[Patch Talon] General Discussion - Page 57
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United States3977 Posts
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Singapore6122 Posts
On August 29 2011 03:00 UniversalSnip wrote: OH I did get you. You deserve a medal. Or a jarman skin. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 29 2011 03:26 daemir wrote: Because in solo Q his ult is nigh useless as people a) don't know what to do with it if they get it on themselves b) the solo Q zilean doesn't know how to use it proper It's amazing in organized play, but in solo Q, you are far better off carrying team with more than 1 offensive ability. I know he's not good in solo queue. But when he's banned in 18/18 games at a competitive event, that still indicates that he's probably broken as shit, regardless of solo queue. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
People just need to play her rageblade / lich bane style again, holy fuck is that beastly. | ||
3534 Posts
On August 29 2011 02:48 TheYango wrote: Sort of funny how people never list Zilean as one of the "broken" AP carries, despite being permaban status at MLG and banned/picked every game where a US team was involved at IEM. While I would totally agree with you about Zil being a superawesomesauce champ, I feel a lot of his utility really comes to play when you're with people that you are able to communicate with via voicechat. SoloQ, not so much in my opinion. Besides, I never claimed that to be an accurate list, just a few names I could instantly name. TL;DR: he's broken as fuck in the hands of an organized team, in SoloQ merely a shadow of what he's capable of as a champ. | ||
United States3125 Posts
I tried Trynd with my friend on zil. Theory: Maximize fighting time at low health by starting with zil ult, undying rage after rez. Practice: "NO DUDE WE AGREE I WAS ULTING FIRST" "THERE'S NO WAY I'M GETTING THAT LOW WITHOUT ULTING" "DUDE WHERES MY ULT" "FIDDLE SILENCED ME I COULDNT DO ANYTHING" etc. @Below: Garen shits on Jax after the Jax nerf ![]() | ||
United Kingdom30 Posts
Essentially i'm just looking for a tanky dps/top lane to focus on learning for the purpose of playing ranked, with jarvan being a preference if possible, does anybody have some suggestions? | ||
United States17234 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
On August 29 2011 04:28 Iplaythings wrote: New nidalee is amazing People just need to play her rageblade / lich bane style again, holy fuck is that beastly. How? Heal is worse Pounce is worse (tooltip is bugged, don't let that fool you into thinking you're pouncing more frequently now) Cougar form is worse except for the like extra 30dmg on E You can throw Javelins a little more now though! Nidalee can't even splitpush because almost everyone beats her 1v1 now. She also can't solotop unless you lane vs like Veigar. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
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United States3810 Posts
On August 29 2011 04:57 LaNague wrote: i feel nida is bad now, but annoying cause its free week and she got riot-buffed, so people play the shit out of her and i have spears flying at me every single game :D Them spears hurt though. Played a Mundo + Nidalee, so annoying. | ||
United States13132 Posts
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United States1317 Posts
On August 29 2011 04:49 HazMat wrote: How? Heal is worse Pounce is worse (tooltip is bugged, don't let that fool you into thinking you're pouncing more frequently now) Cougar form is worse except for the like extra 30dmg on E You can throw Javelins a little more now though! Nidalee can't even splitpush because almost everyone beats her 1v1 now. She also can't solotop unless you lane vs like Veigar. I'd just like to say that I told you she was going to suck this patch. ![]() | ||
United States545 Posts
Anyone want to duo queue? I'm trying desperately to break out of this losing streak. | ||
United States17234 Posts
I didn't notice a difference in either case, but I've only played about 4 games since the latter. | ||
United States496 Posts
Nid thoughts: I'm very very sad at her changes ![]() Most funny thing in the world: The chat shitstorm that ensues after the new Soraka gets first blood. If you can convince your team to solomid as Soraka, try it for the lulz. I had to duoqueue with my brother to trick people that he was going to take mid as a ranged carry. For some reason, nobody notices if you switch it up and the ranged carry doesn't complain. I'm not saying Soraka is amazing or anything. It's just that nobody expects her to do any damage at all, so they overextend a lot. Skarner: He's a bad version of Blitzcrank. Instead of a 10 second Q, he's got a superlong cooldown R. Everything Skarner does, Blitz does better. WuKong: Meh. Good in AoE comp Oriana: Wow. She's awesome. I wish more champs were as tricky as her. Nice positional skill ceiling. I really like the ball mechanic. I'd like to see an AD character version of her where the ball moves slower, but can cause tiny knockups or snares. New UI: I hate the new death notifications on the right. I don't give a shit who assisted what kill. It takes up space. The rest of the UI is nice, but annoying for someone who hasn't played in a long time. I'm sure that my opinion will change in time if I care to get used to it. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On August 29 2011 05:38 c.Deadly wrote: Has anyone else been having a rough time in Ranked solo queue since the announcements about the end of the season and the elo rewards? I was at 1450 elo when the announcement hit, still winning my games pretty easily, but then suddenly my elo tanked to 1250. I don't think I'm doing anything differently, I usually finish games with the highest cs, a good number of wards bought, I stay positive and don't flame my team mates, etc. It hasn't just been a short streak of bad luck either, I've lost probably 30 of my last 40 games. Anyone want to duo queue? I'm trying desperately to break out of this losing streak. I actually know a couple people that have had the EXACT same problems, dropping almost 200 ELO each. They are mega pissed and the more they try, the worse it gets. I'm personally terrified of playing a single game to get into silver because of it. | ||
United States313 Posts
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3534 Posts
On August 29 2011 06:18 ak1knight wrote: What runes should I buy once I hit level 20 (about 400 XP away)? I have a little over 14000 IP. As you would probably want to main a champion at around this point, getting ready for carrying baddies at level 30, decide what runes your respective main champ would need. If you're not sure, I'd certainly go with HP/lvl yellows and MR/lvl blues, those make sense on basically everyone. Also, there's a guide here on TL, just search for ''buying runes.'' | ||
Netherlands3704 Posts
On August 29 2011 06:18 ak1knight wrote: What runes should I buy once I hit level 20 (about 400 XP away)? I have a little over 14000 IP. Red Armor pen Magic pen Yelow Flat armor Blue Flat magic resistance Quints Flat HP There are many more for a ton of different niche builds but those are some basic runes that work on 90% of the champs out there | ||
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