Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler +If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried.
- Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST |
On December 26 2011 13:53 sRapers_ValkS wrote: Ok sRaper's sleeper OPOPPOPOPPOPOPPOPP list:
1) Mundo - top lane especially, jungle is cute but top lane I swear he rapes some matchups, especially with warmog stack meta becoming so popular. Let's go over his skills: q - 99999 damage, gives him kite like singed and infinity poke and free ashe slow if you can land them, w - cc reduc is literally never on a not-super-good character so he's GOTTA be OP, e - vayne ult never off cooldown cool, good, love it, r - ya. good. love it.
2) TF - ok this guy isn't sleeper at all but DANG his damage is high for having such low cooldowns and such a ridiculous ult. Also, the whole pick a card thing was like they were trying to make a mechanic that required skill and then forgot to make it hard. Clicking the button when you want that kind of card isn'tthat hard guys COME ON.
3) Poppy - why does everyone ignore her. Easy to rape in lane but can now jungle easily and has massive scary ganks
4) Twitch - mayb just low level pub stomp but he's hella good in jungle with that stealth.
5) Veigar - ya
6) Kat - no one plays her anymore but she's still good I believe, especially in low elo where people get confused about stuff.
7) Cass - still fuck strong IDK why more people don't play her. too many skillshots or SOMETHIN.
Ok that's all. Everyone agree? good. <3<3
Twitch I do think is severely underrated. I've always loved TF mid. I main Cass, and yes, she is still as strong as ever. She's pretty high skill cap though, so never fotm. Kat and Poppy get shit on by any competent players. Haven't played or seen too much Veigar since buff, but the ones I have seen have done well. I could see Mundo being strong in some match ups.
On December 26 2011 13:53 sRapers_ValkS wrote: Ok sRaper's sleeper OPOPPOPOPPOPOPPOPP list:
1) Mundo - top lane especially, jungle is cute but top lane I swear he rapes some matchups, especially with warmog stack meta becoming so popular. Let's go over his skills: q - 99999 damage, gives him kite like singed and infinity poke and free ashe slow if you can land them, w - cc reduc is literally never on a not-super-good character so he's GOTTA be OP, e - vayne ult never off cooldown cool, good, love it, r - ya. good. love it.
2) TF - ok this guy isn't sleeper at all but DANG his damage is high for having such low cooldowns and such a ridiculous ult. Also, the whole pick a card thing was like they were trying to make a mechanic that required skill and then forgot to make it hard. Clicking the button when you want that kind of card isn'tthat hard guys COME ON.
3) Poppy - why does everyone ignore her. Easy to rape in lane but can now jungle easily and has massive scary ganks
4) Twitch - mayb just low level pub stomp but he's hella good in jungle with that stealth.
5) Veigar - ya
6) Kat - no one plays her anymore but she's still good I believe, especially in low elo where people get confused about stuff.
7) Cass - still fuck strong IDK why more people don't play her. too many skillshots or SOMETHIN.
Ok that's all. Everyone agree? good. <3<3 1. Iunno...never ever seen a good Mundo. Might just be me, but every Mundo I've ever seen (and I've seen a fair share in both normals and ranked) has always failed hardcore. Like I've literally never seen a Mundo do well after I hit lvl 30. I've seen some Mundos do decently well in lane cause cleaver harass is sick if you can land it, but they simply just can't carry or smth. And if I wanna screw someone over in lane I'd rather just pick Yorick or Pantheon who do that better than Mundo imo.
2. Yah TF strong. Just frustrating to play in solo q at times since teammates can be completely derp when you use ur ulti.
3. Poppy gets pwnt in lane but I've never considered jungling her. I'd imagine it'd be somewhat slow? But if you can get jungle to work then she's really strong too 'cause her ult/passive is OP and Q does a million billion damage.
4. Twitch jungle got raped by jungle remake. Correct me if I'm wrong but Twitch jungle relied on doing double golems at lvl 1 taking minimal to no damage via kiting and snowballing ganks from there. He clears super fuckign slow, is squishy as hell and even after jungle remake the jungle monsters still get twitch really low really fast. Add to that the small camps don't give lvl 2 means you need to start red and you will get rather low doin red at lvl 1 unless you have help.
5. His lane is still meh. Better than before but he still has his counters in lane. Strong as fuck when farmed, but some people don't think he's all that great after his initial burst. I remember a Veigar debate on TL a short while ago...
6. Kat has counters, but after mastery buffs and all that she's definitely more viable (according to Scarra anyways). Don't know much about Kat so I won't say too much.
7. Cass really stronk. Imba damages. Problem is she's squishy and needs a pretty good team to tank/peel for her. Other problem is she is outshined in certain roles by other AP carries atm. She's also high skill floor so she's rare in solo q.
On December 26 2011 13:22 Abenson wrote: IMO Taric is a great support because he has everything a support needs - a hard CC (stun + point & click!) and a heal, and as a bonus, an armour buff.
It's true he does get outclassed by other supports, he's still a great support that when played will do a lot for your team.
The problem with Taric is that you need a strong team to finish off what you started. Since Taric can't do too much on his own and the team doesn't deliver the kills, he is pretty much useless and that why he gets out classed by other supports. Interesting thing is that Soraka after the patch is just insane, she can solo because she can sustain via her own dps and heal.
On December 26 2011 13:53 sRapers_ValkS wrote: Ok sRaper's sleeper OPOPPOPOPPOPOPPOPP list:
1) Mundo - top lane especially, jungle is cute but top lane I swear he rapes some matchups, especially with warmog stack meta becoming so popular. Let's go over his skills: q - 99999 damage, gives him kite like singed and infinity poke and free ashe slow if you can land them, w - cc reduc is literally never on a not-super-good character so he's GOTTA be OP, e - vayne ult never off cooldown cool, good, love it, r - ya. good. love it.
2) TF - ok this guy isn't sleeper at all but DANG his damage is high for having such low cooldowns and such a ridiculous ult. Also, the whole pick a card thing was like they were trying to make a mechanic that required skill and then forgot to make it hard. Clicking the button when you want that kind of card isn'tthat hard guys COME ON.
3) Poppy - why does everyone ignore her. Easy to rape in lane but can now jungle easily and has massive scary ganks
4) Twitch - mayb just low level pub stomp but he's hella good in jungle with that stealth.
5) Veigar - ya
6) Kat - no one plays her anymore but she's still good I believe, especially in low elo where people get confused about stuff.
7) Cass - still fuck strong IDK why more people don't play her. too many skillshots or SOMETHIN.
Ok that's all. Everyone agree? good. <3<3
nice list and i agree on all but veigar and TF really. they're still pretty easy to push out of lane (albeit TF sacrifices laning for ultimate mid-game power, but true TFing takes a ton of skill and practice and coordination). mundo especially i think can do well in a lot of top lanes these days, much like wukong. people just need to "discover" him
i actually made a list a couple days ago but never posted it, but i think i will now.
i now present deskscaress' list of champions that have insanely good kits (maybe too good?): this list is champions that can just function well in any environment, thanks to super strong kits. even when they get hit with the nerf bat these champs are still really strong. numbers aren't as important as the other things they bring to the table, and you'll see these champs in multiple roles because you just can't deny their strengths
1) morgana, duh. i think she's got the most blatantly "good" kit of any champ. it just screams "strong." even before her recent buffs she was a perfectly serviceable ap carry, she just didn't have the damage the other big names had. but she's got 3 forms of CC, anti-CC, innate tankiness, and stat reduction. it literally doesn't get better than morgana. her skills could all do 0 damage and she'd still be strong.
2) riven. manaless champions are just a dumb idea in general, but combine that with cooldown-less skills as well and you just have a dumb champ. 2 forms of CC and unparalleled mobility. self-buff and a defensive skill that scales off an offensive stat. HERP. DESIGN TEAM HOOOOO~~
3) cho'gath. there is literally no role in the game that cho cannot play, no build path that would be considered bad, and no matchup that you say "yeah cho has no chance here." 2 forms of AOE cc, extremely high damage, and free defensive stats galore. i think cho honestly has the best kit in the game, it's just less obvious than some of the popular bans now
4) kennen. exact same reasons as riven. Q costs no energy and has no cooldown, does infinite damage. AOE stuns galore, innate tankiness, an item path that encourages building tanky whilst still doing unlimited deeps, and mobility. good kennen players now are unbeatable in lane, he has no bad matchups. imagine if people were playing him this well like 10 patches ago. i think even if you halved kennen's damage he'd be a worthwhile pick for his teamfight ability and ability to not lose any lane he wants to just farm in.
5) nidalee. mobility for free, free heal, free damage (and now defensive stats) in her ult. loses 0 lanes, and again, this is AFTER an extensive nerf. can support, can AD, can tank, can AP... nidalee will always be a great solo queue champ.
6) gragas. all of his damage skills are AOE and provide additional benefits (stat reduction, soft CC, hard CC, mobility). his defensive skill is fantastic as well. obviously he's not a champ that can fill every role, but i don't think there's ever a time where you think "wow i really wish we didn't have a gragas right now" (sans when the rest of your team is an AOE ult crew)
the trend amongst most of these champs is (a)mobility, (b)innate/free tankiness, (c)high levels of CC. honorable mention: vayne, rumble, udyr, skarner
I can't tell if you really think those are the OP champs.
You forgot most of the OP tier.
On December 26 2011 14:47 KillerSOS wrote: I can't tell if you really think those are the OP champs.
You forgot most of the OP tier.
i think most of the champs that are "OP" now wouldn't be if they got nerfed slightly. the champs i listed are champs that i think are viable due to their strong kits, regardless of their actual numbers
On December 26 2011 15:09 deskscaress wrote:Show nested quote +On December 26 2011 14:47 KillerSOS wrote: I can't tell if you really think those are the OP champs.
You forgot most of the OP tier. i think most of the champs that are "OP" now wouldn't be if they got nerfed slightly. the champs i listed are champs that i think are viable due to their strong kits, regardless of their actual numbers
Yeah Nid has an insane kit.
On December 26 2011 14:47 KillerSOS wrote: I can't tell if you really think those are the OP champs.
You forgot most of the OP tier. I don't think they're the strongest, I think they're the most underrated. Like literally 0 people have played poppy ever because she's kind of frustrating but i still think she can be strong.
her jungle is slow for sure but she's a really fun champ and you should try it soon!
Edit: oh were you not talking to me?
Edit: Also obvioulsy this isn't 2800000 Elo shit. I'm a 1650 player who has been having fun with these champs and think they deserve some love.
Watching TOO's stream right now is a perfect example of how people can tunnel vision on blaming a certain thing for all their problems and go into tilt mode.
Ori fucks up the beginning and ignores TOO's request for a leash so for the rest of the game TOO bitches constantly about her, dicks around and plays suboptimally saying he won't "tryhard", refuses to gank/ward mid, intentionally takes every blue (as LEE SIN) instead of giving it to Orianna, even when they start winning (and she's doing fine).
Great demonstration of how that sort of bitching can take you over and cause you to troll when you get frustrated in solo queue.
I am a little surprised kennen isn't on anybody's secretly ridiculous list, always been a stupidly good laner, he abuses broken-ass wota better than any other champion and his initiation and poke are godmode.
having someone ignore a simple standard thing like leashing tilts the fuck out of you at 1k elo, i can't imagine what it's like at 2k, like i'm disappointed TOO reacted that way, but i understand completely how something like that breaks your brain
I actually just checked, and you can jungle with poppy. She's a bit slow, and very mana dependent, but I didn't take hardly any damage.
My #1 sleeper OP would be Olaf. If people actually played him I would put him as a top ban. CANNOT BE DISABLED BRO
Also I have no idea why Kennen and Ryze are not permaban status. They're hard to counter, scale well, fit into lots of teams and destroy unprepared ones. I'm ok with it though since I main Kennen with Ryze as a backup c:
On December 26 2011 15:41 chalice wrote: having someone ignore a simple standard thing like leashing tilts the fuck out of you at 1k elo, i can't imagine what it's like at 2k, like i'm disappointed TOO reacted that way, but i understand completely how something like that breaks your brain Its understandable if it puts you off for 2 min. Putting you off for the whole game is stupid and while i couldn't care less what TOO does, it was a childish and useless reaction, which actually hurt his team far more than that one fuck-up he kept bitching about. In terms of EV getting huge tunnel vision on that one thing and giving up mentally is a huge minus.
Kennen is pretty beast.
I still think he loses to Swain though. Swain has so much burst and a nice slow for Ken if he tries to rush him.
Every blue and red belongs to the jungle unless THEY choose to give it up. If you want one, dont be a dick.
On December 26 2011 16:27 Two_DoWn wrote: Every blue and red belongs to the jungle unless THEY choose to give it up. If you want one, dont be a dick. Certainly not in terms of what's best for the team.
On December 26 2011 16:27 FieryBalrog wrote:Show nested quote +On December 26 2011 16:27 Two_DoWn wrote: Every blue and red belongs to the jungle unless THEY choose to give it up. If you want one, dont be a dick. Certainly not in terms of what's best for the team. Whats best for the team is having 4 fully functioning characters and a ward bitch. And in order for that to happen, you need to support the jungle. One of the marks of a good jungle is knowing WHEN to hand off buffs. Dont forget that blue, especially in the new jungle, is HIGHLY valuable. It gives the most gold and exp (along with red) of any camp. And your mid will get that with 3 last hits. If you really wanted to argue what was best for the team, it would be that mid lane just plays safe, last hits, while the jungle is able to use blue to make faster clears.
Not to mention the fact that in terms of benefit, it is very hard to argue that a blue on your mid is any more efficient than blue on your jungle. Does it make laning easier? You bet. Is it a be all and end all? No. Especially, when you can just build around not having blue buff. Realistically, all blue does is give clearing power to mid. Thats it. But the problem is it is VERY hard to actually do anything with that advantage, outside of a few champs like zilean and leblanc who can zoom around and actually do shit while their lane is pushed up. But even then you will take an exp and gold loss.
Now contrast that with what happens if the jungle has blue. They have a much easier time keeping clear speeds up, open themselves up to have ganks at higher levels of health, all while their mid can be perfectly safe just autoing creeps. The gain is much higher on a jungle than it is on a typical mid lane.
Now, the reason that you DO see handoffs at a tournament level is because those players are actually capable of using the wave clearing power that blue brings in order to secure objectives like dragons, buffs, and towers. Any level lower than that and its just a complete crapshoot as to who can make better use of blue- whoever is the better player at either position will make better use of it. Flat out. At least until the jungle decides he is sufficiently itemized to justify handoffs.
So yes. It is always the junglers blue and red.
On December 26 2011 16:02 starfries wrote:Also I have no idea why Kennen and Ryze are not permaban status. They're hard to counter, scale well, fit into lots of teams and destroy unprepared ones. I'm ok with it though since I main Kennen with Ryze as a backup c:
Ryze takes a lot of farm time. Building a tear up takes forever. Also mana/level runes and flat mana runes are not exactly something you have for other casters. Not that you really need those. I don't think many people have any idea how to be a good Ryze, which is kind of funny, because he's really easy to play once you get used to him. Watching LoCicero's stream really, really helped me out a lot when getting my Ryze up to snuff.
Also Ryze is a slow rise in power as you level up- at some point you just hurt like hell, but you're not really sure when you hit that point. Whereas most other AP carries get to level 6 and can blow someone up instantly, Ryze just gets more staying power, a small AOE, and a little extra damage to all 3 of his abilities. People look at that and are like WTF, THIS ULT SUCKS because they're so used to just outright dying to other AP carries when they get ulted. Hidden OP. :D
Edit: Before someone reads all this shit, I have to advice you that I'm a coughing, sneezing creature with only half a working brain, the other half is covered up with snot I think. However, since some people told me my rants are amusing, this might be A+ material. >_>
Edit 2: I ALSO HAVE TO SAY THAT MY TOP #3 STREAMERS IN ORDER ARE LOCI, REGINALD, CHAOX. Just before someone calls me out for using out the latter two in my examples later on. =P
On December 26 2011 12:35 Ryuu314 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 26 2011 12:06 OutlaW- wrote:On December 26 2011 12:03 Ryuu314 wrote:On December 26 2011 12:01 OutlaW- wrote:On December 26 2011 10:20 Ryuu314 wrote:On December 26 2011 10:17 barbsq wrote:On December 26 2011 09:55 r.Evo wrote:On December 26 2011 08:55 Nero. wrote:i just recently started watching TheOddOne stream, but man i enjoy it really a lot. hes not acting like a 12 year old, he gives great insight and he is able to admit when he fucked up. thats all i want from a streamer  Wait what. Everytime I tune into his stream he's shouting worth than Hotshot ever did. Do I catch him during his period or something? =S i only watch him during scrims, so that may affect what i see of him, but he seemed pretty mannered during those, plus he provided some decent insight into the goals of his jungle paths and general team decisions every once in awhile. in solo q TOO rages a good amount but he still provides some good insight now and then. He's also pretty good at realizing his mistakes, not as good as Chaox, but not as bad as say HSGG or Regi. You obviously dont watch enough streams.. Regi realizes his mistakes. Most people just watch a streamer once or twice for maybe 15 minutes and stereotype him, I guess some people get bad streaks or dont find what they are looking for and never watch again, then say things like this on forums. Quite the opposite. I watch hella streams. All streamers realize their own mistakes to different degrees. Regi has been better of late, but in the past he'd rage and blame teammates pretty handily. It's because I watch a ton of streams I can say this. Chaox is by far the most manner and chill streamer to watch and I just use him as comparison. I started out by loving Chaox and Xpecial and hating Reginald and TOO, now I can say it's completely the opposite for me. Chaox and Xpecial seemed nice and chillax at first, but after a while you realized that deeper down they are not nice and their manner is just them keeping a cool head. Reginald and TOO,on the other hand, dont keep their calm, which is why they rage. But deep down I feel that they are nicer than Chaox and Xpecial. This may seem a bit vague but I just prefer r and too now, and when I want to watch a truly nice, cool headed guy I watch bob. You speak as tho you know them irl lol. w/e floats your boat man. EDIT: Since you seem so butthurt I'll break it down for you. Show nested quote +Chaox and Xpecial seemed nice and chillax at first, but after a while you realized that deeper down they are not nice Deeper down? How do you know what they're like "deeper down" unless you know 'em irl? How do you know that "deep down" Regi and TOO are "nicer than Chaox and Xpecial?" Have you met them? And what you say seems really contradictory. TBH, my favorite streamer is TOO and Dan Dinh. I personally find TOO hella entertaining and his knowledge of junglin is really good. I used to like SV but he's been on a trolling streak last time I was watchign him and it got old. Dan Dinh is just a chill guy all around and has really good knowledge of the game. I'm not hating on your take on the streamers. Different strokes for different folks and all that but the way you put it seems like you know them intimately. On taric. He's got pretty nice burst in early game with his dazzle-shatter combo, and he can set up some really sick lanes like Taric/Garen. The problem is that he's just not as strong as other support champs relatively. Sona has stronger/more reliable auras and has comparable burst in lane. If you want to set up a stun/rape lane Leona is arguably better and has more damage 'cause of her passive. Taric's heal is long cd and doesn't heal much compared to say Soraka heal. Soraka also gives more armor too lol. Taric's a relic of the past imo
Since I baited it out of a drunk Teutonica last night again, this argument is made for the David Attenborough of LoL.
First of all, keep in mind I'm adressing the bolded sentence above, not so much the intitial argument. To understand some of the things in terms of how people interact it is in some cases not necessary at all to know them irl. When it comes to the popular LoL streamers here are some of the informations you get about them on stream:
-How do they deal with frustration? -How to they deal with success? -How do they deal with personal failure? -Where on the "social hierarchy" do they perceive themselves and do they act congruent?
Games have a tendency to bring out the worst and the best in people because it is harder to conceal emotions when you care about achieving certain goals. Especially when someone is losing something he cares about you usually learn to understand their personality way better than from being best friends during good times.
First of all when playing a game (as long as there is an audience that knows you - whether this is someone in the same room as yourself, people you stream for or people at the same table. People who smurf under accounts they feel "safe" with behave completely different from this) usually patterns emerge which are either completely in line with their personality (A) or the exact opposite. (B) ... (I can't find an english word of this at all, the german expression used in the NLP model would be "Gleichbeispielsortierer / Gegenbeispielsortierer.)
From my experience every single person I've met fits into those two categories which also influence most of their daily decisionmaking. (For those who care, you'll find most of this information when it comes to the topic of reverse psychology)
A very basic example would be the sentences "Do you have time to take down the trash?" vs "You don't have time to take down the trash, do you?"
If you're a person that belongs to category A you are more likely to respond positively to the first sentence, if you fit into category B you're more inclined to say "no" to either of those statements and therefore the second sentence is more likely to bait you into doing said task.
It's pretty fun if you found an extreme example of either case in your daily life and abuse the hell out if it before you tell em about it, and then abuse it again when they aren't aware of it. I once secretly told the girlfriend of a guy I coached with about this and it took him a week till he realized he suddenly made like double the amount of housework as he used to. Shame on me. :>
"That's cool and all but what does that have to do with LoL?" first of all, I guess it has mostly to do with the fact that I can't get a single word out and am typing this with 40° fever, but it also brings me back to the original point about what you can learn from someone via stream: Most people who are aware of their actions (hint: Everyone who isn't completely secure in everything he does) will find ways to surpress a behaviour as explained above to avoid people getting to know them without their permission. (That's also one of the main reasons why cold-reading techniques are so scary/fascinating when performed properly. We like to think that it's hard for other people to understand us.)
That is where people who are risk averse at important decisions in their daily lives suddenly become risk loving and the other way around. If you've ever played poker with a lovely nice old lady (who then goes apeshit insane on you when she loses) or some raging tilting monkey (who was a totally cool guy when he grabbed a beer with you afterwards), they were like that because a virtual environment allowed them to be someone else.
In any game that creates a virtual environment of "life and death" of "winning or losing" a lot of these basic guarding mechanism start failing because the brain has (oversimplified) better things to do. Losing puts a person under social pressure (this is where the audience comes in). Put a person under enough social pressure that they start justifying themselves and you have the person at the point where he or she will display honest behaviours that are incredibly hard to fake.
It's a bit tricky at first, but once aware of that most people reading this will most likely understand what I'm talking about. With most people there is a difference between explaining random stuff and justifying themselves and or shifting responsibility away from themselves.
Dear solo top pro player, why did you lose that game?
"Well to be honest I think we all made some mistakes here and there, but we're gonna work on it. Also we'll have to hit our botlane with a shovel or something so that they improve faster. lololol." - that's a typical interview statement with the person 100% aware of what he/she is saying in a competetive environment.
"We had this fucking retarded botlane who kept dieing 24/7." - is a typical ingame statement shifting blame away. I mean yeah, apparently they suck against those opponents, but how come no one else is did well?
"I guess the main reason was that their botlane seemed to play stronger than ours and there was nothing we could do about it." - THIS is an actual explaination of things that includes the player making the statement as a factor.
...see where I'm getting at?
While #1 would be the most likely answer in a post-game interview and #3 the most likely answer once people cooled down #2 is what most people in that situation would shout out in solo q if their buddy asks them what happened. Now take a more introspective person in that same spot and the sentence suddenly becomes "Well, our botlane lost, but I didn't win top hard enough to compensate for it."
And eh... I think I managed to rant myself around what I originally wanted to say. FML. I'll post again when my brain works again, but maybe somewhere in the above someone finds something usefull. Actually, my gut says I had a mistake in the above paragraph, but I'm too stupid to find it. T_T
Erhm, conclusion aka tl;dr: People who are pissed are more likely to show their true nature therefore random stream psychological analysis is legit. Thx.
On December 26 2011 12:39 Attakijing wrote: I'd say the big difference between guys like chaox and guys like reginald is that if chaox is in a bad mood he will get introspective but if reginald is in a bad mood he will yell it out. so maybe 100% of what chaox is saying is insightful but where he would be silent reginald would be yelling shit. just yesterday i was watching his stream and he was winning, he called the other guy noob and baddie, and then he laughed and said "wow dude look at how infantile my insults are...'you are bad at this, you are new at this...' lol."
as for TOO, maybe he's smart but i literally can't watch him for more than 3 seconds because of his voice
Reginald is, speaking from a hierarchy, above chaox. Plain and simple. Reginald is the type of person who gets the attention of the entire room while chaox is the type of person who jumps around in the background for attention. (this sounds harsher than I meant it, but I totally did the mental image.) ... A great example was when they had girls over at their gaming house and streamed it. While Chaox tried to explain stuff to them they already had all their focus on Reginald simply because of his personality.
(I'll stick with those two as an example since I haven't watched Oddone enough to get him into the ring as well.)
If you, as a random person, would tune in either stream during a game that goes well, what would be the very first impressions? For me, it's Reginald being a loud, shouting douchecannoe who rages over every single mistake everyone made. Chaox seems more like a calm, analytical person who does their job pretty damn well.
Now put both into a losing game. Reginald usually becomes a bit more quiet and appears more focussed. I remember a game right after ladder reset where he was a 4-0 cass mid, was his usual loud being and when he went back he realized his team was like 5-12 total. Such a game is GREAT to get into a persons head. What happened?
-He stopped the dicking around. The amount of "bros" and "ohmygawd" decreased. -In spots where he said "LOL DAMN THIS GUY IS SO STUPID LOOK BRO IM RAPING HIM" before, he suddenly sounded more along the lines of "God, that guy is so bad. I could have played that better and killed him."
For Chaox... I can't remember a losing game of his. FML. Lemme tune in his stream and hope he's behind. >_<
Lanes are Sivir/Taric vs Cait/Sora, its all even. He just ate a Q saying "Damn, I coulda dodged that." Team falls behind top and mid, he presses tab realizes he's behind in CS and you hear a "Wow I fell behind in cs because of all that random shit"
He gets a doublekill bot and the result is a "YAY SIVIR IS SO GOOD, THAT WAS SO BALLSY"
nvm, they're gonna win dat game. Oh well.. I'm gonna find some more tissues and then bang my head against the wall.
What I'd expect when he's behind though is that he shifts blame away from him way stronger than Regi. Maybe someone else can find a good comparison or tell me I'm full of shit on this matter.
Also I think this is the worst fever-rant I've ever written on TL. Oh welp, I'm gonna leave it up for amusement. =P