On December 03 2012 09:10 zer0das wrote: I've picked up Varus after not playing him since... oh, about a month after he came out. I guess I've improved a lot since then, because I've been wrecking face with him. I've gotten 3 triple kills in as many games, and a penta. As long as there aren't any face humpers (Rengar, Kha'zix) he's way better than I remember.
Varus is fun! I like the AD-caster feel to him, the rhythm to his skills, and the crazy kill power with his ult. How have you been building him? I find myself liking an early brutalizer to just take over in lane, followed by Zeal and BT in some order.
Scarra thinks mpen quints are also good for Lux, who relies a lot on her base damage and her passive. I am pretty sure that in general, mpen quints will allow you to do more damage (like how arpen works). But the lack of extra AP from quints will mean that it is harder to shove lanes.
Varus is fun! I like the AD-caster feel to him, the rhythm to his skills, and the crazy kill power with his ult. How have you been building him? I find myself liking an early brutalizer to just take over in lane, followed by Zeal and BT in some order.
Varus leona has one of the most ridiculous level 6 combos in the game, try it sometime. It's a retarded good lane.
As far as builds go, it depends on your lane matchup. I have two standard builds
'trade' varus goes W first, maxes R>E>W>Q and itemises for attack and mvspeed. (zerkers and zeal into inf edge) I build him against non bursty or short ranged ads like ashe, cait, kog and vayne. The goal is to kill a minion then start a trade, hitting them 3 times then Eing them while they attack more slowly, getting a big chunk of health off them and using the slow field from E to disengage cleanly. Works well with shield/steroid supports and reliable CC supports- lulu, taric and janna and nunu.
'poke' varus goes E first, maxes R>Q>E>W and itemises for early AD (stay on boots 1, dblade, brut, bloodthirster). The goal is to avoid trades and control the lane through poke, synergising with a poke or sustain support like soraka, sona, lux, zyra etc. Use against bursty adcs like ezreal, corki, graves, mf. Can be worth the support getting a mana manipulator and buying mana potions to keep up the pressure. Use Q for normal poke, E to punish pressure moves. Go for single AA trades with the enemy carry if you have a minion advantage. Make sure you ward the shit out of everything because you will pushpushpushpushpush. Varus is second only to cait in his ability to play a tower pressure game with this build
Varus is fun! I like the AD-caster feel to him, the rhythm to his skills, and the crazy kill power with his ult. How have you been building him? I find myself liking an early brutalizer to just take over in lane, followed by Zeal and BT in some order.
Varus leona has one of the most ridiculous level 6 combos in the game, try it sometime. It's a retarded good lane.
Yeah, my brother and I usually do Varus/Leona or Varus/Zyra - the plants make landing a good Q absurdly easy even if the root misses. Janna's my third favorite support as Varus because he needs all the help with disengaging he can get.
Man. my little cousin told me about his great support amumu idea. I lied to him and told him it was secret asian meta but now I'm thinking of trying it.
aggro the creep line in lane and keep getting tantrum resets on top of armor stacking and the built in damage reduc.
On December 03 2012 12:09 MooMooMugi wrote: Anyone know why there wasn't a WCG for LoL this year?
They didn't get a deal though with riot so they just did dota 2 instead.
On December 03 2012 12:09 Sermokala wrote: Man. my little cousin told me about his great support amumu idea. I lied to him and told him it was secret asian meta but now I'm thinking of trying it.
aggro the creep line in lane and keep getting tantrum resets on top of armor stacking and the built in damage reduc.
On December 03 2012 12:09 MooMooMugi wrote: Anyone know why there wasn't a WCG for LoL this year?
They didn't get a deal though with riot so they just did dota 2 instead.
Well, there is that video of a premade team just pushing from level 1 on, getting a turret at level 1, which also used amumu for that. As a support, i don't see how it would work considering that you don't do anything except push the lane hard, and supports are rarely needed for that.
On December 03 2012 13:17 onlywonderboy wrote: So I guess IPL6 is going to be taking place in about four months. Interested to see how this plays out once the Riot league officially starts up.
Riot has said that they will hold the curcit events at live events on the weeks that they're happening. the events will have their own events with the favorites cleaned out for newer more ambitious teams to make a name for themselves and get more media coverage.
On December 03 2012 13:17 onlywonderboy wrote: So I guess IPL6 is going to be taking place in about four months. Interested to see how this plays out once the Riot league officially starts up.
Riot has said that they will hold the curcit events at live events on the weeks that they're happening. the events will have their own events with the favorites cleaned out for newer more ambitious teams to make a name for themselves and get more media coverage.
I just worry that's going to lead to some lackluster tournaments. I mean, seeing up and comers is cool and all, but it's hard to say if the skill level is going to be there.
On December 03 2012 13:17 onlywonderboy wrote: So I guess IPL6 is going to be taking place in about four months. Interested to see how this plays out once the Riot league officially starts up.
Riot has said that they will hold the curcit events at live events on the weeks that they're happening. the events will have their own events with the favorites cleaned out for newer more ambitious teams to make a name for themselves and get more media coverage.
I just worry that's going to lead to some lackluster tournaments. I mean, seeing up and comers is cool and all, but it's hard to say if the skill level is going to be there.
Of course this is bound to happen, I mean look at IEM Singapore. But, with the release of S3 and all the changes its bringing I think it will be more interesting to see what pro and amateur teams come up with. Especially given the increase in coverage, were pretty much inundated with tournaments every week now anyways, good to see fresh faces emerging, hopefully.
On December 03 2012 09:10 zer0das wrote: I've picked up Varus after not playing him since... oh, about a month after he came out. I guess I've improved a lot since then, because I've been wrecking face with him. I've gotten 3 triple kills in as many games, and a penta. As long as there aren't any face humpers (Rengar, Kha'zix) he's way better than I remember.
Varus is fun! I like the AD-caster feel to him, the rhythm to his skills, and the crazy kill power with his ult. How have you been building him? I find myself liking an early brutalizer to just take over in lane, followed by Zeal and BT in some order.
On Varus I've actually been going 2 dorans, vamp scept->IE/phage into Trinity Force followed by Guardian Angel. I feel like with enough physical damage you can combo someone down in short order. Guardian Angel helps compensate for the fact that you can't create distance with him very easily. Also if you get a phage proc, you can chunk someone. Especially since I go R>W>E>Q and E's slow is pretty ridiculous once you max it.
i think what he was actually saying is darien didnt know how to play vs cho as rengar but once he learned how to beat cho and the fact that rengar is OP he got owned.