Taric Cait won't kill nunu during stun trap without 1 of them dying.
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Gabon6219 Posts
Taric Cait won't kill nunu during stun trap without 1 of them dying. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On December 19 2011 20:18 Cloud9157 wrote: Poland would like to have a word with you. They ran Nunu bot with Vayne game 2 vs CLG at WCG. I don't get how Nunu is being brought up to sound like a god. Janna has 3 CCs as opposed to Nunu's 2. Both give a buff, although Nunu definitely gives the better one. I also don't see how Nunu/MF bot would beat Taric/Cait bot. Stun->trap->udead Cait is one of the worst champs to pick support Nunu against. But that doesn't mean that Nunu is a bad support in general. | ||
United Kingdom3341 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
On December 19 2011 19:44 Alaric wrote: While we're speaking of AD carries, and the subject of shutting someone down in lane (na, not sparking that Vayne stuff again), I know I'm terribad with AD carries, and not only csing, but how do you generally play when you want to shut the enemy AD carry, apart from picking Urgot and telling him "you get near me, you die"? Do you just ward their brush to prevent/reduce zoning, taking over if you can (or your support), and then camp in your creepwave shooting at your opponent everytime he goes to cs (that's assuming you've got better range, with lesser range I guess you need an aggressive support like Taric-Vayne and zone people with threat)? I tried most of them, currently playing Ezreal or Ashe when I have to play the role, so noone with a fancy long range, and I never seem to be doing so well, except when I hit enough Qs to force backs, or at least tower hugging till they pot up. I guess Ez's a bit different because of skillshots altering positioning, but basically should I just say "that whole zone near the creeps is mine, you go in, you lose health before even csing"? I know Ez's laning's supposed to be pretty good, so maybe I should try Tristana or Caitlyn to get a different feel for lane-dominant AD carries. Here's the whole thing from a ~1800 high perspective: When I play someone like Caitlyn, the whole deal is inredibly simple. They lasthit, they get hit, I move back, lasthit, look for their lasthit, hit them, repeat all day long. Don't forget to lasthit on your own, this is not dota where you can deny effectively. You try to combine the maximum amount of harass with the maximum amount of CS. Sometimes this means setting up CS so you hit a creep once to not miss it a few seconds later down the road. Then when your suppot gets something sexy off (or their support fucks up his CDs, think of the "lol that pulverize"-Alistar) you can start shitting over them. For Tristana, the whole thing is way more difficult in solo q, because a) you usually take more harass early on. b) your support has to understand the matchup and act accordingly. Prime example of this is when laning with an alistar who WQ's their carry, you jump after him and the Ali misjudged your burst. Congrats, you're now sitting somwhere in their minion line and get raped. The basic idea of "shutting down the enemy lane" is to get some kind of advantage (even knowing when to go back and when not to can be huge. Caitlyn is probably one of the worst offenders since she can say "Either you miss 1-2 waves of CS, or you stay in lane. Decide bro, ima go buy some items, brb!" - once you have that you get more and more aggressive to start actually snowballing the lane. From the first kill on it's all about warding and letting them know that if they CS in the middle of the lane, they will die. @The whole support topic: What we just started for arranged matches/duo q when we're unsure whether a certain support is strong or not: Run them with someone like Ashe/Vayne (maybe Urgot) and see how the lane goes. You don't see a support shine that much with Cait/Ez/Corki imo. If you're like Ashe/X vs Caitlyn/Soraka and win that lane consistently either your opponents are complete and utter trash (hint: "consistently") or whatever you're doing has something going for it. Some random examples: -Trist/Jarvan worked horribly for us vs any mini-dash lane like Cait/Graves etc. ... That E/Q is so fuckhard to hit vs them if they know what they're doing. Against someone like Durpgot or Corki it's pretty cool. -GP+X vs non-caitlyn lanes works pretty damn well so far. Clotharmor+pot+wards on GP is pretty easy going additional harass. Especially Cait+GP is pretty damn stupid. -LB+X however is my current favorite since it's pretty much undefeated when we're duo/arranged. In solo Q if one of us runs LB we always get shat on. The simple fact that this lane is IMPOSSIBLE to trade against (unless they play a doublestun setup like Leona/Vayne or Vayne/Taric and get their combo off) is so damn huge. Basicly our side starts trading in this lane until we can somehow force a fight even against a small advantage when it comes to minion waves etc. and then we instawin lane because of LB burst+2x offensive summoners vs their usual 1x offensive (usually exhaust) and max 1x defensive (heal). So far dat lane is undefeated (including some hilarious games where you sit at lvl 6 and they at lvl 4 and they can't get within LB q range without exploding. =D) | ||
France45622 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
That said if I was going to pick a non standard support I would go with Leona or Mao. As a matter of fact I don't think people realize yet how strong support Mao is,but that doesn't surprise me considering how long it took for people to accept jungle mao. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On December 19 2011 20:53 Alaric wrote: You would get creep aggro this way and push, so eventually I guess they could cs under tower. Should I (finally) learn to pull and freeze waves so that I can somehow not suck at AD carrying and harassing (other than abusing Ez)? Or is pushing not that big of a deal if the harass that's making me push will end up forcing a back, giving an opportunity to shove that wave into their tower? -If the wave is in the middle or close to your tower, you try to freeze it (it will push eventually sooner or later if you start zoning since they can't lasthit anymore) -If it's closer to their tower, you push it as hard as you can and in 1-2 waves it will push back. That's when you move into the brush and laugh at them not coming close (Winning Taric/Alistar lanes look like this pretty much). Whatever you do, watch out for that jungler. =P If you're asking about the "punish while you're lasthitting", yes, you pull some aggro and yes, this pushes the lane a bit. If you do it right it gives you an awesome timing to go back for boots/dorans while they sit at half health/half mana and start dominating. | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On December 19 2011 21:04 TheKefka wrote: The funny thing is support nunu is more viable than jungle nunu right now. That said if I was going to pick a non standard support I would go with Leona or Mao. As a matter of fact I don't think people realize yet how strong support Mao is,but that doesn't surprise me considering how long it took for people to accept jungle mao. I've been playing support Mao since season 1 >.> Idk how it took people this long to figure out he is really good. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
Oh and maokai is a fucking boss with vayne. | ||
3534 Posts
On December 19 2011 20:32 dismiss wrote: Oh my, what happened to this thread? JackDino new Shikyo? h4h4 pretty much. Also: not trolling here, but where the heck is that report button? Am I THAT dumb/blind? | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On December 19 2011 22:00 Alaric wrote: I've always wanted to try Mao-Cait, just to see how much you can zone people with traps and saplings. The only problem with Mao support is he has trouble zoning/harrassing mobile opponents (in bot lane, vayne and tristana for example). If they can evade the saplings, that is a large chunk of his damage and mana wasted. | ||
United Kingdom3341 Posts
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United States1360 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
On December 19 2011 23:27 57 Corvette wrote: The only problem with Mao support is he has trouble zoning/harrassing mobile opponents (in bot lane, vayne and tristana for example). If they can evade the saplings, that is a large chunk of his damage and mana wasted. Uh, honestly when I play Mao bot (which I rarely do nowadays, but still =P) ... those mobile lanes aren't that tough simply because if they use their jump against an E you didn't intend to follow up they wasted just as much as you did. What IS really failsauce though if they jump/flash or even both while you W onto them and loldie under their tower. His W is sometimes buggy as hell. I once W'd on a Nidalee who jumped through the wall at blue while our Gragas ulted her (pushing her further away) and she flashed afterwards. My Mao stood at blue, bugged in the wall and then W'd onto her when she was around the brush next to midlane. o.O I guess I gotta try it again in premades or something, but I think he's weaker in lane as someone like GP/LB, but stronger in teamfights. Gotta see if he maybe is some middleground, but imo the idea of non-conventional supports is to win your lane so hard the smaller teamfight presence won't matter anymore. | ||
Germany82 Posts
long time lurker here, i m thinking of getting more involved in the LoL-forum of TL and trying to contribute something to the amazing TL-community. I m still fairly new to LOL with around 200 ranked games played. Coming from a semi-professional Dota background playing in division 1 and 2 in the old dotaleague, i have my fair share of knowledge regarding the fundamentals though. Anyway, I m feeling a bit stuck atm , hovering around 53% win rate. What holds me back the most, or thats at least what i m thinking, is the lack of champions and runes. I didnt buy any RP as of yet. My current setup consists of Ryze/Annie/Akali as mid champs, where i enjoy Ryze the most, but i m stil lacking the mana runes for him. Top i play either ryze or garen. If i dont get top or mid i usually fall back to jungle, where i run Yi with around 75% winrate at my 1250ish elo. I dont really like playing either part of the btm lane, but i guess it is necessary to pick the AD role up. Of course i will man up and play support as last pick to ensure a decent team comp. This brings me to my question: Should i pick up Vayne/Graves as an AD, should i get the mana-runes for Ryze first or should i get a jungler which is not as gimmicky as Yi. The mana runes wont be used for anything except for ryze, which makes it a rather large investment. Am grateful for any input. PS: Shoutout to r.Evo, i m reading the GD threat with a passion and apart from giving useful information nearly always, you seem like a really cool guy. I believe you have a coaching background? Thought i read something along these lines in one of your posts. I'm working as an HR coach myself. | ||
United States4054 Posts
The cv/heal changes have really made the tournaments a lot more entertaining. AD's face checking brushes all day. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
I would spend my IP on making a decent set of standard runes (not mana runes, normal AP/AD runes) and buy some cheap champions. Morgana, Sion and Zilean are good choices for mid and pretty cheap. Also if you're good at jungle Yi you'd probably be good with jungle Trynd. | ||
Germany82 Posts
I have 4 Pages with full sets of red arpen, magicpen, flat ad; blue flat ap, MRes and scaling cdr; yellow armor and dodge and ad/ap quints. I d grab Morg, but she is 100% banned in my elo range. | ||
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