On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: I dunno people in this game do stuff like that a lot. You got to consider that the "top 10%" is only 1400+...... Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. I'll be lvl 20 to buy runes and be able to jungle better, which jungler do you advice to low levels ?
Servers just went kaboom. Login queue just went up hella
On August 29 2011 08:16 -Zoda- wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: I dunno people in this game do stuff like that a lot. You got to consider that the "top 10%" is only 1400+...... Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. I'll be lvl 20 to buy runes and be able to jungle better, which jungler do you advice to low levels ?
WW, Amumu, GP, Noct are all really solid and can carry out of the jungle
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 29 2011 08:16 R04R wrote: Servers just went kaboom. Login queue just went up hella Confirmed?
Login queue is 25 mins at the moment.
On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. If the opponent goes standard low level 2-1-2, this means you leave a 1v2 to a complete stranger who has a high chance of feeding there. Jungling is far from easy to do in 100% random queue.
Finding 1 friend to be able to solo top and queuing with him might indeed work though.
Damn it, just as I won a game... was definitely the turning point on my luck with teammates... 20 min game total score was 30-7 in our favour and BAM no more playing for you! :/
On August 29 2011 08:23 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. If the opponent goes standard low level 2-1-2, this means you leave a 1v2 to a complete stranger who has a high chance of feeding there. Jungling is far from easy to do in 100% random queue. Finding 1 friend to be able to solo top and queuing with him might indeed work though.
But then again low level people don't believe in zoning out your opponent.
United States47024 Posts
On August 29 2011 08:24 Nikon wrote: But then again low level people don't believe in zoning out your opponent. Just like low level 1v2ers don't believe in waiting for the lane to push to tower before trying to CS.
After a 25 mins queue the game just froze. *sigh*
For those of you who afk in client, servers are busy. I accidently quit out and now i can't get out T.T.
Yeah I finished a game 30-40 minutes ago, waited maybe 5 minutes in "Waiting for Stats" after the game. I hit skip waiting, tried to close the client and it froze up. Seems like something's pretty messed up.
Low level there is just so much of a variance if you want to carry it's better to just jungling cause you can apply your own game knowledge and secure objectives easier. Most objectives in the game are within the jungle (buffs, dragons, baron, can ward jungle to stop ganks and and give map control too) and you can turn your own jungle advantage into kills/towers with ganks of your own. That's how 5hit carried himself to 1900. *shrugs* Plus people will normally listen to the jungler if it's about dragon or baron cause even low lvls know that that's the "jungler's job" so they try to help him doing his job and listening to him. At least that's what I generally experience.
If you get really dumb things like 2-1-2 lanes in low lvl you can counter by grabbing a buff real quick then either going to lane or always staying in top jungle so you're close to be able to help. They don't have a jungle themself so you're not in any danger and low lvls won't ward their own jungle. A lot of junglers don't think about that and so continue to jungle or go bot and then top gets fucked.
On August 29 2011 08:52 BlackPaladin wrote: If you get really dumb things like 2-1-2 lanes in low lvl you can counter by grabbing a buff real quick then either going to lane or always staying in top jungle so you're close to be able to help. They don't have a jungle themself so you're not in any danger and low lvls won't ward their own jungle. A lot of junglers don't think about that and so continue to jungle or go bot and then top gets fucked.
Wow. Can't believe I never thought about doing that, you have access to their jungle too so just staying top the whole time jungling in your blue/red area and their red/blue area continuously ganking the over extended top. Then whenever top gets an advantage you can just go bottom and grab easy dragons...
God dammit I just got backkkkk....
On August 29 2011 08:52 BlackPaladin wrote: Low level there is just so much of a variance if you want to carry it's better to just jungling cause you can apply your own game knowledge and secure objectives easier. Most objectives in the game are within the jungle (buffs, dragons, baron, can ward jungle to stop ganks and and give map control too) and you can turn your own jungle advantage into kills/towers with ganks of your own. That's how 5hit carried himself to 1900. *shrugs* Plus people will normally listen to the jungler if it's about dragon or baron cause even low lvls know that that's the "jungler's job" so they try to help him doing his job and listening to him. At least that's what I generally experience.
If you get really dumb things like 2-1-2 lanes in low lvl you can counter by grabbing a buff real quick then either going to lane or always staying in top jungle so you're close to be able to help. They don't have a jungle themself so you're not in any danger and low lvls won't ward their own jungle. A lot of junglers don't think about that and so continue to jungle or go bot and then top gets fucked. Original question was about low summoner level rather than skill level, I think carrying to 1900 is the least of a player's concern when he doesn't even have a full set of runes/masteries to jungle with (taking an unnecessary amount of damage from jungle creeps, can't clear as fast, none of which are problems for laners). The 2v1 lane WILL take top tower in low level games unless you are there constantly, as low level players push constantly (most just auto-attack creeps/use aoe spells), and as said above most players around level 20 don't know how to 1v2 effectively, or even respond appropriately to ally ganks.
On my level 22 smurf 99% of games are "dumb things like 2-1-2 lanes." At most people leave lane to take buffs.
Oh whopse, thought people were talking about ranked lol. Yeah low summoner levels you don't even need to worry about jungling cause it's always going to be 2-1-2. :p My bad
On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: I only win solo q when the jungle isn't full retard so don't feel too bad. Some people confuse me. Like when a jungler comes out 4 lvls below a solo lane and half hp to "gank," gets nuked and dies instantly, then blames you for "not doing anything." Then you lose lane cause opponent just got a lvl and 300 gold from killing your moronic jungler and comes back to lane with NLR or deathcap or something silly before you lol.
I dunno people in this game do stuff like that a lot. You got to consider that the "top 10%" is only 1400+...... Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. Solo mid has the biggest impact. Sidelanes struggling? Gank.* Rape mid lane? Check. Get ganked? Kill one or both in the process.
*The lower the Elo, the less wards there are and the worse communication is, which means mid ganks can be pretty damn potent.
No amount of jungling can make a laner capable of last hitting, dodging skill shots, or not overextending. Junglers are a step up from supports -- the better the person in lane is, the more often/more suceessfully you can gank. It's night and day trying to gank for someone bad versus someone good. If your laners are all losing, there's very little you can do to save them. You can only be so many places at once.
The only way you can really carry as a jungler is by being the max-gay yi/trynda types that split-push 24/7 and take a lane's worth of towers every time a fight breaks out somewhere else.
On August 29 2011 08:03 BlackPaladin wrote: I only win solo q when the jungle isn't full retard so don't feel too bad. Some people confuse me. Like when a jungler comes out 4 lvls below a solo lane and half hp to "gank," gets nuked and dies instantly, then blames you for "not doing anything." Then you lose lane cause opponent just got a lvl and 300 gold from killing your moronic jungler and comes back to lane with NLR or deathcap or something silly before you lol.
I dunno people in this game do stuff like that a lot. You got to consider that the "top 10%" is only 1400+...... Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e. I lose games jungling, because everyone loses their lane no matter how many times I gank. They need ganks just to stay even, then complain when they don't get ganks 24/7 (there are two other lanes I need to gank). Bottom is always the best lane to gank, two possible kills plus a dragon maybe.
For the people asking who is good at jungling, there are people who can clear the jungle well, but might suck some and taper off. Trundle clears the jungle super safely, but super late game he can just get killed easily. Amumu is safe, ww is safe, rammus is safe (until later levels when he has problems killing things like blue/red quickly). Olaf and udyr are dangerous junglers until you get some items. Amumu, lee sin (who I'm saving to buy now), are extremely powerful all game. Udyr and Olaf require a ton of farm/kills before they stop being squishy. Rammus tappers off mid-late game. Yi has problems until you start getting your Q high, and then you just blow through all the jungle mobs. Haven't tried noct, shen, gp. I don't enjoy jungling with malph, nunu, or ww. Also my jungle shaco blows testicles. I think the single easiest jungler is trundle. You have to be a special kind of bad to not q between autoattacks (and that's it).
When would Heal, Rally and Revive be useful? Heal seems like an ok ability for laning, but it reduces the healing from other abilities in team fights for 20 seconds. Rally since it doesn't scale up in bonuses seems only useful for summoned units like Heimerdinger? Revive? I'm not sure when it would be more useful than an escaping or attack spell.