On December 20 2011 01:31 BlueSpace wrote:
Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo.
Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo.
smaller boobies
Forum Index > LoL General |
Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
United States4223 Posts
On December 20 2011 01:31 BlueSpace wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 01:30 randomKo_Orean wrote: On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. MF#1 obv Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo. smaller boobies | ||
United States1892 Posts
On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. Nunu has big boobies too. MF, Nunu best bot lane. If MF's 6300 price tag is too high convince some one else in queue to play her and get Nunu, They're only 450 ip, and its two champs for 93% off. | ||
Germany2182 Posts
On December 20 2011 01:33 unichan wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 01:31 BlueSpace wrote: On December 20 2011 01:30 randomKo_Orean wrote: On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. MF#1 obv Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo. smaller boobies I like apples more than melons. But to everybody his own fruit I guess. | ||
United States4054 Posts
On December 20 2011 01:38 BlueSpace wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 01:33 unichan wrote: On December 20 2011 01:31 BlueSpace wrote: On December 20 2011 01:30 randomKo_Orean wrote: On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. MF#1 obv Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo. smaller boobies I like apples more than melons. But to everybody his own fruit I guess. But they're both melons. And really big melons > big melons. Scientific fact. | ||
United States12704 Posts
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France8574 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On December 20 2011 01:38 BlueSpace wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 01:33 unichan wrote: On December 20 2011 01:31 BlueSpace wrote: On December 20 2011 01:30 randomKo_Orean wrote: On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. MF#1 obv Officer Caitlyn in a police uniform far superior to the pirate lady imo. smaller boobies I like apples more than melons. But to everybody his own fruit I guess. I like star fruit. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On December 20 2011 00:01 Brockster wrote: Hi dear lol-addicts, long time lurker here, i m thinking of getting more involved in the LoL-forum of TL and trying to contribute something to the amazing TL-community. I m still fairly new to LOL with around 200 ranked games played. Coming from a semi-professional Dota background playing in division 1 and 2 in the old dotaleague, i have my fair share of knowledge regarding the fundamentals though. Anyway, I m feeling a bit stuck atm , hovering around 53% win rate. What holds me back the most, or thats at least what i m thinking, is the lack of champions and runes. I didnt buy any RP as of yet. My current setup consists of Ryze/Annie/Akali as mid champs, where i enjoy Ryze the most, but i m stil lacking the mana runes for him. Top i play either ryze or garen. If i dont get top or mid i usually fall back to jungle, where i run Yi with around 75% winrate at my 1250ish elo. I dont really like playing either part of the btm lane, but i guess it is necessary to pick the AD role up. Of course i will man up and play support as last pick to ensure a decent team comp. This brings me to my question: Should i pick up Vayne/Graves as an AD, should i get the mana-runes for Ryze first or should i get a jungler which is not as gimmicky as Yi. The mana runes wont be used for anything except for ryze, which makes it a rather large investment. Am grateful for any input. PS: Shoutout to r.Evo, i m reading the GD threat with a passion and apart from giving useful information nearly always, you seem like a really cool guy. I believe you have a coaching background? Thought i read something along these lines in one of your posts. I'm working as an HR coach myself. Durrr... I obviously can't not answer if I get a personal shoutout from someone new here. =P ... Welcome! As people already said for Ryze, he's completely fine without the mana runes. In fact, personally, I got the mana runes but decided to use scaling mres instead for most lanes since I feel they're just more effective for laning. -> Fuck them mana runes. Apart from that I fully agree with BlueSpace's post about throwing some money at this game if you think you'll stick around for a while and be smart about it. What I did was get the full runepage bundle, waited for cool champions to be on sale and this way I had almost all of my IP for runes. What some people are forgetting for runes: Loads of junglers want some AS in their reds/quints. Phoenix Udyr you want full AS red, MS quints. Maokai likes MS/AP quints. Every other autoattacking jungler likes a combination of ArPen/AS to maximize his jungling speed. @The whole "Yi is gimmicky"-debate. If you deserve to be above your elo, you will win games regardless. It might be that you have to be 200 elo higher with Yi to win compared to 100 elo higher to win with Udyr, but the point stays the same. When I first broke 1600 I had a phase where whenever I was pissed I jungled Yi and put my entire team on ignore from the first minute on. I think I had like 75% winrate with Yi after I finally made the run from 1400-1600. =D @AD carries: If you want a single AD carry I recommend caitlyn. She's the easiest to learn and you can easily win games against people on the same skill level with her. Apart from her I'm a fan of Trist/Urgot, but that's just personal preference. @"Should I specialize in one role or not?": If you want to gain elo quickly, specialize in 2-3 champs max. If you want to become good at the game and understand it on a deeper level, play as many roles/champs as you can without looking like a retard on your current elo. I still pick champs I'm bad with when I dropped elo here and there and climb my way back up by learning them. Do I suck more at specific roles than someone who keeps playing his 4-5 main champs? Yes, for sure. However, the more I understand matchups/teamcomps and how they interact the easier it becomes for me to make calls in arranged play. Since that's what I prefer in the long run, that's what I usually do. @The honey you're throwing around: My background kinda comes from love SCBW -> Observe games between courage people/top foreigners 24/7 and talk with the foreigners over how they could improve -> want money -> play poker -> coach poker -> want gurls -> start with pickup -> coach pickup -> coach anything that's related to communication. My only "official" degree is a NLP master and it's usually easy to shine for me since I've done enough weird stuff and interacted with weird people to be confident in most encounters. =D Right now I'd love to find a LoL team that would like to improve their communication during games. Listening in on like TSM or CLG ventrillo makes me almost cry every time. I strongly believe that most top teams have this as their biggest weakness right now. However, since I'm not used to coaching in english anymore I'd rather do that with some "underground" team first before I write Reginald an email saying "Yo, bro, the way u guys talk sux lemme show u bro if u have money bro." On December 20 2011 00:15 Sabin010 wrote: Doesn't Mao need a lot of farm to be effective heading into mid/late game? Usually when I see him toplane, he becomes this incredibly difficult to take down tank who can literally take a 5v1 for a good 20 seconds before being killed. If he's not getting farm and spends most of his money on wards/oracles, he is going to have to sit back in fights using ult to provide damage reduction, but won't he get blown up if he trys to root a carry? Nunu only really needs a banshee's veil and he's pretty effective with his ult, as you're going to need to blow 2 hard cc's to stop his channel. Not to mention the ult still does a ton of damage with little ap. I can see nunu using his bloodboil to effectively roam, ward, and clear wards fast with out getting killed when he gets caught like most supports. If teams are trending away from taking cv on supports in favor of heal, I can see nunu becoming an effective support. I'm interested in seeing who in a mao/vayne vs nunu/mf mu would win. Both supports can't provide extra sustain to the carry like a traditional support, yet they both seem to be more of an offensive support in nature. IMO (aside from the bloodboil) Alistar/Taric problebly do the same job as both of them in lane while providing some sustain to the carry. Support Mao plays kinda similar to other babysitters later in the game. His W/Q are solid peels, his ultimate protects the area where stuff goes down and his E still does decent enough damage vs squishies even without AP. Especially his saplings however make him a great pick to run without CV. Mao/Vayne vs Nunu/MF depends on whether the Nunu lane get's rooted, knockuped and stunned or if the Mao lane get's MF Q'd or Nunu iceblasted all day long for free. =P If you pick Taric for sustain, you're doing it wrong btw. | ||
United States473 Posts
On December 20 2011 03:32 r.Evo wrote:If you pick Taric for sustain, you're doing it wrong btw. Crappy sustain is better than no sustain in some people's eyes. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On December 19 2011 21:04 TheKefka wrote: The funny thing is support nunu is more viable than jungle nunu right now. That said if I was going to pick a non standard support I would go with Leona or Mao. As a matter of fact I don't think people realize yet how strong support Mao is,but that doesn't surprise me considering how long it took for people to accept jungle mao. Jungle mao has been around since forever, Dan even jungled him in Dreamhack qualifiers. On December 20 2011 01:28 unichan wrote: only thing buying with rp imo are the champ bundles + skins + 7 rune page bundle or w/e it was... buying champs with RP individually is just overkill MF is the best AD btw, she runs fast and has big boobies and shoots stuff. MF #1. MF can buy 2 swords and shoot really big cannonballs even. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On December 20 2011 03:47 Darkchylde wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 03:32 r.Evo wrote:If you pick Taric for sustain, you're doing it wrong btw. Crappy sustain is better than no sustain in some people's eyes. It's more like if a Taric levels up his heal (or is forced to somehow) it means he turns into a crappy version of Soraka without mana. In fact, the biggest mistake I see most Taric/AD lanes commit is that Taric wastes his mana on heals when the AD could just buy some pots. Stun -> W and the W armor aura is what makes a Taric/X lane scary. Not the high sustain. If you want a scary healer I'd pick up Alistar over Taric any day. | ||
United States39 Posts
and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. | ||
United States1892 Posts
On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus? and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. I'll try top lane Urgot now that there is strength of spirit in the utility tree. The only problem I see is if you go 21 utility you're not going to be able to get any cdr from the masteries, but cdr boots, brutalizer, glacial shroud will bring you to the cap, so cdr shouldn't be an issue. 9-0-21 will give you more teleport opportunities to teleport in and ult to turn a 2v2 into a 2v1 for a second then a 3v2. I could see it working, but when approaching the end game you're going to end up with some weird senarios where you need to sell off the cdr boots for the ghostblade/frozen heart and get some merc's in there leaving you at 35% cdr until you can recap once you've finished the build and start triple potting. | ||
United States7414 Posts
On December 20 2011 03:56 S[o]ul wrote: How's trundle and jarvan in the new jungle? Are they still viable over junglers like udyr and rammus? and also, why don't people play urgot top lane? It seems like he would be able to do pretty well up there, being able to zone melee champs. Jarvan still does what he's always done. Give that powerful level 2 gank only now you can just start with redbuff. So long as you can do the flag/lance combo you can generally get a kill or force a back and summoners. From thar you can clear/gank more. I'd say he's fine jungler. | ||
Calgary25963 Posts
Edit: He just walked into a 1-5 after respawning because he was shit talking his teammates on chat and didn't notice. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Finland4559 Posts
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United States9006 Posts
On December 20 2011 04:04 Chill wrote: Is HotShotGG always this annoying? He has like 12k viewers but all he's doing it complaining about everyone while going 1-2 ratio. I can't tell if he's joking and doing this as as act or not. Edit: He just walked into a 1-5 after respawning because he was shit talking his teammates on chat and didn't notice. He's like that a lot. He recently vowed to be "better" so he yells less. A lot of streamers for LoL are like that. Good streamers include jiji, Chauster, Doublelift, Chaox, and Dan Dinh. All have good attitudes and the worst they'll do is just call a teammate dumb under their breath or something. I don't think any of them rage ever as well. | ||
Belgium1335 Posts
On December 20 2011 04:06 Slayer91 wrote: No he's always like that. People watch him because the whole league of legends community is also convinced that they are diamonds in the rough while every one of their teammembers are pants on head retards. Doublelift is legitemately good, and bigfatlp (or jiji) is rank 1 solo queue, no small feat. I don't think saintvicious is that good compared to the others but his game insight and calls and leadership when they play is what carries their games. Also hotshot has had some important games that he really carried to the win. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
On December 20 2011 04:15 wintergt wrote: Show nested quote + On December 20 2011 04:06 Slayer91 wrote: No he's always like that. People watch him because the whole league of legends community is also convinced that they are diamonds in the rough while every one of their teammembers are pants on head retards. Doublelift is legitemately good, and bigfatlp (or jiji) is rank 1 solo queue, no small feat. I don't think saintvicious is that good compared to the others but his game insight and calls and leadership when they play is what carries their games. Also hotshot has had some important games that he really carried to the win. SV swings big and he misses big. | ||
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