But now I'm way above my head in ELO so whenever I pick somebody who's not support we lose.
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United States252 Posts
But now I'm way above my head in ELO so whenever I pick somebody who's not support we lose. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On October 21 2011 22:54 WhiteNights wrote: In my last nine games, I supported seven of them and won them all even though I was doing stupid shit like stark's before boots on Sona, triple dorans into black cleaver on Soraka, and rageblade Janna. But now I'm way above my head in ELO so whenever I pick somebody who's not support we lose. Don't worry about it, just stick with support. I'm sure randoms won't yell at you or blame you for losses, and I'm sure they'll thank you for the good job every match. Now where's the sarcasm tag... | ||
United States252 Posts
On October 21 2011 22:56 Requizen wrote: Don't worry about it, just stick with support. I'm sure randoms won't yell at you or blame you for losses, and I'm sure they'll thank you for the good job every match. Now where's the sarcasm tag... In my last twenty games I have about a 90% win record with support and a 0% win record with everyone else. It's so stupid. | ||
United States1892 Posts
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Germany620 Posts
On October 21 2011 23:18 Sabin010 wrote: I've been feeding. How do I not get ganked mid? play safe lol^^ well maybe tell us what matchup it was and maybe who the enemy jungler was | ||
Latvia252 Posts
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France8631 Posts
«u all suck» «u retarded all» «you fed» «Im still higher pick lol» | ||
Canada4122 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
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Canada4122 Posts
On October 21 2011 23:18 Sabin010 wrote: I've been feeding. How do I not get ganked mid? Well, if the enemy jungler is nocturne, then you should NEVER be past the river, same for warwick and maybe lee sin. Basically, if you're doing REALLY badly, then the best option is to simply farm at tower. Other than that, try to play defensively, and never go for trading hits cuz the enemy nocturne might come flying out of the jungle. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
- Don't push unless you are going to push hard. Even if you push hard, try to stay in fog of war as much as possible by waddling back and forth whenever you don't have too much to do. Low level gankers have the attention span of a potato and they tend to give up very quickly the thought of ganking you if you keep moving out of their vision. - Need 1 ward if you want to be safe but not play super passive. Where you ward depends on the enemy jungler. Once you have that ward down you need to position yourself correctly so that together with the ward vision you have your escape route covered. - Expect the worst from the jungler + mid, including offensive flash. Double-flash can force a kill on even the most cautious mid players and it will pay off for the other team if they kill you and then take a free drag after. Always be ready to flash away when they flash offensively. Reaction speed is important. - Be wary of junglers who are adept at forcing unreasonable ganks like Nocturne and LeeSin. For Nocturne, you should just be careful whenever you know his ult is available. LeeSin is a scary ganker and you should always be careful about staying too close to enemy minions because that gives him an easy target to W onto which he can then follow-up with E/Q. LeeSin is also king of lane-ganks which is just something you have to learn to deal with. -Also, there are some shit that you honestly just can't avoid, like if Nocturne decides to blow his ult and flash on you and the enemy mid decides to blow his flash and ignite, you are probably dead 100% and shouldn't beat yourself up too hard over it. SoloQ players will rarely take advantage of the fact that two people have blown both of their ults and summoners just to get 1 kill, but conversely if one of your allies get overcommitted on, you should make a mental note and take advantage of this while their stuff is still on cooldown. | ||
France8631 Posts
On October 21 2011 23:34 HazMat wrote: Oddone has always been a hugeeeee rager, even in fucking normal games. He is banning Graves every single match though, so he must be a good guy somehow. | ||
Latvia252 Posts
I dodged it when played noc and follow up bullets effect still accured , but since there was no ally near i can't say if it actualy did dmg or not . I myself would say that it shouldn't from logics point of view ... | ||
United States27922 Posts
-Just try to be aware of enemy jungle routes. If you've jungle yourself, you can sort of work out timings and gank locations. -if you are out harassing your enemy, but they all of a sudden start pushing hard onto you while you're in a vulnerable position, you're probably getting ganked. -i tend to be very aggressive in lane, and if I see a jungler ganking on one side, I'll try to swing to the other side and force them to the brush where my jungler is. Be aware of this happening, it is almost always a kill if they wander near the bush. | ||
United Kingdom5338 Posts
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Sierra Leone2268 Posts
On October 21 2011 23:29 mr_tolkien wrote: Watching TheOddOne stream atm, is he always raging THAT hard ? «u all suck» «u retarded all» «you fed» «Im still higher pick lol» Yeah, he's pretty much known for it by now. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On October 21 2011 16:44 bobbob wrote: Thing is that Jarman's ult has slightly longer range than flash. Most of the time in a fight the moment I see a half health hero flash out, I'm trying to end up on top of them. Same concept applies to jungle ganks. Jarman's ult is a utility skill more than anything else, some teamfights you won't even cast it. I've actually debated not picking it up at level 11 several times, I might try without it when I am going for a full tank build, as the % armor reduction might be worth more than the <100 damage extra. That being said, it's another flash to go in, you can cancel it almost immediately after you put it up, and if you catch many people, it forces a lot of flashes if they are out of position/retreating. Jarman's ult is crazy, you're stupid for even thinking of not getting it at 6. On October 21 2011 16:44 bobbob wrote: My biggest issue with Jarvan is that he has a lot of trouble with defensive play. His skill set makes him want to be in the middle of the other team, which is quite hard to do when they are trying to push a tower and it's a 3v4 in their favor. IMO his ult is really good when used right (hello 3.5 second snare), but the chances for you to use it right are quite rare. My complaint about Jarvan's ult is when you die midair or just as you come down, you have your ult on CD, and it never happened. Quite annoying. They also fixed the bug where if you went to your standard almost immediately after ulting it put up a second ring. ![]() Your mindset is too manly. Anyone can peel so long as they have the will to peel. I'll post my streamed games from last night and you can watch as I build pure fucking DPS and then not even bother diving the other team so that I can peel for my carry. I just am pissed that flash-dodging has been re-introduced with Jarman's ult. If they flash while you're midair, you don't do damage, the wall happens where they started and best of all, you can't cancel the fucking wall. On October 21 2011 16:44 bobbob wrote: Jarvan seems to be able to outlane most heroes except for the ultra sustain heroes (Cho, Ire). He ties with Akali and Talon. He loses to Singed once Singed gets RoA, but seems to beat most other solo top champs. Perhaps it's just my build that loses to some of the solo top heroes. J4 crushes Cho and Irelia. He only loses to real sustainers like WW and Udyr and maybe a properly specced Yorrick. He also crushes Akali and Talon, very easily. He also seems to destroy the ever loving shit out of AP heroes, so you can always just stick him mid and fuckstart Kass's face and send some boring ass AP Tank like Galio or Swian top to fuck with their high sustain Melee. On October 21 2011 16:44 bobbob wrote: While Jarvan is a fairly decent jungler, he needs a lot of farm or some successful ganks to really make himself worth it. He is slower and more vulnerable to invades than most of the top junglers. His ganking is a lot like Amumu's. Most of the time Amumu is considered a better jungler as his e provides damage reduction, compared with Jarvan's shield which takes mana and doesn't last as long. Mumu also has more burst than Jarvan if the gank lasts longer than 2-3 seconds. As a result he just isn't among the top junglers in the game as he needs his ganks to work well, yet he is worse than Amumu at ganking at times. He's a much better pre-6 ganker than Amumu, does a lot more damage. He's a gimmicky jungle, but who cares? he's still stupid strong in lane. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
RETURN OF THE JARMINATOR good for smashes elo no doubt. His damage is fucking crazy seriously. He feels like lee sin but like AOE and more sustained damage. I think everyone forgot how strong he was playing the full tank shit and playing versus lanewick and laneudyr every game. Heck I feel like you have to be a very good and agressive jarman to beat irelia hard enough early that she can't comeback with like wriggles and level 5 hiten style. | ||
United States13274 Posts
EDIT: also, Jarmanator 2: Jarment Day might be good for my elo in the long run, but in the present, when I pick Jarman, it's guaranteed that 10 minutes in, when I'm X-0, the rest of my team will be a combined 0-X, so I have to be ready to 1v5 every game. EDIT 2: bump this: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1391006 flash ruining my ult is stupid and makes me mad. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
My experience with dpsy/tank builds over burst/mobility trinity+tank ones is that if they have an akali or something they can destroy my squishies and jump around avoiding me but if they have less mobile bruisers its fine. | ||
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