On November 19 2011 01:02 mordek wrote: Let's say your jungling with Olaf/Warwick and you can't rely on a leash for Blue, what's the optimal path? I normally start Vamp on Olaf and Sword on WW.
It's masteries 2.0. You don't have to alter your path, just do blue without a leash and proceed to clear your whole jungle, not giving a single fuck.
I wasn't aware Olaf could do that, I'll have to try it.
I think nearly any good junlger can full clear with 0/21/9 or whatever even without a pull. It's pretty insane right now, you get to 4 so fast.
On November 18 2011 20:11 JackDino wrote: Defense is way better than utility, utility has stupid things like a mana prerequisite for the mp5, semi worthless thing like 40experience/40g, 40g is nothing in a 30+min game. Perseverance is now way down the tree but it's still garbage, the only good things from utility are the summoner cd reduction and the buff duration is now 1 point. The gp10 is also nice.
Don't underestimate the +mana mastery. It's pretty amazing for champions with small manapools and expensive spells (aka ranged ADs).
It's terrible compared to the old one tho, esp on someone like ryze.
Not noticeably different, really. The old Expanded Mind required you to put 4 points into it for 5% increased mana, so endgame Ryze you're looking at 200 to 225 extra mana from it. The new mastery only requires 3 points and gives 216 mana endgame, so it's basically the same for less points.
And this is with Ryze, who stacks mana more than anyone. On any other champion the new mastery is vastly better.
On November 18 2011 20:11 JackDino wrote: Defense is way better than utility, utility has stupid things like a mana prerequisite for the mp5, semi worthless thing like 40experience/40g, 40g is nothing in a 30+min game. Perseverance is now way down the tree but it's still garbage, the only good things from utility are the summoner cd reduction and the buff duration is now 1 point. The gp10 is also nice.
Don't underestimate the +mana mastery. It's pretty amazing for champions with small manapools and expensive spells (aka ranged ADs).
It's terrible compared to the old one tho, esp on someone like ryze.
It's ridiculously good compared to the old one, what are you talking about?
Ashe @ 18: 659 mana Old, 4 points: +33 mana New, 3 points: +216 mana
Ryze @ 18, RoA, AA, BV, FH all fully stacked 4240 mana Old, 4 points: +212 mana New, 3 points: +216 mana
I just don't understand why people would only play dota if they get a beta key. If you want to try out dota go play some dota. Dota2 is actually less of the game at the moment since it isn't finished yet ^_^ The updated graphics are worth getting used to eventually if you intend to play it, but that shouldn't stop you from playing it. You will find that the shop interface on the wc3 version is incredibly non-user friendly though since it is engine limited. I haven't paid attention to dota2 at all, but I'm assuming that they're updating the shop UI to something similar to HoN or LoL.
@mordek. Why can you not get a leash for blue? Warwick can clear easily without a leash regardless. With the new masteries I bet anybody could if they opened cloth5.
On November 18 2011 20:11 JackDino wrote: Defense is way better than utility, utility has stupid things like a mana prerequisite for the mp5, semi worthless thing like 40experience/40g, 40g is nothing in a 30+min game. Perseverance is now way down the tree but it's still garbage, the only good things from utility are the summoner cd reduction and the buff duration is now 1 point. The gp10 is also nice.
Don't underestimate the +mana mastery. It's pretty amazing for champions with small manapools and expensive spells (aka ranged ADs).
It's terrible compared to the old one tho, esp on someone like ryze.
i'm not positive but i vaguely recall that the old mastery was based off base mana, not current mana.
On November 19 2011 02:09 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: I just don't understand why people would only play dota if they get a beta key. If you want to try out dota go play some dota. Dota2 is actually less of the game at the moment since it isn't finished yet ^_^ The updated graphics are worth getting used to eventually if you intend to play it, but that shouldn't stop you from playing it. You will find that the shop interface on the wc3 version is incredibly non-user friendly though since it is engine limited. I haven't paid attention to dota2 at all, but I'm assuming that they're updating the shop UI to something similar to HoN or LoL.
@mordek. Why can you not get a leash for blue? Warwick can clear easily without a leash regardless. With the new masteries I bet anybody could if they opened cloth5.
It's more of back-up plan if I can't get one. I'm low-level and I just like having some amount of self-reliance just in case. Last thing I'd want is trying it solo and dying... I want to test but I'm at work and just bought Olaf. Leash is preferable of course
Changing the Metagame. Jungle Ashe too strong. Global Stun ganks. Vulnerable to counter jungling but with 4 wards you can completely shut down the river. Placing the AD carry in the jungle means you won't have a farmed ranged carry, but allows for more duo set ups in bot. Like Taric/Garen.
On November 19 2011 02:09 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: I just don't understand why people would only play dota if they get a beta key. If you want to try out dota go play some dota. Dota2 is actually less of the game at the moment since it isn't finished yet ^_^ The updated graphics are worth getting used to eventually if you intend to play it, but that shouldn't stop you from playing it. You will find that the shop interface on the wc3 version is incredibly non-user friendly though since it is engine limited. I haven't paid attention to dota2 at all, but I'm assuming that they're updating the shop UI to something similar to HoN or LoL.
I believe a lot of newbies like myself are holding out for the better features of DotA 2. To be honest I'm probably no better at DotA than a random grandma off the street and after not being able to beat bots in the DotA 1 bot map without stacking things so I get carried I certainly don't feel like playing the kind of people who are still playing DotA 1 when 2's beta is out.
On November 19 2011 02:36 Sabin010 wrote: Changing the Metagame. Jungle Ashe too strong. Global Stun ganks. Vulnerable to counter jungling but with 4 wards you can completely shut down the river. Placing the AD carry in the jungle means you won't have a farmed ranged carry, but allows for more duo set ups in bot. Like Taric/Garen.
Ashe can't jungle for shit anyways, takes too much dmg/too long to clear volley has too long of a cd. If I were jungling against an ashe I'd go kill her asap.
On November 19 2011 00:13 jcarlsoniv wrote: Interesting to note that HSGG has <half the games of Shushei, but 2/3 the damage done.
Its pretty obvious that they play different champions. HS usually plays more tanky chars while Shushei plays with chars that do more damage, means easier to kill with. So HS does a lot of damage (and soaks up it), while his team gets the kills. Its like if you compare the healing vs CC-s on a Janna and a Soraka...
Nah. Shushei just runs around KSing all the time. Doosh.
On November 19 2011 03:10 JackDino wrote: Ashe can't jungle for shit anyways, takes too much dmg/too long to clear volley has too long of a cd. If I were jungling against an ashe I'd go kill her asap.
Have you tried multiple rune and mastery set ups for jungle Ashe since the season 2 change? Are you aware that the whole river should be warded from about 2:45 onward, and if you make a move to go kill her she will have back up? I understand its unconventional, and people just go "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" "TOP TEAMS NEVER PLAY THAT WAY!" with out ever even trying it out. Just writitng off strategies simply because they're unorthodox. With some team work she's gonna hit 6 and you're going to have to worry about Ashe arrows from everywhere, because she can shoot it across wards, and unless you're switching camera to the ward while the arrow is in flight you're not going to see it until its too late. With the flash nerf less people are taking it, and its even harder to flash through the arrow.
On November 19 2011 02:09 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: I just don't understand why people would only play dota if they get a beta key. If you want to try out dota go play some dota. Dota2 is actually less of the game at the moment since it isn't finished yet ^_^ The updated graphics are worth getting used to eventually if you intend to play it, but that shouldn't stop you from playing it. You will find that the shop interface on the wc3 version is incredibly non-user friendly though since it is engine limited. I haven't paid attention to dota2 at all, but I'm assuming that they're updating the shop UI to something similar to HoN or LoL.
I believe a lot of newbies like myself are holding out for the better features of DotA 2. To be honest I'm probably no better at DotA than a random grandma off the street and after not being able to beat bots in the DotA 1 bot map without stacking things so I get carried I certainly don't feel like playing the kind of people who are still playing DotA 1 when 2's beta is out.
I tried DotA 1 after watching the DotA 2 dreamhack tournament. I'm pretty sure anyone who started with LoL will find DotA 1 a humongous step backward. It has nothing to do with mechanics and everything to do with visual acuity. Spell and attack animations are far, far harder to perceive. I died to bots a number of times simply because half the spells would hit way beyond where their animations ended. That and the shop system really hold DotA 1 back in terms of accessibility.
Also, in a normal game the other day I got called a "nub" because going 17/2 on Ezreal doesn't matter if your ults miss people from across the map.
Placing 4 wards @ the 2:45 minute mark is kinda retarded in solo queue, jungletwitch for example is much better since he has his passive, his Q for attackspeed and expunge for dmg, he actually can jungle without getting that low, he can force pinkies and he doesn't need a global arrow he can just pop up in your face. I'm not saying jungle ashe is bad because omg ad in da jungle I'm saying it's bad because she actually has nothing for the jungle. Twitch can clear, cait has her Q and passive for jungle, MF has her W and Q, trist would be awesome to jungle(attack speed, plenty of AoE and lolganks with W and R. Ashe just has nothing to clear the jungle other than her autos and a long volley cd and you can't exactly kite junglecreeps. Wards or no wards, someone like shaco is still gonna kill you not to mention most junglers can clear wolves+blue and go ambush you before your river is warded.
On November 19 2011 03:29 koreasilver wrote: Alright, lets be real. The flash nerf is so miniscule that there still is no reason not to take it. People be trippin' hard.
Anything that is nerfed is bad until months have passed and someone decides to pick it up again and people realize it's broken and OP and all that.