On August 29 2011 09:13 BlackPaladin wrote: Oh whopse, thought people were talking about ranked lol. Yeah low summoner levels you don't even need to worry about jungling cause it's always going to be 2-1-2. :p My bad That's a rumor, though. I'm still leveling up and from level 12 onwards I have pretty constantly had people jungling. Especially stuff like Fiddle is insanely effective because bottom lane will rarely be AD+Support, hence be helplessly overwhelmed by the havoc you wreck at level 6.
Revive is useful for Karthus, for more suiciding
On August 29 2011 08:59 br0fivE wrote: Is NA down for anyone ?
For me it says the server status is "Busy". I'm pretty new to this game. Can someone help me out and fill me in on what this means? It won't let me queue to log in, so am I just out of luck for playing tonight?
On August 29 2011 09:21 TestSubject893 wrote:For me it says the server status is "Busy". I'm pretty new to this game. Can someone help me out and fill me in on what this means? It won't let me queue to log in, so am I just out of luck for playing tonight? It's Riot's way of saying it's down.
On August 29 2011 09:22 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2011 09:21 TestSubject893 wrote:On August 29 2011 08:59 br0fivE wrote: Is NA down for anyone ? For me it says the server status is "Busy". I'm pretty new to this game. Can someone help me out and fill me in on what this means? It won't let me queue to log in, so am I just out of luck for playing tonight? It's Riot's way of saying it's down.
Hmmm, ok. I assumed that's what it meant at first, but the server status webpage (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/service-status) said it was online. Thanks for the help!
On August 29 2011 09:19 BlackMagister wrote: When would Heal, Rally and Revive be useful? Heal seems like an ok ability for laning, but it reduces the healing from other abilities in team fights for 20 seconds. Rally since it doesn't scale up in bonuses seems only useful for summoned units like Heimerdinger? Revive? I'm not sure when it would be more useful than an escaping or attack spell.
If your team doesn't have any healing spells, on paper I'd say on paper heal is pretty strong. It gives the user an effective 500HP and then heals allies for 250HP at level 18. This is a very huge HP swing for your team for 1 summoner spell.
The flipside is that in a 1v1 scenario it's basically ignite in terms of HP swing but with twice the cd.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On August 29 2011 09:24 TestSubject893 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 29 2011 09:22 Shiv. wrote:On August 29 2011 09:21 TestSubject893 wrote:On August 29 2011 08:59 br0fivE wrote: Is NA down for anyone ? For me it says the server status is "Busy". I'm pretty new to this game. Can someone help me out and fill me in on what this means? It won't let me queue to log in, so am I just out of luck for playing tonight? It's Riot's way of saying it's down. Hmmm, ok. I assumed that's what it meant at first, but the server status webpage (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/service-status) said it was online. Thanks for the help! Website not a great way of checking server status tbh.
On August 29 2011 09:21 Belgo wrote: Revive is useful for Karthus, for more suiciding
Hanyuyu Karthus is a strong carry. Just make sure your team has wards.
On August 29 2011 08:52 BlackPaladin wrote: Low level there is just so much of a variance if you want to carry it's better to just jungling cause you can apply your own game knowledge and secure objectives easier. Most objectives in the game are within the jungle (buffs, dragons, baron, can ward jungle to stop ganks and and give map control too) and you can turn your own jungle advantage into kills/towers with ganks of your own. That's how 5hit carried himself to 1900. *shrugs* Plus people will normally listen to the jungler if it's about dragon or baron cause even low lvls know that that's the "jungler's job" so they try to help him doing his job and listening to him. At least that's what I generally experience.
If you get really dumb things like 2-1-2 lanes in low lvl you can counter by grabbing a buff real quick then either going to lane or always staying in top jungle so you're close to be able to help. They don't have a jungle themself so you're not in any danger and low lvls won't ward their own jungle. A lot of junglers don't think about that and so continue to jungle or go bot and then top gets fucked.
I'm having a lot of success with Caitlyn (carry) bottom. I'm duo'ing with a very low ELO friend though who follows my directions so I always get captain. I've destroyed my lane every game because of me being better than everybody else and have gained 90 ELO this weekend I think. Probably helps that Caitlyn traps are broken, but that's not my problem 
The one game the enemy team actually focused me we also had a Jax who free farmed top who carried the game for us. I suppose I got lucky on that one, because if he hadn't been good we would have lost ^_^
Does summoner heal seriously halve the healing of stuff like Soraka W? I assumed that it only halved the healing from additional summoner spell heals for 20 seconds (so that you don't get an entire team taking the spell and getting like a triple Soraka ult in a teamfight) and left champion abilities and such untouched.
Looking at the wiki seems to support my assumption.
I got owned so hard by this patch.
Udyr+Nid get hit with nerfs. Guess this gives me an excuse to learn Swain/Singed/Galio.
On August 29 2011 09:19 BlackMagister wrote: When would Heal, Rally and Revive be useful? Heal seems like an ok ability for laning, but it reduces the healing from other abilities in team fights for 20 seconds. Rally since it doesn't scale up in bonuses seems only useful for summoned units like Heimerdinger? Revive? I'm not sure when it would be more useful than an escaping or attack spell.
First off, heal only reduces heals FROM the summoner spell. So if you use summoner Heal and then soraka heals you, soraka's heal is at full effect. However, if soraka were to then cast her summoner Heal within 20 seconds of you casting yours, it would be at half effect. This is to reduce the "heal stack" that briefly dominated coordinated games when people noticed how dumb an entire team healing for 1000+hp instantly was. Second off, rally DOES scale in bonuses, from 10-30 AD(and with the mastery, +20-70 AP). Rally is not useful for a few reasons: first, while it is great for ripping down towers, ignite, flash, exhaust, etc are more useful for putting your team in a position to rip down towers. Second, it would normally be taken on a support but cv is waaaay better and rally mastery is in the offense tree which supports don't regularly use anyways. Third, Rally doesn't have that large of an effect. At level one it's a free longsword/amp tome for your team. By level 18, it's a bit more than a longsword and a bit less than an NLR. Most of those stats aren't even useful, too. +30 AD on Zilean isn't going to have much, if any, impact. It's not bad but most other options are better, especially self-serving ones in solo queue. Revive has its uses, primarily on people who can get back to the fight (Shen, Panth, TF) because suddenly you have to kill them two times per teamfight. Again, most people don't want to see that death on their endgame screen.
Ah ok thanks for all the responses.
Busy means online but overloaded, basically. You keep trying until it works.
lol, one hour + wait time.
So I've been in queue for like 25 minutes(wait time started at 30ish), tabbed back over to check where it's at and it's 1 hour 32 minutes now?
Kind of confused.
Actually the heal spell is kinda legit in some situations. Maybe not optimal but not as bad as folks think.
I guess it's a good thing for me that servers are down. Irene fucked shit up so I can't play =(
Has anyone had good success with Talon in ranked? I've been winning a ton of normal games with him, but haven't wanted to venture into ranked with him yet. I think he's a very very well designed champ (extremely fun), but I'm worried he just doesn't fit into teams well enough.
My build is usually: Cloth + 5, Wriggles, Merc Treads, Brutalizer, Phage, IE, Youmuu's, Frozen Mallet
I've tried triforce but didn't really like it that much. I've won probably 25 out of 30 games with this build so far.
He doesn't really have a lane to go to in the current meta. Assuming your team does the standard melee top, ap mid, jungler, ad carry bot+support you can't survive a garen or other sustain champions at top. I could see him working at bottom if you play very aggressive (talon has an insane level 3 burst), but the talon I played with in ranked wasn't useful. He lost top lane to Garen ^_^
Top lane revolves around counter picking the enemy top though so if they grab one that can't sustain you might be safe, but you could also pick somebody like Garen who can completely dominate them.
On August 29 2011 11:04 jcarlsoniv wrote: I guess it's a good thing for me that servers are down. Irene fucked shit up so I can't play =(
Has anyone had good success with Talon in ranked? I've been winning a ton of normal games with him, but haven't wanted to venture into ranked with him yet. I think he's a very very well designed champ (extremely fun), but I'm worried he just doesn't fit into teams well enough.
My build is usually: Cloth + 5, Wriggles, Merc Treads, Brutalizer, Phage, IE, Youmuu's, Frozen Mallet
I've tried triforce but didn't really like it that much. I've won probably 25 out of 30 games with this build so far. He really seems like he has a hard time standing toe-to-toe with tanky dps characters and other 1v1ish assassins, but he has some nice ... AD AOE?