[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 141
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
Finland8662 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
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Singapore410 Posts
@pschiu yeah. Maybe that or the SEA thread that neo started. We definitely need to have a list of sea players so we can play and practice together instead of playing with randoms. Maybe neo will read this and we can add that to the summoned list thread. Ah thanks, I didn't know it existed. But yeah, it pretty much sums up why I'm stopping my lol playing. When you get good enough (and you don't even have to be that good), your queue time gets longer and longer. Mine is currently at about 10-15 minutes, and even when the queue pops, I often get very one-sided games. My life is too short to spend constantly being on standby for 10 minutes and then stomping for abit. ![]() | ||
United States182 Posts
So I've been thinking of working on some LOL related spreadsheets for practice. Is there any particular type of data analysis people would like? An idea I had was to break down item cost efficiencies (like I did for briefly for masteries in the new mastery thread) to help itemization and theorycrafting discussions. List all items, filters for traits, sorting for cost efficiency of any stat, etc. Another thought was to make a quick refence chart of champions; identify if they primarily scale off ap or ad, do physical/magic damage, burst or sustain, etc. it could help the non-elites prepare themselves during picks or loading. That idea could even be in a database, where you plug in each enemy and it'd give you an idea on their team comp, etc. Would anyone find those ideas useful if I made one and put it up as a google doc? Do these things already exist (someone earlier in thread referenced an itemization spreadsheet, not sure if it was real or public). Or does anyone have an idea like this that they'd like to see? | ||
United States37500 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:21 pschiu wrote: Ah thanks, I didn't know it existed. But yeah, it pretty much sums up why I'm stopping my lol playing. When you get good enough (and you don't even have to be that good), your queue time gets longer and longer. Mine is currently at about 10-15 minutes, and even when the queue pops, I often get very one-sided games. My life is too short to spend constantly being on standby for 10 minutes and then stomping for abit. ![]() If you guys want a SEA list, write it in the sticky and PM Kenpachi to update it with the new realm when he has time. | ||
United States4054 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:30 Haemonculus wrote: Obviously still ping. But having a ward in the popular paths to other lanes at least solves the "Is that a 'run away' ping, or a 'GO THERE NOW' ping?" question for your other lanes. Instead of typing MIA I generally ping 3x in the direction that I think he's going. I never understood the MIA calls; if you're not aware enough of the map then you're not going to see the tiny "mia" in text anyway. The visual and audio cue from pinging is so much stronger. One time when I did that, the lane I pinged gets ganked ~8 seconds later, and my teammate goes WTF NO MIA CALL? I just say "I pinged him going to your lane" and this guy gives the most bullshit excuses, with the two I like best being 1) I don't know what 3 pings from mid lane to top lane could mean, and 2) I don't play with sound. Agree with the MIA ping, but the retreat ping works fine for signaling MIA for now. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:09 daemir wrote: Hey wait what, I just noticed upon rewatching the ionia - noxus showmatch that neoillusions was feeding in it. | ||
Spain1146 Posts
Avarice blade>crit cloak, crittin everywhere not even jungling. | ||
India1783 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:21 pschiu wrote: Ah thanks, I didn't know it existed. But yeah, it pretty much sums up why I'm stopping my lol playing. When you get good enough (and you don't even have to be that good), your queue time gets longer and longer. Mine is currently at about 10-15 minutes, and even when the queue pops, I often get very one-sided games. My life is too short to spend constantly being on standby for 10 minutes and then stomping for abit. ![]() Well compared to all the TL LoL members, im practically a newb. I only started playing recently and im more of a LoL counterpart of a starcraft gold league player who just knows a lot of the theoretical stuff from reading and listening to the discussions and advice of good players. i didn't play ranked on NA because of my absurd ping there, i would just be ruining the experience for the 4 other people on my team by not playing optimally and i made the SEA account only recently. Maybe some of the better LoL players on SEA can teach me the finer points of the game :> | ||
United States12704 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:54 -Kato- wrote: Snoopeh jungle GP starting with brawlers glove to harass top with crits... ineteresting. He likes to play GP that way. Full crit runes and no defensive masteries. | ||
India1783 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:36 nyxnyxnyx wrote: no point in sea list. its just me and at most 2-3 other decent people. nowhere near good enough or populous enough to warrant a thread lol We can still have it added to the Summoner List thread. Like for a long while i didnt even KNOW there was a SEA server. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:08 spinesheath wrote: Problem: Some people take every single ping as a "GO SUICIDE HERE" command. Now I definitely agree, pings are a good way to get attention. But sadly sometimes you get the opposite effect, and instead of pulling back because Sion is coming for a gank, your top lane tries to intercept Sion and gets sandwiched to death. So a seperate thing people should do more: Don't blindly react to pings (with whatever action), always evaluate the situation. WTF WHY DID YOU GO THERE, I PINGED HE'S COMING. Well you pinged, so I went there.. I'm sorry to do it again Craton (<3), but DotA 2 has an awesome feature there. Since you can manually bind everything to any key (basicly same possibilites as with Q3 or any source game like CS or TF2), what I'm running is this: bind "leftarrow" "say_team miss top" bind "rightarrow" "say_team miss bottom" bind "downarrow" "say_team miss mid" bind "uparrow" "say_team re" It's SO much easier to quickly switch to the arrow keys than open chat, type, press enter while missing 2 cs and maybe even taking your hand off the mouse just to have rammus flash into you. =D | ||
Sweden1133 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On December 22 2011 01:22 Arevall wrote: Do you guys any streamer that plays Cho every now and then? Hotshot plays a strong Cho, so sometimes he will pick him when tryharding. Not sure if you will have any luck these days though. Haven't ever seen anyone else of the big names play Cho. Is 5HITCOMBO streaming? | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
Oh well,I still have Karma at least. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:42 Flicky wrote: On Europe servers, if you ping three times in a line, it means that the enemy is leaving that lane and travelling that direction towards you. Also, there is a retreat ping that you can use. Yep I saw this a few times and started using it as well. People all tell me communication is really important and shit and that solo queue you can't communicate because nobody listens. I always argue that 90% of it can be done with good pinging. Maybe some simple words like "b" or "top miss" to go with them but optional. If mid could go roam either lane just ping in a line to top or bottom or just retreat ping on mid. If you think he's literally halfway to bottom you retreat ping on bottom and retreat ping on mid as well. Good players watch the minimap a lot and don't read chat so this is effective and easy to use. | ||
United States13132 Posts
On December 22 2011 00:23 Prinate wrote: I find that I usually have more time to spend thinking/watching my hobbies than actually playing them. I'm also going to be building some large spreadsheets and/or databases for my work soon. So I've been thinking of working on some LOL related spreadsheets for practice. Is there any particular type of data analysis people would like? An idea I had was to break down item cost efficiencies (like I did for briefly for masteries in the new mastery thread) to help itemization and theorycrafting discussions. List all items, filters for traits, sorting for cost efficiency of any stat, etc. Another thought was to make a quick refence chart of champions; identify if they primarily scale off ap or ad, do physical/magic damage, burst or sustain, etc. it could help the non-elites prepare themselves during picks or loading. That idea could even be in a database, where you plug in each enemy and it'd give you an idea on their team comp, etc. Would anyone find those ideas useful if I made one and put it up as a google doc? Do these things already exist (someone earlier in thread referenced an itemization spreadsheet, not sure if it was real or public). Or does anyone have an idea like this that they'd like to see? There are already a couple item efficiency spreadsheets floating around. I don't think they give the depth you're talking about, but you're probably better off extending an existing one than starting over unless you just want to sink extra time into starting from scratch. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=216685 PM the authors to get editing rights/permission to extend I enjoy reading theorycraft so whatever you decide to make I'll probably read :p | ||
Canada3508 Posts
And I think the fall back ping should be used more, because if you use the regular ping as a "look here" ping, there's always someone who thinks it's a "go here" ping. | ||
United States1946 Posts
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