[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 132
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
United States7414 Posts
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United States1946 Posts
On December 21 2011 09:50 travis wrote: what order does he go? me is curious i tend to do wqe (if i spot a lvl 3 gank), otherwise wqwe qwewwreeerewwrqqqq or something. Edit: to be clear, I am reporting the order Phreak suggested. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Rammus: wqeeer, or wqweer, r > e > w > q | ||
United States1946 Posts
On December 21 2011 09:45 Ryalnos wrote: Apparently someone didn't listen to sv and picked jungle, so now sv is following a Lee Sin with a Trundle taking last hits as he tries to jungle. Pretty hilarious, everyone in the game seems to be on SV's side and now Swain has joined the jungle train. Apparently saintvicious got banned for that, rofl. Aaaand stream is offline now lol. | ||
United States9006 Posts
On December 21 2011 09:45 Ryalnos wrote: Apparently someone didn't listen to sv and picked jungle, so now sv is following a Lee Sin with a Trundle taking last hits as he tries to jungle. Pretty hilarious, everyone in the game seems to be on SV's side and now Swain has joined the jungle train. And SV just got banned for that game. Lol. Although it could be a combination of that game plus the games earlier where he was hard randoming a champion and then jungling as that champ. | ||
United States7414 Posts
I shouldn't of laughed so hard but I really couldn't help myself. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:05 Parnage wrote: And Saint suspended till the 24th. For good reasons, but the way he got temp banned, well worth it. At least for a viewing perspective. A leesin takes his jungle slot after Saint said he'd be jungling, Saint snaps and locks in trundle. He proceeds to follow the lee around(eventually being joined by PhantomLord who was at this point "whatever lol") in a roaming gank/jungle squad. I shouldn't of laughed so hard but I really couldn't help myself. Meh, Saint could've just q' dodged, or just played another champion, the dude is good enough to carry the team annyways, dunno why he HAS TO HAVE jungle. | ||
1327 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:03 overt wrote: And SV just got banned for that game. Lol. Although it could be a combination of that game plus the games earlier where he was hard randoming a champion and then jungling as that champ. I don't see how that's a bannable offense, Riot wanted to make it so even lower levels could jungle, that means just about any champ (esp w/ runes) can jungle. I don't get why fitting a role needed in a team comp could be a problem. | ||
United States17234 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On December 21 2011 09:57 NeoIllusions wrote: No, travis was right. Rammus: wqeeer, or wqweer, r > e > w > q TBH the difference between Q level 1 and W level 1 is not that big, seeing as you should hit level 2 before it matters. You'll get blue in pretty much the same time either way since proper pull + Q + smite kills Blue just fine. That said, the only reason to really get Q level 1 is if you expect to use it in a level 1 fight, since W is significantly better if something goes awry and you have to start at a small camp. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:03 Ryalnos wrote: Apparently saintvicious got banned for that, rofl. Aaaand stream is offline now lol. Well to be fair, the other guy *did* call jungle first, and picked his champ first. Any other player doing what SV did, (picking a duplicate role, following him around and trying to steal every last hit *while* whining about it 24/7) would be labeled an asshole troll in a heartbeat. Celebrities should *not* be allowed to get away with that crap imo. | ||
United States13132 Posts
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Canada1639 Posts
AHHHH 1 person being trolled, BAN SAINT! Games ruined because people are disconnecting from PVP.net, shhhhh don't tell anyone. Not saying it's Riot's fault either, but I feel like Riot always picks the worst times to do these big moves. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
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United States321 Posts
- Cait should counter vayne right? seems like cait is focused on shutting down early game, and vayne does best when she can farm up to late game. - Do I pretty much need to go for a sustain lane in this case? I'm thinking of buying soraka despite how boring she seems just because there's some cases where sustain seems too important - Are there any good games to watch to see how to play janna properly? I usually feel comfortable with her but i can never seem to use her ult well. same with alistar but i think me being bad with alistar is mainly just because i constantly miss pulvs... | ||
United States9006 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:32 OreoBoi wrote: Riot always picks the worst times to do these things tho. I'm not saying saint shouldn't have been banned, but it's quite funny how they ban him on the day all their servers crap out. AHHHH 1 person being trolled, BAN SAINT! Games ruined because people are disconnecting from PVP.net, shhhhh don't tell anyone. Not saying it's Riot's fault either, but I feel like Riot always picks the worst times to do these big moves. Rioters watch streams. I'm sure someone was either watching his stream when it was happening or they alerted a Rioter what was going on. I can't imagine banning someone takes more than two minutes to do. I don't have a problem with pros only play their role on a team in solo q. If you want your team to win you might as well play the role you're best at and if you have first or second pick then why not? It's only an issue when pros have a worse Elo than those they're being matched up with and they feel entitled to play it anyways. I mean, don't get me wrong, if I was on jiji or Regi's team I'd definitely let them AP mid but not everyone cares about winning enough. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:30 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: Just because you play X position for a team doesn't entitle you to that position whenever you want. If somebody picks a role in Q before you and you pick it anyway you deserve to banned, especially if you follow them around the entire game and troll them and ruin the game for every one else. It's one of the reasons the league community is garbage. I think it is fair. Unless you think random solo queu'er's are better than pros at their prospective roles... why wouldn't you put the best players in the best carrying roles? idk man. | ||
United States47024 Posts
High-profile players should be treated just the same as normal players. That means banning them when they should be banned, but it also means that it should go through the normal process of reporting and evaluation, not just because they happened to be streaming when it happened. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 21 2011 10:43 iCanada wrote: I think it is fair. Unless you think random solo queu'er's are better than pros at their prospective roles... why wouldn't you put the best players in the best carrying roles? idk man. i dont think you can really use that argument, because you can't guarantee that 100% of the lol population knows all the pros and what they play. If just 1 person doesn't know saintvicious, and mains jungle, and has a higher pick than sv, you can't really expect them to cede the position to them. edit: @ yango, i'm not really sure you can lump high profile streamers into the same category as normal users tho. the streamers are kinda expected to be 'role models' of sorts, which means that inevitably they fall under a different category in terms of judgement regardless of what you do. I havn't really formed an opinion on whether i agree with you or not yet, but i dont think it's that black and white. | ||
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