On July 25 2012 00:07 Requizen wrote: So a quick question as I try to improve my AP mid play, concerning spells. The mids I play are usually Viktor, Ryze, Brand, and Galio; for clarity's sake, though this question mainly concerns Viktor and Brand, as Galio and Ryze are tanky and like staying in fights for consistent damage.
I generally think of fights as 3 types: 1v1 trading in lane, skirmishes involving small numbers, and teamfights. How should I be managing my spells during each of these? What points is it best to fire off everything and run, or is it better to stick around and spam things as they come off CD? Should I always fire off everything at the closest target, or is it occasionally wiser to hold them until a more valuable enemy is nearby?
im pretty bad but they are all aoe champs so in a teamfight you want them to be grouped as much a spossible to get best use of aoe i would imagine.
On July 25 2012 00:47 Sven Stryker wrote:Show nested quote +On July 24 2012 23:55 Requizen wrote:On July 24 2012 23:52 Live2Win wrote:On July 24 2012 23:49 daemir wrote:On July 24 2012 23:45 Requizen wrote:On July 24 2012 23:44 Leonite7 wrote:On July 24 2012 23:36 Alaric wrote: Urgh, mechanics so annoying. Been playing a lot of Ezreal, and not having any escape on Ashe makes me forced to stutter-step when somebody tries to dive me. I'm so bad at that I missclick often enough to fuck up kills or get myself killed. Need to pick Ashe or Vayne 10 games in a row to practice that "click behind, click champ in front, repeat". Also stupid stuff like cone AoE whiffing like mad when you smartcast them at short range, gotta take the habit to click farther so it casts exactly at the angle I want it too.
Mechanics. T.T Cool tip for stutter stepping is to shift-right click to do an attack move behind you and then right click to move backwards. On a UK keyboard you can also use a-left click behind you and then right click, I guess it would be the key underneath a on a French keyboard with the AZERTY set up. That gets wonky as soon as minions are involved though, or will your champ prioritize other champions on attack move? I think you can use the button that targets only champions with that click, but you'll probably need to rebind it somehow first as it's the button next to 1, pretty hard hand motion to keep it pressed while holding shift and clicking away, at least I find it so. wtf there is such a button?! mind = blown It's the ` (or ~) button next to your 1 button, basically makes it so you can't target anything but Champs, useful for making sure you don't Taric stun a minion or whatever. I'm not sure you can Shift + `, though. I mean, if it works, great, but I don't know if it does or not. If so, I'll probably rebind "Champ only" to one of my side mouse buttons. Tried this. Though tilde stops you from targeting non-champions, it doesn't change your attack-move command. Makes sense since that command isn't targeted anyway. Damn! Reading the first posts I was all" WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF IT AT ALL" but now I know: it's my mind that unconsciously protected me from being disappointed.
And yeah, I usually a-move whenever I can, but it's easier to micro marines in a SC2 skirmish than a single champion in LoL 1v1 because there are no minions that interfere (and now I'm wondering what it'd be like if you were stutter stepping marines against lings on Destination like a pro when suddenly they deviated from the swarm to shoot a passing-by pandabear instead). Damn minions. :< Missed a kill at a tower like that, I a-moved by reflex just once, and I died leaving my target within one aa from death.
About teamfighting it depends. When Viktor was released I played him wota-rylai style, then tanky (because his W and R were bugged and disappeared on death I'd build zhonya and even qss if needed), and he's surprisingly good at clean-up with such items, as rylai + his W make him good at zoning, slowing people or simply escape from them if they use a gap closer (he's still bad against it, but WotA + Q relieve a bit of the pain). In actuality if you play him like the poke + burst mage he is, you'd rather escape if you get engaged isolated from the rest of the fight, than blow your ult on a single person. But of course your priority should still be to survive, as your E allows you to poke from afar even if you come up late and wounded to the 4v4. I find it a bit tricky as you lose a lot of damage from your ult if you cast it from max range and don't follow as running away from you should be enough to outrun the AoE (if it hits several persons it won't follow anyone, even if you clicked on a single champ as you casted it initially, too, so you lose a bit of chasing when that happens), but you don't want to be in the middle of several people as you're still pretty squishy.
Listen to Soniv anyway, he knows his Viktor better than me (till he falls in love with a plant bait and forgets about steel).
Speaking of Viktor, is that WotA/Rylai tanky style still the thing or are we doing DRing - Death - DCap kill mage style now? Vik thread seems a bit outdated.
I miss champion judgement/reflections. Why did they stop doing those?
On July 25 2012 01:34 Requizen wrote: Speaking of Viktor, is that WotA/Rylai tanky style still the thing or are we doing DRing - Death - DCap kill mage style now? Vik thread seems a bit outdated.
I still get hextech if I feel I need it, but won't get WotA til later. I don't get Rylai's as often anymore, instead opting for other tanky options (zhonya/abyssal). I will take a look at Vik thread and update at some point.
I also edited my post on the previous page, but just in case you don't look backwards:
On July 25 2012 00:32 jcarlsoniv wrote: It's really dependent on the current flow of the game/fight. You need to make very snap judgements based on your positioning and the enemy positioning.
I'll use the example of Viktor since I know him best. You need to assess the two teams. Can you get your W on their carries or do you need to place it on your carries to save them? Can you trap/zone someone with W? Keep poking with Q. It is very short cooldown, doesn't cost too much mana, and can do some real chunking. Get your ult and E to burst down the key targets. Even late game, your burst is terrifying for a carry.
All this time, you need to keep your own safety in mind. If you die before you can kill a target, or do substantial damage to multiple target, then you're useless (unless your team can clean up). For most mages, once your CDs are down, you're pretty useless and your AAs won't do much, so get to a safe spot or reposition to follow up once your CDs are back.
You really need to know your CDs vs enemy CDs and play according to those. If you can continually use your abilities to keep pressure, then do so as long as you can stay safe. If you're a high burst mage with long cooldowns, blow your CDs on priority targets and then get your ass in a better position.
Lack of resources in the Lore department, iirc, but MoonBear may correct me.
Viktor's more in the "rush deathcap, burn anything in sight" style now.
On July 25 2012 01:43 Alaric wrote: Lack of resources in the Lore department, iirc, but MoonBear may correct me.
Viktor's more in the "rush deathcap, burn anything in sight" style now.
Maybe they should stop making champs every 2 weeks then.
anyone else playing xin in the jungle? i REALLY like it. hes got sustain, aoe, a gap closer and slow and knock up, he kills turrets fast with qw. someone was saying he sucked in the jungle. uhh.. his variety of skills seems made for the jungle.
ive been going boots 3 start, hog, avarice, merc treads, bruta, phage. then i work on finishing triforce, and then ghostblade. after that ive been experiementing with items like randuins, frozen mallet, bt, maw, ga.
he doesnt seem to have a time in the game where he is weak. you can chunk people at lvl 2 or lvl 18. that passive % armor pen is ridiculous.
The old xin was a better jangler, ofcourse people don't know this because no one played him zzz
On July 25 2012 02:15 JackDino wrote: The old xin was a better jangler, ofcourse people don't know this because no one played him zzz yeah i just got him 2 days ago. wasnt interested in him before the remake, but now i really enjoy it. i have no idea how he played before. i guess the build i posted is the cookiecutter jungle build for him atm (from SV). it works very well.
his cooldowns might need a look. not sure if its feasible to be spamming that shit nonstop.
Thanks for replies, I really need to work on my mid so I don't fail when stuck there :\
Also, Aphromoo left TSM:
Major news today break from Team Solo Mid Evo (TSM.Evo). AD Carry Zaqueri "Aphromoo" Black is leaving the team for greener pastures. This is fairly surprising since the bottom lane combination of Aphromoo and Nhat "NhatNguyen" Nguyen was so strong and obviously one of the most feared combinations in North America. There will be a lot of interest in seeing how this break up of synergy in the bottom lane will affect the entire team. Moreover how this split will affect Aphromoo's professional career. A few professional teams are looking for new players to finalize up their rosters in preparation for the end of season two. There are a variety of top notch teams looking to revamp or buff their existing rosters, these are possible homes for this all star player. For the time being this loss leaves TSM.Evo without an AD Carry. All eyes will be on TSM.Evo's next pick up, which could make or break their standing as one of North America's top League of Legends teams. Quote from Nhat Nguyen "After some careful thought and discussion, Aphromoo has decided to leave the team in order to pursue opportunities elsewhere. Although I will not elaborate on why he chose to leave the team, we wish him the best of luck." We contacted Nhat for further insight as to how the change will affect TSM.Evo's overall team strategy and performance. Quote from Nhat Nguyen "Unfortunately, he decided to part ways but we have been planning ways to improve as a team since his departure. We are currently in the process of recruiting an AD player you might know and our team is still very confident in our chances at the season regional with this change." There is a lot of excitement around who will be Aphromoo's replacement. We here at Monomaniac e-Sports wish Aphromoo the best of luck on his team search, as well as Nhat in his quest for an AD Carry.
Aww, I loved aphro nhat combo... That's lame 
aphro's trist is op'd.
On July 25 2012 02:15 JackDino wrote: The old xin was a better jangler, ofcourse people don't know this because no one played him zzz new xin ganks harder though, which is pretty much all that matters on him since he's not an AoE clearer.
Aphro and Nhat had this crazy dynamic where they would always win low level fights regardless of lane. Lvl 2 Soraka/Ashe would double kill Ali/Corki no problem. I always loved that.
I wonder if Aphro already has a better offer ala-Huk. Seems pretty conceited of him to just assume he'll get a good contract elsewhere.
i got the feeling aphro really didnt like wingsofdeath as a person, and he didnt like unstoppable (i think thats their junglers name) as a player. when they started scrimming and playing together aphro was really outgoing and funny, and by the end, over the last few weeks, he just wasnt saying much at all.
i dont even play toplane much at all, but wingsofdeath is my favorite player in the game. but when they would stream scrims he would just go on and on about the most inane shit, and complain a lot about being camped. it was starting to bug me honestly. this was kinda wierd to me, cuz on his stream he doesnt act like that.
of course it could have simply been aphro thought he had a better chance to win elsewhere or the almighty $.
i think of wings as a more annoying treeeskimo
On July 25 2012 02:15 JackDino wrote: The old xin was a better jangler, ofcourse people don't know this because no one played him zzz
I played him a lot before the jungle remake, when I was learning to jungle. He was alright at that, although I was still relatively new to the game then. I tried playing him in the new jungle before his remake. After playing pretty much only fast clearing champs (udyr/cho) it was an awful experience for me. I guess I still wouldn't jungle new Xin, just doesn't fit with the style of jungler and I believe he is better in a lane anyway.
aphro has also said on his stream he would much rather play mid or top.
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On July 25 2012 02:35 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On July 25 2012 02:15 JackDino wrote: The old xin was a better jangler, ofcourse people don't know this because no one played him zzz new xin ganks harder though, which is pretty much all that matters on him since he's not an AoE clearer. Are his ganks really better? He gained half a second slow on E but lost 50 range on E and the passive attack speed from W.
I feel like the 50 range loss on his gap closer is more significant in the ganking scenario than the other minor tweaks to his kit. Most of the big improvements to him such as better baseline CDs for everything apply more to teamfights than to burst damage on a gank.
ShakeDrizzle playing Taric vs OddOne on stream right now