So how are the reworks, on a scale of 1-10?
Poll: Xin Zhao8-9 (11) 69% 6-7 (2) 13% 10 (He may be OP in a certain "major" aspect) (2) 13% 1-2 (Ruined him even more) (1) 6% 3-4 (0) 0% 5 (about the same) (0) 0% 16 total votes Your vote: Xin Zhao (Vote): 1-2 (Ruined him even more) (Vote): 3-4 (Vote): 5 (about the same) (Vote): 6-7 (Vote): 8-9 (Vote): 10 (He may be OP in a certain "major" aspect)
Poll: Twitch5 (about the same) (8) 40% 1-2 (Ruined him even more) (7) 35% 6-7 (5) 25% 3-4 (0) 0% 8-9 (0) 0% 10 (He may be OP in a certain "major" aspect) (0) 0% 20 total votes Your vote: Twitch (Vote): 1-2 (Ruined him even more) (Vote): 3-4 (Vote): 5 (about the same) (Vote): 6-7 (Vote): 8-9 (Vote): 10 (He may be OP in a certain "major" aspect)
Poll: Eve6-7 (5) 45% 5 (about the same) (2) 18% 10 (She may be OP in a certain "major" aspect) (2) 18% 3-4 (1) 9% 8-9 (1) 9% 1-2 (Ruined her even more) (0) 0% 11 total votes Your vote: Eve (Vote): 1-2 (Ruined her even more) (Vote): 3-4 (Vote): 5 (about the same) (Vote): 6-7 (Vote): 8-9 (Vote): 10 (She may be OP in a certain "major" aspect)
Xin is better, Eve is better, Twitch is about even as he was. The evepassive is abit weird
United States37500 Posts
They're all buffed imoimo.
Eve is stupidly better. Going to jungle her, Xin, and Hecarim for free Elo.
Twitch is restructured. I still think old twitch was better in jungle. new twitch is better in lane.
Eve's lane ganks are stupid fucking op'd, but her straight up from river ganks are, just so-so.
why do you have to finish gunblade first if you pick up an early cutlass on eve? i thought cutlass > phage > triforce was a fairly common thing on jax or you could even go aegis in between cutlass and triforce if you wanted to be more defensive and teamfight oriented
ever since the lifesteal nerfs i've wondered if cutlass instead of wriggles could be really strong on some junglers if i could just remember to use the active, eve seems like a perfect candidate
Xin is pretty solidly strong, as I said I view him in a similar light as Darius as a largely immobile high damage bruiser, just wants to get on the ADC and slap him around. He is fine overall, probably going to become another strong toplaner.
Eve got buffed (obviously), she now fits in as a stealthy jungler, I don't know how well pink ward counterplay will affect her, as I haven't been either scared of her, or supporting against a jungle eve. I think she may become viable as a top level jungler, or maybe she needs to be slightly stronger. In any case she is fine as is.
Twitch is still trash as an ADC, haven't seen him in the jungle, but I imagine he is trash there as well. He doesn't have a good way to trade in lane, costing him a lot vs most AD carries. A good support can make sure they know when he stealths, making it apparent when he is trying to trade. Because he can't trade, he is merely on even footing when he finally is able to get a fight with his stealth.
United States47024 Posts
Eve's way stronger, but I don't see her being super OP because she still appears to be a trash teamfighter.
On July 20 2012 16:33 TheYango wrote: Eve's way stronger, but I don't see her being super OP because she still appears to be a trash teamfighter. I agree, she feels a lot stronger in mid game, but I still question her lategame fighting power. Chances are, in lategame it's going to usually be a straight up 5v5 fight, with no invisible gimmick to make you unpredictable, or what not. In terms of a straight up 5v5 fight, she doesn't really offer anything 'strong' in comparison to other melee's, also her base stats for hp/armor/mr, still feels pretty weak for scaling into lategame, but tbh that's the same problem fiora has.
Also, a lot of the item requirements that are needed for eve to feel strong, also pretty expensive, I don't really see jungle offering the amount of gold she needs to get those items. From what I've seen, her laning is still weak, so I don't really see how she'll be able to cope in current meta. She's probably going to need snowball hard, for her to work out well. Also, her level 2 ganks are ridiculously strong, especially w. red first.
On July 20 2012 16:16 chalice wrote: why do you have to finish gunblade first if you pick up an early cutlass on eve? i thought cutlass > phage > triforce was a fairly common thing on jax or you could even go aegis in between cutlass and triforce if you wanted to be more defensive and teamfight oriented
ever since the lifesteal nerfs i've wondered if cutlass instead of wriggles could be really strong on some junglers if i could just remember to use the active, eve seems like a perfect candidate
You could honestly just hold on to the cutlass, and never turn it into a gunblade, just like voyboy does w/ it on lee sin. . Also, what do people think about ghostblade on her? I think it's a nice stack onto her abilities. Maybe Cutlass->phage->brutalizer->triforce->ghostblade? I dunno, just some food for thoughts.
On July 20 2012 16:47 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 16:33 TheYango wrote: Eve's way stronger, but I don't see her being super OP because she still appears to be a trash teamfighter. I agree, she feels a lot stronger in mid game, but I still question her lategame fighting power. Chances are, in lategame it's going to usually be a straight up 5v5 fight, with no invisible gimmick to make you unpredictable, or what not. In terms of a straight up 5v5 fight, she doesn't really offer anything 'strong' in comparison to other melee's, also her base stats for hp/armor/mr, still feels pretty weak for scaling into lategame, but tbh that's the same problem fiora has. Also, a lot of the item requirements that are needed for eve to feel strong, also pretty expensive, I don't really see jungle offering the amount of gold she needs to get those items. From what I've seen, her laning is still weak, so I don't really see how she'll be able to cope in current meta. She's probably going to need snowball hard, for her to work out well. Also, her level 2 ganks are ridiculously strong, especially w. red first. Nothing strong? A 25% hp nuke which is AoE, slows everyone and the ability to sprint towards the enemy carry and rap them.
Just played a game with 2 rioters on my team. RiotNome and RiotMspudding. In the 1500s. They called us braindead teammates and raged as much as any other person in this elo range. Very dissapointed.
On July 20 2012 16:55 JackDino wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 16:47 wei2coolman wrote:On July 20 2012 16:33 TheYango wrote: Eve's way stronger, but I don't see her being super OP because she still appears to be a trash teamfighter. I agree, she feels a lot stronger in mid game, but I still question her lategame fighting power. Chances are, in lategame it's going to usually be a straight up 5v5 fight, with no invisible gimmick to make you unpredictable, or what not. In terms of a straight up 5v5 fight, she doesn't really offer anything 'strong' in comparison to other melee's, also her base stats for hp/armor/mr, still feels pretty weak for scaling into lategame, but tbh that's the same problem fiora has. Also, a lot of the item requirements that are needed for eve to feel strong, also pretty expensive, I don't really see jungle offering the amount of gold she needs to get those items. From what I've seen, her laning is still weak, so I don't really see how she'll be able to cope in current meta. She's probably going to need snowball hard, for her to work out well. Also, her level 2 ganks are ridiculously strong, especially w. red first. Nothing strong? A 25% hp nuke which is AoE, slows everyone and the ability to sprint towards the enemy carry and rap them. In Magic damage, even the most basic carries easily reach around 100MR, and lets face it, Annie's ulti, at any stage of the game is going to do WAY more damage than just a "25% hp nuke". 25% sounds nice, but % max hp damage abilities are only good in this game when it's continuous, (kogmaw/vayne/amumu/). Also, they made it percent so it makes it so AD eve's can still do a chunk of damage with this ability, because this was just scaled like regular abilities (base + ap ratio) it would do even less with AD eve's, but it would be fucking way better on AP eve.
I guess what I'm saying is this ability isn't that great, it does more damage to bruisers, than it'll do on carries, and eve's job isn't to beat bruisers, it's suppose to snipe carries.
On July 20 2012 17:01 Zooper31 wrote: Just played a game with 2 rioters on my team. RiotNome and RiotMspudding. In the 1500s. They called us braindead teammates and raged as much as any other person in this elo range. Very dissapointed.
Former S2 employees, they played a lot of HoN before so I wouldn't be surprised. In HoN, Nome managed to hit like 1800ish (I believe so) and MsPudding his around 1700.
On July 20 2012 16:47 wei2coolman wrote: [ Maybe Cutlass->phage->brutalizer->triforce->ghostblade? I dunno, just some food for thoughts. i feel like you're gonna want to get like a GA or aegis somewhere before spending money on ghostblade to scale her defense with the hp from her ult
On July 20 2012 17:14 chalice wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 16:47 wei2coolman wrote: [ Maybe Cutlass->phage->brutalizer->triforce->ghostblade? I dunno, just some food for thoughts. i feel like you're gonna want to get like a GA or aegis somewhere before spending money on ghostblade to scale her defense with the hp from her ult GA feels bad on her~, especially that early on, because that just gimps her damage really hard. The main problem is that she can't scale into late game, so the best thing you can do with her is to try and scale in damage faster than the other team, and if you're ahead, and you get a GA, you might just put yourself behind in damage.
But, I'm definitely try and put more work into trying to make her work out.
Also, how about boots 3pot, jungle, into doran stacks? should work.... I think?
On July 20 2012 16:47 wei2coolman wrote: Maybe Cutlass->phage->brutalizer->triforce->ghostblade? I dunno, just some food for thoughts. After you get Cutlass+phage, bruta probably won't be worth it anymore. You're also delaying any form of survivability for a LONG time and as Eve with her shitty stats and being melee, you're gonna want some form of survivability. Ghostblade probably isn't necessary either since you get a pretty good aspd steroid from your E anyways.
I haven't played new Eve yet tho so iunno.
On July 20 2012 17:10 Ym1r wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2012 17:01 Zooper31 wrote: Just played a game with 2 rioters on my team. RiotNome and RiotMspudding. In the 1500s. They called us braindead teammates and raged as much as any other person in this elo range. Very dissapointed. Former S2 employees, they played a lot of HoN before so I wouldn't be surprised. In HoN, Nome managed to hit like 1800ish (I believe so) and MsPudding his around 1700.
This seems a bit off. I mean Riot generally doesn't do so well with their employees acting like that. I'd be curious at the chat log there. At least it does not really sound like something someone employed by Riot would be doing on their official names.
So how's Sona now? Is she still gimped or can you actually play her now? Playing only Janna(although my favorite champion) and Leona got a bit boring when playing support.
Sona has never been gimped.