[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 259
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6318 Posts
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United States5834 Posts
On January 03 2013 17:18 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Does anyone have an idea of how to estimate how much gold pickpocket gives you? Just how often do you attack another guy ~_~ A saw a post that in the PBE they are adding an icon that will tell you how much gold you've gotten from pickpocket like TF passive. | ||
United States5211 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On January 03 2013 17:28 kongoline wrote: xj9 taxes his lanes so hard and takes all his buffs im pretty sure if i did this in my games people would rage/flame me or just went afk Just need to see a proteam play that style again. I dunno, I've said it so many times before, but I think the fact that in S2 it went from Junglers taxing lanes to lanes taxing junglers is the biggest reason why Carry junglers died more so than the amount of farm in the jungle. With the strong re-emergence of Assassin Champions (see Pantheon, Talon, LB, Akali, Eve, Fizz etc) in S3 I could see team comps with really tanky supporty solo laners (IE Morgana, Yorick, malphite Nunu, Gragas, Zilean, Galio, Shen, Maokai, Sejuani, Trundle, Rumble, GP etc) with a carry jungle such as Shyvana, Riven, Hecarim, Vi, Fiora, WW, j4, Noct and Jax becoming pretty strong because realistically if you are letting your Jungler tax and farm his own jungler well it is much harder to shut down his farm, it is kind of guaranteed. You can't stop a Shyvana from ricing, but you can stop a top laner from ricing with an assassin counter. | ||
United States20754 Posts
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Sweden6375 Posts
On January 03 2013 17:52 kainzero wrote: i like map on bottom right only because i die so many times in dota when i'm trying to down and left and i click on the minimap and it messes everything up, lol. This... in LoL, Dota and HoN, the bases are in the bottom left and the top right, so you generally want to move in one of those directions when you're in a hurry... having a minimap in the way is extremely annoying, since it seems there's some hidden MOBA law that if you EVER misclick on the minimap, you die immediately. I didn't know I could move the minimap, but I'm probably not going to, it makes sense where it is. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On January 03 2013 15:02 nyxnyxnyx wrote: so i took an extended break from LoL (bout 2 weeks ++). could someone fill me in on whats op / major changes? i heard mf is good now but dont know anything else. also, im about to hit 30 on kLoL. if anyone wants to duo q thatd be fun (: along these lines, pretty sure ashe is good again, cdr on brut/cleaver is a really useful stat. 3 second cd on Volley is pretty sick also general question, is it stupid to run 19 arpen on her and mf, who i also rush cleaver on | ||
United States19573 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:05 iCanada wrote: Just need to see a proteam play that style again. I dunno, I've said it so many times before, but I think the fact that in S2 it went from Junglers taxing lanes to lanes taxing junglers is the biggest reason why Carry junglers died more so than the amount of farm in the jungle. With the strong re-emergence of Assassin Champions (see Pantheon, Talon, LB, Akali, Eve, Fizz etc) in S3 I could see team comps with really tanky supporty solo laners (IE Morgana, Yorick, malphite Nunu, Gragas, Zilean, Galio, Shen, Maokai, Sejuani, Trundle, Rumble, GP etc) with a carry jungle such as Shyvana, Riven, Hecarim, Vi, Fiora, WW, j4, Noct and Jax becoming pretty strong because realistically if you are letting your Jungler tax and farm his own jungler well it is much harder to shut down his farm, it is kind of guaranteed. You can't stop a Shyvana from ricing, but you can stop a top laner from ricing with an assassin counter. The problem with having a tax strategy, IMO, is that there is so much space to cover + when you are taxing everywhere else is vulnerable + taxing is stupid unless you get a full reset. Like, if you get a kill on a gank, then push to tower, thats one thing. If you don't, then take a wave, but the laner freezes (or even only freezes caster minions) you've just screwed your lane + opened yourself up for counterjungling + opened up every other lane for ganks. Really, in the current system, the only strength of the jungler is the fog of war. Taxing is only good if ur better, which if your not XJ9, you are prolly not. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:20 cLutZ wrote: The problem with having a tax strategy, IMO, is that there is so much space to cover + when you are taxing everywhere else is vulnerable + taxing is stupid unless you get a full reset. Like, if you get a kill on a gank, then push to tower, thats one thing. If you don't, then take a wave, but the laner freezes (or even only freezes caster minions) you've just screwed your lane + opened yourself up for counterjungling + opened up every other lane for ganks. Really, in the current system, the only strength of the jungler is the fog of war. Taxing is only good if ur better, which if your not XJ9, you are prolly not. But how hard is it really for a Jungler like Shyvana or Hecarim to shove a lane to tower? Not to mention most of the laners I mentioned have no problem pushing a wave like that, farming from far away, and are pretty strong early. Makes a ton of sense because then your Yorick-Chogath solo lanes can win their lanes and be really disruptive in teamfights and your good at diving melee carry jungler can blow things up. Even Champions like Mao, Nautilus, or Taric would do well as solo laners for a teamcomp like that. I'd like to see a Fizz/Talon/Akali burst one of those guys, and despite the logic a lot of people use they would scale relatively well with farm. | ||
United States47024 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:32 TheYango wrote: Carry jungler isn't really about lane phase farm taxing. The farm differential between jungle and lane on faster jungler's isn't so huge as for that to be the deciding factor later. It's the midgame farm management where farm #s between roles really start to spread out. Yeah, this too. When is the last time you saw a jungler not Saint get to go clear two or three waves in any given lane? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:34 iCanada wrote: Yeah, this too. When is the last time you saw a jungler not Saint get to go clear two or three waves in any given lane? Any jungle Shen? lol | ||
United States7572 Posts
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China26351 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:20 cLutZ wrote: The problem with having a tax strategy, IMO, is that there is so much space to cover + when you are taxing everywhere else is vulnerable + taxing is stupid unless you get a full reset. Like, if you get a kill on a gank, then push to tower, thats one thing. If you don't, then take a wave, but the laner freezes (or even only freezes caster minions) you've just screwed your lane + opened yourself up for counterjungling + opened up every other lane for ganks. Really, in the current system, the only strength of the jungler is the fog of war. Taxing is only good if ur better, which if your not XJ9, you are prolly not. thats the whole point of taxing, so that the enemy laner will miss waves and lane will reset, no one taxes just to tax unless they're bad. I've never seen XJ9 take lane cs just to take. | ||
China26351 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:32 TheYango wrote: Carry jungler isn't really about lane phase farm taxing. The farm differential between jungle and lane on faster jungler's isn't so huge as for that to be the deciding factor later. It's the midgame farm management where farm #s between roles really start to spread out. You have to make a conscious decision of how much time to spend not farming during laning phase very early in the game. For example if I'm hecarim I'll plan to do a full clear first and see what happens. If I'm xin I plan to gank two lanes lv2 or lv3 and keep roaming until something happens. Some games it may be the opposite. The decisions you make early in the game affect your cs in mid game tremendously. | ||
China26351 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:34 iCanada wrote: Yeah, this too. When is the last time you saw a jungler not Saint get to go clear two or three waves in any given lane? How much to push after ganks is a very standard decision that usually has an obvious correct answer. Saint doesn't do anything different from anyone else. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Well, thats not quite the same. A Shen isn't a champion with a kit that can just carry teamfights like that. No steroids, no personal peel abilities, not good at diving. Compare that to junglers like Shy, Hec, Jax, J4, Vi or Fiora who all have Steroids, strong diving potential (allowing them to teamfight strongly) and most have ways to escape fights too. As well I feel like people don't realize just how strong the melee carry options in S3 are. I just feel like these teamcomps not being explored as much as they should be (well, in NA/EU atleast, I have no idea what China and Korea are doing). Especially since I think that they should counter the major assassin craze right now. | ||
China1336 Posts
On January 03 2013 18:55 iCanada wrote: As well I feel like people don't realize just how strong the melee carry options in S3 are. I just feel like these teamcomps not being explored as much as they should be (well, in NA/EU atleast, I have no idea what China and Korea are doing). Especially since I think that they should counter the major assassin craze right now. I agree with this so hard. Itemization has never favoured melee carries more. Crucible, the qss upgrade, locket, blade of the ruined king... Let's just think briefly about the main issues with the melee ad carry: A) Hard countered by cc. But now you have so many more cleanses than there ever were... B) Laning. Can easily make a 4-support-1 team comp with decent lane if a five premade was willing to consider it C) Can be kited (other than master yi). But you have now shard of true ice, boots and masteries that negate slows specificially, the qss upgrade speed boost... D) Sieging towers. Buy ohmwrecker. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
Xenics storm vs team op | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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