On September 07 2011 02:48 BlackPaladin wrote: Part of the reason I want an actual TEAM (not just 35 signups + 2 captains) before I start scrimming was because I was making a forum that I only want people we accepted into the team on. Then when we do scrim we DO NOT ARGUE with one another ingame by saying something moronic like "Why wasn't the stun up!!??" and starting an argument about it within the game. I don't want to argue but I hate stupid statements like that. Instead you can give the reasons on the forum AFTER the game when we analyze the game to try to improve on our play, so instead of a stupid argument it can be a discussion on what happened and why including mathcraft and theorycrafting on how to improve. When you start arguing it makes you tilt bad and play worse. -___-
About the buffs/dragon/baron: I keep saying we need to do that but then we keep forgetting ingame lol. Sometimes I'll remind people when we play but if I don't remember because I'm in the middle of something else, there is a 99% chance we forget to write down the times. :D
Isn't every cone shaped spell the same though? I know I've done that with morde too. If you smartcast his e, kass's e, cassi's r, etc after you flash (or riftwalk) it's always casted in back of you. I've known a lot of people who have had that problem. :/ The way I got used to timing buffs was just by playong unranked 3s solo quue as jax. I'd run around taking every buff and timing it which is now a habit.
Idk about the cone bug, I think they fixed it but for some reason it's still bugged on Cassi.
I got used to timing buffs by getting like 4 or 5 accounts up from 1200-1520 over the past few weeks. Jungling WW and Xin has proven the most effective in winning these games, but it's sooooo boring that I've forced myself to care about timing all the buffs and feeling out all the ways to pivot jungle routes and shit to prevent myself from falling asleep mid-game.
On September 07 2011 03:00 BlackPaladin wrote: Um the annie game all you did was ask why my stun was up and I kept telling you the exact same reason as to why it wasn't up. Then you proceeded to ask me again.........and again......and start teasing me about it not ever being up when you wanted it to be up. Which basically meant, after it was just used/I died.
Yah cos your reason was `my spells are on cooldown` which is a pretty obvious answer but the point I was trying to make is that perhaps you should try to plan your stuns a little ahead as to always have it up unless you are sure nothing will happen. It honestly doesn't take a whole lot to charge up that stun so when I'm waddling near you as Amumu you should already be planning to do something with your next stun.
As for you dying and respawning, I already covered that >.> By the time you walk to inhibit tower you should already be at 3 charges so QWR or QWQ is enough to stun someone. In fact, a lot of times you told me you didn't have your stun up, you ended up stunning someone anyways.
As for the cait game, Janna got away with ~15 HP  I thought I had my headshot proc up so I could flash and auto once and she was dead. But I was 1 auto away from a headshot proc. tt And why you no infuse?? D:
c00ldown :D
Hm the second game you guys had a big lead for sure. Navitar and Lanzer were pretty far ahead and bot lane was even i think. Navi why you rush Banshee's Veil and not instagib Deathcap?
i still had the burst to 1 shot cassiopea and the risk of losing my killstreak was bigger than the necessity to hurt cass with each barrel more
bot and jungle were losing the entire game
Yeah like I said, I'd walk back and only have q + r not on CD. w and e would be almost off CD and I'd use those to get the stun proc after saying I don't have the stun up. I understood I needed to get my stun up. I used my spells to get 2-3 stun charges, but I still would need 2 more before I could stun and everything was on CD except my ult or q. I spammed everything always when I could to have my charges up higher, but you would always go in when it wasn't up yet instead of just asking what my CD's were. (how many times do I have to repeat myself btw?)
Like the time you did that amumu ult in our jungle, I had 3 charges, and my w JUST came off CD when I could flash qwr to stun. It was mainly just luck and not coordination that I could do that.
@Navi Bot mainly lost because: 1: my stupid dive 2. Tap leaving me 90% of the time to 1v2 and I can't push back as 1 vs janna tornado + MF with wriggles. I'd need to expend all my mana if I wanted to push back (which I was often forced to do). Why I had less cs at the end of laning (only by about 10): 3. Tap spamming starcall so I missed ~30 cs. Our cs was actually even, and early on I was slightly ahead the entire laning phase. I would have been way ahead if tap just autoed each creep once properly. I figured that would be a given though but it ended up not being so lol. :S
There is not much to say about the Annie issue. You try to get your stun up more and be proactive with it. I'll coordinate with you more and ask you about your cd when making plays.
As for bot.... You were freaking caitlyn with a bf sword with a soraka to give you mana so I just thought I'd get then low enough with starcall and you could q them all. Me hitting them once wouldn't really help Nd you prolly lost 10cs max to because of me.
Ya btw guys, if you ever see me on feel free to invite. Just make sure to warn me before hand that its tryhard .
On September 07 2011 03:17 Navi wrote: i still had the burst to 1 shot cassiopea and the risk of losing my killstreak was bigger than the necessity to hurt cass with each barrel more
bot and jungle were losing the entire game Shouldn't be building to burst me but my team. Dunno I feel like rushing bveil was silly but I won't judge your build since I did so bad.
if u get bveil it gives u the flexibility to belly slam offensively and get in positions for very aggressive ults without risk of getting instagibbed in the meanwhile as well as letting you belly slam around since you weren't able to rush dcap either my drings were enough to keep me with u in burst so i didn't care
Navi you didn't build Dcap?
Had I realized that I wouldn't have rushed hourglass qq
We should play some more today if we can, was fun.
No wonder shake wouldn't die to burst at the end lolol
Bagelmeat stop spamming in our neat little thread please D:
On September 07 2011 02:48 BlackPaladin wrote: Part of the reason I want an actual TEAM (not just 35 signups + 2 captains) before I start scrimming was because I was making a forum that I only want people we accepted into the team on. Then when we do scrim we DO NOT ARGUE with one another ingame by saying something moronic like "Why wasn't the stun up!!??" and starting an argument about it within the game. I don't want to argue but I hate stupid statements like that. Instead you can give the reasons on the forum AFTER the game when we analyze the game to try to improve on our play, so instead of a stupid argument it can be a discussion on what happened and why including mathcraft and theorycrafting on how to improve. When you start arguing it makes you tilt bad and play worse. -___-
About the buffs/dragon/baron: I keep saying we need to do that but then we keep forgetting ingame lol. Sometimes I'll remind people when we play but if I don't remember because I'm in the middle of something else, there is a 99% chance we forget to write down the times. :D
Isn't every cone shaped spell the same though? I know I've done that with morde too. If you smartcast his e, kass's e, cassi's r, etc after you flash (or riftwalk) it's always casted in back of you. I've known a lot of people who have had that problem. :/
After you left, I kept trying to type down the time. I forgot a lot, but I started to get used to it. Definitely a good habit to get into.
u guys lost bot lane cuz of my first time op mf k get it rite
edit: oh yeah special tanks to belisa my beautiful janna
i still had dcap before shake did dunno y u guys are freaking out so hard huehue
As for the cait soraka thing: I don't really like that idea mainly because if I move to the side to position myself to hit all of them with q, I'm going to get some potshots on me from MF + janna can tornado me for even more damage from MF. So I only could get ~1/2 of the wave and that happened 2-3 times. I had only like 90 cs when MF had 100 and Navi was at like 150 or something crazy like that at that point.
At the start we were way ahead because you were there with me. I could hit them and you'd be able to heal + armor buff me. But half of the laning phase I was 1v2, and because of that they could just afk push my tower. I simply couldn't go out because I was 1v2. So I had to sit at my tower and wait for them to push to me. Then you'd come back to lane and tell me how I needed to push back. But now we couldn't really do that easily because they had wriggles + brush control, and your heal + armor buff were no longer as effective either since later on they got more damage + levels. I really don't think in a AD carry + support bot lane that you should go roaming.
On September 07 2011 04:32 jcarlsoniv wrote: After you left, I kept trying to type down the time. I forgot a lot, but I started to get used to it. Definitely a good habit to get into.
Good! :D
I can't even remember what I was doing. I was level 6 when you were 7 so i know I did not leave all that much.