United States23745 Posts
On January 03 2013 14:38 jaybrundage wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 14:36 Mondeezy wrote: In your opinion, what're the 3 "must-know" top laners as of right now? Oh lemme guess. Riven, Rumble, and Vlad. Thats my guess. Vlad and Rumble are good but I wouldn't say they are must-know. Also Riven is getting gutted in the next patch so learning her now probably isn't the best option. I don't know about "must-know" but recently I've been playing Jax (typical bruiser), Elise (Assassin AP) and Singed (tank) top depending on the situation.
Edit: Echoing everyone else, I'd say Olaf is a must-know
On January 03 2013 14:22 De4ngus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 14:10 VayneAuthority wrote:On January 03 2013 13:38 SnK-Arcbound wrote: So I turned on destiny's stream because of the posts here. Incredibly annoying. Ragey. Stupid. I wouldn't be worried about his elo. There are players like shake and durr at 1800 who will just take all his elo away. I think they might have gotten too used to other players being competent at their roles at 2200+ though, so they'll have to figure that out how to carry again. Edging out a win by playing that 5% better isn't a viable strategy with the variability of play I find at 1800. the only way to get out of 1800 is mass game or just get lucky at that elo, you have maybe a...3% chance of changing the outcome of the game. Season 3 is even more snowbally than season 2 and I didnt think that was possible lol. has anyone played a close game ever? nawwww just gotta own people + Show Spoiler +
thats a pretty modest kda, call me stupid but id say that fits under my extremely lucky group.
just so were clear im not in elo hell or anything, in 1900s lol
1800-1900 is the worst elo to my experience. Full of ragers, tryharders and people who haven't made it. There's many people who fell from 2100~ that will carry the game and also people who got carried there from gold. I just remember it being pretty awful.
Since I'm a pretty bad top player, I dunno about J4 top. People claim he needs items, but I can win games pretty effectively as jungler or support, and I get way more opportunity to do multi-champion fights where he's stronger. Sure he wins some top lanes (Most of them are skill lanes because obviously if you miss EQ you're gonna have a bad time) but... I dunno, I don't play top enough to say. Just that I prefer him in jungle or as support (because he's the funnest support I have :p)
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Yo who gives a fuck about KDA when he's 20-1. Some games might have been luck, but for the most part there's something being done right there. Give some fuckin props where its due.
lol gandhi you motorboater 100% those are all games in new teams in ranked 5s, getting stomped on by newbs in lane then carried by goods gg gandhi i'm onto you
pretty sure most of those are from solo queue, he has by far the highest win % out of all rumble mains.
so i took an extended break from LoL (bout 2 weeks ++). could someone fill me in on whats op / major changes? i heard mf is good now but dont know anything else. also, im about to hit 30 on kLoL. if anyone wants to duo q thatd be fun (:
Why can't we agree on "fuck Rumble" instead?
On January 03 2013 13:53 overt wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 13:42 obesechicken13 wrote:On January 03 2013 13:16 overt wrote:On January 03 2013 13:03 Alaric wrote: Ugh. Ugh! UGH!
No. I just can't work my head around it. This game it's a Talon and a Vayne (and a Nunu to add some MS) and I just feel utterly useless as Nami. Long cooldowns, huge mana costs, and I really feel like her utility doesn't make up for it at all. Imagine if Orianna's W had double the mana cost for only 75% of the MS buff/debuff. That's how I feel playing Nami. Also, chalice mandatory. T_T It doesn't help that all of her CC abilities are crazy easy to read and avoid. Like her ult is honestly trash, I don't think I've ever been hit by it and her stun/snare bubble thing is by far the easiest CC to dodge in bot lane. Her ult is dodgeable but it invites counterplay. This may make her weaker but I'd prefer it if the whole game had counterplay instead of multiple iterations of Zyra's ult which is an essentially unavoidable (without flash) BS knockup. Yeah but Nami's ult is pretty bad. Maybe it's just because other supports have far better ults. Or maybe Nami's ult is just harder to use. I really can't remember a single time that I've been hit by Nami ult. Maybe I'm just playing against bad Nami's or something but shit. It wouldn't say it's this. For chasing its reach is pretty good, and as somebody said it invites counterplay, which means you can mindgame and stuff people trying to juke it. It's pretty good in the jungle to use at junctions and force opponents to split. It helps follow-up skillshots. It can be worth it against long cd ults that rely on closing the gap. Splitting an Olaf who just ulted from his team. Stopping a Kennen dead in his tracks. Etc. The problem of course is that for a lot of those Janna's does the job just as well. If you want engages, there's Sona. etc. In a lot of situations other supports' ults are plain better, so the thing is about finding in which situations Nami's shine most, and what kind of team comps/teamfighting contexts work well with those. But I remember an ult from dragon to blue side's inner mid turret, split up the enemy team between the path left of red buff, the bush behind the red, and between wraiths and river. Then you had the one guy that ran toward wraith's bush and got caught by the ult. Split like that allowed for focus before they regrouped.
The slowness of the hitbox makes it harder to hit, but it also means it's a good zoning tool if you want to force your opponents in a certain position (Viktor's E is amazing for this too because you literally "draw the line" and they turn where you want to avoid it, for example, just because it takes so much time for the hitbox to stop being active).
And her ult being not as strong as some other supports isn't necessarily a problem. But the rest of her kit just seems lack luster. This.
What annoys me with W is that it makes her a trade support. 0K! I'm fine with it. But then I don't think she actually wins a trade against Taric/Alistar/Blitz/Leona. Dunno about Sona, who probably has better burst, but being ready to do it again on Nami's cooldown probably hurts her mana pool much more.
On January 03 2013 14:54 OutlaW- wrote: 1800-1900 is the worst elo to my experience. Full of ragers, tryharders and people who haven't made it. There's many people who fell from 2100~ that will carry the game and also people who got carried there from gold. I just remember it being pretty awful. as a 1800 player, you'll be happy to know that i give 0 fucks
i do all my build testing in ranked huehue
edit: i am willing to 1v1 gandhi's rumble with top nunu for great justice
United States23745 Posts
On January 03 2013 15:02 nyxnyxnyx wrote: so i took an extended break from LoL (bout 2 weeks ++). could someone fill me in on whats op / major changes? i heard mf is good now but dont know anything else. also, im about to hit 30 on kLoL. if anyone wants to duo q thatd be fun (: Common start these days is flask+5 pots+ward. Gives massive sustain and is immensely helpful in lane.
Edit: This is most common in solo lanes, basically if your opponent doesn't have a similar start or high sustain you can just force trades and bully them out of lane.
On January 03 2013 15:06 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 14:54 OutlaW- wrote: 1800-1900 is the worst elo to my experience. Full of ragers, tryharders and people who haven't made it. There's many people who fell from 2100~ that will carry the game and also people who got carried there from gold. I just remember it being pretty awful. as a 1800 player, you'll be happy to know that i give 0 fucks i do all my build testing in ranked huehue edit: i am willing to 1v1 gandhi's rumble with top nunu for great justice sure just add me. whats ur username?
On January 03 2013 15:19 De4ngus wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 15:06 101toss wrote:On January 03 2013 14:54 OutlaW- wrote: 1800-1900 is the worst elo to my experience. Full of ragers, tryharders and people who haven't made it. There's many people who fell from 2100~ that will carry the game and also people who got carried there from gold. I just remember it being pretty awful. as a 1800 player, you'll be happy to know that i give 0 fucks i do all my build testing in ranked huehue edit: i am willing to 1v1 gandhi's rumble with top nunu for great justice sure just add me. whats ur username? g0atsebusters
currently playing on a potato, will have access to a better comp tommorrow
edit: lost but 0 fucks were given
Finished my first ever 10 ranked games. My rating is 1377. Now I must progress to gold. :D
my problem with nami is that she's like a support for supports. none of her abilities are good by themselves, they need help in order to get some degree of effectiveness. no one gets hit by tidal wave but it's devastating with something like varus ult or amumu ult. bubble is a chain stunner and nearly impossible to hit on its own. her heal scales horribly, especially the nuke portion of it. her peel ability is awful.
Quick noob question, why is Zed played competitively and Akali is not, when they are both assassins, and Zed has awkward energy problems? Also, is Zed worth picking up for toplane?
What does tllol prefer, minimap on bottom left or bottom right?
On January 03 2013 15:59 MattBarry wrote: What does tllol prefer, minimap on bottom left or bottom right? i speak for all starcraft players when i say bottom left
On January 03 2013 15:59 MattBarry wrote: What does tllol prefer, minimap on bottom left or bottom right? west coast best coast