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On December 20 2011 04:06 Slayer91 wrote: No he's always like that. People watch him because the whole league of legends community is also convinced that they are diamonds in the rough while every one of their teammembers are pants on head retards. To be fair, he had a period of pretty decent behaviour just a couple of days ago. Admitting mistakes and taking the blame even.
You see 4 times as much bad play from allies than you see from yourself simply because they are 4 and you are 1, and a bad play by an enemy is interpreted as a good play by yourself. Because of this ratio you tend to think that you are better than your allies. I guess that's just how humans are.
And it's a fact that either you grab first blood by yourself or your allies will feed it to the enemy for free.
Sometimes I feed FB by being too aggressive, misjudging my damage, or flat out burning flash to wiff a skill shot, and my team reminds me of my incompetence for the next 15-45 minutes.
We've all fed first blood, and if you haven't fed first blood you will some day. It can be due to poor positioning during a level 1 jungle invasion, or much later into the game during a gank. By the law of averages you should feed fb and get fb 10% of the time. Unless you're the support.
On December 20 2011 04:23 Sabin010 wrote: Sometimes I feed FB by being too aggressive, misjudging my damage, or flat out burning flash to wiff a skill shot, and my team reminds me of my incompetence for the next 15-45 minutes Any excuse to get themselves out of any responsibility to win as soon as possible. It's an important skill to have.
If you give up FB you fucking suck no one is expected to give FB, no one should ever die and scores should always be 0-0 and the game will be demanded by who can farm up the fastest to destroy the raid boss.
On December 20 2011 03:57 Sabin010 wrote:Shouldn't Alistar be leveling his q over the e anyway? I would think reduced cd on knock up would be more important than heal, and to be honest all the support heals suck now a days. Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus?
and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. I'll try top lane Urgot now that there is strength of spirit in the utility tree. The only problem I see is if you go 21 utility you're not going to be able to get any cdr from the masteries, but cdr boots, brutalizer, glacial shroud will bring you to the cap, so cdr shouldn't be an issue. 9-0-21 will give you more teleport opportunities to teleport in and ult to turn a 2v2 into a 2v1 for a second then a 3v2. I could see it working, but when approaching the end game you're going to end up with some weird senarios where you need to sell off the cdr boots for the ghostblade/frozen heart and get some merc's in there leaving you at 35% cdr until you can recap once you've finished the build and start triple potting.
uh, i wouldn't ever not go 21-0-9, i see no reason to go deep into the util tree as urgot. Old util mastery was pretty good with 15-0-15, but i wouldn't sink 15 into util anymore. the 9 in util is good for mana, but other than that, the rest is pretty unnecessary. In terms of items, i've pretty much always found that manamune + bruta into bloodthirsters, Last Whisper and GA is typically what i want to do if i'm going to AD carry. Otherwise, if you have some1 as AD carry bot, an alternative is manamune + bruta into frozen heart + bveil, typically going cata + shroud before finishing the two, then finally either bloodthirster or LW depending, and finally selling bruta for bloodthirster.
note this is for solo lane, i dont get manamune anymore in a duo, but that's the only real difference. TP + flash for solo, some combination of cleanse, heal, exhaust, ignite or flash for bot lane.
dont get cdr boots, mercs better nearly 100% of the time.
I found Trundle pretty slow (and only jungled Maokai since) but that was only one try and I was facing a skarner. Perhaps he's not that bad objectively, but he's so underwhelming compared to his feats in the old jungle that I always felt behind and less and less relevant in the game (always happen at some point as I tend to gank a lotand counterjungle when I don't feel like going all the way back to my camps, but it was more a mid-late game thing in the old jungle and in that one game I felt like that all game long). I probably should give it another try, but a buddy just played it and had the same opinion—next game from me had a jungling Trundle that did well, but that was a normal on my level 25 smurf with no enemy jungler.
Offtopic, in a game yesterday as Pantheon I regularly had a "blocked!" pop up when I had to hold against Ahri and her Q would touch me, but only on the return trip. That may be a bug because I didn't seem to take the true damage either (and my passive was effectively "consumed"), I'm going to test that with a friend, I'll report back.
Falling behind because you gank a lot and counterjungle is in fact because you gank a lot and counterjungle. Don't counterjungle if it's not worth it.
On December 20 2011 04:06 Slayer91 wrote: No he's always like that. People watch him because the whole league of legends community is also convinced that they are diamonds in the rough while every one of their teammembers are pants on head retards. succintly put
On December 19 2011 20:23 daemir wrote:"On a scale to one to frigging ninja, that's a sona" chaox  Show nested quote +I also don't see how Nunu/MF bot would beat Taric/Cait bot. Stun->trap->udead stun -> snowball on cait, cait gets 1 hit free before stun end, BB on mf, mf W, MF shoots 3 times faster than cait, get faceraped.
Why would Caitlyn even stay within range after the Snowball got her? All she has to do is 90 cal net backwards and let Taric heal her. Nunu doesn't heal MF, so I'm pretty sure Cait/Taric will trade with them until MF is too low, even if Nunu/MF trade better.
Sustain>all. gg.
On December 20 2011 04:41 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 03:57 Sabin010 wrote:Shouldn't Alistar be leveling his q over the e anyway? I would think reduced cd on knock up would be more important than heal, and to be honest all the support heals suck now a days. On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus?
and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. I'll try top lane Urgot now that there is strength of spirit in the utility tree. The only problem I see is if you go 21 utility you're not going to be able to get any cdr from the masteries, but cdr boots, brutalizer, glacial shroud will bring you to the cap, so cdr shouldn't be an issue. 9-0-21 will give you more teleport opportunities to teleport in and ult to turn a 2v2 into a 2v1 for a second then a 3v2. I could see it working, but when approaching the end game you're going to end up with some weird senarios where you need to sell off the cdr boots for the ghostblade/frozen heart and get some merc's in there leaving you at 35% cdr until you can recap once you've finished the build and start triple potting. uh, i wouldn't ever not go 21-0-9, i see no reason to go deep into the util tree as urgot. Old util mastery was pretty good with 15-0-15, but i wouldn't sink 15 into util anymore. the 9 in util is good for mana, but other than that, the rest is pretty unnecessary. In terms of items, i've pretty much always found that manamune + bruta into bloodthirsters, Last Whisper and GA is typically what i want to do if i'm going to AD carry. Otherwise, if you have some1 as AD carry bot, an alternative is manamune + bruta into frozen heart + bveil, typically going cata + shroud before finishing the two, then finally either bloodthirster or LW depending, and finally selling bruta for bloodthirster. note this is for solo lane, i dont get manamune anymore in a duo, but that's the only real difference. TP + flash for solo, some combination of cleanse, heal, exhaust, ignite or flash for bot lane. dont get cdr boots, mercs better nearly 100% of the time.
Urgot likes to get 4 swords off of the single e though, which is why you need that 40% cdr earlier than later. If you're relying on the swords for your damage more than auto attacks, I can see the points in red from 10-16 being pretty useless as you're not trying to get damage from crits, and havoc is pretty lackluster.
On December 20 2011 04:46 JackDino wrote: Falling behind because you gank a lot and counterjungle is in fact because you gank a lot and counterjungle. Don't counterjungle if it's not worth it.
Ah, I wasn't clear enough, sorry. I meant that considering Trundle needs farm, I knew I got behind because of all the ganking and counterjungling I did, in the old jungle. In the new one, even without any of it, and moreover ganking very scarcely later and farming as much as I could to catch up, I was behind Skarner. He did some ganks and stuff too, not only farming his jungle, and while only dying one time more than him I ended up two levels and a lot of gold behind him. He didn't get fed or anything. Considering the old jungle's performances for Trundle, that was quite depressing.
On December 20 2011 04:53 Sabin010 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 04:41 barbsq wrote:On December 20 2011 03:57 Sabin010 wrote:Shouldn't Alistar be leveling his q over the e anyway? I would think reduced cd on knock up would be more important than heal, and to be honest all the support heals suck now a days. On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus?
and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. I'll try top lane Urgot now that there is strength of spirit in the utility tree. The only problem I see is if you go 21 utility you're not going to be able to get any cdr from the masteries, but cdr boots, brutalizer, glacial shroud will bring you to the cap, so cdr shouldn't be an issue. 9-0-21 will give you more teleport opportunities to teleport in and ult to turn a 2v2 into a 2v1 for a second then a 3v2. I could see it working, but when approaching the end game you're going to end up with some weird senarios where you need to sell off the cdr boots for the ghostblade/frozen heart and get some merc's in there leaving you at 35% cdr until you can recap once you've finished the build and start triple potting. uh, i wouldn't ever not go 21-0-9, i see no reason to go deep into the util tree as urgot. Old util mastery was pretty good with 15-0-15, but i wouldn't sink 15 into util anymore. the 9 in util is good for mana, but other than that, the rest is pretty unnecessary. In terms of items, i've pretty much always found that manamune + bruta into bloodthirsters, Last Whisper and GA is typically what i want to do if i'm going to AD carry. Otherwise, if you have some1 as AD carry bot, an alternative is manamune + bruta into frozen heart + bveil, typically going cata + shroud before finishing the two, then finally either bloodthirster or LW depending, and finally selling bruta for bloodthirster. note this is for solo lane, i dont get manamune anymore in a duo, but that's the only real difference. TP + flash for solo, some combination of cleanse, heal, exhaust, ignite or flash for bot lane. dont get cdr boots, mercs better nearly 100% of the time. Urgot likes to get 4 swords off of the single e though, which is why you need that 40% cdr earlier than later.
if you're doing a primarly dmg based build, cdr cap is overrated, cause you're typically not going to get all 4, or even 3 off regardless during the mid to late game. 4 missiles is primarily useful during the laning phase. Also, i think you only need 30 ish% cdr (may be wrong) for 4, and past that is unnecessary.
if you're doing the fr heart + bveil build, iirc, you hit 4 missiles without cdr boots anyways, so no need there.
On December 20 2011 04:23 Sabin010 wrote: Sometimes I feed FB by being too aggressive, misjudging my damage, or flat out burning flash to wiff a skill shot, and my team reminds me of my incompetence for the next 15-45 minutes.
We've all fed first blood, and if you haven't fed first blood you will some day. It can be due to poor positioning during a level 1 jungle invasion, or much later into the game during a gank. By the law of averages you should feed fb and get fb 10% of the time. Unless you're the support. What mainly sucks is how this can snowball in a lane.. I went top as GP and was up vs a mundo. Now, you almost never see this guy so I didn't really know what he was capable of and at one point thought I could kill him but he pulled some skills and killed me (FB).. after that I got ganked by their jungler.. after that I just got bullied in lane, it was really no fun. Our jungler did good ganking mid and bot and we won the game but I was totally useless. The game before I carried as GP, it can vary so much XD.
Mundo real strong presses E and you lose lane if he gets a crit, just dont melee him unless you've gotten him low and it should be all ok.
Why isn't Galio mid a more common strategy? He counters every single one of the common mid laners, and unlike Kassadin he isn't necessarily going to be be countered if they do a change up and he has to lane against a Ranged AD.
Was duoing with my friend with him Galio and me Ryze, the other team had Singed and Leblanc so we did a switcheroo and both of our opponents were under 30 cs at 20 minutes.
With the old masteries you would hit 38% cdr with ghostblade and frozen heart which is the threshold for hitting 4 q's off of an e. You can only get 3 with 37%. The point I was trying to make is SoS was so good in the old tree on Urgot. If you were to do a 21 attack variation on him I would problebly end up skipping the crit damage mastery in favor of cdr, as he isn't going to be building IE and PD to make use of those crit stats. There must be some way to make use of SoS with 19 in utility and 11 in attack, but mastermind is still good on Urgot because having flash makes your ult stronger, like you can ult flash over the wall and weq some one from a spot you can't be touched from.
Actually come to thing about it 9-0-21 is problebly best because you're going to need to dominate your lane and make the other guy useless. Urgot falls off pretty hard, but 5% xp mastery will let you out level the enemy solo and will really show if you're forcing him back more because you're running teleport with the cdr masteries on the spell with the sustain from SoS you shouldn't have to leave lane at all. Once in team fights you're going to be trying the eq a carry or support with out even getting in auto attack range, but if you miss you're going to be q'ing the closest target who is going to be the tank with over 40% health most of the time. Your job is going to bring some one down to 50% so your bursters can take them down instantly.
On December 20 2011 04:53 Sabin010 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 20 2011 04:41 barbsq wrote:On December 20 2011 03:57 Sabin010 wrote:Shouldn't Alistar be leveling his q over the e anyway? I would think reduced cd on knock up would be more important than heal, and to be honest all the support heals suck now a days. On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus?
and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. I'll try top lane Urgot now that there is strength of spirit in the utility tree. The only problem I see is if you go 21 utility you're not going to be able to get any cdr from the masteries, but cdr boots, brutalizer, glacial shroud will bring you to the cap, so cdr shouldn't be an issue. 9-0-21 will give you more teleport opportunities to teleport in and ult to turn a 2v2 into a 2v1 for a second then a 3v2. I could see it working, but when approaching the end game you're going to end up with some weird senarios where you need to sell off the cdr boots for the ghostblade/frozen heart and get some merc's in there leaving you at 35% cdr until you can recap once you've finished the build and start triple potting. uh, i wouldn't ever not go 21-0-9, i see no reason to go deep into the util tree as urgot. Old util mastery was pretty good with 15-0-15, but i wouldn't sink 15 into util anymore. the 9 in util is good for mana, but other than that, the rest is pretty unnecessary. In terms of items, i've pretty much always found that manamune + bruta into bloodthirsters, Last Whisper and GA is typically what i want to do if i'm going to AD carry. Otherwise, if you have some1 as AD carry bot, an alternative is manamune + bruta into frozen heart + bveil, typically going cata + shroud before finishing the two, then finally either bloodthirster or LW depending, and finally selling bruta for bloodthirster. note this is for solo lane, i dont get manamune anymore in a duo, but that's the only real difference. TP + flash for solo, some combination of cleanse, heal, exhaust, ignite or flash for bot lane. dont get cdr boots, mercs better nearly 100% of the time. Urgot likes to get 4 swords off of the single e though, which is why you need that 40% cdr earlier than later. If you're relying on the swords for your damage more than auto attacks, I can see the points in red from 10-16 being pretty useless as you're not trying to get damage from crits, and havoc is pretty lackluster. People keep saying that Havoc isn't a good mastery because when it came out people were doing the math on AD autoattacks for it. It's a fuck of a lot better on abilities with good base damage than it is on an autoattack. Urgot's abilities are a prime example. At level 4 Acid Hunter with ZERO bonus AD, 1 point in havoc is more damage to Acid Hunter than 1 point in brute force, and brute force is a pretty good gold/point mastery. This also applies to corrosive charge at level 2 corrosive charge. Havoc doesn't suck.
On December 20 2011 05:27 Alzadar wrote: Why isn't Galio mid a more common strategy? He counters every single one of the common mid laners, and unlike Kassadin he isn't necessarily going to be be countered if they do a change up and he has to lane against a Ranged AD.
Was duoing with my friend with him Galio and me Ryze, the other team had Singed and Leblanc so we did a switcheroo and both of our opponents were under 30 cs at 20 minutes. he's good, but he can't carry as hard as other champs can. his damage drops off unless you go balls to teh wall AP and even then his damage isn't amazing and you get really squishy.
galio ult is gamebreaking if landed well, but asides from that it's not as easy to carry with him as say Kassadin or other standard AP carries.
Did anyone else suddenly get 9k IP? o.o
I still have my dodge runes @ _ @
On December 20 2011 05:27 Alzadar wrote: Why isn't Galio mid a more common strategy? He counters every single one of the common mid laners, and unlike Kassadin he isn't necessarily going to be be countered if they do a change up and he has to lane against a Ranged AD.
Was duoing with my friend with him Galio and me Ryze, the other team had Singed and Leblanc so we did a switcheroo and both of our opponents were under 30 cs at 20 minutes.
I like him top against some bullshit AD. Farm up, get frozen heart, farm more up -> win game