On August 29 2011 10:59 Odds wrote: Actually the heal spell is kinda legit in some situations. Maybe not optimal but not as bad as folks think. I disagree. It's bad the same reason clarity is bad. While it may give nice lane sustain or be helpful in clutch situations, ultimately in mid-late game it's going to be rather worthless due to its high cd and the fact that it really doesn't add all that much.
I'm also really torn on Talon. I've been playing him a bit lately and he feels so hit or miss. His burst though is ridiculous. At lvl6 I see an opening and jump on a baddy, thinking I'll bust my combo on them, and retreat back into the bushes. Then somehow I 1-shot them. What.
But like if you engage on an enemy and you can't finish them... you're dead. He feels like Kat in teamfights in that you have one big burst move to do a bunch of damage, and then you're absolutely going to die. Except he doesn't have any serious DR skill like kat does.
I was laning against a talon as trynd yesterday, and he was really putting the hurt on early game. But as soon as I got my rageblade I literally just right clicked on him and laughed while he couldn't kill me before dying. He needs farm, and he's really fragile. He can't solo a lane imo just because he'll get out-harassed.
On August 29 2011 09:19 BlackMagister wrote: When would Heal, Rally and Revive be useful? Heal seems like an ok ability for laning, but it reduces the healing from other abilities in team fights for 20 seconds. Rally since it doesn't scale up in bonuses seems only useful for summoned units like Heimerdinger? Revive? I'm not sure when it would be more useful than an escaping or attack spell.
Heal: If for some reason (you're playing normals for example) your team lacks in any form of support this ability becomes useful in late-game fights. In lane it also functions as an escape spell (though not necessarily as good) because having more health on demand makes you harder to be killed thereby it's easier to escape. I consider this spell mandatory on Dr. Mundo because my entire playstyle in small fights / lane revolves around baiting my opponents with a low health bar to encourage them to over extend / dive me and heal helps with that. In larger fights / later game, heal serves to counteract the rather large health cost of his ultimate and can also give an ally the boost he needs to survive an engagement.
Rally: It's not. It used to be somewhat useful on Kayle because she double dipped on the stats but it generally wasn't needed. Jax can use it as a decent damage boost and an on-demand pseudo-heal by abusing the stat gain with his passive (at level 1, Rally provides Jax with 10 damage, 20 ability power, and 70 health; at level 18, it provides him with 35 damage, 70 ability power, and 245 health), slightly moreso if he has Atma's Impaler. Again, not hugely recommended but fun to use sometimes.
Revive: Back when some champions had global ultimates, this summoner was actually viable on them, as it allowed them to do some silly things in team fights. Combined with Teleport, it can be used as a revenge tool when someone ganks you. With the mastery, Revive can allow you to suicide early in the game (such as standing under an enemy inner turret) and use the bonus health to dominate your lane from the get go while still providing some utility in the later stages of the game. If you asked me, I'd say this ability is a lot stronger then most people give it credit for, but hardly sees use in the current metagame for whatever reason the particular player wishes to come up with.
Duo bot with a stun, hit level 3. Kill them over and over and over again. Win game at 20.
On August 29 2011 11:39 Haemonculus wrote: I'm also really torn on Talon. I've been playing him a bit lately and he feels so hit or miss. His burst though is ridiculous. At lvl6 I see an opening and jump on a baddy, thinking I'll bust my combo on them, and retreat back into the bushes. Then somehow I 1-shot them. What.
But like if you engage on an enemy and you can't finish them... you're dead. He feels like Kat in teamfights in that you have one big burst move to do a bunch of damage, and then you're absolutely going to die. Except he doesn't have any serious DR skill like kat does.
I was laning against a talon as trynd yesterday, and he was really putting the hurt on early game. But as soon as I got my rageblade I literally just right clicked on him and laughed while he couldn't kill me before dying. He needs farm, and he's really fragile. He can't solo a lane imo just because he'll get out-harassed.
Well, playing normals, I end up going bot with AD carries often, and I've noticed that I actually do fairly well without a ton of farm. I let them take the farm and I harass a lot. But again, it is normals. I like being bot because I have a good sense for when dragon should be done, and since Wriggle's is my first item, my team almost always gets it.
But Idk. Once this season ends, I'll try him in ranked. I don't want to mess around too much because I'm at 1550 and don't wanna lose my (fake) gold status.
Even in the games I've lost as him, I get a LOT of assists (assuming they aren't kills). I am worried, however, that it's more because my enemies don't understand his burst potential yet. =/
wtf 1 hour que fuck me silly
On August 29 2011 12:06 locodoco wrote: wtf 1 hour que fuck me silly I have no doubt someone will take you up on your offer.
edit: my queue time went from 1 15 to 32 minutes while typing that.
When playing as Mid I would say my biggest weakness is deciding when its best to leave my lane to help gank or go buy items. In some games its obvious if I can really dominate the other guy but if its even and I go for a gank then he pushes my lane and takes off 1/4th of tower hp (maybe more if something goes wrong with the gank). I guess that knowledge just comes with experience but its just frustrating sometimes so I tend to not help the other lanes unless they ask :\
Wait, so how come the ques are ridiculous right now?
The US server suffered a meltdown a few hours ago so everybody has to relogin if they were silly enough to close the client. When I reconnected to chat there were only 7 people in liquidparty ^_^
actually I think everybody has to relog because my Q won't pop
Fuck hurricanes. I am typing this on my smartphone 2 streets from the atlantic ocean in rhode island. Barely any rain, just a shit ton of wind that took out power at 6 am, which has yet to return. They say it could be as long as 5 days to get back.
Also: appology to odds for last nights game. I was under the influence of another hurricane (the alcoholoc kind) and was quite drunk. I dont remember that game being my fault (or much of anything tbh) but if it was, my bad.
no apologies allowed fuck if I rage it's MY fault, not yours.
Plus you were probably the best player on our team that game anyway so who gives a shit
Its k. I dont think you were raging, but I wouldnt know cuz I litterally had to devote all of my attention to not falling out of my chair, and had very little time to read the chat.
On August 29 2011 13:43 Two_DoWn wrote: Its k. I dont think you were raging, but I wouldnt know cuz I litterally had to devote all of my attention to not falling out of my chair, and had very little time to read the chat.
This is how people need to play LoL.
Its all fine and dandy until morning comes. I had forotten how bad my fruit and rum hangivers are.
Are they wake up in dallas when you live in houston bad? Because it has happened.
On August 29 2011 14:26 Cixah wrote: Are they wake up in dallas when you live in houston bad? Because it has happened.
Sucks because houston is so much better =\
Not right now its not. Dallas gets rain, the east coast gets rain. Me? I'm lucky if my lawn doesn't catch fire. That and it's 115 in the shade at 5 o clock. Aside from global warming, yea Houston is better.
On August 29 2011 14:30 Cixah wrote: Not right now its not. Dallas gets rain, the east coast gets rain. Me? I'm lucky if my lawn doesn't catch fire. That and it's 115 in the shade at 5 o clock. Aside from global warming, yea Houston is better.
Drought sucks everywhere.
I want to see more Soraka + Kayle teamcomps
Am I the only one getting hella bad lag on LoL since the talon patch? I have only been able to actually connect to one game and half the time I can't log in, is this just because of MLG and Riot doing the whole embeded stream thing, or has something suddenly went way wrong with my internet (I can still play SC just fine)