing lanes all day. Gettin my babby farmed while starving the enemy carry
On January 04 2013 04:41 TheYango wrote: I think that figure is actually within expectation. I don't think anyone sensibly can expect Elo to be accurate to more than + or - 150 Elo.
The problem is players expecting Elo to have higher resolution than it actually does (overstating the difference in 150 Elo), plus people effectively doubling what they perceive to be the level of error by viewing themselves to be at the level of their peak Elo, rather than their average (e.g. viewing themselves as a "1400 Elo player" when they got to a high of 1400 once and never got there again). its k guys i did my placement match and im still masters
United States37500 Posts
Well, I'm a bit late to the Nami discussion, but I think I've found two things I'm sure about (which may have already been said in some form): 1. Nami is definitely not meant for solo queue. Most supports presently are more or less playmakers. The ADs wait for their support to make a move and follow up on it. Nami is really different, in that she waits for her AD to make a move and then supports the AD. I think a lot of ADs aren't really used to that and would probably be a bit hesitant in doing that unless they saw a clear fight they could win. Her Q, W and R all seem like the type of spells to support a fight once it's already started. 2. Nami has few situations where she'd be picked over something else. I can see her working with Graves, since he's a bit tankier and goes more in people's faces. I don't know if she'd even be the best at this compared to another support, but that's one situation where I think Nami could be picked and do well.
Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another.
Nami was crazy good in mid lane on the pbe before they nerfed her ratios. Her aqua prison made ganks super easy and her poke plus heal was just stupid in trades before ratios were nerfed hard.
I remember when her ult had a .9 and I said ppl will play her mid for that alone. then it was .8 like 2 days later and .7 a week after that.
On January 04 2013 04:17 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 04:14 Mondeezy wrote:On January 04 2013 04:08 onlywonderboy wrote:On January 04 2013 04:05 Mondeezy wrote: Zzz need to find a good support to carry my semi-new ADC friend on. Taric too boring for me, Janna has good peeling power but has to play too safe for his style. Maybe Fid or Lux support? Lulu or Zyra. Especially on Zyra since you can build as on off-AP Carry/support and still do decent damage. Can Zyra support effectively 1v1 one of the opposing champs? I haven't played her before but she seems strong when I play vs one. Just to give some insight on my friend that I'm trying to teach...he insists dblades are trash item, rushes vamp scepter no matter what, and usually manages 40cs by 10mins. He does listen when I tell him to go in at least, so I'm kinda trying to carry him so that he can try to carry later lol. You should go 2 bruisers bot.You'd be surprised how easy it is to get kills at low level :D. Play sona or lulu if you want to carry him in lane.
If you are significantly better then the other people in your lane, go for blitz, leona or maybe sona.
On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another.
I'm not sure that makes any sense.
On January 04 2013 05:28 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another. I'm not sure that makes any sense.
On January 04 2013 05:28 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another. I'm not sure that makes any sense.
He's saying if the margin is +/- 150, it will always be between that. Basically it's stable within that range.
edit: pretty much ninja'd ^^
On January 04 2013 05:34 xMiragex wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 05:28 Complete wrote:On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another. I'm not sure that makes any sense. He's saying if the margin is +/- 150, it will always be between that. Basically it's stable within that range. edit: pretty much ninja'd ^^ To expand on Mirage, in terms of ELO:
If you're a "1500 player", it's natural and in fact expected for your ELO to be between ~1300 and ~1700 at any given point, not just floating exactly at 1500 for months at a time.
WTB jungle lessons lol.
I don't jungle often but I was more-or-less "forced" to do it 4 times so far in ranked. And I lost all of them (one of my jungle games was in 1300ish elo, too).
I guess I probably don't play aggressive enough and take higher risks.
On January 04 2013 05:38 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 05:34 xMiragex wrote:On January 04 2013 05:28 Complete wrote:On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another. I'm not sure that makes any sense. He's saying if the margin is +/- 150, it will always be between that. Basically it's stable within that range. edit: pretty much ninja'd ^^ To expand on Mirage, in terms of ELO: If you're a "1500 player", it's natural and in fact expected for your ELO to be between ~1300 and ~1700 at any given point, not just floating exactly at 1500 for months at a time. My Elo has been at 1600 for pretty much the whole Preseason now.
I'm a floater by nature.
On January 04 2013 05:56 Sufficiency wrote: WTB jungle lessons lol.
I don't jungle often but I was more-or-less "forced" to do it 4 times so far in ranked. And I lost all of them (one of my jungle games was in 1300ish elo, too).
I guess I probably don't play aggressive enough and take higher risks. I'm pretty bad at it myself, but my new goal on jungle is to just farm jungle unless it's necessary. Like, I used to force ganks just because the lane was even or I felt like I hadn't shown up enough, but I think the better way to go about it is to just farm and maybe counter jungle unless you need to counter gank or your laner is pushed back to their tower and desperately needs you.
Or, of course, someone went back and you can go farm their lane.
On January 04 2013 05:56 Sufficiency wrote: WTB jungle lessons lol.
I don't jungle often but I was more-or-less "forced" to do it 4 times so far in ranked. And I lost all of them (one of my jungle games was in 1300ish elo, too).
I guess I probably don't play aggressive enough and take higher risks.
always farm sometimes gank
avoid peer pressure
On January 03 2013 18:20 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 18:05 iCanada wrote:On January 03 2013 17:28 kongoline wrote: xj9 taxes his lanes so hard and takes all his buffs im pretty sure if i did this in my games people would rage/flame me or just went afk Just need to see a proteam play that style again. I dunno, I've said it so many times before, but I think the fact that in S2 it went from Junglers taxing lanes to lanes taxing junglers is the biggest reason why Carry junglers died more so than the amount of farm in the jungle. With the strong re-emergence of Assassin Champions (see Pantheon, Talon, LB, Akali, Eve, Fizz etc) in S3 I could see team comps with really tanky supporty solo laners (IE Morgana, Yorick, malphite Nunu, Gragas, Zilean, Galio, Shen, Maokai, Sejuani, Trundle, Rumble, GP etc) with a carry jungle such as Shyvana, Riven, Hecarim, Vi, Fiora, WW, j4, Noct and Jax becoming pretty strong because realistically if you are letting your Jungler tax and farm his own jungler well it is much harder to shut down his farm, it is kind of guaranteed. You can't stop a Shyvana from ricing, but you can stop a top laner from ricing with an assassin counter. The problem with having a tax strategy, IMO, is that there is so much space to cover + when you are taxing everywhere else is vulnerable + taxing is stupid unless you get a full reset. Like, if you get a kill on a gank, then push to tower, thats one thing. If you don't, then take a wave, but the laner freezes (or even only freezes caster minions) you've just screwed your lane + opened yourself up for counterjungling + opened up every other lane for ganks. Really, in the current system, the only strength of the jungler is the fog of war. Taxing is only good if ur better, which if your not XJ9, you are prolly not.
People addressed some of my concerns with the "taxing" plan, but kinda disregarded the point that the rest of the map is opened up for the other team.
On January 04 2013 05:32 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On January 04 2013 05:28 Complete wrote:On January 04 2013 05:11 thenexusp wrote: Elo is accurate, but not precise. But people often mistake lacking one for lacking another. I'm not sure that makes any sense. ![[image loading]](http://www.carolina.com/images/teacher-resources/activities/accuracy-vs-precision.jpg)
Quoting Nate SilverBasic stats and providing wikipedia links? League is srs bsns.