I think he means positioning as an AD carry, like autoing without being in dangerous spots.
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Canada10660 Posts
I think he means positioning as an AD carry, like autoing without being in dangerous spots. | ||
United States1022 Posts
On December 23 2012 10:50 Vei wrote: So last time I posted here asking about lane freezing I got a ton of new info. Was wondering if anyone could direct me to Korean top lane VoDs, because it's basically the lane I'm most clueless about in s3/in general. It seems, at first glance, the easiest/most straightforward lane, but then I hear pros describe Koreans as "on another level" in top lane, and it makes me wonder what they are doing. So basically, if anyone has links to s3 Korean twitch VoD lists or something like that, or general... information about top lane, I would appreciate it. I have Irelia -- is she still good? I heard some pro's qq about s3 being "about nerfing Irelia." I tend to die very early on with Irelia pretty often... is she like... weaker early on? Or do you need flawless E timing? Don't have time for specifics atm, but you should check here! http://www.reddit.com/r/LoLeventVoDs | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
On December 23 2012 10:58 arb wrote: the 8 from masteries and 35% from LW combine to form 40%, it has DR, but flat armpen as far as i can tell stacks like 19+5+10 blah blah. % is applied before flat, so you'll reduce armor by 40% then another 34 for your reg runes. not sure when the passive 25% from BC applies tho, id say 1st but im not sure BC first, then LW+mastery then the flat stats. Armor*0.75*0.65*0.92-34= their actual armor. | ||
France45622 Posts
She gains a lot of burst and sustain at level 6, and then at level 7 you have your ult + high level hiten style to put the hurt, so you want to farm as safely and as much as possible until then, freezing the lane on your side is kinda good and the reset/refund mechanic on Q makes it very easy for her to farm under turret. You definitely don't want to fight before level 5 at least, unless there's a gank coming for you or your opponent makes a mistake (harasses you in turret range? Eat a E). She can kinda retaliate against some champs (her pre-6 is better than her post-6 against Jax because of the power of his ult, and she beats Olaf early on by using E as soon as he uses his, then simply trading autos). Post-6/7, wait for them to have an even or greater HP % than you, then either walk up to them, Q to an almost dead minion next to them, or if you really are forced to Q to them, stun them, turn W on and start wailing at them. If you don't take too much harass while W is on cooldown, you should outtrade most of the top lane champs pretty hard (Vlad and Riven for example lose trades very hard at that point). If you get behind, because Irelia's pre-6 is below average for offensive capabilities and she relies so much on Hiten levels (kinda like Olaf relies on Reckless Swing levels in a lot of match-ups), a lot of top laners will snowball hard on you and you'll be screwed without intervention from your jungler though (Yorick, Shen, Riven, Vlad, Olaf, Xin, etc. get a gold or level advantage from you dying pre-6? Call your jungler and get ready for a tough ride). Edit: she was "nerfed" in that she relies on on-hit flat HP heals for her sustain, so her favorite stats are AS and resists. AS is cheaper, but her core offensive items (triforce, wit's end) aren't particularly better (they're worse in that phage is more expensive and wit's provides less MR) and her defensive options have been straight up nerfed (GA, randuin's starting warden's mail). It's easier to stack HP but it doesn't straighten her EHP like resists do. Udyr, Warwick should suffer in the same way from s3. Last thing: don't build fucking gp5 on Irelia ever. Philo and HoG were 0K s2 in a 1v2 lane, but really, if you're ahead just get your triforce faster, the only benefit from building HoG was because you'd get randuin's later, but an earlier phage > starting HoG any day. | ||
Australia1822 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Denmark2142 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:09 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I've yet to meet someone who can really bully me hard, and once you get 3 levels in Q or so it's pretty impossible to stop her farming. Do you actually level q, or are you talking about lvl 10? Even if you're level talking about leveling q after w I'd say it's very situational and I would rarely lvl q over e. Edit: Also are you buying philo after the patch? It seems utterly worthless to me. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:10 GolemMadness wrote: Is there still a way to get some champions for free (other than the free rotation)? I just got Alistar for free and saw that there was a link to get Tristana from Facebook, but I couldn't get it to work. Are there others available through liking LoL on Facebook and Youtube or whatever? Alistar and Tristana I believe are the only ones you can get for free. Aside from somehow obtaining skin codes for Nasus, Sivir, Jax, Caitlyn, etc. If you redeem skin codes for champions you don't own you get the champion for free. | ||
United States2845 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:08 Alaric wrote: Irelia is very weak pre-6-7 because she rely on her W to do her damage and the true damage part isn't high enough to make your trades really strong before level 5+. Also, using your full combo (EW and Q when they run or to reset aa right before it ends, possibly another Q on a low health creep near the enemy laner to get in E range) is pretty heavy in mana so you want to make it count. She gains a lot of burst and sustain at level 6, and then at level 7 you have your ult + high level hiten style to put the hurt, so you want to farm as safely and as much as possible until then, freezing the lane on your side is kinda good and the reset/refund mechanic on Q makes it very easy for her to farm under turret. You definitely don't want to fight before level 5 at least, unless there's a gank coming for you or your opponent makes a mistake (harasses you in turret range? Eat a E). She can kinda retaliate against some champs (her pre-6 is better than her post-6 against Jax because of the power of his ult, and she beats Olaf early on by using E as soon as he uses his, then simply trading autos). Post-6/7, wait for them to have an even or greater HP % than you, then either walk up to them, Q to an almost dead minion next to them, or if you really are forced to Q to them, stun them, turn W on and start wailing at them. If you don't take too much harass while W is on cooldown, you should outtrade most of the top lane champs pretty hard (Vlad and Riven for example lose trades very hard at that point). If you get behind, because Irelia's pre-6 is below average for offensive capabilities and she relies so much on Hiten levels (kinda like Olaf relies on Reckless Swing levels in a lot of match-ups), a lot of top laners will snowball hard on you and you'll be screwed without intervention from your jungler though (Yorick, Shen, Riven, Vlad, Olaf, Xin, etc. get a gold or level advantage from you dying pre-6? Call your jungler and get ready for a tough ride). Thank you so much for the specifics, this and the other posts have really helped me. I've definitely been playing her very wrong.. and I'm sure there's a lot of knowledge that is specific to each match-up, but knowing you should be able to take on Riven (who has been hard for me in past games) at 6-7 is good info, tyty. | ||
United States2845 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:05 Holytornados wrote: Don't have time for specifics atm, but you should check here! http://www.reddit.com/r/LoLeventVoDs thanks for the link! if anyone knows of specific irelia or renekton korean vod links i would lovee them (is renekton even viable?) | ||
United States9006 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:27 Vei wrote: thanks for the link! if anyone knows of specific irelia or renekton korean vod links i would lovee them (is renekton even viable?) I would assume that new BC+armor pen changes have made Renekton a lot more viable. He's really strong and abusive early game and his main problem was always falling off late game but I think S3 changes have eliminated a lot of that. There are probably better bruisers than Renekton but if you like him/are good with him then I'm sure you'll be fine in solo queue. | ||
France45622 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:23 Vei wrote: Thank you so much for the specifics, this and the other posts have really helped me. I've definitely been playing her very wrong.. and I'm sure there's a lot of knowledge that is specific to each match-up, but knowing you should be able to take on Riven (who has been hard for me in past games) at 6-7 is good info, tyty. There's also the fact that I'm a bastard running defensive masteries (19-11-0 or 9-14-7 in s2, 9-21-0 for now, but the Irelia thread has some better setups in its last page, look it up) and having enough runepages that I can use AS marks and armor or MR quints (with more flat MR than scaling MR blues in that case), which screws champs like Riven or Vlad a lot during the laning phase. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:33 Alaric wrote: I cringe every time my top laner buys philo because I know he'll get screwed if he tries to trade and I also know he'll try most of the time. There's also the fact that I'm a bastard running defensive masteries (19-11-0 or 9-14-7 in s2, 9-21-0 for now, but the Irelia thread has some better setups in its last page, look it up) and having enough runepages that I can use AS marks and armor or MR quints (with more flat MR than scaling MR blues in that case), which screws champs like Riven or Vlad a lot during the laning phase. Hell, even a full armor or full MR rune page allows you to have no so bad a time. Sometimes you can win trades like level 4-5 once you have a couple levels in hiten style if you can just stack armor like against say Riven. Against a Riven I'd even say you could just come in with 40 Armor from runes then Cloth armor and pots and just ignore the riven and farms. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:33 Alaric wrote: I cringe every time my top laner buys philo because I know he'll get screwed if he tries to trade and I also know he'll try most of the time. I am so guilty of this you don't even know. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:46 Requizen wrote: I am so guilty of this you don't even know. Hell, I cringe when supports these days buy GP tens. If other support not stupid their AD wins lane for free... the support might get more gold, but their AD suffers pretty hard for it. | ||
United States9006 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
It's even worse that this happened in OGN and not just low level games. I also have yet to see teams properly abuse how good Locket is right now, especially in multiples. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:57 zulu_nation8 wrote: i think thats ok on hecarim/nunu Why Nunu? Even if you want a gp10 item, the Kage would be more useful for you than the Philo because Nunu's inherent sustain makes double regen items totally superfluous. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On December 23 2012 11:54 TheYango wrote: The dumbest thing is seeing junglers go Spirit Stone + Philo and have zero combat stats at 15 minutes. It's even worse that this happened in OGN and not just low level games. I also have yet to see teams properly abuse how good Locket is right now, especially in multiples. Meh. Id run that on Sej or Amumu I think. My immediate next item would be an aegis though. | ||
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