Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here
On July 30 2012 15:52 mr_tolkien wrote: Stop being so ass-tight about your elo. LoL is not an e-penis measurement contest ffs ! Yes it is.
I'm 2200 btw.
Spent around two weeks playing Ezreal, Talon, Ori, Udyr (mainly top) to diversify my champ pool and patch my weak lanes (mid/AD). Now I can hop into ranked and see if I learnt well. No use to "train" if you don't pit it against the serious play.
On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here
Post count beats amount of time registered here?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On July 30 2012 16:26 Shelke14 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here Post count beats amount of time registered here?  Why do you care Mr 2010? Not like you'd beat anyone in that category.
On July 30 2012 15:55 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 15:52 mr_tolkien wrote: Stop being so ass-tight about your elo. LoL is not an e-penis measurement contest ffs ! Yes it is. I'm 2200 btw. ya it is.
i am 2000 + 2100 = 4100
On July 30 2012 16:31 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 16:26 Shelke14 wrote:On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here Post count beats amount of time registered here?  Why do you care Mr 2010? Not like you'd beat anyone in that category. 
Wow oops. Mixed this thread up with a LR one by mistake. Sorry.
On July 30 2012 16:31 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 16:26 Shelke14 wrote:On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here Post count beats amount of time registered here?  Why do you care Mr 2010? Not like you'd beat anyone in that category. 
my thoughts exactly -_-
On July 30 2012 16:31 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 16:26 Shelke14 wrote:On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here Post count beats amount of time registered here?  Why do you care Mr 2010? Not like you'd beat anyone in that category.  Ahh I wish i still had my old account i made in like 2005 lol -_-.
On July 30 2012 12:41 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 12:01 Ryuu314 wrote:On July 30 2012 11:48 Alzadar wrote:On July 30 2012 11:27 I_Love_Bacon wrote:On July 30 2012 11:25 overt wrote:On July 30 2012 11:08 arb wrote:On July 30 2012 11:05 I_Love_Bacon wrote:On July 30 2012 10:23 overt wrote: What? Zilean does crazy single target damage in mid game and can either speed up someone with CC or greatly slow down an enemy. He's an excellent ganker and a good wave clearer. I mean with proper use of rewind you have 5 seconds of a 55% speed up or slow down as Zilean assuming your E is only at level 1. At level 2 E it's 6 seconds of speed up/slow down. Hell you can, and players do, speed themselves up and slow down an enemy while double bombing them. I don't see how Zilean could be considered as not being good at roaming or ganking.
Zilean ult gives a carry 7 seconds in which the enemy team doesn't want to attack them. And then, if they do attack them, it'll revive them with a pretty sizeable chunk of health.
Zilean definitely not as good in solo queue, I'll give you that. But with a team built around him he's incredibly strong. Definitely better to have than Yorick in arranged 5s. Granted, they're two separate roles but if I wanted to run a "revive our super carry" I'd much rather run Zilean than Yorick. Your last sentence is the major thing on why Zilean isn't good. You need a team basically about feeding the shit out of a champ and getting them stupidly strong and letting them crush late game. Older Jax w/ Zilean was common and there are probably a couple of others you can still do it with. Yorick however you can throw into almost any team with no downside. He loses lane to almost nobody and remains strong for long periods of time because of his sticking power and tankiness. Zilean can be annoying, but he is entirely based around his ult. He gets 1 damaging ability that he can rewind to cast again. Compare that to, oh, any other AP and that is why he's simply not that good. Can zilean roam? Sure, any champ can. But just because he can doesn't mean he's good at it. He has a slow which means he can't use a speed up, unless he rewinds, which means now he's cut his own damage output in 1/2 because he's rewinding a non-damage spell. Also, this whole conversation to begin with I don't know why you got into it. Zilean and Yorick are not worth comparing. Well truthfully I thought the only time you see Zilean is with Vayne? since shes the strongest lategame AD by far The comparison is because the only reason you'd pick Yorick is for his ult. I dunno why you'd want Yorick over most other top laners if he didn't have his ult. And considering Zilean ult is better than Yorick ult... Yeah, being somebody who can consistently win lane against almost any champ sucks. Better only take Yorick for his ult. You nuts. Other than his ultimate, Yorick's lategame is very underwhelming. His sustain is pretty irrelevant in teamfights, his slow is very weak, and his damage is mediocre.Basically every time I play Yorick I spend the first 25 minutes thinking "Yes! I am invincible!" and then the next 10-15 minutes thinking "Damn, I wish I was Warwick". To be fair, you just described like...75% of all top laners' lategames. With the exception of the bruisers that build pure AD/AP and/or Nasus, all melee bruisers' lategames end up that way. And then there's irelia
Who does, what exactly lategame? Even wickd was saying he plays her because she's good early/mid game and his team is strong lategame anyway. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but snowballing your lane and being way ahead of everyone as irelia and then crushing a game in solo queue isn't enoguh to say she's particularly good lategame compared to any other bruser. Honestly she has okay burst but long cooldowns and no real initiate so she really doesnt do anything special./ You can say, yeah well if the fight goes on and some people which are not you die you get way stronger but that works for every other bruiser too.
does anybody know if godjj is on an actual team? ive googled his tags but nothing comes up
On July 30 2012 19:18 Owned Noob wrote: does anybody know if godjj is on an actual team? ive googled his tags but nothing comes up who?
what does it mean that a champion is "bad" because you need a team around him? Do you guys even read what you write?
who was saying what champion's bad?
I believe people were arguing that zilean is not a good mid.
Most people's opinions about champions seem to come from competitively play, if something is underplayed they'll automatically assume it's "bad." But since they don't know why exactly, that's how we get these hilarious discussions filled with "reasons" and "logic" like a certain champion needs a team around him to work, or a certain champion is a worse version of another champion, or a certain champion needs to choose between damage or tank, or a certain champion can be ignored in team fights, etc, etc.
On July 30 2012 17:39 {ToT}ColmA wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2012 16:31 Roffles wrote:On July 30 2012 16:26 Shelke14 wrote:On July 30 2012 15:52 MooMooMugi wrote: Ya only TL post count applies for e-penises here Post count beats amount of time registered here?  Why do you care Mr 2010? Not like you'd beat anyone in that category.  my thoughts exactly -_-
Cute. Both of you. <3
Nuffin' wrong with 2010 Was a good year
I have to say I'm a bit hypocritical about the whole attitude towards champions... People constantly rage on me when I pick Viktor and it annoys me, but when someone picks AP Ezreal or Yi or something similar while I dont actually rage at them inside I do go "oh god...". In the end, certainly at my elo, any champion played well can work, but I do think a lot of people take the pro-scene's hero choices for granted a bit too much, and perhaps even the pros do. Before M5 showed the way with Shyvana she was never picked, and there's probably a few more examples of someone having to show people the potential of certain champs before people started bitching about how underpowered that champ is/was.