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United States9316 Posts
On December 21 2011 21:33 LoCicero wrote: Here's something I think people should do more: ping the map if someone is missing. Don't just type it, I rarely read chat when I'm focused on trying to be aggressive in my lane. Use pings excessively, they're a very fast and efficient way of communicating. Even if your opposing laner is just in the brush, it's important to ping so your team can play defensive. lol wtf Chauster JUST said on stream to ping cause he doesn't read fast then you posted that. o.O | ||
Finland8662 Posts
what the game needs is a mia ping instead of fall back ping. right now some people type, some use normal ping, some use fall back ping when your laner is missing. just give a mia ping and it simplifies things so much | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On December 21 2011 21:33 LoCicero wrote: Here's something I think people should do more: ping the map if someone is missing. Don't just type it, I rarely read chat when I'm focused on trying to be aggressive in my lane. Use pings excessively, they're a very fast and efficient way of communicating. Even if your opposing laner is just in the brush, it's important to ping so your team can play defensive. Problem: Some people take every single ping as a "GO SUICIDE HERE" command. Now I definitely agree, pings are a good way to get attention. But sadly sometimes you get the opposite effect, and instead of pulling back because Sion is coming for a gank, your top lane tries to intercept Sion and gets sandwiched to death. So a seperate thing people should do more: Don't blindly react to pings (with whatever action), always evaluate the situation. | ||
United States6980 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:08 spinesheath wrote: Problem: Some people take every single ping as a "GO SUICIDE HERE" command. Now I definitely agree, pings are a good way to get attention. But sadly sometimes you get the opposite effect, and instead of pulling back because Sion is coming for a gank, your top lane tries to intercept Sion and gets sandwiched to death. So a seperate thing people should do more: Don't blindly react to pings (with whatever action), always evaluate the situation. Might be better to use retreat pings when indicating that "hey mid is on his way down to murder both of you plz be cares!" I dunno I find that calling MIAs is a crap shoot anyway. When I call it I spam it in caps like twice. "MID MIA" "MID MIA" just so people can't really miss it. But sometimes even with that, people are too busy last hitting or too focused on their lane to even notice. It's probably just as effective to put wards in unusual places, (halfway down river, or like in that bush across from their wraiths) so that your bot/top lane can SEE the enemy coming to their lane. | ||
Sweden2226 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:24 Haemonculus wrote: Might be better to use retreat pings when indicating that "hey mid is on his way down to murder both of you plz be cares!" I dunno I find that calling MIAs is a crap shoot anyway. When I call it I spam it in caps like twice. "MID MIA" "MID MIA" just so people can't really miss it. But sometimes even with that, people are too busy last hitting or too focused on their lane to even notice. It's probably just as effective to put wards in unusual places, (halfway down river, or like in that bush across from their wraiths) so that your bot/top lane can SEE the enemy coming to their lane. Even then you still should ping because then you have a chance that they will actually LOOK at the minimap, which is required for seeing the enemy. | ||
Canada1214 Posts
On December 21 2011 17:05 L wrote: She IS AP mid. She just doesnt' have any hard disables which makes her a poor choice of initiation and requires a relatively fed melee bruiser or tank to maximize her potential. She doesn't combo well with all team comps, which means she's more difficult to fit into drafts. She does best with some form of tanky initiation because shield is a massive amount of burst and the survivability that it gives scales off the resistances of the target, while its damage scales off of the proximity of the target to multiple opponents. Her leash skill similarly creates a zone of slowed movement speed between her and the tank, which dissuades the opposing team from moving into your team's backline, and her fan heal's positional considerations and scaling also benefit from a tanky initiation, both to increase damage and maximize the ehp granted, Buffs would put her in the same situation Zilean is in | ||
United States6980 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:28 spinesheath wrote: Even then you still should ping because then you have a chance that they will actually LOOK at the minimap, which is required for seeing the enemy. Obviously still ping. But having a ward in the popular paths to other lanes at least solves the "Is that a 'run away' ping, or a 'GO THERE NOW' ping?" question for your other lanes. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
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England2656 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:30 Haemonculus wrote: Obviously still ping. But having a ward in the popular paths to other lanes at least solves the "Is that a 'run away' ping, or a 'GO THERE NOW' ping?" question for your other lanes. On Europe servers, if you ping three times in a line, it means that the enemy is leaving that lane and travelling that direction towards you. Also, there is a retreat ping that you can use. | ||
Singapore410 Posts
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India1783 Posts
On December 21 2011 18:25 JackDino wrote: Jax shits so hard on trynd it's not even funny, just needs tabis at 6. I'll try akali then. I hate garen - isn't fun to play and doesn't scale well late game. And I'm like the worst jax player. I always somehow manage to get killed 3 times pre-6 as jax with 0 cs. ![]() | ||
India1783 Posts
On December 21 2011 19:44 Slayer91 wrote: I don't totally agree with this. If trynd destroys the laning phase sure, trynd dominates games when he comes fed out of a solo lane with enough levels to make him hard to kill while still building all damage. If it's even or trynd dies more than Nasus due to ganks I'd much prefer having nasus because all you need is shurelyas and glacial to just permanently cast wither on tryndamere and considering most of them don't even get mercs it kinda counters him outright because he's not tanky and I feel like nasus' w straight up counters any burst and chasing power he has while he has ultimate ready. Nasus is really always useful with 40% cdr even if he doesn't do a lot of damage W is the most powerful ms/as slow in the game and it's up almost permanently against someone without mercs. He also provides free amourpen and is naturally one of the tankiest champs and has good base damage from the same ultimate. (I rarely see AD carries get mercs as well, but perhaps they'd get cleanse or QSS for the first 5 seconds). It really comes down to top lane ganks IMO. Trynd is hard to gank but then again Nasus is really good at supporting ganks with wither. If a good counter gank comes off it's a win for trynd but it's not a sure fire bet either because Nasus with ultimate is basically unkillable in a 2v2 so is trynd so one of the junglers is going to die and it depends on what the junglers are. I feel like the whole underfed Nasus = useless sentiment comes from people just rushing trinity with no CDR and then rushing in rambo and expecting everything to work out. There's no reason to put yourself in any danger on Nasus when you have a long ranged slow the only time you want to go in range of their carries is if they're already in range of your team which means they walked towards you and closer to your team instead of just you running solo into their team and getting bursted while your team isn't ready to react. If you slow someone you can either force a flash if your damage can threaten a kill from range or else make them initiate to save the guy. It's really hard to run away when withers almost always ready and you have shurelyas. Maybe if the target has mercs but if he doesn't he's really screwed. what I've been doing vs tryn was to play passive for first 2-3 levels then try to bully him with wither+q every time he comes close to cs. also I freaking hate trinity first nasus, its so stupid. I prefer going glacial+negatron and then some health (HoG or belt whatever) with a sheen thrown in and full tanky. | ||
India1783 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:45 pschiu wrote: Hmm, on SEA server where I play, we usually use two pings that form a vector describing the enemy movement. Like if enemy mid moves towards bottom lane, we would ping mid river, then bot river in quick succession. Also, even if the river is warded and everyone can clearly see the enemy moving towards bot, ping anyway because it makes a loud sound that draws attention. (totally offtopic) yay, finally someone who plays on the SEA server! XD I made an acc on sea recently and was looking for people on TL who play on SEA. | ||
Canada2833 Posts
On December 21 2011 23:27 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: what I've been doing vs tryn was to play passive for first 2-3 levels then try to bully him with wither+q every time he comes close to cs. also I freaking hate trinity first nasus, its so stupid. I prefer going glacial+negatron and then some health (HoG or belt whatever) with a sheen thrown in and full tanky. I like getting Shurelya's on Nasus. Gets you health, CDR, and the amazing active. Also philo stone is hella good sustain for passive play in the laning phase, which is kinda what nasus is all about. Usually like going cloth n 5 > philo/boots > FH/tankboots > FoN/Shurelya's and THEN trinity. Maybe an earlier sheen if there are a lot of teamfights. The other thing I've found about Nasus is that if you do get the cdr early, then even if you're behind you can farm your q really, really fast. With 40% cdr you can usually get 9/10+ of the minions of a big wave with your Q without minions forcing you to last hit with autos. I agree, though, trinity force first on Nasus is dumb. The only time to do it is when your team has a big lead and you can just win the game straight away; even then you might want at least FH to tank towers. | ||
Singapore410 Posts
On December 21 2011 23:32 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: (totally offtopic) yay, finally someone who plays on the SEA server! XD I made an acc on sea recently and was looking for people on TL who play on SEA. Heh, we should have a SEA section for TL Summoner List imo. Don't really know why it isn't there, as I know some TLers *do* play on SEA. Might give me some motivation to play lol abit more again. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
On December 21 2011 22:42 Flicky wrote: On Europe servers, if you ping three times in a line, it means that the enemy is leaving that lane and travelling that direction towards you. Also, there is a retreat ping that you can use. That is exactly what I do. Typing mia or ss in chat is so dumb from my perspective as a starcraft player.If you can be bothered to read the chat while playing than you shouldn't have any problems with watching the minimap.I understand that people get focused on csing and a lot of them are not used to watching the minimap all the time as us sc players but I'd rather ping them a couple of times to alert them than to write ss in a chat which,if they see,they should see that a lane is mia in the first place. Mia,ss and re just clutters up the chat which annoys me because I have to than spend even more extra time scrolling up to find my damn timings on buffs/dragon/baron. Just my perspective idk. | ||
India1783 Posts
On December 21 2011 23:43 Treadmill wrote: I like getting Shurelya's on Nasus. Gets you health, CDR, and the amazing active. Also philo stone is hella good sustain for passive play in the laning phase, which is kinda what nasus is all about. Usually like going cloth n 5 > philo/boots > FH/tankboots > FoN/Shurelya's and THEN trinity. Maybe an earlier sheen if there are a lot of teamfights. The other thing I've found about Nasus is that if you do get the cdr early, then even if you're behind you can farm your q really, really fast. With 40% cdr you can usually get 9/10+ of the minions of a big wave with your Q without minions forcing you to last hit with autos. I agree, though, trinity force first on Nasus is dumb. The only time to do it is when your team has a big lead and you can just win the game straight away; even then you might want at least FH to tank towers. Yeah the thing is that the 4k investment into trinity doesn't add to your damage that much. Better to go tanky and with CDR you have like a 2s cooldown on your q - tank everything and whack people to death. @pschiu yeah. Maybe that or the SEA thread that neo started. We definitely need to have a list of sea players so we can play and practice together instead of playing with randoms. Maybe neo will read this and we can add that to the summoned list thread. | ||
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