On August 28 2011 11:23 wussleeQ wrote: does anyone know how to play as talon? i fail miserably with him... -_- Go bot, get lvl 3, win lane, build some d-blades bruta then go tanky with a frozen mallet(10% auto increase) and atmas or you can go full offensive and hope you don't die in a stun.
checked my purchase tab for some epic nostalgia
the very first champ i bought was yi
i had a full page(red/yellow/blue/quints) of tier 1 flat ap runes for ap eve and ryze
trist was the 4th champ i bought corki was my 6th and 1st 6300 champ bought
after the corki is when i probably started reading guides as i was buying armor pen reds and crit chance blues and yellows ? as recommended by this guide zz
i didnt buy another champion(nidaree) for 2 months after buying corki (guess i learned my lesson in impulse buying champs)
bought fiddle annie jax udyr twitch w/o buying any runes in between
firefigther trist was the first skin i purchased
after that nothing interesting really some quirky buy habits i noticed i never buy runes in singles but save up until i have enuff ip for all 9 i only buy skins on sale
zz probably nobody cares but w/e
lol looking back at mine... i've wasted like 40$ in RP i'm so ashamed T_T. i also had some weird sprees where i'd buy 3 champs on the same day lol.
There isn't a yorick topic so anyone have any good builds for him? I can't seem to trust leagecraft/solomid/whatever these days.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d1ZaI.png) lol. I was like lvl 15 when I first bought Nidalee..... I must have saved up a lot of IP My first skin was Subzero Shen. First real runes were Dodge seals.
On August 28 2011 21:26 zalz wrote: There isn't a yorick topic so anyone have any good builds for him? I can't seem to trust leagecraft/solomid/whatever these days.
Manamune > Atmog's is pretty good, spirits visage/tri force good items on him too.
Hasn't AoE always worked this way ? I know corki's Q always hit longer than the aimer and kass e you could always hit people outside of the indicated spell range.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
AoE has always hit for slightly more than the indicated area. This is because perspective issues (it is harder to aim from purple side to see if you're going to hit the hitbox) for the most part. However, it seems that AoE is hitting for slightly larger than the "compensation allowance" normally should let it.
This is being looked at in great detail by Riot QA rest assured.
On August 28 2011 15:09 overt wrote:Apparently they're adding Normal Draft Mode to League of Legends. Saw this image on Reddit and apparently it's from EU West but isn't in NA yet and I'm not sure if it's playable on EU West either. There was also some confirmation from a Riot employee that it was coming. Pretty neat stuff. This has always been coming. Just that last night it accidentally got leaked onto Live. T'was supposed to be a surprise next patch. Oh well.
First game Yorick
"Ooh wow this is pretty easy, why does nobody play him"
"Ooh gawd why is he so fucking weak he can't do shit"
"Lol, just tanked 5 people and killed 2"
Strange power curve you got there buddy.
how do u accidentaly leak draftmode into a liveserver over night? lol
On August 28 2011 23:01 zalz wrote: First game Yorick
"Ooh wow this is pretty easy, why does nobody play him"
"Ooh gawd why is he so fucking weak he can't do shit"
"Lol, just tanked 5 people and killed 2"
Strange power curve you got there buddy.
Most melee deeps drop off mid game when nukers are at their peak. Yorick has really strong laning by melee deeps standards.
so. haven't touched this game in a while. who/what's fotm?
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On August 28 2011 18:19 LaNague wrote: chogath knocks me up from half across the map now. And im still sure that morganas pool is bigger too.
I think riot needs to do more testing, everything feels off right now. To me, Cho'gaths AoE doesn't feel off at all; still almost impossible to hit more than 3 creeps in a normal wave of minions, and W feels completely normal (or rather, still as weird as it always was). I don't know guys, all AoE feels completely fine to me...
On August 28 2011 23:48 goldenkrnboi wrote: so. haven't touched this game in a while. who/what's fotm? Orianna, Brand, Annie, GP, Garen, DAT SORAKA MID KKZ?, Lanewick, Noc... Pretty sure there's a lot more, just naming a few that instantly come to mind.
Zilean + Yorrick + Kayle + Jungler + a Carry is straight up stupid. Had to face this in a ranked game and felt like there was literally nothing that could be done. The carry has effectively three bonus lives in a full scale fight and ours was just BM enough to get a GA as their second item...
Outfarm Morde in lane with Galio. Have a good mid that doesn't get ganked when Morde goes, losing xp. Proceed to push everytime he's away and kill his tower with yours untouched. Get him killed twice thanks to a good Noc. Proceed to finish off midtower while most enemies are busy bot. Get a "I need to go eat" Teemo. Lose after 45 minutes of game.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn! Also, Orianna + Xin is sooo annoying when you want to put your ult down.
On August 29 2011 00:56 Alaric wrote: Outfarm Morde in lane with Galio. Have a good mid that doesn't get ganked when Morde goes, losing xp. Proceed to push everytime he's away and kill his tower with yours untouched. Get him killed twice thanks to a good Noc. Proceed to finish off midtower while most enemies are busy bot. Get a "I need to go eat" Teemo. Lose after 45 minutes of game.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn! Also, Orianna + Xin is sooo annoying when you want to put your ult down. Post this kind of stuff here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=220361 please :/
On August 29 2011 00:32 STS17 wrote: Zilean + Yorrick + Kayle + Jungler + a Carry is straight up stupid. Had to face this in a ranked game and felt like there was literally nothing that could be done. The carry has effectively three bonus lives in a full scale fight and ours was just BM enough to get a GA as their second item...
Did this for the lawlz back when Kayle and Yorick were their old selves. Pretty much pwnz soloQ since pubbies dont know who to focus.