On August 29 2011 06:18 ak1knight wrote: What runes should I buy once I hit level 20 (about 400 XP away)? I have a little over 14000 IP. apen and mpen are also the best marks
I would say flat ad and flat ap will be used more.
On August 29 2011 06:33 Wala.Revolution wrote: I would say flat ad and flat ap will be used more.
I would say you are wrong.
Soraka = beast mode! Just bought her and its actually quite fun going AP build... A bit op though
Just got raged at for the items I had on singed (merc treads, RoA, randuins, abyssal sceptre, 2x FoN). I thought this was pretty legit, am I wrong?
2 FoNs is unnecessary - get another RoA if you want more survivability, since it adds damage as well, and maybe a rylai's if you want to stick to a specific target in fights.
Merc - Okay RoA - Okay Randuin's - Eh....decent Abyssal - Eh.... 2x FoN - The first one is fine. The second one is dumb.
You might have needed more armor, depending on the team you wereplaying against, but your item choices aren't necessarily bad. It depends on the team you're against.
Second FoN isn't all that useful (you already had like 300-400 MR with ult on I guess, and you don't get the passive twice), you probably should have had a Rylai's instead. Other than that, not much to say against those items - at least without knowing any circumstances. Those circumstances would have to be quite odd to make those items truly bad though.
The other team had mostly magic damage, so I thought it was fine enough, and I got the second FoN since I already had a negatron, and I had to clutch buy that or quicksilver, and I wasn't being focused enough to justify the sash, or at least that was my logic at the time. In any case, the person flaming me had been over-extending and feeding all day long, so I think I was just annoyed after an undeserved loss (ashe DC's after 25 mins, and we lose half an hour later).
United States37500 Posts
On August 29 2011 07:06 Iskusstvo wrote: Just got raged at for the items I had on singed (merc treads, RoA, randuins, abyssal sceptre, 2x FoN). I thought this was pretty legit, am I wrong?
Merc, RoA, Rylai's, Abyssal, FoN, Banshee's.
I assume you needed a lot of MR? Not sure why. Usually FoN and Abyssal is enough. Rylai's is core.
I don't see why you would ever want to build 2x FoN.
Better off putting that gold into a Banshee.
Assuming that 2nd FoN was your 6th item and everything else was finished already, it definitely isn't awful. It's still the item with the most MR, it still gives 40 HP5 and 8% MSpd. When you are maxed out on items, there's no point in getting cheaper items like QSS because they're more efficient. You want to get the best items per slot you can get. So if you need extra MR and are only limited by item slots, even a second FoN isn't necessarily bad.
Most likely Rylai's would still have been a better buy since you should have been tanky enough at that point and Rylai's makes you just so much stronger with the slow and AP.
Abyssal is good, don't be fooled by dnastyx.
Also don't be fooled by the others, Banshee's on Singed is typically a waste. Especially lategame zzzzz.
Abyssal is a terrible item on singed. If you wanted to build tanklike, you wouldn't even go that item. If you wanted to go more dmglike, you would just get one FON.
I also think Randuins is a pretty bad item on singed. You get more out of the mainly frozen heart from singed, even the thornmail.
Abyssal is good, don't be fooled by dnastyx.
It's decent, but I didn't know how much MR he needed.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
tank singed sux needs AP
ROA/rylai's/FON/mercs core all day every day
On August 29 2011 06:22 zalz wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On August 29 2011 06:18 ak1knight wrote: What runes should I buy once I hit level 20 (about 400 XP away)? I have a little over 14000 IP. Red Armor pen Magic pen Yelow Flat armor Blue Flat magic resistance Quints Flat HP There are many more for a ton of different niche builds but those are some basic runes that work on 90% of the champs out there
This reminds me that I still haven't gotten flat mres blues haha.
On August 29 2011 05:38 c.Deadly wrote: Has anyone else been having a rough time in Ranked solo queue since the announcements about the end of the season and the elo rewards? I was at 1450 elo when the announcement hit, still winning my games pretty easily, but then suddenly my elo tanked to 1250. I don't think I'm doing anything differently, I usually finish games with the highest cs, a good number of wards bought, I stay positive and don't flame my team mates, etc. It hasn't just been a short streak of bad luck either, I've lost probably 30 of my last 40 games.
Anyone want to duo queue? I'm trying desperately to break out of this losing streak.
dropped 110 elo from right at the gold border in one night
half was just me playing like a retard, half was me crushing and the rest of the team just feeding horribly. So a little bad luck but not enough for me to say I should have helplessly bled rating. I tightened up a little and I'm almost gold again... there's not really any excuse for your rating in this game lol. I'm in the 1400s bad pit and I deserve to be until I play my way out.
On August 29 2011 05:51 Phunkapotamus wrote:Played for the first time since May... mostly because I had to play Nid since I heard she changed. Here are my thoughts about the game since then: Nid thoughts: I'm very very sad at her changes  Most funny thing in the world: The chat shitstorm that ensues after the new Soraka gets first blood. If you can convince your team to solomid as Soraka, try it for the lulz. I had to duoqueue with my brother to trick people that he was going to take mid as a ranged carry. For some reason, nobody notices if you switch it up and the ranged carry doesn't complain. I'm not saying Soraka is amazing or anything. It's just that nobody expects her to do any damage at all, so they overextend a lot. Skarner: He's a bad version of Blitzcrank. Instead of a 10 second Q, he's got a superlong cooldown R. Everything Skarner does, Blitz does better. WuKong: Meh. Good in AoE comp Oriana: Wow. She's awesome. I wish more champs were as tricky as her. Nice positional skill ceiling. I really like the ball mechanic. I'd like to see an AD character version of her where the ball moves slower, but can cause tiny knockups or snares. New UI: I hate the new death notifications on the right. I don't give a shit who assisted what kill. It takes up space. The rest of the UI is nice, but annoying for someone who hasn't played in a long time. I'm sure that my opinion will change in time if I care to get used to it. Soraka hits hard, but there are people who had full MR pages just to fuck over people when double ap was the thang. Just have that page and solo against her. Having 60+ MR at level one will rape her. You could even start null-magic mantle and have over 80 MR to solo against her.
I only win solo q when the jungle isn't full retard so don't feel too bad. Some people confuse me. Like when a jungler comes out 4 lvls below a solo lane and half hp to "gank," gets nuked and dies instantly, then blames you for "not doing anything." Then you lose lane cause opponent just got a lvl and 300 gold from killing your moronic jungler and comes back to lane with NLR or deathcap or something silly before you lol.
I dunno people in this game do stuff like that a lot. You got to consider that the "top 10%" is only 1400+...... Probably best way to carry low lvl is jungling, I just don't care about rating and use solo q to practice solo lanes so w/e.