[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 146
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
Canada904 Posts
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United States489 Posts
Maybe the first first levels are rough, but post-6, the kiting ability of these two together is insane. Perma Bloodboil on Kog is sweet and two really good, long slows allow Kog to abuse his range so hard. | ||
United States540 Posts
On December 22 2011 13:34 Chrispy wrote: I'm pretty sure Morde is back to being good. My last three games (mid lane): vs Morg: Huge farmfest for both of us. vs Veigar: Easy lane for me, farm 5eva. vs Tryn: Easy lane, outfarmed him by a lot until he got enough lifesteal to stay. I've been bringing summoner heal rather than ignite because I'm going more for the push and farm forever strat rather than getting kills. If I brought ignite I'm sure I'd kill more but I'd also die more. Heal and flash basically nullifies any gank attempt on Morde. I had a Vayne, Maokai and Tryn all try to towerdive me at like level 8 and I ended up getting a kill. And of course you've got to play Morde as obnoxious as possible, meaning that the enemy wraiths and sometimes even your own wraiths = yours! :D Btw, is the respawn time on the wraiths 50 seconds now? Also, summoner heal works for your clone. If you do the math he never really was bad, you get 6 less shield by level 5 Siphon'ing the enemy champ + 3 ranged minions than before- this was pre-latest patch, so actually now you get more shield than ever doing that. It just sounded big because it was a "50%" cut in creepshield but they buffed the base gain so it really wasn't much at all. SIX LESS SHIELD | ||
Canada3508 Posts
On December 22 2011 14:00 Koenig99 wrote: Travis from SotL gonna be spectating a game between oddone/SaintV/Snoopeh/Wickd/Scarra against kyuubicake/4 others, should be starting soon. but don't you want to hear Phreak talk about his runepages? lol and the worst gank possible with jungle Kayle | ||
United States17233 Posts
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9871 Posts
On December 22 2011 14:09 rigwarl wrote: If you do the math he never really was bad, you get 6 less shield by level 5 Siphon'ing the enemy champ + 3 ranged minions than before- this was pre-latest patch, so actually now you get more shield than ever doing that. It just sounded big because it was a "50%" cut in creepshield but they buffed the base gain so it really wasn't much at all. SIX LESS SHIELD Iron Man - Shield regeneration adjusted to 30% at all levels from 25/27.5/30% - Shield regeneration is now half effective versus minions Mace of Spades bonus damage reduced to 65% from 75% Siphon of destruction no longer adds additional shield for each unit hit Maybe I'm misunderstanding the notes but isn't that last one a pretty substantial nerf? | ||
United States4330 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 22 2011 15:02 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: I like the Hybrid ArmorPen/MagicPen Quints on Akali. Why? The vast majority of Akali's damage is magic. Only physical damage she does is autoattacks, W (which should be used purely for farming), and lichbane procs. Her Q, Q proc, ult, and passive are the vast majority of your damage and that's all magic. You'll do more damage sticking to pure mpen runes. | ||
United States5348 Posts
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Canada1349 Posts
On December 22 2011 15:43 barbsq wrote: i'm sure hybrid would be good on jax and kayle And Skarner, maybe Blitzcrank, Corki (depending on your build, though probably not), Kog'maw, and Teemo. | ||
United States5348 Posts
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Canada1349 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
On December 22 2011 15:43 barbsq wrote: i'm sure hybrid would be good on jax and kayle Dunno bout kayle but you want flat stats on Jax, gives you much more. The morde nerf was pretty big actually, no more 5shield/minion from his E and on top of that all other shield generation from minions nerfed by 50%. No more standing in waves with W on and all that. Instead of 100shield you'd get 50 shield, that wasn't a minor nerf. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
Riot such a bastard, removes dodge runes, rebuy dodge runes, dodge runes gone again the next day. | ||
United States11378 Posts
On December 22 2011 14:42 UniversalSnip wrote: Iron Man - Shield regeneration adjusted to 30% at all levels from 25/27.5/30% - Shield regeneration is now half effective versus minions Mace of Spades bonus damage reduced to 65% from 75% Siphon of destruction no longer adds additional shield for each unit hit Maybe I'm misunderstanding the notes but isn't that last one a pretty substantial nerf? I love the LoL community. Months ago: Morde OP Morde gets nerfed Community thinks Morde sucks Morde gets slight buffs Dyrus owns with Morde on stream in record fashion OMG MORDE IS OP AGAIN | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On December 22 2011 15:02 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: I like the Hybrid ArmorPen/MagicPen Quints on Akali. What's your runepage then? I would still use marks and quints for AD/AP. Who else hates the Summoner's Rift winter map? It's way too bright, I can't see stuff. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
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United States4423 Posts
On December 22 2011 14:08 ShoreT wrote: Thoughts on Nunu + Kog botlane? Maybe the first first levels are rough, but post-6, the kiting ability of these two together is insane. Perma Bloodboil on Kog is sweet and two really good, long slows allow Kog to abuse his range so hard. Heh I just did this with Chaox in a ranked game, he just wanted to farm and chill in lane, he probably wanted a boring support. | ||
United States8474 Posts
On December 22 2011 17:29 Ferrose wrote: I love the LoL community. Months ago: Morde OP Morde gets nerfed Community thinks Morde sucks Morde gets slight buffs Dyrus owns with Morde on stream in record fashion OMG MORDE IS OP AGAIN Nerfs/Buffs aren't always as slight(or big) as the numbers suggest though. In the case of Morde, the nerf put a serious dent in his ability to do what he does(be an asshole in lane). A farmed/fed Morde has never been bad, not even close, he just couldn't get to that point in any reliable fashion post-nerf/pre-'slight buff.' Now he can, so he's going to be really good again, or people will relearn to play against him in lane and put him back to 'suck tier.' Also(note I don't read official forums), Chrispy said he's 'good again,' not OP. There's a huge difference there. A slight buff making someone 'good again' is exactly what it's supposed to do... | ||
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