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5286 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On September 04 2011 03:39 rwrzr wrote: Ranked 5's champion role pick priority should be as follows. 1) Support, AD, Jungle 2) Midlane 3) Solotop Who plays what can be determined beforehand and executed during swaps. Reasoning: Looking at what I believe to be common or popular picks. Support, AD, and Jungle are all fairly 'safe' picks. By 'safe' I am referring to the fact that very few Support + AD combos completely destroy any other, Taric + Caitlyn being the largest exception. Obviously different junglers can cause problems for each other, but this is fairly uncommon and requires a whole team devoted to it. People complain all the time about their solo-lanes losing. In middle lane bad matchups are partially mitigated by the fact that the lane is so short. Also since it is very accessible by the jungler counter-picking is not as large of an issue. (No brushes to zone is also helpful) Top lane has the largest problem with counterpicks because of the length of the lane and brushes is ideal for champions to zone. Additionally it is also the most inaccessible and isolated lane. Since we talking only about the laning phase. Things Junglers do top: Blue Team: Gank, Blue Buff Purple Team: Gank, Golems (I leave out Red and Wolves because these are closer to midlane. I also considered leaving out golems) Purple team has the advantage here, but even with this advantage if buffs are down there are no other incentives or possibilities if a gank is not possible. Whereas bot lane has dragon. Conclusion (aka TL;DR): 1) Maximize your effectiveness by saving your Solo-top pick last so he/she gets the best possible matchup. 2) If you know some AD support combos are popular ban the key champion. (Taric) 3) As with top Solo-mids can be countered, but this is less apparent due to short lanes and junglers. I disagree with this sort of prioritizing. I used to be a fan of it, but experience has made me question the effectiveness of this sort of thing. One of the dangers of creating a role priority based on counterpicking like this is that you're overly prone to setting up advantageous lanes that end up having no real synergy in the mid- and late-game. As Lance and Navi can probably attest to, one problem that we've had (and continue to have) is that we'd focus too hard on counterpicking individual lanes, and end up with 5 champions that did not fight well together. As such, when teamfighting came around, even if we came out of laning with an advantage, it would become exceedingly awkward for everyone to do what they needed to do, simply because the champions in question didn't interact well together. Because you can't know for sure what type of comp you want to play when first pick rolls around, IMO, the largest deciding factor in the early picks is FLEXIBILITY. You want to look at the champion pool that is open, and pick champions that allow you to pick into multiple team types. These come in all roles, and if such flexible picks are open, you can't just let them roll past just because you plan to counterpick them later. Generally these high-priority champs are hard to counterpick, either because they can be slotted into multiple roles (e.g. Udyr, Lee Sin), or because their teamfight utility is so game-changing that they can present problems/options even if they lose lane. Let us use solo-mid as an example. Orianna and Zilean are two of the strongest mid AP picks for arranged 5s right now. You simply cannot leave these champs open if the pick rotates to you and they are open. You're not going to just bee-line your jungler/support/AD with these champions open. Regardless of how "good" or "bad" a matchup is, they are largely won and lost on player skill, not on the inherent skew of the matchup. This is even more true of mid-level arranged games, where skill level is much more variable, than in high-level games. With Orianna and Zilean, their "bad" matchups aren't THAT bad, and even if they lose mid, their utility alone is game-changing enough that dealing with them in teamfights is just a pain. Coupled with the fact that both are extremely good in multiple types of team compositions, and you just can't afford to leave these types of champs till 4th and 5th pick. When it gets to 4th and 5th pick, you should be mindful of counterpicks, but at the same time, you need to pick something that's synergistic with what you have. Most bad matchups aren't bad enough to outweigh poor team synergy. | ||
5286 Posts
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Korea (South)1042 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
Gonna attempt to stream a game with TL B + special guest navitard. Let's see what happens :D | ||
United States9316 Posts
On September 04 2011 07:02 Frost wrote: I sent friend requests to all three members of the team, but none have accepted~ Can you resend? x_x I got back from dinner and I declined some games that were old, but declined your friend request by mistake too thinking it was a game lol. | ||
5286 Posts
tapioca needs to speak up if he wants to be leader individual calls (could have taken that dragon) and whatever miscommunications you guys had letting more people in and then finding who is synergistic with who and spliting up accordingly (also lets you guys get more inhouses in which I think probably would be helpful) need more support and AD players (and some rotation here and then when you're normalling so people, esp those who haven't played much, can experiment and fill in holes that need filling) | ||
United States2294 Posts
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Cape Verde292 Posts
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United States368 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
On September 04 2011 10:27 Navi wrote: tapioca needs to speak up if he wants to be leader Something I'm working on for sure. It's really hard to play well as an individual while trying to amass the information necessary to make calls for the team especially cos I was playing MF so it was like pressing ctrl to give commands over vent and suddenly finding myself completely out of position l0l. I ended up doing pretty half-assed as each role. Will get betterrr | ||
Canada1188 Posts
I don't particularly care either way, but i do enjoy trying very hard. | ||
Brazil885 Posts
Particularly I like them better, since they have voice activation commands and the audio codecs are better, and you don't need a private server on skype. | ||
United States228 Posts
I generally play ad carry and ap carry with a touch of support and/or jungle. I need more experience as a tank (and more tanky champs) and also to branch out with my junglers. Here's a sorted list of all the champs I own. BOLD champs I feel very confident with NON BOLD are champs I still use confidently just not as frequently PARENTHESES are champs I own but don't use often or need to learn better Ranged AD: Ashe, Cait, Teemo, Trist, Corki, (Sivir, TF, Twitch) AP: Brand, Malz, Karth, Annie, Lux, Vlad, Anivia, Morganna, (Cassiopea, Kassadin, Katarina, Ryze) Bruiser/Tank/Tanky: Morde, Blitz, (Cho, Singed, Shen, Mundo, Sion) Junglers: Udyr, Warwick, Trynd, Yi, (Olaf, Nunu, Gang, Shaco) Support: Taric, Janna, Soraka, Sona, (Zilean, Kayle?) Champs I should prolly buy: Alistair Garen Jarvan Xin Irelia Nocturne Rammus Oriana Rumble Swain | ||
5286 Posts
pretty simple to set up on any voip stuff you should have like "captain tryouts" or such huehuehue unless you and BP are set on captaining i wouldn't mind overlooking such tryouts | ||
United States1980 Posts
On September 04 2011 06:40 TheYango wrote: I disagree with this sort of prioritizing. I used to be a fan of it, but experience has made me question the effectiveness of this sort of thing. One of the dangers of creating a role priority based on counterpicking like this is that you're overly prone to setting up advantageous lanes that end up having no real synergy in the mid- and late-game. As Lance and Navi can probably attest to, one problem that we've had (and continue to have) is that we'd focus too hard on counterpicking individual lanes, and end up with 5 champions that did not fight well together. As such, when teamfighting came around, even if we came out of laning with an advantage, it would become exceedingly awkward for everyone to do what they needed to do, simply because the champions in question didn't interact well together. Because you can't know for sure what type of comp you want to play when first pick rolls around, IMO, the largest deciding factor in the early picks is FLEXIBILITY. You want to look at the champion pool that is open, and pick champions that allow you to pick into multiple team types. These come in all roles, and if such flexible picks are open, you can't just let them roll past just because you plan to counterpick them later. Generally these high-priority champs are hard to counterpick, either because they can be slotted into multiple roles (e.g. Udyr, Lee Sin), or because their teamfight utility is so game-changing that they can present problems/options even if they lose lane. Let us use solo-mid as an example. Orianna and Zilean are two of the strongest mid AP picks for arranged 5s right now. You simply cannot leave these champs open if the pick rotates to you and they are open. You're not going to just bee-line your jungler/support/AD with these champions open. Regardless of how "good" or "bad" a matchup is, they are largely won and lost on player skill, not on the inherent skew of the matchup. This is even more true of mid-level arranged games, where skill level is much more variable, than in high-level games. With Orianna and Zilean, their "bad" matchups aren't THAT bad, and even if they lose mid, their utility alone is game-changing enough that dealing with them in teamfights is just a pain. Coupled with the fact that both are extremely good in multiple types of team compositions, and you just can't afford to leave these types of champs till 4th and 5th pick. When it gets to 4th and 5th pick, you should be mindful of counterpicks, but at the same time, you need to pick something that's synergistic with what you have. Most bad matchups aren't bad enough to outweigh poor team synergy. In response to Yango (Spoilered for Massive quotes lol) I have very conflicting feelings about team synergy and bad matchups/counter picking. I have seen a bad matchup snowball out of control into a loss. HOWEVER I have also seen bad matchups turn into an endgame win. What I am 100% sure about is that having bad matchups and bad synergy almost always leads to a loss. (Unless the other team is god awful). In light Yango's insightful comments I believe that we should strive to stay flexible. This however is an even harder goal because that means that all members of the team will have to have sound mechanics and options. (last hitting, map awareness, champion repertoire) TL;DR 1) Don't miss CS 2) Don't pigeon hole yourself. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Mexico813 Posts
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5286 Posts
lol you don't need a headset to use a microphone | ||
United States9316 Posts
But what would be a good headset to buy? Need one to have a good mic but not be too expensive. | ||
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