On October 16 2011 08:08 Shiv. wrote: MoonBear: Katarina's Bouncing Blades neither heal her with Spellvamp, nor with Lifesteal. Working as intended or just buggy? they do magic and heal with spell vamp as of 1 hour ago at least. if this has changed then im not aware of it
vlad isn't even bad! lol. When they nerf wota i think he'll finally have become garbage, but the fact that they've been pouring on lethal nerfs continously since release and he's still totally playable is a testament to how broken his design is. Him and yorick are the two worst examples but there are a number of champions that shouldn't have released because they just don't fit into any clear vision of how they're supposed to work. Can't help wondering if only having two weeks per champion is what makes this happen.
MoonBear: My friend and I have just discovered a bug, where he was viewing my profile while waiting for the queue to pop and when we entered champion selection he had my rune pages to choose from instead of his own. What's worse is he was playing AP mid and I was jungle and his rune selection was assigned to me when the game started (IOW: He picked my AP Caster rune page hoping he would at least get to use it and instead I got that page despite selecting my Attack Speed jungle page).
Different Topic: I am at an impass and am looking for opinions. I don't know what runes to look towards purchasing next. I mainly play junglers and solo top. I am debating between dodge and hp/lvl seals or perhaps looking to get runes to build "counter" rune pages (like heavy armor or heavy mres pages).
Most played champs by far are: Yorick Udyr Warwick Trundle Lee Sin
I also often play: Pantheon Teemo Irelia Gangplank
On October 16 2011 07:55 JackDino wrote: Removing vlad is a whole lot of different compared to removing locket, people don't actually play locket, people still play vlad. What would you do if you'd gotten your RP back with your favourite champ removed? "Akali is broken and hard to balance we removed her from the game but here have 1k RP".
Iunno, if my favorite champion was getting nerfed constantly at first, then nerfed again almost a year later(i don't actually remember when vlad came out) because his design was just that broken, I'd understand riot giving up on him and I'd be much happier with my 1k rp than having an UP champ I never played anymore.
United States47024 Posts
On October 16 2011 08:58 STS17 wrote: MoonBear: My friend and I have just discovered a bug, where he was viewing my profile while waiting for the queue to pop and when we entered champion selection he had my rune pages to choose from instead of his own. What's worse is he was playing AP mid and I was jungle and his rune selection was assigned to me when the game started (IOW: He picked my AP Caster rune page hoping he would at least get to use it and instead I got that page despite selecting my Attack Speed jungle page).
Different Topic: I am at an impass and am looking for opinions. I don't know what runes to look towards purchasing next. I mainly play junglers and solo top. I am debating between dodge and hp/lvl seals or perhaps looking to get runes to build "counter" rune pages (like heavy armor or heavy mres pages).
Most played champs by far are: Yorick Udyr Warwick Trundle Lee Sin
I also often play: Pantheon Teemo Irelia Gangplank Judging from your profile, it would seem that you don't own AD quints. That would seem to be the most reasonable next buy given your played champs, especially since you have an AD marks + Arpen Quints page, when Arpen marks + AD quints gives you the 2 stats at better slot-effectiveness.
On October 16 2011 09:07 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 16 2011 08:58 STS17 wrote: MoonBear: My friend and I have just discovered a bug, where he was viewing my profile while waiting for the queue to pop and when we entered champion selection he had my rune pages to choose from instead of his own. What's worse is he was playing AP mid and I was jungle and his rune selection was assigned to me when the game started (IOW: He picked my AP Caster rune page hoping he would at least get to use it and instead I got that page despite selecting my Attack Speed jungle page).
Different Topic: I am at an impass and am looking for opinions. I don't know what runes to look towards purchasing next. I mainly play junglers and solo top. I am debating between dodge and hp/lvl seals or perhaps looking to get runes to build "counter" rune pages (like heavy armor or heavy mres pages).
Most played champs by far are: Yorick Udyr Warwick Trundle Lee Sin
I also often play: Pantheon Teemo Irelia Gangplank Judging from your profile, it would seem that you don't own AD quints. That would seem to be the most reasonable next buy given your played champs, especially since you have an AD marks + Arpen Quints page, when Arpen marks + AD quints gives you the 2 stats at better slot-effectiveness.
Didn't ever do the math to know one was more efficient then the other. I know what I'm spending my IP on <3
ok ive been watching regi and dyrus duo queue together and at this point im pretty sure reginald is actually an alcoholic and thats why hes been doing so bad lately. if he feels like he needs alcohol to play well and his full time job is to play LoL...
also "i drank hard liquor for 14 hours straight yesterday"
Any pointers on (yeah, I start a lot of posts here this way) laning mid as Morgana against Akali? I expected to be able to somewhat disrupt her, or at least her farming. Goes pretty okayish the first levels even tho I can't beat her in harass, but if she goes after me she misses farm so she doesn't do it too much. Once 6 it seems her ult has more range than my W so everytime I go up to cast it I eat an ult and have to shield myself to reduce the damage, even snare her if she refuses to get out. Because I can't win these trades she can quite easily zone me out with her range, farms well enough that I can't try to prevent her, and harass simply isn't mana-effective since it's dot she can escape and she's got spell vamp and good damage anyway. As my full combo can't burst her 100-0 (especially as she'll hit me during it, hence heal) I need to get lucky to get a kill or even a back from her.
Ended up losing my tower first, after dying 3 times and killing her one (she dived me every single time and got out of tower range with 50hp, me dead with less than 1s cd on dark binding. Quite annoying).
Sounds to me like just bad positioning in general. Akali doesn't do well against Morgana, but you let her bully you around too much. It shouldn't be that easy or profitable for her to disrupt you. Just make sure you aren't casting your W where she can R onto you right after. If you make your moves too obvious, then yeah she can read your W and punish you while the spell you leveled up is on cooldown, but the idea here is that she can't actually harass you until you W is actually down, because she'll lose the trade 100% if she eats a Q to the face with a puddle under.
Judging from your profile, it would seem that you don't own AD quints. That would seem to be the most reasonable next buy given your played champs, especially since you have an AD marks + Arpen Quints page, when Arpen marks + AD quints gives you the 2 stats at better slot-effectiveness.
Whats the reasoning behind AD quints? All they give is + 7 damage, which is quite measly. I guess it helps with last hitting...but that's pretty damn easy, and doesn't warrant enough of a reason. In addition, I don't really see how it benefits low level harass either, as I'd rather run Armpen Quints + Reds+Masteries to start off on 31 Armpen and just do true damage for levels 1-7 instead of having 7 extra damage which is probably negated by armor anyway. The only champ I run any ad runes on is Akali - just to proc her passive.
On October 16 2011 09:33 Attakijing wrote: ok ive been watching regi and dyrus duo queue together and at this point im pretty sure reginald is actually an alcoholic and thats why hes been doing so bad lately. if he feels like he needs alcohol to play well and his full time job is to play LoL...
also "i drank hard liquor for 14 hours straight yesterday"
Don't do this pls. You cannot call out and disrespect a player based on assumptions and a few comments. Alcoholism is a serious problem. If you think that this is true and you care for the guy then try to contact him or something but don't do this.
Whoever said Nasus gets Q farm from killing anything including buildings is wrong. (think it was you, guitar) You definitely do not get it form buildings, though you do get it from heimer turrets, JitB and even ghouls.
United States47024 Posts
On October 16 2011 10:40 Truez wrote: Whats the reasoning behind AD quints? All they give is + 7 damage, which is quite measly. I guess it helps with last hitting...but that's pretty damn easy, and doesn't warrant enough of a reason. In addition, I don't really see how it benefits low level harass either, as I'd rather run Armpen Quints + Reds+Masteries to start off on 31 Armpen and just do true damage for levels 1-7 instead of having 7 extra damage which is probably negated by armor anyway. The only champ I run any ad runes on is Akali - just to proc her passive. Did you just ignore the fact that of the 9 champs he listed, 5 of them are junglers, and one of them is a laner that does AD-scaling magic damage (making ArPen less useful)? While there are lots of arguments for and against AD quints in lane, most of them are moot in the jungle, because any amount of ArPen beyond 12 has very little contribution to jungle speed (only Dragon and Wraiths have more than 12 armor), making AD useful for improving clear speed/safety.
AD quints are good Tiger Udyr, Lee Sin, and Trundle in the jungle. They can also be useful for jungle WW, depending on what you're trying to optimize your setup for. Not to mention, that for his most played laner, Yorick, AD quints are superior to ArPen because W and E are magic damage and ghouls don't benefit from your ArPen.
On October 16 2011 10:57 WaveofShadow wrote: Whoever said Nasus gets Q farm from killing anything including buildings is wrong. (think it was you, guitar) You definitely do not get it form buildings, though you do get it from heimer turrets, JitB and even ghouls.
If so then it has changed since my last nasus game 2 days ago
Can someone tell me if 3 exp quints will get you to 6 from wolf wraith golem blue wolf wraith red golem? Or do you need exp quints and zil? Assume I'm running 9 utility min
United States47024 Posts
On October 16 2011 11:19 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 16 2011 10:57 WaveofShadow wrote: Whoever said Nasus gets Q farm from killing anything including buildings is wrong. (think it was you, guitar) You definitely do not get it form buildings, though you do get it from heimer turrets, JitB and even ghouls. If so then it has changed since my last nasus game 2 days ago Can someone tell me if 3 exp quints will get you to 6 from wolf wraith golem blue wolf wraith red golem? Or do you need exp quints and zil? Assume I'm running 9 utility min Golem: 220 XP Big Lizard: 200 XP 4x Small Lizard: 120 XP 4x Small Golems: 560 XP 2x Big Wolf: 180 XP 4x Small Wolf: 200 XP 2x Big Wraith: 240 XP 6x Small Wraith: 120 XP Total: 1840 XP x 1.11 = 2042 XP, 458 XP shy of level 6. Not even Zilean will fill that gap.
I love normal games now, so therapeutic. Have a bad bender in ranked? Go melt face in normal for a game or two. Very soothing.
Did you just ignore the fact that of the 9 champs he listed, 5 of them are junglers, and one of them is a laner that does AD-scaling magic damage (making ArPen less useful)? While there are lots of arguments for and against AD quints in lane, most of them are moot in the jungle, because any amount of ArPen beyond 12 has very little contribution to jungle speed (only Dragon and Wraiths have more than 12 armor), making AD useful for improving clear speed/safety.
AD quints are good Tiger Udyr, Lee Sin, and Trundle in the jungle. They can also be useful for jungle WW, depending on what you're trying to optimize your setup for. Not to mention, that for his most played laner, Yorick, AD quints are superior to ArPen because W and E are magic damage and ghouls don't benefit from your ArPen.
Relax - I main junglers so I know how AD is relevant there. Maybe I should have phrased my question better.
Why do people run AD runes on some top laners/AD carries, such as Yorick, Vayne, Cait, etc.? When Armpen provides so much more in comparison.
On October 16 2011 07:49 Treadmill wrote: I've figured out the League of Legends equivalent to when your opponent in starcraft accuses you of maphacking. Its when the opposing team tells your team to report the person you were laning against for feeding. Great feeling.
(This is in the cases where you were just winning your lane super-hard, rather than when your lane opponent was actually feeding.)
So, every game you see this kind of compliment?
Got reported for cancelling Karth ult with Fiddle fear one time, felt good.
United States47024 Posts
On October 16 2011 11:33 Truez wrote: Relax - I main junglers so I know how AD is relevant there. Maybe I should have phrased my question better.
Why do people run AD runes on some top laners/AD carries, such as Yorick, Vayne, Cait, etc.? When Armpen provides so much more in comparison. On Yorick in particular, I already mentioned that his W and E do magic damage and his ghouls don't use his armor penetration. Armor pen on Yorick only benefits his Q and autoattacks (whereas AD scales the strength of all his abilities AND scales the attack damage of his ghouls), which you will do a lot less of than E/W/Ghouls hitting your opponent.
On bot lane carries, I believe the argument is that it's not about last-hitting being easier, but having a larger time window to make a last-hit makes it harder for your opponent to force you off last-hits, and gives you larger time windows to harass your opponents.